



1. I need to buy a new watch______ your brother.

A. on B for C to D at

2. ---- Will we go to Super Shoes?

----- Yes, we _______. I need to buy a pair of shoes.

A. will

B. am

C. do

D. can

3. I like the jeans______ the blue belt.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. with

4. I don’t have them______ your size.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. with

5. Would you like to________ on the jeans first?

A. take

B. buy

C. try

D. get


1. Which shops are you______ to?(going, go)

2. I need to buy a pair of________. (shoe, shoes)

3. I don’t agree________ you.(with, on)

4. Here’s the_______ centre’s information board.(shop, shopping)

5. Do you have them _______ my size?(in, on)


1. Would you like to try on the ________first?(aejns)

2. The ________rooms are over there.(higcnang)

3. I prefer the ones with the white________.(alclor)

4. I need to buy a new______ for my brother.(hatwc)

5. I am going to_______ different shops.(ynam)


1. anything, do, need, you, the, from, shops

2. also, I, for, need, Dad’s, birthday, a, buy, present, to

3. buy, jeans, where, we, go, will, to, the

4. I, collar, the, with, prefer, the, white, one

5. TV, you, watching, do, like


一、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C

二、1. going 2. shoes 3. with 4. shopping 5. in

三、1. jeans 2. changing 3. collar 4. watch 5. many

四、1. Do you need anything from the shops?

2. I also need to buy a present for Dad’s birthday.

3. Where will we go to buy the jeans?

4. I prefer the one with the white collar.

5. Do you like watching TV?


五年级第二学期英语期末试卷 (考试时间:60分钟 卷面分值:100分) 成绩 卷首语:亲爱的同学们,就快成为六年级的大哥哥、大姐姐啦!现在给你一个展示自己英语水平的舞台,准备好了吗?Go! 听力大挑战(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,听两遍。(每题1分,计10分) 二、听录音,给下列图画标上正确的序号,听两遍。(每题1分,计5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据你所听到的问句,选出正确答句,听两遍。(每题2分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. card B. catch C. cartoon ( ) 2. A. let B. lesson C. listen ( ) 3. A. wash B. watch C. which ( ) 4. A. butterfly B. dragonfly C. firefly ( ) 5. A. white B. write C. bright ( ) 6. A. 6:15 B. 7:15 C. 6:45 ( ) 7. A. toothache B. backache C. headache ( ) 8. A. walk carefully B. sit quietly C. sing loudly ( ) 9. A. carry big things B. glow at night C. dance in the flowers ( )10. A. touch your knees B. lift up your right leg. C. put your feet together 1 2 3 4 5 学校 班级 姓名 考场号 装 订 线


Unit7知识点 1.英语单词的音节:音节是读音的基本单位。任何一个单词的读音,都可以分 解为一个个音节进行朗读。 在英语中,元音字母(a e i o u 共五个)特别响亮。 一个元音因素(元音因素不是元音字母,英语里面有20个元音因素)可构成一个音节,例如:bag 一个元音因素和一个或几个辅音因素结合也可以构成一个音节。 例如:egg, an, tea 等。 一般来说元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。但英语辅音因素中有4个辅音/m/ /n/ /ng/ /l/是响音,它们和辅音因素组合,也可以构成音节,它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。例如:ta-ble 英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的。一个音节叫单音节词,两个音双音节词,两个音节以上的叫多音节词。 例如:take 是单音节词(末尾的e没有发音,所以是单音节词)ta-ble 是双音节词 po-ta-to 是多音节词 注意:不要将元音和元音字母搞混。划分音节是按元音来划的,如果元音字母不发音,那就不能构成音节了。如果有两个元音字母在一起,但只发一个元音,仍然算一个音节。 2.询问别人怎么啦?可以用:What’s the matter?或What’s wrong? 3.find 寻找,找到(强调结果)例如:I can’t find my dog. look for 寻找(强调过程) 例如:I am looking for my pen. 4.look like “长什么样”例如:What does your dog look like? 5.hour “小时”里面的h不发音,所以一个小时要说:an hour.


Unit 1 school life Lesson 1 Class 班 拆分:C—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(形象)两条蛇 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇来到我们班上课。 Grade 年级 拆分:gr—(拼音)怪人ade—(拼音)阿黛尔 联想:六年级有个怪人名叫阿黛尔。 Clean 打扫;清扫 拆分:cl—(拼音)村落e—(拼音)鹅an—(拼音)俺 联想:村落里的鹅和俺一起打扫教室。 Blackboard 黑板 拆分:bl—(拼音)巴黎a—(英语)一个ck—拼音(刺客)bo—(拼音)博ard—(拼音)艾瑞达 联想:在巴黎刺客也会拿着黑板与博士艾瑞达辩论。 Word 话;单词;用词 拆分:wo—(拼音)我rd—(拼音)弱点 联想:我的弱点就是话太多。 Exercises 练习;运动;使用;锻炼 拆分:ex—(联想)exo erci—(拼音)二次s—(形象)蛇es—(拼音)饿死 拆分EXO练习了二次把蛇饿死的技能。 Drink v.喝 拆分:Dr—(拼音)敌人in—(英语)在~里面k—(拼音)看 联想:敌人在暗地里看人喝毒酒。 Water 水 拆分:wa—(拼音)哇Ter—(拼音)天鹅肉 联想:哇!水煮天鹅肉太好吃了! Wait 等待;等候 拆分:wa—(拼音)蛙it—(英语)它 联想:青蛙在等候它的公主。 Classmate 同学 拆分:c—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(拼音)两条蛇mate—(拼音)mate 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇去会见马特同学。 Lesson n.课程 拆分:le—(拼音)乐ss—(形象)两条蛇on—(英语)在~上 联想:乐乐和两条蛇在本次课程上表现最好! Know 知道 拆分:kn—(拼音)柯南ow—(拼音)欧文 联想:侦探柯南知道大盗欧文在哪里。 Welcome 欢迎 拆分:we—(英语)我们lc—(拼音)凌晨om—(拼音)欧美e—(拼音)鹅 联想:我们凌晨排队欢迎欧美来的鹅。 Family 家庭 拆分:fa—(拼音)发mi—(拼音)米ly—(拼音)鲤鱼


沪教版英语六年级下册电子版 7 Helping others Listen and say Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is crying. Sally: Hello. What’s the matter? Can we help you? Boy: I can’t find mydog. Peter: We can help you. What does your dog look like? Boy: She’s sma ll and white. She has a pink bell around her neck. Man: I saw her half an hour ago. She was near the gate. Woman: I saw her two minutes ago. She was near the lake. Peter: Let’s go to the lake then. Sally: We should also ask the gatekeeper. Peter, you go to the lake. I’m going to ask the gatekeeper. Peter: OK. Let’s meet here in 15minutes. Boy: Thank you for your help. Sally and Peter cannot find the dog. They are writing a notice. Complete the notice. Lost dog Her name is Snow. She is small. She is (colour). She has around her neck. She was near at half past ten.


五年级上册重点 Unit 1 短语:1fly a plane 2in the sky 3help people 4teach English 5in a school 6cook nice food 7be afraid of doing sth 8be good at doing sth 8fall/jump into the lake 9save the people 句型:1.What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. 2.What does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be a doctor..He/She wants to help people. 3.He wants to fly a plane,but he is afraid of flying. 4.Froggy wants to be a singer,but he is not good at singing. 5.Froggy likes singing, and he is good at it. 6.Do you want to be a pilot? Yes,I do./No, I don’t. Unit 2 短语:1come to school 2far from 3on foot 4walk to school together 5What about you? 6primary school 7on Green Street 8get off 9an underground station 10takes the train 11take BusNo. 12 to 12after an hour 13at the stsation 句型:1How do you come to school ?I come to school by bus. 2I live far from our school. She lives on Green Street. 3Alice and I walk to school toghther. 4Joe comes to school on foot. 5After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop. Unit 3 词组短语 an orange party my favpurite colour have some fun 句型 1Can you come to my birthday party?Sure. 2When is your birthday?It’s on 26th September. 3What time does the party begin ?It begins at two o’clock. 4That sounds interesting. 5I can’t wait. Unit 4 词组短语 play chess write emails to them like going to the park play sports play table tennis go shopping cook lunch come sb. to swh. go to the cinema play football in the UK at the weekend far from this Saturday in the kitchen Hello, Grandma. This is Mary. This is Oliver’s mother. Is that Ben?


6B 期中考试作文范文20160402 1. My hometown 1.) Which city is your hometown? 2.) Where is it? 3.) What can you see and do there? 4.) What do people there enjoy doing? 5.) What do you think of it? Shanghai is my hometown. It is in the east of China. You can see a lot of tall buildings, huge department stores and hotels there. There are many famous places in Shanghai such as the Bund and Jingmao Building. We can do shopping on Nanjing Road Walkway. We can taste local snacks in Yu Garden. There are about 24 million people in this city. They enjoy eating sweet food. It is one of the biggest cities in China. (78 words) 2. Plan a flight trip to aunt in America 1.) When and how will you visit your aunt? 2.)What have you done for the visit? 3.) What haven’t you done? 4.) How will you feel? My aunt has lived in Los Angeles for six years. I haven’t been there before. I will visit her this Sunday. I will go there by air. I plan to stay there for two weeks. I have done a lot of things. I have taken my passport and clothes. I have already bought some silk scarves for my aunt. However, I haven’t packed my suitcase yet. I haven’t called my aunt yet. I will be happy about the trip. ( 85 words) 3. My Favourite Festival --- 1.) Which festival is your favourite? 2.)When is it? 3.) Why do you like it best? 4.) What can you do during the festival? A. My Favourite Festival --- The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. It is on the first day of the first lunar month. It is the most important festival in China. I like it best because I can do a lot of interesting things. I can wear new clothes.I can have a big meal with my family on New Year’s Eve. I can also get some money from my grandparents. All the people are happy during the Spring festival. (76 words)


沪教版六年级英语下册第一单元课后练习 常见语法 1)一般过去时 ①概念:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 ②常用的时间状语: yesterday, last week/year…, in the past, …ago, in 2005, just now… ③结构:主语+动词的过去式+… e.g. 肯定:He watched TV yesterday evening. 他昨天晚上在看电视。 否定:He didn’t watch TV yesterday evening. 他昨天晚上没有看电视。 ④动词过去式的构成: 规则变化:一般情况下在动词词尾直接加-ed. e.g. jump——jumped; 以不发音的e结尾的动词直接加-d. love ——loved 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,去y变i+ed; study——studied 以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed. stop——stopped

2)His job was to give advice to the king. 他的工作是给国王出谋划策。 ①动词不定式to give advice to the king 在句中做表语; e.g. My hope is to become a nurse. 我的愿望是成为一名护士。 ②give advice to somebody 给某人提建议,相当于give somebody advice ③advice 为不可数名词,一条建议:a piece of advice 3)表示伴随:with/without 介词with表示“带着……”,“带有……”。反义词为without。 e.g. Do you like coffee with or without milk? 你要喝奶咖还是清咖? 4)表示对别人礼貌的邀请,如Would you like some……? 其肯定回答为:Yes, please.否定回答为:No, thanks.

沪教牛津版六年级下册英语 Module 1练习

六年级英语下学期Module 1练习 姓名班级 知识回顾 一、教学内容: Module 1 City life Unit 3 Dragon Boat Festival Period 2 (一)课标单词 (二)重点短语 (三)重要句型 (四)交际用语 (五)写作 二、知识总结与归纳 (一)课标单词 1、pudding 2、would 3、rather 4、send (二)重点短语 1、moon cake 2、would rather 3、tell sb、about 4、two kinds of 5、love doing 6、take photos (三)重要句型 1、I like…, but I don’t like… 我喜欢……,但我不喜欢…… 其中but为并列连词,表示转折。 e、g、: I like warm days, but I don’t like cold days、 They like cities in China, but they don’t like cities in America、 当前后两句表示得意思相对时,连词用but,不可用and e、g、: Kitty likes picnics, but she doesn’t like barbecues、 My parents like tea, but they don’t like coffee、 不可说 Kitty likes picnics, and she doesn’t like barbecues、 and 表示前后两句意思没有冲突或者递进时使用。 e、g、: Kitty likes picnics, and she likes swimming、


川教版六年级下册重点复习资料Unit1 different jobs Lesson1 what does your father do 单词:postman \post office\waiter\restaurant\engineer\factor y\on night duty\taxi driver\\bring\sir 重点句子: 1.What do you do I am a pupil. 2.where do you study ? I study at school. does your do,Lele He is an engineer. 4.what does your mother do She is a nurse. Where does she work She works in a hospital. Lesson2 which dress is better < 单词:better cheaper longer bigger taller hotter shorter prettier on sale than usual try on honer suit well marry princess smart 重点句子:dress is tooo short for me. 2.You are taller. need a new dress.. 4.May I have a look at that dress,please ’s on sale on sale now. ’s cheaper than usual. it on,honey. is it -- It’s big/small/good... … dress is better--the yellow one. is this one--this one is the best and prettiest(这个是最好的,也是最好看的). Lesson3 what’s wrong with you 重点单词:must miss match laugh most laughter(笑声)equal relax(放松)重点短语: a headache a cough a cold a doctor 5.stay in bed some medicine ill at home better do sth well , better not do sth a good rest deeply 重点句子:, I feel ’m sorry to hear that. ’s wrong--I have a headache and a cough. ’d better goto see a doctor. ’s the matter with you--Ihave a headache and a cough. I stay at home’d btter not go to school. some medicine and have a good rest. ; ’ll miss the football match.(我将错过足 球比赛) one thing,laughter is good exercise.(一 方面,笑是很好的运动) you laugh, you also breathe deeply.(当 你笑时,你也会深呼吸) Unit2 Lesson1 when do you get up 重点单词:begin 开始 重点短语:my teeth 2. take exercise 3. play the violin 4. take a shower 5. hour hand 6. minute hand 7.every day to school football with home 11. in the evening · 重点句子:,when do you get up-- I get up at 6 o’clock. 2.You get up so early. 3.I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 4.I have breakfast at 7:30 . 5.I go to school at 7:40 . 6.I have lunch at 12 o’clock. 7.I get home at 5:30 in the after noon. 8.I have dinner at 7 o’clock. 9.| 10.I do my homework at 7:30 . 11.I go to bed at 9:40 in the evening. 12.It’s too late. class begins at 8o’c lock. Lesson2 where shall we meet 重点单词:London Paris New York weekend meet usually sometimes 重点短语:week/year 2. good news 3. I can’t wait problem 5. outside the school gate 6. play the piano badminton shopping ( some cooking taijiquan 重点句子:shall we meet --what about half past seven tomorrow moring. /Let’s meet at 7: tomorrow. 2.Where are we going to meet --Let’s meet outside the school gate. 3.where is he going for his holiday 4.--He is going to Hong Kong.(他将去香港) 5.When is he going to Hong Kong … --Tomorrow morning. 6.--What do you do on the weekend, Tingting --I usually do my homework first,then draw pictures or play the violin. 7.--What does your father do --He reads a book or watches TV. 8.--What does your mather do --She goes shopping and does some cooking. Lesson3 Tell what is it by feeling ^ 重点单词:feel smooth favorite some all grow other health 重点短语:delicious 2. smell sweet 3. look dirty/clean 4.tsound noisy 5. look heavy/light 6. many kinds of ...away 重点句子:,can you tell w h at is it by feeling--It fells round and smooth. 2.--Do you like grapes-- yeah,They are my favorite. 3.~ 4.How does it feel/--It’s feels round and soft,it is a tomato. 5.There are many kinds of apples. 6.All apples grow on trees. 7.Apples are good for our health. 7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (每天一个苹果,远离医生。) 练习题一、从表格中中找出问句的答语 ()you dance ()is it ()dress is better ()4. Will you marry me ) 二、选词填空Which How What 1. —skirt is prettier —The whit one. 2. —is it —It’s hard. 3. —fruit do you like best —I like bananas best.


五年级英语下册 Unit1 整理;整洁的 脏乱;不整洁 让 短袜 你的,你们的 帽子 我的 彩色蜡笔(或粉笔、铅笔)伞 钉子 使落下;掉落 粘贴;粘住 秒(时间单位) 她的 他们的;她们的;它们的把……整理好 装满……;充满…… 几个;一些 Unit2 为什么因为 书房;学习 餐厅;餐室 大雁 大雁(复数) 改变;变化 地方 两次 每;每个 向南;南方 向北;北方 足够的 然后 一天到晚 Unit3 将来;未来 站;站住 机器 将;将会 运动;锻炼;活动早;提早 容易地 努力地

更多地 将来(词组)在……面前拍照 戴眼镜 做运动 不擅长 不再 Unit4 故事书 买 故事 字典;词典杂志 报纸 周;星期 学生 海报 最好的 作家 在那边 做调查 表演Unit5 周末 待;暂住;逗留 电影 小船;舟 安排;计划 明天 建筑;建造 紧接着;随后;紧接着的秋千 喊叫;哭 直到 看电影 划船 Unit6 假日;假期 清澈的 海鲜 旅馆 岛 蝴蝶 多久 去游泳

在……的南部一年到头 Unit7 迎接;会见 校门口 美术馆 礼堂 最后 会客厅;会议室给……看 课题 布告牌;木板Unint8 哪一个;哪一些裤子 尺码 毛衣 外套;大衣 鞋 皇帝 只有;仅 点头 微笑钱 保持 大笑 试穿(衣服) 穿;戴 保持安静 看一看 Unit9 生病的;不正常;错误的头痛 发烧;发热 应该 药 休息 牙痛 没有牙齿的 礼物 世界 牙医 头痛 发烧 感冒 休息一下

康复 牙痛 开会 把……拨开Unit10 发明;创造 手表 任何地方 旅行;长途行走发明 某事;某物 我自己 相机 远离…… Unint11 节日 重要的把……叫做 饺子 亲戚 红包 烟火;烟花 怪物结尾;结束 村庄 最后的 鞭炮;爆竹 月饼 在……的最后Uinit12 巨人 墙;围墙 友好的;体贴的穿过 禁止进入对……友好 推倒;拆掉


六年级下册 知识点总结 一、有理数 1、数轴:规定了原点、正方向、单位长度的直线叫做数轴。(三要素) 数轴上的点从左到右依次增大,正数大于零,零大于负数,正数大于负数。 2、相反数:绝对值相等,只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数。 0的相反数还是0,也可以说成0的相反数是它本身(会出填空,选择) 3、绝对值:一般地,数轴上表示数a 的点与原点的距离叫做数a 的绝对值。记做|a|。 0和正数(非负数)的绝对值是它本身,绝对值最小的数是 0 (填 空,选择) 由绝对值的定义可得:|a-b|表示数轴上a 点到b 点的距离。(计算) 4、倒数:1除以一个数(零除外)的商,叫做这个数的倒数。 如果两个数互为倒数,那么这两个数的积等于1。(填空,选择) 1和-1的倒数是它本身(0不可以作为除数)(会出填空,选择) 5、有理数的乘方:求n 个相同因数的积的运算,叫做乘方,乘方的结果叫做幂。 一般地,记作,a 叫做底数,n 叫做指数。(填空) 负数的奇次幂是负数,负数的偶次幂是正数。正数的任何次幂都是正数,0 的任何正整数次幂都是0。(计算) (计算)结果分别为16和-16 (0)0(0) (0)a a a a a a >??==??-

6、科学计数法:把一个大于10的数表示成a×10n的形式(a是整数数位只有一 位的数(即1


学习必备欢迎下载 六年级上册英语练习 第一课 )1、A. zoo B. room C. book )2、A. cook B. moon C. spoon ) 3、A. look B. good C. food )4、A. wood B. root C. foot drive(名词)2、sing(名词) teach(名词)4、policeman(复数) swim(现在分词)6、do(三人称单数形式)can’t(完整形式)8、let us(缩写形式) sleep(现在分词)10、wait(名词) )1.My father is doctor. a B. an C. the ) 2.It’s time work. in B. at C. for ) 3. about your father? Which B. How C. When ) 4.What you ? I’m a nurse. do, do B. do, does C. does, do ) 5.A cook is cookies. cooks B. cooking C. cook )1.你问对方,那个男人是做什么的,你会问: A.What does he do ? B. What do you do? C. What does she do? ()2.你告诉对方你的爸爸是一位出租车司机,你会说: A.My mother is a taxi driver. B. My father is a taxi driver. C. My father is a doctor. ()3.你想知道对方正在干什么,你会问: A.What are you doing? B. He’s swimming. C. What is he doing? ()4.你想要的一些汤,你会对服务员说: A.Bring me some chicken. B. The soup is very good. C. Bring me some soup. ()5.你告诉对方你是一位店员,你会说: A.I’m a bookseller. B. I’m a shop assistant. C. You’re a shop assistant. 五、按要求写句子。 1. It is swimming. (对划线部分提问) 2. He can dance. (改为否定句) 3. I’m a teacher.(对划线部分提问) 4. He’s a farmer. (对划线部分提问) 5. I’m a painter. (改为一般疑问句) 六、连词成句。 1. work it’s for time . 2. his he car works in . 3. father is a driver my taxi . 4. yesterday he on duty night was . 5. some me bring soup .


本单元以“火”为话题展开学习。之前学生涉猎到的相关内容并不多,但在实际生活中使用或谈论的频率却不低。在本单元中,要求学生能熟练掌握关于用火安全方面的词汇以及相关的消防知识;要求学生能形成良好的用火知识与行为习惯,如Don’t smoke! Don’t start campfires! Don’t play near fires! Don’t play with matches!;与此同时,能运用情态动词must, mustn’t来告诫他人形成良好的用火习惯。此外,借助公园火灾的营救方法和远古时代人们煮食生存的故事学习,说明火的两重性,从而树立正确的用火安全意识。 1、各学习项目分析 Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要进行词汇学习。重点单词有smoke, start, campfire, match等,核心句型有Don’t smoke! Don’t start campfires! Don’t play near fires! Don’t play with matches! 等。 Ask and answer: 以Fire safety为话题,学习含情态动词must, mustn’t的问答句,主要包括For fire safety, what mustn’t we do? We mustn’t…等。通过学习,掌握一定的安全用火的知识,并能在行为上跟进。 Look and say: 核心学习板块,主要进行句型教学。重点句型有We must / mustn’t…等。要求学生能用英语表达消防员所宣传的用火安全知识,真正理解单词careful和safety等。Read and match: 这是两大核心板块的巩固和提升。利用故事描述和图文配对的形式来巩固新知识,学习公园火灾的营救方法,实现学以致用。 Read a story: 阅读延伸。通过一则生动、有趣的故事学习,明白远古时代人们用火煮食物的缘由,明确火在人类历史长河中所起得重要作用。同时,通过故事学习让学生懂得“合理安全利用火”的重要意义。 Listen and enjoy: 这是核心学习板块的延伸。通过阅读相关儿歌,了解遇到火灾的逃生办法,进一步加强对消防安全的认识。 Learn the sounds: 语音学习。复习本学期所学的所有音标,强化这些音标的学习,树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。 2、知识要点介绍 1)学习和熟练掌握重点词汇,如smoke, start, campfire, match, careful, safety等,做到音、形、义的统一。 2)学习并掌握与用火安全有关的祈使句,如Don’t smoke! Don’t start campfires! Don’t play near fires! Don’t play with matches!等 3)熟练运用如下句型: Don’t… We must / mustn’t…来劝诫他人新城良好的行为习惯,如用火安全等。 4)复习本学期所学的所有音标。 3、学生已有的能整合到本单元的知识 1)词汇 安全用火类:firefighter (4A M2U2) 祈使句类:Don’t litter. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t pick flowers. Don’t throw stones. (4A M4U1)

最新沪教版小学英语六年级下册Unit 2《Changes in our lives》公开课教学设计第一课

Unit 2《Changes in our lives》第一课时教案 教材分析 本节内容选自沪版英语教材六年级(下),本单元主要内容围绕“Changes in our lives”展开,城市生活与农村的不同和变化将来有可能发生的变化,有艺术手工和体育运动,还有中西方文化及中西方文化的差异。 首先,从视听入手,让学生整体感知课文内容。然后指导学生阅读,通过问答的形式加强学生的口语练习。于都后阶段是真实运用语篇的重要环节。通过同学间的对话表演来训练他们的口语表达能力。 根据课程标准对本节课的要求,针对小学生的心理特点和认知水平,结合教材,本着面向全体学生,基于学全面发展的原则,确定本节课的教学目标。 1.掌握本课时的一些日常活动用语:life, writer, photographer, digital, street cleaner, sweep, broom, drive等 2.能够听懂并运用句型:There be 句型,同时要注重培养学生积极生活的态度。 教学重点:培养孩子们在实际情景中运用目标语言交流的热情和能力,保持学习英语的积极态度和信心。 学生分析 本单元学习我们生活中的巨大变化,从学生年龄特点和认知特点,以及对英语学习的情感表现来看,本单元的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,他们学习英语的热情虽然没有低年级学生那么高、兴趣也没那么浓,但他们喜新好奇,求知欲强,富有想象力,并且具有较高的表现欲,且经过几年的英语学习,他们已有一定的词汇和语言基础。而且他们也有比较强的竞争意识,尤其是我所教的班级,更是喜欢小组竞赛和个人竞赛以及各种表演,更喜欢通过活动游戏等形式学习新知。 教学目标 Knowledge objectives 知识与技能


沪教版六年级下册词汇Unit 1 weigh 有……重;重 kilogram千克;公斤 centimetre 厘米 taller更高的 fan 迷;爱好者 fantastic 极好的 themselves 他们自己;她们自己;它们自己 theatre 剧院 go fishing 去钓鱼 enjoy oneself 玩得愉快;得到get…in 收割 Unit 2 life生活 writer 作家 photographer 摄影师 film 胶卷 digital数码的 street cleaner 环卫工人 sweep 扫地 broom扫帚 drive 驾驶street sweeper 扫地车 wife 妻子 poor 贫穷的;差的;次的fairy 仙子;小精灵 wish 愿望;祝愿 by hand 用手 right away 立即;马上 in a short time 很快 Unit 3 carry 背;提;拿 online 在线地;在线的 head teacher 校长 PS 附言(用于信末)mountain山;山脉 even 甚至 space 太空 dinosaur 恐龙 a piece of 一张;一片have a picnic 去野餐better and better 越来越好

Unit 4 oil 油 oil painting 油画 powerful 强有力的;力量大的 ink墨水;墨汁 Chinese ink painting 中国水墨画brush 画笔;刷子;刷 paints 绘画颜料 artist 艺术家;画家 unhappy 不高兴的 carefully仔细地 on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边 all the time 一直;始终 Unit 5 craft 手艺;工艺 crown 王冠;皇冠 scissors 剪刀 tape胶带 glue 胶水 saw 锯 craftsman工匠;手艺人(复数craftsmen)tool 工具 easily 容易地 himself 他自己 still 仍然 model house 房子模型 a long time ago 很久以前 at work 忙着(做事情) say to oneself 自言自语 Unit 6 long race 长跑 short race 短跑 win 获胜;赢 long jump 跳远 high jump 调高 swimsuit (尤指女式的)游泳衣swimming cap游泳帽swimming pool 游泳池 warm-up准备活动;热身练习fit 健壮的 swimming goggles游泳镜 Unit 7 bell 铃铛 neck 脖子
