

巧记作宾语补足语的省略to 的动词不定式

动词不定式可以放在“动词+宾语”后面作宾语补足语,一般来说,不定式的符号to 不省略,例如:

Lucy told Han Mei not to forget to lock the door. 露西告诉韩美不要忘了锁门。

The teacher asked them to sit down. 老师请他们坐下。

I’m waiting for Tom to give the answer. 我在等汤姆给出答案。

Would you like her to sing us? 你想要她给我们唱歌吗?

但是,在某些动词后面,动词不定式作宾语补足语要省掉to,那么,是在哪些动词的后面呢?我们需要掌握的一般有12个:feel, hear, listen to, have, make, let, see, watch, look at, notice, observe, help。为了便于掌握,我们可将它们分类:1. 一个“感觉”:feel;2. 两个“听”:listen to, hear;3. 三个使役动词:let, have, make;4. 五个“看”:see, watch, notice, observe, look at;5. 一个“帮助”:help,一般认为其后的不定式可以省掉to ,也可以带着。简单的来说就是:



Do you feel the house shake? 你感到房子摇晃吗?

Let’s listen to her play the beautiful music To Alice.


We heard him read English in the garden just now.


She doesn’t let him go out alone at night. 她不让他晚上独自出去。

Have Lenin come in, please. 请让列宁进去。

The boss made the workers work for 12 hours a day.


They saw the thief break into the building. 他们看见小偷闯进大楼。

We watched the sun rise in the east. 我们看着太阳从东方升起。

Did anyone notice a strange man come into the bank?


I observed them build a bridge. 我看着他们建了一座桥。

We looked at her run. 我们看着她跑。

Jack often helps me (to) learn Japanese. 杰克常帮我学日语。

提醒一:以上句子在变被动语态时,省略的不定式符号to 应加上。例如:

We were made to make ten sentences with these words.


Is the building felt to move? 感到大楼晃动吗?

但当句子的动词为let 时,to 仍可省略。例如:

He wasn’t let go out alone at night.


We heard her singing. 我们听见她在唱歌。(强调“唱歌”正在进行)

We heard her sing. 我们听见她唱歌了。(表示有过“唱歌”这一动作)


动词+宾语+动词不定式作宾补的动词总结及短文填空训练 I.动词+宾语+动词不定式作宾补的动词总结 advise (劝告) , ask (请、要) , allow(允许、让).permit(允许), forbid(禁止), beg(请求) , cause (使) , command (命令) , encourage (鼓励) , expect (预料) , force (迫使), get (让) , help (帮助) , invite (邀请) , intend (想要) , instruct (指令) , like (喜欢) , oblige (迫使) , order (命令) , permit (允许) , persuade (劝说) , prefer (宁愿) , press (强求) , remind (提醒) , request (要求) require(要求), urge (催促) ,tell(告诉),teach(教),warn (警告) , want (想要) , wish (希望) 另外,还有某些短语的后面也可以用这样的复合宾语,这样的成语动词常见的有: call on (号召), count on (仰仗) , depend on (依靠) , long for (渴望) , rely on (依靠) , vote for (投票) , wait for (等待) 。 特别注意:hope, agree, demand, suggest 等没有宾补。 II.短文填空训练 While Teachers in high school are trained and certified to educate, high school does not generally encourage students 1 ( explore ) new aspects of life, In Henan Province and Shandong Province, China, the senior high school life is extremely tough and boring. Parents count on them universities; Teachers and schools depend on them make a fortune; they intend themselves universities. As a result, higher grades mean everything, and self control is the key to success. Some are begged 6 ( give up )their own interests; some are forbidden 7 ( watch )TV; some are urged9 ( avoid ) 10 (fall) behind; some are reminded 11 (work )out to relax; some are persuaded 12 ( go )to Cram school ; some are pressed 13 ( accept) their parents’ advice ;others are requested 14 ( eat )two prepared eggs every morning , causing them 15 ( eat) less; My classmate wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not a bicycle. He doe sn’t have to be made


第四类基本句型—主谓双宾:主语+及物动词+双宾语(直 接宾语+ 间接宾语) I间接宾语放到后面 1、间接宾语由to引导: Can you lend us your car—lend your car to us He handed me the letter.—handed the letter to me She gave me her telephone number.—gave her telephone number to me 2 有的间接宾语由for引导: Can you fetch me the evening paper/fetch for me She sang us a folk song. –sang a folk song for us She cooked us a delicious meal.—a delicious meal for us *3、直接宾语是从句 A由that 引导的从句 Our teacher notified us that there would be a test on Monday.

He assured the passengers that there was no danger. I’ll call Betty and remind her that we are meeting at 8. B 由连接副(代)词,连词whether/if 引导的从句Please advise me whether/if I ought to go with them. Can you inform me where Miss Green lives He taught me why we should love our country. He asked me what time it was. C 从句由关系代词what或whatever引导的从句 I’ll tell you what I read in today’s paper. Show me what you bought! Tell me whatever you know about it. 第五类基本句型:主谓宾补:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语1主语+及物动词+宾语+名词(代词) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. He made it a rule to go jogging every morning. They called their daughter Mary. 2主语+及物动词+宾语+形容词 Do you think him trustworthy


动名词作宾语 有些动词须用动名词来作宾语,它们是begin, mind, suggest, finish, stop, need, enjoy, miss, keep. 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 V. + doing sth admit 承认appreciate 感激,赞赏avoid 避免 complete 完成 consider 认为 delay 耽误 deny 否 认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受enjoy 喜欢escape 逃脱 prevent阻止 fancy 想象finish 完成 imagine 想象mind介 意 miss 想念 postpone 推迟 practise 训练recall 回忆 resent 讨厌resist 抵抗 resume 继 续 risk 冒险 suggest 建议face 面对 include 包括stand 忍受understand 理解 forgive 宽恕 keep 继续 举例: (1)Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? (2)The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. b. 词组后接doing admit to prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to busy look forward to(to为介词) no good,no use,It's worth…, as well as, can't help,It's no use /good be tired of be fond of be capable of be afraid of be proud of think of / about hold off put off keep on insist on count on / upon set about be successful in good at take up give up burst out prevent … from… Please stop smoking in the house. 请不要在家里抽烟。


动词不定式做宾语补足语 动词不定式在句子中可以用作宾语补足语,常用的“动词+宾语+不定式”的句子结构中,不定式作宾语补足语的有以下几种类型:(下列句子中划线部分作宾语补足语) 一、许多动词可跟一个“宾语 + to do…”构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语;否定形式为“动词+宾语+not to do…”。例如: My boss told me to type out two letters. 分析:句中“My boss”做主语,“told”作谓语,“me”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 They forbid her to leave the country. 适用于“动词+宾语+(not)to do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,direct,encourage,expect,forbid,force,invite,order,permit,persuade,remind,request,require,teach,tell,want,warn等。 二、有些动词(感官动词和使动词)后可跟不带to的不定式构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语。例如: He saw her enter the room. 分析:句中“He”做主语,“saw”作谓语,“her”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 She won't let me do it. I heard her lock the door. 适用于“动词+宾语+do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:feel,have,hear,let,make,notice,observe,see,watch等。还有两个词组:listen to,look at。 三、help后的不定式可加to,也可不加to(美国人不加to时较多),但被动结构中要加to。 如:I'll help you(to) push the car. 分析:句中“I”做主语,“will help”作谓语,“you”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。 动词不定式作状语 不定式作状语可以表示行为的目的、结果、原因等。(to do/ not to do) 1.表示目的 To save the child, he laid down his life.


详解双宾语和宾语补足语的区别:以make, give举例说明 双宾语结构:1. 动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 2. 动词+直接宾语+for+间接宾语 3. 动词+直接宾语+to+间接宾语 其中间接宾语是指人的,直接宾语是指物的 宾语补足语结构:1.动词+人(宾语)+动词原形 2.动词+宾语+形容词 3.动词+宾语+带to的不定式 4.动词+宾语+省to的不定式 5.动词+宾语+名词短语 其中红色部分作为句子的宾补成分, 特别强调的是宾 语补足语不可以和宾语换位置。 一、举例说明双宾语: 1. She made us coffee. 其中us 为句子的间接宾语coffer为句子的直接宾语。 本句子可改为同义句: She made coffer for us. 2. He gave me a book. 其中me 为句子的间接宾语a book为句子的直接宾语。 本句子可改为同义句: He gave a book to me 二、举例说明宾语补足语: We make Lijian our monitor. 其中红色为宾补成分 这个句子最容易让人弄错,以为是双宾语,其实是our monitor作为句子的宾语补足语,这个句子是不可以改写成: We make our monitor for Lijian. (×) He asked me some questions. 这个句子容易让人误认为是宾语补足语结构,实际是双宾语结构,只不过这个句子中的动词的间接宾语不能+to或+for,这类动词还有cost, refuse, promise

The book cost me five yuan. 三、动词+直接宾语+for+间接宾语,这种结构中能用for改为同义句的动词有:buy, play, make, find,keep,choose,cut,cook,wash等 Please cut Tom the cake.= Please cut the cake for Tom. My father often washes me the clothes.=My father often washes the clothes for me. My father often cooks me lunch.=My father often cooks lunch for me. 四、动词+直接宾语+to+间接宾语,这种结构中能用to改为同义句的动词有:七给give, hand, pass, lend, send, show, write,一带bring,还有pay, teach, tell, wish, return, sell, read,等 I returned him the storybook= I returned the storybook to him. He showed all his friends his pictures.= He showed his pictures to all his friends. He sent me a book.= He sent a book to me


既可接不定式又可接动名词作宾语的动词 一、后接不定式或动名词且含义相同的动词 这类动词常见的有:like 喜欢 / love 喜欢 / hate 憎恨 / prefer 宁可 / b egin 开始 / start 开始 / continue 继续/ can’t bear 不能忍受 / bother 麻烦 / intend 想要 / attempt 试图 / cease 停止,等。如: He likes travelling [to travel] alone. 他喜欢单独旅行。 He began doing [to do] this job last year. 他去年开始做这工作。 Don’t bother to get [getting]dinner for me. 请不必费事为我做饭了。 注意:当 like, love, hate, prefer 与 would, should 连用时,其后只能接不定式。如: I’d like to drop in and see you tonight. 我想今晚来看你。 另外,当 begin, start 本身为进行时态或后接 know, realize, understa nd 等静态动词时,其后的动词只能用不定式。如: He is beginning to work in that company. 他即将开始去那个公司工作。 After the talk with his English teacher, he began to like English. 跟英语老师谈话之后,他开始喜欢英语了。 二、forget, remember, regret 后接不定式或动名词含义不同 动词 forget, remember, regret 等接不定式时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之后;接动名词作宾语时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之前。如: I forgot to tell you about it. 我忘记告诉你那件事了。 I remembered giving the book to Li Lei, but he said I didn’t. 我记得我把书给李蕾了,但是他说我没有给。


接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth. 请(叫)某人做某事 bear sb. to do sth. 忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 drive sb. to do sth. 驱使某人做某事 elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事 hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事 help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事 like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事 need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事

oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事 wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 不带to的不定式作宾补 “一感”(feel)、 “二听”(listen,hear)、 “三让”(let,make,have)、 “四看”(look at,see,watch,notice)


双宾语和宾语补足语的区别? 英语中,有些及物动词可以接两个宾语,即指人的间接宾语和指物的直接宾语,这两个宾语称为"双宾语"。 句子结构为:"主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语"。 如:My parents bought me a computer.我父母给我买了一台电脑. 用来说明宾语的部分叫做宾语补足语.什么时候会出现宾语补足语呢?当一个句子有了(主+谓+宾)后,句意仍不清楚,这时补充一部分,句意就清楚了.如果这部分和宾语之间有逻辑上的“主+谓”的关系.也就是说,假设用宾语作主语,与后面的内容重新组成一个句子,其意义与原句的意义相符合,这时这部分就是宾语补足语.如果与原句意义不相符合,就是“双宾语”.如:1.We call her?这时主谓宾都有了,但句意不清楚,加上Sister Li后就完整了.如果我们用宾语做主语,就可写成She is Sister Li.此时,意义与原句相符合,所以Sister Li就是宾语补足语.2.I shall give you这时句子有了主谓宾,意义不完整.加上a dog?就完整了.但我们不能说You are dog,所以这时a dog是直接宾语.you是间接宾语. 双宾语就是有些动词后面跟直接宾语和间接宾语.直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指受益于动词所表示的行为的人.例如:They gave him a watch.这里的him 是间接宾语,a watch 是直接宾语,这种间接宾语和直接宾语同时出现的情况叫双宾语.在英语中,有些动词接了一个宾语后句子意思仍不完整,还需要再加上一个词或短语放在宾语之后来补充说明其身份、特征、状态或所做的动作,


只接动名词的动词 常用13个:memespckafida妹妹是不吃咖啡的 (mind; escape; mind; enjoy; suggest; practice; consider; keep; avoid; finish; imagine; delay; advise) 更多只接动名词的动词即动词词组 miss失去, mind介意, enjoy喜欢, give up放弃, finish完成, avoid避免, practise实践, escape 逃跑, stop停止, excuse原谅, delay耽误, require要求, suggest建议, insist on坚持, can’t help 禁不住, complete完成, deny否认, put off推迟, favor赞成,支持, understand明白, risk冒险, keep保持, consider考虑,imagine想象、猜想,fear 害怕,include包括,suffer痛苦、遭受,report报告,celebrate庆祝prevent阻止。等。 有些动词后面即可接-ing又可接不定式 即permit, allow, encourage, advise, recommend, forbid等一般用动词-ing结构做宾语,但如有自己逻辑主语时要用不定式。 e.g. 1.They don’t allow smoking in the auditorium.礼堂内禁止吸烟。 2.The doctor advised taking exercise.医生劝告要参加锻炼。 3.We don’t permit talking in class.我们不允许在课堂上讲话。 4.They forbid parking here.这儿禁止停车。 5.He permitted me to arrive late, with an excuse.说明了理由,他允许我来晚了。 6.The teacher forbids us to talk in class.老师允许我们上课讲话。 Two: 1. I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。 2. I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。 3. I am sorry I missed seeing you while you especially visited me to my home.真对不起,你专程来我家拜访机时我却不在。 4. Carlos just missed being caught.卡罗斯恰好没被抓住。 5. You certainly mustn’t miss seeing this wonderful film.你当然不应错过这个精彩的电影。 6. It’s a pity that I missed listening to the report.真遗憾我没听到那个报告。 7. Would you mind my opening the window?我打开窗子你介意吗? 8. He didn’t mind being made fun of.别人拿他取笑他不在乎。 9. I don’t mind traveling by bus, but I hate to stand (standing) in queues.乘公共汽车旅行也可,只是我不愿排队。 10. We don’t mind his explaining the problem again.我们不在意他又把那问题解释了一遍。 11. I have enjoyed talking to you about old times.我很高兴曾和你叙旧。


动词不定式作宾语和宾语补足语用法归纳 ◇以下动词可跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 即:…sb to do sth 1. ask 2. tell 3. would like 4. want 5. help 《 6. invite 7. teach 8. order (命令) 9. remind (提醒) 10. advise (建议) 11. encourage (鼓励) 12. allow (允许) ~ 13. expect (期待) 14. need 特别提醒: ☆hope不可跟动词不定式作宾语,即不能说hope sb to do,只能说:hope to do ☆help后面的to可以省略。即:help sb (to) do sth。 ☆动词不定式的否定形式在to前面加not。如:ask sb not to do sth. 】 ◇以下动词可跟动词不定式作宾语。 即:…to do sth 1. agree 2. learn 3. hope 4. prefer ) 5. plan 6. decide 7. choose 8. would like 9. fail 10. need 11. prepare ~

12. help 13. wish 14. seem (似乎) 15. promise (承诺) 16. afford (负担得起) 17. remember (以下动词亦可跟doing,但含义或有异同,使用时注意) 18. forget 》 19. stop 20. like 21. love 22. hate 23. begin 24. start 】 ◇使用动词不定式的部分句型: 1. what/how/when to do 2. It's time to do; 3. try one's best to do; 4. can't wait to do; 5. There is no need to do; 6. the first to do; : 7. have no choice but to do;除了……别无选择 8. It's +adj+(for/of sb) +to do 9. be heard /watched /seen /noticed do (被动语态) 10. be made to do(被动语态) ◇江苏13城市中考试题汇编 单项选择: 、 ( c ) 1. Last week our geography teacher told us ______ more information about how to protect the environment. (08南京) A. get B. got C. to get D. getting ( b ) 2. The boy promised _______ late for school again. (08徐州) not be B. not to be C. not


只接动名词的动词 miss失去, mind介意, enjoy喜欢, give up放弃, finish完成, avoid避免, practise实践, escape逃跑, stop停止, excuse原谅, delay耽误, require 要求, suggest建议, insist on坚持, can’t help禁不住, complete完成, deny否认, put off推迟, favor赞成,支持, understand明白, risk冒险, keep保持, consider考虑,imagine想象、猜想,fear 害怕,include 包括,suffer痛苦、遭受,report报告,celebrate庆祝prevent阻止。等。 有些动词后面即可接-ing又可接不定式 即permit, allow, encourage, advise, recommend, forbid等一般用动词-ing结构做宾语,但如有自己逻辑主语时要用不定式。 e.g. 1.They don’t allow smoking in the auditorium.礼堂内禁止吸烟。 2.The doctor advised taking exercise.医生劝告要参加锻炼。 3.We don’t permit talking in class.我们不允许在课堂上讲话。 4.They forbid parking here.这儿禁止停车。 5.He permitted me to arrive late, with an excuse.说明了理由,他允许我来晚了。 6.The teacher forbids us to talk in class.老师允许我们上课讲话。Two: 1. I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。 2. I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。 3. I am sorry I missed seeing you while you especially visited me to my home.真对不起,你专程来我家拜访机时我却不在。 4. Carlos just missed being caught.卡罗斯恰好没被抓住。 5. You certainly mustn’t miss seeing this wonderful film.你当然不应错过这个精彩的电影。 6. It’s a pity that I missed listening to the report.真遗憾我没听到那个报告。 7. Would you mind my opening the window?我打开窗子你介意吗? 8. He didn’t mind being made fun of.别人拿他取笑他不在乎。 9. I don’t mind traveling by bus, but I hate to stand (standing) in queues.乘公共汽车旅行也可,只是我不愿排队。 10. We don’t mind his explaining the problem again.我们不在意他又把那问题解释了一遍。


动词不定式作目的状语 英语中的动词不定式具有副词的功能,可以在句子中作状语,表示多种意义。在这里就动词 不定式作目的状语进行单独讨论。 一、不定式和不定式短语作目的状语 不定式和不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面加in order to或so as to。例如:rve writte n it dow n in order not to forget. He shouted and waved so as to be no ticed. 在句子中作谓语动词的状语的不定式或不定式短语,表示的是主语的目的,因此,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语。比较: To draw maps properly, you n eed a special pen.(正) To draw maps properly, a special pen is n eeded.(误) 由in order to引导的目的状语,既可以置于句尾,也可以置于句首,而由so as to引导的目的状语,只能置于句尾,而不能置于句首。比较: They started early in order to get there in time .(正) In order to get there in time , they started early.(正) They started early so as to get there in time .(正) So as to get there in time, they started early.(误) 二、不定式的复合结构作目的状语 当不定式或不定式短语有自己的执行者时,要用不定式的复合结构(即在不定式或不定式短语之前加for +名词或宾格代词)作状语。例如: He ope ned the door for the childre n to come in. She fetched several bottles which she placed on the coun ter for Harry to in spect. 三、目的状语从句与不定式的转换 英语中的目的状语从句,还可以变为不定式或不定式短语作状语,从而使句子在结构上 得以简化。可分为两种情况: 1. 当目的状语从句中的主语与主句中的主语相同时,可以直接简化为不定式或不定式短语作状语。例如: We'll start early in order that/so that we may arrive in time. We'll start early in order to/so as to arrive in time. 2. 当目的状语从句中的主语与主句中的主语不相同时,要用动词不定式的复合结构作 状语。例如:


双宾语vs宾语和宾语补足语 双宾动词1.动词+ 间接宾语+直接宾语 They granted us a loan. She will lend you her mp3. I owed him an apology. Hand me the cellphone. 间接宾语有时候要放后面, 需要加介词to, 这类动词有give, loan, play, send, tell, grant, mail, post, serve, write, award, offer, read, show, bring, lease, owe, rent, sing, deal, leace, pass, repay, take, lend, pay, sell, teach 2. 动词+直接宾语+for+ 间接宾语 Sing us a song, please.-------Please sing a song for us. 这类动词常见的有: book, find, pick, bring, fix, play, fix, buy, leave, reserve, build, get, prepare, book, make, save, cut, mix, set, design, order, sing, fetch, paint, spare 常见的跟宾语补足语的及物动词 1. 可跟adj, 或adj短语作宾补的动词 (这类动词只跟一个宾语意义不完整, 宾语后必须加一个成分, 使其意义完整) believe, drive, keep, set, declare, consider, leave, find, make, cut, judge, get, push, dye, paint 2. 可用名词短语作宾补 call, name, make (使变为), wish, consider, find, keep, choose, elect We choose Li our new manager. We consider him a talented genius. 3. 可带to不定式结构作宾补 advise, allow, ask, expect, invite, get, order, tell, teach, wish, warn If you want people to think well of you, do not speak well of yourself. How could they allow the state to build a prison so close to our neighbourhood. 4. 用ing做宾补 see, hear, keep, catch, find, have(让, 使) watch, smell, look at, observe, discover, get(使) Can you hear sb playing the piano in the hall? The boy was last seen playing by the riverside. 5. 用ed做宾补 have(使), get(使), make(使), find(发现), feel, see, heat, think, watch You will see this product advertised wherever you go. I found the story used in a book. 指示代词this和that都可以用来指代或概括上文提到的事物,或指代前面整个句子的内容,两者在意义上没有区别,只是that多用在较正式的文体中。(同一句话中) You smiled and talked to me of nothing, for this I’d been waiting long. Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way of crops, but this only accelerates crisis. 如果要指代下文,通常用this,用that情况很少,而且常有讽刺,气愤等意味。 I want to know this; Has he been here the whole morning?


1后面接动名词的动词;(标有(* )的动词后面也可以接不定式; admit; He admitted steali ng the mon ey. Advise*; She advised wait ing un til tomorrow. an ticipate; I an ticipate hav ing a vacati on. Appreciate ; I appreciate hav ing bee n give n such a good cha nee. Avoid; He avoided talk ing about the eve nt. Can ; I can 'tbear livi ng in such a no isy room. 'tbear* Begi n*; It bega n snowing. Complete; They eve ntually completed repairi ng the car. Con sider; I will con sider buying a house in Peki ng. Continu He con ti nued compla ining about the weather. e*; Delay; He delayed leav ing for school. Deny; She denied being guilty of the theft. Discuss; They discussed holdi ng a party. Dislike; She disliked stay ing with us. Enjoy; We enjoyed lear ning grammar. Fi nish; Tom finished taking a shower. Forget*; I'llforget going there.(以前去过) Hate*; I hate making silly mistakes. Can 'thelp; He can 'thelp crying. Keep; I keep stay ing here. Like*; They like swimmi ng.


1、主谓双宾中两个宾语都与主语联系,是主语动作的承受者。而主谓宾宾补中的补语是用来补充说明宾语的。这是从概念区分的。 2、“主谓宾补”中,如果将主谓去掉,宾语和补语是存在逻辑关系的,加入助动词可以构成一个完整的句子。 宾语从句的语序 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句+连词+宾语从句(主语+谓语+……)”句式。根据连接词在从句中所担任的不同成分,可分为以下四种: 1)连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有:who,what,which等。如:Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗? The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西? 2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much等。如: He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。 The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.老师问我们房间里有多少人。 3)连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。常见的连接词有:who(m),what,which,how many,how much,when,why,how,where,if /whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如: He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。


既可接不定式也可接动名词,但含义完全不同的8个动词 有些动词只能接不定式做宾语,有些动词只能接动名词做宾语,正如前两天小简老师和大家分享的一样。还有一些动词即可以接不定式也可以接动名词做宾语,但含义不同,今天我们就来看看这样的动词都有哪些! 1. remember to do sth. 记住要做某事(未做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做) Remember to close the door,please. 记着关门. I remember closing the door. 我记得关了门了. 2. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已做) The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off. 办公室的灯还在亮着,他忘记关了. He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了. 3. regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(未做) regret doing sth. 后悔/抱歉做过某事(已做) I regret to tell you that you can't pass the examination. 我很遗憾地通知你你不能通过这次考试. I regret disturbing yo so long. 我很抱歉打扰了你那么久. 4. try to do sth. 努力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事 He tries to get the apple above the shelf. But fails to reach i a while ,Brown comes in and try showing his ability. 他努力去够架子上的苹果,但是没能够到。过了一会儿,布朗近来尝试表现他的能力。
