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1. How will the process benefit humans according to the study?

A. By creating warm air for researchers on the moon.

B. By providing rocks for the production of minerals.

C. By testing the weight of the oxygen contained in moon dust.

D. By offering oxygen for people conducting studies on the moon.

2. What makes oxygen difficult to produce during the ESA’s experiment?

A. Its poor quality.

B. Its small quantity.

C. Its form of existence.

D. Its complex structure.

3. Why does the author mention Beth Lomax in the third paragraph?

A. To show the history of ESA’s pilot plant.

B. To stress the importance of the ESA’s study.

C. To explain the theory of the ESA’s research.

D. To present the process of the ESA’s experiment.

4. What is the “bonus” in the new process?

A. Usable metals.

B. Fresh oxygen.

C. Rare minerals.

D. Precious glass.

5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. ESA has discovered new materials on the moon.

B. ESA and NASA plan to land man on the moon again.

C. NASA will send more astronauts to the moon in 2024.

D. NASA and ESA will cooperate to do research on the moon.



1. planetary adj. 行星的 a planetary system 行星系

2. regolith n. 月壤;表土;风化层

3. sample n. 样本 a sample survey 抽样调查

4. lunar settler 月球移民

5. rocket fuel 火箭燃料

6. metallic adj. 含金属的;金属制的metallic compounds 金属化合物


ESA officials say the latest experiments were part of expanded engineering development aimed at finding new ways for lunar materials to be used to support future human activities.【分析】主语为“ESA officials”,谓语为“say”。“the latest experiments were part of…future human activities”为省略“that”的宾语从句,其主干为“the experiments were part of development”,“aimed at finding new ways for lunar materials to be used to support future human activities”为非谓语作定语。



1. European Space Agency (ESA),欧洲航天局(简称欧空局),成立于1975年,是一个致力于探索太空的政府间组织,拥有22个成员国,总部设在法国巴黎。欧洲航天局的太空飞行计划包括载人航天(主要通过参与国际空间站计划);发射、运行其他行星;进行月球无人探测任务;地球观察,科学和通信;设计运载火箭;维护主要的航天发射场——法属圭亚那库鲁的圭亚那航天中心。

2. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),美国国家航空航天局(又称美国宇航局),是美国联邦政府的一个行政性科研机构,负责制定、实施美国的民用太空计划与开展航空科学暨太空科学的研究。2019年3月11日,美国国家航空航天局公布的



The alarm sounds. Students swing their backpacks over their shoulder,board the school bus,make their way to their homeroom and the bell rings—school is back. But for more homes in America,school looks more like students waking up,making their way to the dining room or home office,setting up laptops and learning in the comfort of home.

Virtual(虚拟的) schooling,described as “a public school that offers only instruction in which students and teachers are separated by time and/or place,and interaction occurs via computers and/or telecommunications(电信) technologies”,has increased over the past decade. According to the National Education Policy Center,enrollments(注册人数) in virtual schools increased by 17,000 between the 2015-2016 school year and the 2016-2017 school year to 295,518.

For Arizona Virtual Academy,a fulltime online public K12 school,they useK12Inc, curriculums. K12Inc, serves students in all 50 states and more than 100 countries with digital learning platforms and technology,providing online education.“We always are improving our platforms and the technology that we use to make sure that we're keeping up with the changing trends,not only with education but also with technology,”DrKelly Van Sande said. Another piece of new technology they've rolled out is a new app where parents can find virtual schools available in their area.

Carrie Faulkner chose to enroll two of her children in Arizona Virtual Academy.She says they've done schooling online in Chicago,in California,at restaurants and on her cousin's floor in Kansas.“It doesn't matter whether he (her son) in on the couch,in his bed or at the kitchen table,he can do schooling wherever he wants to,”Faulkner said.“I wish they had it for me back when I was in school.That would have been awesome.”

1.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To give an example of virtual schooling.

B.To introduce the topic“virtual schooling”.

C.To describe vividly students' going to school.

D.To compare real schooling with virtual schooling.

2.How many students attended virtual schools during the 2015-2016 school year?





3.What can we infer about Arizona Virtual Academy?

A.They provide both online and offline education.

B.They're intended for students in the United States.

C.Their new app lets people find schools nationwide.
