


二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分 20 分)

第一节单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

16. The government thought of useful way to help poor.

A. an; a

B. a;

the C. /;

the D. the; /

17. The bridge last month. Now it’s very convenient for the people nearby.

A. build


built C. was

building D. was built

18. Can you tell me

A. when did he come home

B. where he would play football

C. if he lives


D. why didn’t he watch the game

19. The firemen the fire at last.

A. put on

B. put

away C. put

up D. put out

20. -- Must I finish all the work now

-- No, you . You can have a rest now.

A. needn't


mustn't C.

can't D. shouldn't

21. -- Have you ever been to Disneyland

-- Yes. I there last summer.

A. will go


went C. have

gone D. was going

22. It's much to have a lovely

small room than a cold big one.

A. good


well C.

better D. best

23. -- Should I call you on Saturday or on Sunday

-- is OK. I will be free at the weekend.

A. Both


All C.

Either D. Neither

24. At the meeting, we talked about the

museum we visited last week.

A. what


who C.

where D. which

25. -- Help yourself to some juice, Tom.

-- .

A. You’re welcome

B. Well done

C. I like coffee

D. Thank you

第二节语法选择(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

Liu Xiang, the world champion hurdler, officially retired on April 7, 2015. Liu, who 26 the 110m hurdles gold medal at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, said a pain in his foot stopped him from competing in both the 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London games, and forced him 27 the fact that he won’t be able to race at the highest level again.

“I am officially retiring today to say goodbye to my tracks and hurdles,” Liu said on his personal blog 28 Tuesday afternoon.

“It’s a well-considered decision but a difficult 29 to make.

I’ve tried all my best to get well from the injury over the past two years since the 2012 London Olympics. I dreamed I could start over again, 30 my foot hurt over and over again. I knew 31 I couldn’t take any hard training and racing any more. I hate my foot as 32 as I love my track and my hurdles.”

From 2004 to 2007, he achieved the “triple crown” by winning at the

Olympics, the world championships in 2007 and 33 a world record of seconds in Lausanne in 2006. In those days, 34 in China was proud of him. However, Liu’s career dropped. In 2008 he had to withdraw from the first-round heat of the 110m hurdles at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, leaving the 80,000 home crowd in the Bird’s Nest in shocked35 .

Since then, Liu’s career has been hampered by his injury, despite making a short comeback from 2009 to 2011 to win a series of international meets with world-level marks.

26. A. win B. wins C. winning D. won


B. accepting

C. accepted

D. accept

A. to accept

28. A. in B. on C. at D. of

29. A. it B. its C. ones D. one

30. A. or B. and C. but D. so

31. A. that B. what C. how D. where

32. A. many B. more C. much D. most

33. A. set B. setting C. to set D. sets

34. A. everyone B. anyone C. no one D. someone

35. A. silent B. silently C. silencing D. silence

三、完形填空(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

"Er, er, er......I’m sorry I forget my words."Tom rushed out of the hall with his face red. People afraid of speaking in public are suffering from “Stage Fright”. Stage fright makes a person36 . In

that 37 it can make one’s mind go blank

and 38 what one ought to say, or to act. Actors, musicians, dancers, lawyers, even TV show hosts suffered from stage fright at one time or another.

Diana Nichols is an expert in helping people free from stage fright at a medical center in New York City. She helps actors learn to 39 themselves. Miss Nichols says some people have always been 40 to perform before the audience. Others, she says, develop stage fright after a terrible experience.

She offers them advice to control the fear. One way is to smile before going onto the stage. Taking two deep breaths also helps. Deep breathing helps you get control of your body.

Miss Nichols asks her 41 to tell themselves that their speech

or performance does not have to be 42 . It’s all right to make a mistake. She tells them they should not be too nervous while they are performing.

It is important that they should continue to perform while she is helping them. After each performance, they discuss what happened and find out

what 43 helped and what did not. As they perform more and more, they will 44 less and less. Miss Nichols says the aim is only to reduce stage fright, not to smooth it away 45 . This is because a little stage fright makes a person more careful, and improves the performance.

36. A. joyful B. unhappy C. nervous D. hopeless

37. A. case B. mood C. sense D. condition


B. forget

C. discuss

D. show

A. remember

39. A. cure B. control C. hold D. protect

B. happy

C. afraid

D. surprised


A. satisfied

B. children

C. audience

D. actors


A. patients

42. A. perfect B. fine C. good D. pleasant

43. A. people B. advice C. words D. measures

44. A. care B. enjoy C. act D. fear

B. partly

C. completely

D. really


A. practically

四、阅读理解(共 20 题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)


Some inventions are so useful, but seem so simple, that we wonder why no one thought of them long ago. Post- it Notes, the pieces of paper that you can fasten almost anywhere and then remove without leaving any sign that they were there, are an example of such an invention.

Post-it Notes were invented 20 years ago by Art Fry, a scientist at 3M Company. The idea came from a frustrating experience while singing. Fry used pieces of paper as bookmarks to mark the places in his book of songs, but these bookmarks were always falling out. He knew he needed a bookmark that would stay where he put it without damaging the pages.

Around that time, Fry heard that his workmate, Dr. Spence Silver had created a new adhesive (粘合剂) which

was special because it was sticky, but not too sticky. It was strong enough to hold papers together, but weak enough to not tear the paper when it was removed. Fry saw that the new adhesive could help solve his bookmark problem. One morning, Fry put some of the adhesive on the top of a piece of paper. Just as he hoped, it made a perfect bookmark.

Later, Fry realized that his new invention can also be used as a great bookmark. He came to this idea when he wrote a note on one of his new “bookmarks” and attached it to a report he was going to give to a workmate. Soon, the workmate asked Fry for more samples of his invention so that they could use the new type of notes themselves.

When some salespeople at 3M went to offices and showed workers just how helpful the new type of notes could be, they immediately received many orders. As more and more people discovered how useful Post-it Notes could be, the product took off.

46. The invention of Post-it Notes showed that Art

Fry .

A. had a lot of

knowledge B. was very hard-working

C. was good at creative thinking

D. loved his job in the church

47. In what way did Dr. Spence help Art Fry

A. They worked together and often discussed science.

B. His invention of a special adhesive made Art’s invention possible.

C. He persuaded 3M Company to give away lots of Post-it Notes for trial use.

D. He cooperated with Art by providing the new adhesive for Art.

48. Which of the following is a possible use of Post-it Notes

A. A note on a friend’s

door B. An e-mail to a friend

C. A postcard from

abroad D. An ad in a newspaper

49. What does the underlined part mean

A. The products started to leave the ground.

B. The products disappeared from the market.

C. The products had even more uses.

D. The products became popular very quickly.

50. The biggest advantage of Post-it Notes is

that .

A. it can leave no sign when removed

B. it is very cheap to use

C. it is good to write notes

on D. it is very thin and beautiful


A store owner was putting up a sign above his door that said “dogs for sales”. Signs like that have a way of attracting small children, and sure enough, a little boy appeared under the store owner’s sign. “How much are you going to sell the dogs for” he aske d.

The store owner replied, “Anywhere from $30 to $50.”

The little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out some change. “I have $,” he said, “Could I look at them”

The store owner smiled and took the boy to the dog nest. To our surprise, the

little boy se lected limping dog and said, “What’s wrong with that little dog”The store owner explained that a doctor had examined the little dog and had discovered it don’t have a hip socket(膝盖骨). It would always limp.

The little boy became excited, “That’s the dog I want to buy.”

The store owner said, “No, you don’t want to buy that little dog. If you really want him, I will just give him to you.”

The little boy got quite upset. He looked straight into the store owner’s eyes, pointing his finger, and said, “I don’t wa nt you to give him to me. That little dog is worth as much as all the other dogs and I’ll pay full price. In fact, I will give you $ now, and 50cents a month until I have paid all the money for

him. ”

The store owner said, “You really don’t want to buy thi s little dog. He is never going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other dogs.”

To his surprise, the little boy revealed a badly, disabled left leg supported by a big metal brace. He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, “Well, I don’t run so well myself, and the little dog will need someone who understand!”We all need someone who understands!

51. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to the boy

a. He showed interest in one of the dogs.

b. He wanted to look at the dogs.

c. The store owner told him what was wrong with the little dog.

d. He showed his own left leg to the store owner.

e. He asked the store owner the price of the dogs.

A. e-a-b-c-d

B. e-b-a-c-

d C. b-a-c-d-

e D. b-e-a-c-d

52. How was the dog the little boy selected

A. It was very

beautiful B. It was very strong

C. It didn’t have a hip

socket D. It was too young to feed

53. Which of the following it TRUE about the boy

A. He had enough money to buy a dog at a full price.

B. He didn’t really want to have the limping dog.

C. He didn’t want the owner to look down upon the dog.

D. He wanted the owner to give him the dog for free.

54. What can we learn from the passage

A. The boy was a disabled person.

B. The boy didn’t have a hip socket

C. The boy didn’t like healthy dog.

D. The boy only needed to pay $ dollars.

55. The passage mainly tells

us .

A. the store owner was very kind to the boy

B. everyone needs someone

to understand him

C. the boy was interested in the little dog.

D. something was wrong with the boy’s left leg


We all know that sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your choice of sports might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large

areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its course in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry areas of Portugal and Spain, golf is often responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don’t need anything special e xcept a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to think about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your

heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you

feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”. They are better choices than traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gym play sports outdoors, in the

countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it’s free.

56. What does the underlined word course mean

A. 课程

B. 球场

C. 进

程 D. 一道菜

57. What do we know about golf from the passage

A. It needs water and energy to keep it work.

B. It causes water shortages around the world.

C. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes

D. It is popular in Portugal and Spain.

58. The writer uses power walking as an example mainly

because _.

A. it is an outdoor

sport B. it improves our health

C. it uses fewer

resources D. it is recommended by experts

59. According to the passage, which of the following is an environment-friendly sport

A. Cycling around a

lake B. Motor racing in the desert

C. Playing basketball in a gym

D. Swimming in a sports center

60. The passage mainly .

A. shows us the function of major sports

B. encourages us to go in for green sports

C. discusses the major influence of popular sports

D. introduces different types of green sports


Jack is a clerk of a bookstore. Here is the note from his boss, Ben, Jack has to decide what books to order according to the following note and the descriptions of the books.

Hi Jack,

You must hand in the order list of books to me by the first working day of every month. The rules for choosing books are:

For textbooks:

●August is coming. We must choose all textbooks, without thinking of other

rules. For books which are not textbooks:

●If more than five copies of books were sold last month, we choose them. But if there are five copies

or more in stock, we do not make an order.

●If the wholesale prices of the books are higher than $ 75, we do not choose them. And we do not order anything whose retail price is higher than $ 100.


The descriptions of the books:

Title: Homeland English Publisher: Homeland Ltd Wholesale price: $ 110 Retail price :

$ 140 Textbook: Yes Copies sold last month: 3 Copies in stock :2 Title: How to Become Successful Publisher: Founders Company Ltd Wholesale price: $ 25 Retail price : $40 Textbook: No

Copies sold last month: 2

Copies in stock: 1

Title: Biology at a Glance Publisher: New Times Publishing Ltd Wholesale price: $ 70

Retail price: $ 95 Textbook: No

Copies sold last month: 18

Copies in stock: 3

Title: Good Health in 20 Days Publisher: Oscar World Ltd Wholesale price: $50

Retail price: $66 Textbook: No Copies sold last month:10 Copies in stock: 20

61. Jack must hand in the order list to his boss

by .

A. the first day of last

August B. the last working day

of this month

C. the last day of next August


the first working day of each month

62. If Jack wants to buy the books about success, he should order them

from .

A. Homeland


B. Founders Company Ltd

C. Oscar World


D. New Times Publishing Ltd

63. The number of the books sold best last month

is .

A. 3


10 C.

18 D. 20

64. Which of the following should be included in the order list

A. Homeland


B. How to Become Successful

C. Good Health in 20

Days D. None of the above

65. Jack can’t buy Good Health in 20 Days

because .

A. it is not a school

textbook B. its wholesale price is too high

C. the copies in stock are more than 5

D. the copies sold last month are over 5

五、写作(共三节,满分 30 分)

第一节单词拼写(共 5 题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)

66. You should r the books you borrowed to the library on time.

67. Please don’t w about him. He can take care of himself.

68. You can try to s the problem in a different way.

69. You should eat less fast food because it is h to our health.

70. The famous scientist is going to give a l at our school next week.

第二节完成句子(共 5 题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)

71. 我们不应该嘲笑别人,这是不礼貌的。

It is impolite of us

to others.

72. 除非他放弃比赛,不然他肯定会获奖。

He is sure to get a

prize he

the competition.

73. 多么重要的一次会议啊!

important meeting it is!

74. 我想知道该怎么问这个问题。

I want to


this question.

75. 要购买这批电脑,我们需要一大笔资金。

A great deal of

money if we want to buy these computers.

第三节书面表达(共 1 题,满分 15 分)

我国政府一直提倡构建和谐社会(build a harmonious society)。作为一名中学生,我们应该为构建和谐社会做些什么事呢请根据下面的提示,用英语写一封倡议书。


倡议:1. 尊敬师长,待人真诚。

2. 遵守交通规则,不闯红灯。

3. 不在公共场合大声喧哗。

4. 不随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾。

5. 节约资源,不浪费食物。


小词典:spit v. 吐痰resources n.【C】资源要求:



3)词数:80 词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);


Dear friends,

Build a Harmonious Society

Our country is working hard to build a harmonious society. As middle school students, what should we do

Thanks for your support.



16-20 BDCDA 21-25 BCCDD


考查冠词的用法。本题中,由于有用的方法是第一次提到所以用冠词;useful 是以辅音发音开头所以用 a;the+adj 可表一类人。


考查宾语从句。B 选项中过去将来时只能用在过去的情境中,因此只能选 C 选项考查固定短语。put out the fire 指灭火。

考查情态动词的回答。Must 提问否定回答用needn’t。

考查现在完成时与过去时的区别。本题虽然用现在完成时提问,但是回答中有 last summer 的时间状语因此用过去时。

查形容词比较级。句中有 than 因此用比较级。

考查代词。指两天中任何一天都可以因此用 either;并且题中用 is 因此不能用both。

考查定语从句。本题中先行词在从句中做 visit 的宾语因此用关系代词 which。

考查情景对话。用 thank you 表示感谢。You are welcome 用于回答 thank


26-30 DABDC 31-35 ACBAD


考查过去时。后文提到事情是发生在 2004 年。

考查非谓语动词。 force sb to do sth。

考查介词表时间的用法。具体某天的下午用介词 on

考查 it 与 one 的区别。本题中 one 指前文中提到的一个 decision。

考查连词。前一句刘翔梦想着他能再次重新开始,后一句说刘翔的脚伤一次又一次复发。因此中间应该用 but 连接。

考查宾语从句的连接词。本题中的宾语从句为陈述句的宾语从句所以用 that。

考查 as...as 的用法。选 much

考查非谓语动词。本句中 at the Olympics, the world championships in 2007 是winning 的宾语,由俺的可知 setting 应该与 winning 形式一致。

考查代词。本句指每个人都为刘翔而骄傲所以选 everyone。

考查固定搭配。in silence 为固定搭配,shocked 是形容词用来修饰 silence。三、完形填空

36-40 CABBC 41-45 AABCC


高兴的”;“紧张的”;“无希望的”。联系上下文,故选 C。

考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在那种情形下,会使人大脑一片空白并忘记应该说什么。“实例”;“情绪”;“感觉”;“条件,情况”。condition:常用词,用作单数形式,表示人或物目前所处的真实具体状态,尤指内在状态,case: 情况,例证,事实。故选 A。


“记得”;“忘记”;“讨论”;“展示”。结合语意“头脑空白”,故选 B 考查动词及语境的理解。句意:她帮助人们学会自控。.cure“治愈”;“控制”;“持有,拥有”;“保护”。Control oneself“自控”,故选 B。

考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:Nichols 女士说“一些人总是害怕在观众面前表演。”“感到满意的”;“高兴的”;“害怕的”;“惊讶的”。结合语境,故选 C。

考查名词及语境的理解。句意:句意:Nichols 女士让她的病人告诉自己,他们的演讲或是表演不必做到完美。“病人”;“孩子”;“观众”;“演员”。结合语意,原文第二段第一句提到,Nichols 女士是在纽约的医疗中心。因此不应该选 audience,而应选 A。

考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:Nichols 女士让她的病人告诉自己,他们的演讲或是表演不必做到完美。“完美的”;“好的”;“好的”;“愉快的”。结合语意,故选 A。

考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在每次表演之后,他们都都会讨论发生了什么,并找出可以哪些建议可以帮助他们,哪些不能。“人”;“建议”;“言语”;“措施,方法”。联系上下文,故选 B。



D。考查副词及语境的理解。句意:Nichols 女士说“目的只是为了减少恐惧感,不是彻底消除。”

“实际地”;“容易地”;pletely“完全地”;“真地”。结合句意,故选 C。四、阅读理解



46. C 根据文中第三段这项发明的灵感来自 Fry 用纸张作为曲谱的书签,他需要一个更好的方法。而全文并没有描述 Fry 有多么刻苦。

47. B 根据文中第三段 Dr. Spence Silver had created a new adhesive which … Fry saw that the new adhesive could help solve his bookmark problem.可知 Dr. Spence 发明的粘合剂为这项新发明创造了可能性。

根据文中可知,Post-it Note 是便签纸,所以选 A。

文中最后一段说,越来多人发现 Post-it Note 非常有用,根据题意可知,the product took off 是指这个产品迅速得到市场的欢迎。

文中第二段最后一句 He knew he needed a bookmark that would stay where he put it without damaging tht pages. Fry 希望找到一种书签放置到哪里都不会破坏纸张。所以选A。



文章一开始就说小孩子问店主小狗们的价钱,故 e 选项排在第一,接着小孩子就提出看一下小狗们的要求,故 b 排第二,通读全文,正确的顺序就是 ebacd ,所以答案选 B。

文章第五段It didn’t have a hip socket.

根据文章第八段:That litter dog is worth as much as all the other dogs and I’ll pay full price. 可知小男孩不希望店主小看那个狗。而其它选项都能在文中找到反例。

由文章倒数第二段可知,小男孩是个残疾人。BCD 选项在文中都能找不到如此说法。

由最后两段,点评文章主旨:每个人都需要他人的理解,故选 B。



根据上下文,划线单词所在句子理解为大量的化学物质和能量被用作维持……的良好状态,本段落提到 sports 和 golf,故球场比较合理。


根据前后文意思,文中主要讲运动与环境、资源的关系,故选 C.

文章最后一段提到 you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment …They are better choices than traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. 可用排除法排除 B、C、D。





根据第二个表格第二个内容 How to Become Successful,选 B。

对面第二个表哥 4 个内容,Biology at a Glance 上个月最好卖,卖出了 18


因为 Homeland English 是课本,文章第一个表格讲到:We must choose all

textbook, without thinking of other rules。所以无论如何都需要买。

因为 Good Health in 20 Days 现货有 20 本超过 5 本的规定,所以不能买。



66. return67. worry 68. solve69. harmful70. lecture 第二节完成句子

at72. unless gives up an

to ask needed


Dear friends,

Our country is working hard to build a harmonious society. As middle school

students, what should we do Here I want to share my advice on it.

First of all, it’s important for us to respect our teachers and treat others

sincerely. Besides, we must obey the traffic rules and avoid running the red

lights. In addition, we mustn’t speak loudly in public. What’s more, spitting

and throwing rubbish everywhere are not allowed. Last but not least, we are

expected to save resource instead of wasting food.

If we can do all above, I believe we will help to build a more beautiful and

harmonious society. Thank you for your support!



————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:

长沙市2008年初中毕业学业考试 下图是Gina对班上同学的周末活动进行调查后得出的结果;同学们的周末活动真是丰富多彩。想想你和你的同学是如何度过周末的?写一篇名为“Weekend Activities”的文章谈谈你们的周末活动。 要求:1.语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整; 2.文中不得出现你的真实校名和姓名; 3.词数60—80; 4.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Weekend Activities Inmy class, mostof myclassmates have colorful weekends._____________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2018年广州市中考英语作文万能模板(附带近7年中考作文) (1)说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1.说明事物现状 2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has an important role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ---(A的优点之 一), Besides ---(A的优点之二) But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ---(A的第一个缺点). To make matters worse,---(A 的第二个缺点) Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects over weigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---(我的看法) (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---(对前景的预测) (2):图表作文的框架 _______as is shown by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goes up/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from____ to ____ From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ____. On one hand, ____. On the other hand,____ is due to the fact that _____. In addition, _____ is responsible for ____.Maybe there are some other reasons to show ____.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _____. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded。 (3)阐述主题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义。 2.分析并举例使其更充实。 中考英语作文万能模板:解决方法题型,要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径


2018年广州市中考英语作文专题复习(三)体育与校园活动 一、与专题相关的话题项目 学校(school),文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports) 二、与专题相关的知识准备 1、相关单元7A Unit 1 Making friends 7A Unit 2 Daily life 7A Unit 7 School clubs 8A Unit 5 Educational exchanges 8A Unit 7 Memory 8A Unit 8 English Week 9A Unit 4 Problems and advice 2、相关词汇 *高频词 (n.) hobby, country, age, dream, flat, world, mountain, engineer, sound, table tennis, break, band, guitar, market, practice, fair, rocket, power, skill, information, headline, ant, butterfly, bee, culture, host, weekday, success, guest, corner, trouble, step, cycle, note, wallet, basket, manager, list, mile, letter, speech, notice, competition, text, chance, topic, winner, opinion, model, diet, situation, advantage, mess, exam, comment (v.) complete, ride, ring, end, attend, teach, tour, introduce, respect, lose, improve, mention, spell, advise, communicate, hide, choose, regret, hate, suggest, fail, (adj.) daily, friendly, elder, surprised, amazing, boring, recent, glad, fantastic, local, silly, worth, whole, rich, poor, shy, awful, ashamed, embarrassed, mad, annoying, careless, polite, (adv.) never, seldom, usually, together, already, yet, confidently, else, (pron.)everyone, yourself, (conj.) though *高频短语 be good at, go to school, make friends with, take part in, have a good time, ‘d like to, all over, on foot, go to bed, get up, learn about, all the way, look up, so far, introduce…to, take out, pour out, treasure hunt, in public, put on, in my opinion, look out, be on a diet, laugh at, feel ashamed of, drive sb, mad. Make a mess, out of place, none of one’s business, hear from *拓展词汇 experience, disappear, attack, exchange, t’ai chi, chopstick, reference, application, treasure, several, suggestion, unless, whenever, request, keep in touch with, apply for, make sth. A big success,


2011年 最近,你班就“你的理想职业”展开了一次调查。下表是你们小组的情况请根据 表格内容写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿。 注意: 1.词数80左右(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数); 2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas. One possible version: Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students‘ ideal jobs. Here’ s a report about my group members’ ideas. Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He‘d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He‘d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe. Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.


学生自己: 1.我的爱好:七上 U4 Hobbies ①Norman Parkinson was a famous English photographe匚 He liked travelling to interesting places and taking photographs. It was his hobby as well as his job. Taking photographs is a favorite hobby of many people all over the world. It can help us remember things. We all love to take photographs of each other,

especially when we travel to new places- We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together. When we want to be in the picture, we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us. Having photographs is important because people and places always change. It is very sad, for example, if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents.


话题一:写人记事 例文:初中阶段你印象最深的又是哪位老师?请用英语写一篇题为“The Teacher I Never Forget”的作文。内容包括:1.简要介绍老师的性格或特长;2.列举一个事例,说明老师是如何在学习上帮助或鼓励你取得进步的;3.感谢老师,祝愿老师。 The Teacher I Never Forget How time flies! Three years has passed since I became a middle school student. I had very good memories of my classmates and teachers. The teacher I never forget is Mr. Zhang, an English teacher. He is very kind and friendly. He helped us not only in class but also after class. About two years ago, Mr. Zhang noticed that I was worried about my poor pronunciation. So he offered me many suggestions to improve it, and he also gave me every chance possible to speak in class. With his help, my pronunciation has greatly improved. I must say many thanks to Mr. Zhang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future! 例文:假如你是某中学的一名学生。6月3日,是星期五,在放学回家的公交车上,你所经历的一件事情让你印象深刻。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇日记。 要点:1. 一位老爷爷和十来岁的孙子上了车,老人拿着书包和小提琴;2. 你给老人让座,老人的孙子却坐了下来,老人只得站在旁边;3. 孩子大声喊着向老人要水喝,并将空水瓶扔到车上;4. 你认为孩子应该尊敬、照顾老人,保持环境卫生。 On my way home on the bus, I saw an old man get on with his grandson of about ten. He was carrying the boy’s schoolbag and a violin. I gave my seat to the old man at once. However, the boy sat down first. The old man had to stand nearby. After a while, the boy shouted to his grandpa for water and then dropped the empty bottle on the bus. When I saw this, I got very angry. I think the boy should not only respect and take care of the old man but also keep the environment clean. 话题二:环保污染 例文:节约资源, 保护环境. 从我们身边的小事做起,假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生, 请以“My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。提示: (1)每天步行上学; (2)离丌教室时,关灯、电扇、电视等;(3)不用水时, 记住关水龙头,循环使用水;(4)充分使用纸张;(5)不使用塑料袋。 My Low-carbon Life It’s our duty to protect the environment. The environment is becoming worse and worse, so we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. First, we should go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving the car. Second, we should save water and electricity by turning off the


学生自己: 1. 我的爱好:七上U4 Hobbies ①Norman Parkinson was a famous English photographer. He liked travelling to interesting places and taking photographs. It was his hobby as well as his job. Taking photographs is a favorite hobby of many people all over the world. It can help us remember things. We all love to take photographs of each other, especially when we travel to new places. We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together. When we want to be in the picture, we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us. Having photographs is important because people and places always change. It is very sad, for example, if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents. What did Grandfather look like? Where did he use to live? If we do not have photographs, children may not know the answers to these questions. Photographs help us know and understand our history. ②Fishing is fun, too. Fishing takes you to beautiful places. You can catch fish in small rivers, big lakes or the sea. You can go with friends or, if you like, you can go alone. You can make a lot of new friends when you go fishing. You can catch fish with just a net, or with a long piece of string, a hook and some bread. Everybody gets excited when someone catches a big fish. Catching fish is great fun, but eating them is even better! ③ Making models is my favorite hobby. I have made a few model planes. At the weekend, I fly my planes at a park near my home. If they crash, I have to mend them. I like mending things. It teaches me a lot about real planes. I hope I can work with real planes when I grow up. It is very interesting to make things. 2. 我的基本情况:七上U1 Making Friends ① My name is Simon. My Chinese name is Li Peichun. I am twelve years old. I am 163 cm. I have short black hair and brown eyes. My hobby is playing chess. I live with my parents in the UK. They are from Beijing. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. We live in a house near our restaurant. I can speak Chinese, but I cannot write it very well. I have a brother. His name is Edwin. He is 23. He works as an accountant in London. I am in Year 7 at Walker School. It is near my house, and I can walk to school. I like my school.. The teachers are very friendly. I am keen on sports. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter, and tennis in summer. My best subject at school is maths. I want to be an engineer. 3. 我喜欢的科目:七上U2 Our Daily Life ① I usually get A grades in all my subjects. ② Zhen Hui loves English very much, and always gets an A. She usually gets a B in her other subjects.


最近,你班就“你的理想职业”展开了一次调查。下表是你们小组的情况请根据表格内容写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿。 注意: 1.词数80左右(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数); 2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas. One possible version: Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students‘ ideal jobs. Here’ s a report about my group members’ ideas. Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He‘d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He‘d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe. Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.


广州中考英语作文真题1 为了帮助学生迎接中考,在中考前几个月,老师一般都会进行复习教学。一家英语教学研究中心(English Teaching Research Center)正在对中考英语复习教学现状进行调查。请你根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,向他们介绍你们班的英语复习课的情况,谈谈你对英语复习课的感受及看法,并提出建议。 写作要点: 1.Your feelings about your English revision classes. 2.Class activities: a. What did your English teacher usually do in class? b. What did you usually do in class? 3.Your advice on English revision classes to your English teacher. 要求: 1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥; 2.短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名; 3. 词数不少于80,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 I think my English revision classes were Possible Version One: I think my English revision classes were boring and tiring. In class, my English teacher kept talking from the beginning to the end, which made me bored and sleepy. She explained the rules of words and grammar. We did nothing but listen and take notes. She always asked us to memorize all the words we had learned. There were so many exercises to do and exams to take, which made me stressed out.I hope English revision classes can be more interesting and useful. Teachers should organize different kinds of activities to help us practice English, such as playing games, role-playing conversations, watching English videos and so on. What’s more, I don't like serious teachers. I hope they can be more friendly to us. 广州中考英语作文真题2 爱思考的人善于提出问题,而提出问题有助于解决我们生活或学习中的困惑。请以"A


作文专题 一、各类型作文写法 1.说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1.说明事物现状 2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has an important role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First (A的优点之一), Besides (A的优点之二)But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that (A的第一个缺点). To make matters worse,(A的第二个缺点) Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects over weigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to (我的看法) (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, (对前景的预测) 2.图表作文的框架 _______as is shown by the figure/percentage in the table (graph/picture/pie/chart),(作文题目的议题)has been on rise/ decrease (goes up/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from ____ to ____ From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ____. On one hand , ____. On the other hand,____ is due to the fact that _____.In addition , _____ is responsible for ____.Maybe there are some other reasons to show ____.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _____. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.


2018年广州市中考英语作文专题复习(四)文学故事与诗歌 一、与专题相关的话题项目 历史与社会 (History and society),故事与诗歌 (Stories and poems) 二、与专题相关的知识准备 1、相关单元 7B Unit 7 Poems 8A Unit 2 Numbers 8A Unit 6 Ancient stories 8B Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips 9A Unit 1 Wise men in history 9A Unit 2 Great minds 9A Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 9A Unit 8 Surprising endings 2、相关词汇 *高频词 (n.) poem, feeling, order, advice, group, well, shower, superman, seller, smile, crowd, number, gram, chess, prize, grain, chessboard, amount, rest, gold, traffic, accident, war, captain, soldier, midnight, side, army, trick, prince, queen, scene, cartoon, warning, role-play, symbol, program, basic, stage, actor, team, star, island, storm, jacket, wave, Olympics, agreement, pot, truth, bowl, metal, prison, boxing, racing, mistake, mind, sense, humour, invitation, university, pleasure, lecture, tonight, seat, universe, action, adventure, novel, frog, congratulations, steamboat, steam, writer, fence, task, yard, board, progress, pity, silence, while, deal, coat, gift, graduation, cent, present, knee, sign, chain, bill, step, set, comb, America,note, (v.) agree, disagree, rush, check, challenge, promise, double, realize, copy, understand, pull, celebrate, enter, succeed, steal, punish, record, match, play, score, doubt, seem, solve, fill, hit, consider, avoid, trust, obey, reduce, survey, pretend, count, afford, search, draw, (adj.) complete, wise, ancient, huge, main, stupid, empty, secret, pleasant, golden, real, certain, brave, correct, pale, humorous, careful, lazy, (adv.)aloud, instead, correctly, quietly, separately, exactly, (prep.) except *高频短语 Not at all, be worried about, newspaper stand, rush out, a crowd of, a long time ago, challenge ...to..., and so on, copy down, act out, make jokes about, succeed in doing, except for, be full of, in the end, come on, comic strip, pop out, decide on, video camera, play against, weather


2019年广州中考英语作文 1、(1分) 提示: 张楠的父亲有位美国同事,他的孩子约翰?史密斯即将来华。约翰写信向张楠询问一些有关他所在城市的问题。张楠回信,内容如下:得知约翰要来非常高兴。告诉他可能遇到一些不同于美国的情况。气候:冬天冷,有时下雪。夏天几乎不下雨,但一下起来就很大。提醒约翰带雨衣、棉衣。 饮食:饮食与美国很不同,他应尽力适应中国饮食,并要学会如何使用筷子。 最后,请他带一张美国地图,希望早日能见面。 字数:100—120个词。 2、(1分) 日记 1.今天,在学校礼堂举行了开学典礼。

2.全体教师、学生出席,部分科学家和官员也参加。 3.校长在讲话中希望全体师生在新的学期中再接再厉取得更大进步.并宣布部分同学因 在各种竞赛中获奖而获周培源奖学金。 4.三好学生受到奖励。 5.著名科学家讲话,他讲述了自己的学习经验及科研成功的经验.他的讲话使我深受感 动。 参考词汇: 礼堂:auditorium 奖学金:scholarship 3、(1分) 提示: 根据以下内容写一篇日记。 1.昨天与同学外出野餐,按计划要爬西山。

2.早上在校门口集合7点出发。 3.不久下小雨,继续骑车,一小时后到达山脚。 4.雨停,爬上山顶,领略美景。 5.照像,唱歌,跳跃,做游戏,下棋,午餐,玩得开心。 6.午餐后下山,4点回家。筋疲力尽。 7.时间5月20日,星期三。 参考词汇: 野餐:picnic 4、(1分) Read this telephone conversation: Lucia: I’m so glad you called me today. I have a big problem I hope you can help me with. Clara: What’s the problem? I’ll help if I can. Lucia: My cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to Europe and I’m supposed to pick him up at the airport at


、各类型作文写法 1. 说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角 度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度 (或对事物前景提出预测) 1 ?说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3 ?你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has an important role in our daily life. Gen erally , its adva ntages can be see n as follows. First (A 的优点之一 ),Besides (A 的优点之二) But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also appare nt. One of the importa nt disadva ntages is that (A 的第一个缺点 ).To make matters worse , (A 的第二个缺点 ) Through the above analysis , I believe that the positive aspects over weigh the negative ones. Therefore , I would like to ( 我的看法)(From the comparison betwee n these positive and n egative effects of A , we should take it reas on ably and do it accord ing to the circumsta nces we are in. 2. 图表作文的框架 _____ as is shown by the figure/percentage in the table (graph/picture/pie/chart ), (作文题目的议题) has bee n on rise/ decrease (goes up/i ncreases/drops/decreases ) , sig nifica ntly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from ____ to ____ From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart , it goes without saying that______ . is both sound and well-gro un ded. 作文专题 There are at least two good reas ons acco unting for . On one hand , . On the other hand . is due to the fact that In additi on is resp on sible for Maybe there are some other reas ons to show But it is gen erally believed that the On ly by this way (对前景的预测) As far as I am concerned , I hold the point of view that I am sure my opinion
