

(1)F C A(F r e e C a r r i e r)货交承运人

(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货

(3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货

(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费

(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费

(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地

(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地

(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货

(9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货

(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货

(11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货

(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货


(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取)

(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取)

(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费

(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费

(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费

(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费

(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费

(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费

(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费

(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费

(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费

(12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单

(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单

(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据

(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证

(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证

(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同

(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书

(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)

(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)

(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费

(22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场

(23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货

(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)

(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站

(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)

(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人




英文是:Free on Board.





(一)工厂交货( EXW) 本术语英文为“EX Works(…named place)”,即“工厂交货(……指定地点)”。它指卖方负有在其所在地即车间、工厂、仓库等把备妥的货物交付给买方的责任,但通常不负责将货



本术语英文为“Free Carrier(…named place)”,即“货物交承运人(……指定地点)”。它指卖方应负责将其移交的货物,办理出关后,在指定的地点交付给买方指定的承运入照管。根据商业惯例,当卖方被要求与承运人通过签订合同进行协作时,在买方承担风险和费用的情况下,卖方可以照此办理。本术语适用于任何运输方式。


本术语英文为“Free Alongside ship(…named port of shipment)”即“船边交货(……指定装运港)”。它指卖方在指定的装运港码头或驳船上把货物交至船边,从这时起买方须承担货物灭失或损坏的全部费用和风险,另外买方须办理出口结关手续。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。


本术语英文为“Free on Boaro(…named port of shipment)”,即“船上交货(……指定装运港)”。它指卖方在指定的装运港把货物送过船舷后交付,货过船舷后买方须承担货物的全部费用、风险、灭失或损坏,另外要求卖方办理货物的出口结关手续。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。

(五)成本加运费(CFR或c&F) 本术语英文为“Cost and Freight (named port of shipment)”,即“成本加运费(……指定目的港)”。它指卖方必须支付把货物运至指定目的港所需的开支和运费,但从货物交至船上甲板后,货物的风险、灭失或损坏以及发生事故后造成的额外开支,在货物越过指定港的船舷后,就由卖方转向买方负担.另外要求卖方办理货物的出口结关手续。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。


本术语英文为“Cost,Insurance and Freight(…named port of shipment)”,即“成本、保险费加运费(……指定目的港)”。它指卖方除负有与“成本加运费”术语相同的义务外,卖方还须办理货物在运输途中应由买方承担购货物灭失或损坏的海运保险并支付保险费。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。


本术语英文为“Carriage Paid to):tid to(…named place of destination)”,即“运费付至(……指定目的地)”。本术语系指卖方支付货物运至指定目的地的运费。关于货物灭失或损坏的风险以及货物交至承运人后发生事件所产生的任何额外费用,自货物已交付给承运人照管之时起,从卖方转由买方承担。另外,卖方须办理货物出口的结关手续。本术语适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。


本术语英文为“Carriage and Insurance Paid to(…named place of destination)”,即“运费及保险费付至(……指定目的地)。”它指卖方除负有与“运费付至(……指定目的地)”术语相同的义务外,卖方还须办理货物在运输途中应由买方承担的货物灭失或损坏风险的海运保险并支付保险费。本术语适用于任何运输方式。


本术语的英文为“Delivered at Frontier(…named place)”,即“边境交货(……指定地点)”。它指卖方承担如下义务,将备妥的货物运至边境上的指定地点,办理货物出口结关手续,在毗邻国家海关关境前交货,本术语主要适用于通过铁路或公路运输的货物,也可用于其他运输方式。


本术语的英文为“Delivered Ex Ship(…named port of destination)”,即“目的港船上交货(……指定目的港)”。它系指卖方履行如下义务,把备妥的货物,在指定目的港的船甲板上不办理货物进口结关手续的情况下,交给买方,故卖方须承担包括货物运至指定目的港的所有费用与风险。本术语只适用于海运或内河运输。


本术语的英文为:“Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid)(…named port of destination)”,即“目的港码头交货(关税已付)(……指定目的港)”。本术语指卖方履行如下义务,将其备好的货物,在指定目的港的码头,办理进口结关后,交付给买方,而且卖方须承担所有风险和费用,包括关锐、捐税和其他交货中出现的费用。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。


本术语的英文为“Delivered Duty Unpaid(…named place of destination)”,即“未完税交货(……指定目的地)”。它指卖方将备好的货物,在进口国指定的地点交付,而且须承担货物运至指定地点的一切费用和风险(不包括关税、捐税及进口时应支付的其他官方费用),另外须承担办理海关手续的费用和风险。买方须承担因未能及时办理货物进口结关而引起的额外费用和风险。本术语适用于各种运输方式。


本术语的英文为“Delivered Duty Paid(…named place ofdestination)”,即“完税后交货(……指定目的地)”。它是指卖方将备好的货物在进口国指定地点交付,而且承担将货物运至指定地点的一切费用和风险,并办理进口结关。本术语可适用于各种运输方式。

trade term / price term 价格术语

world / international market price 国际市场价格

FOB (free on board) 离岸价

C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价

CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价

freight 运费

wharfage 码头费

landing charges 卸货费

customs duty 关税

port dues 港口税

import surcharge 进口附加税

import variable duties 进口差价税

commission 佣金

return commission 回佣,回扣

price including commission 含佣价

net price 净价

wholesale price 批发价

discount / allowance 折扣

retail price 零售价

spot price 现货价格

current price 现行价格 / 时价

indicative price 参考价格

customs valuation 海关估价

price list 价目表

total value 总值


All Risks 一切险

W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险

Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险

Risk of Odor 串味险

Risk of Rust 锈蚀险

Shortage Risk 短缺险

Strikes Risk 罢工险


stocks 存货,库存量

cash sale 现货

purchase 购买,进货

bulk sale 整批销售,趸售

distribution channels 销售渠道

wholesale 批发

retail trade 零售业

hire-purchase 分期付款购买

fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition 不合理竞争

dumping 商品倾销

dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销

customs bond 海关担保

chain debts 三角债

freight forwarder 货运代理

trade consultation 贸易磋商

mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解

partial shipment 分批装运

restraint of trade 贸易管制

RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差

unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差

special preferences 优惠关税

bonded warehouse 保税仓库

transit trade 转口贸易

tariff barrier 关税壁垒

tax rebate 出口退税

TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒进出口贸易词汇

commerce, trade, trading 贸易

inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易

foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸import, importation 进口

importer 进口商

export, exportation 出口

exporter 出口商

import licence 进口许口证

export licence 出口许口证commercial transaction 买卖,交易inquiry 询盘

delivery 交货

order 订货

make a complete entry 正式/完整申报bad account 坏帐

Bill of Lading 提单

marine bills of lading 海运提单shipping order 托运单

blank endorsed 空白背书

endorsed 背书

cargo receipt 承运货物收据condemned goods 有问题的货物catalogue 商品目录

customs liquidation 清关

customs clearance 结关


trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人

dealer 经销商

wholesaler 批发商

retailer, tradesman 零售商

merchant 商人,批发商,零售商

concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户

client, customer 顾客,客户

buyer 买主,买方

carrier 承运人

consignee 收货人


commerce, trade, trading 贸易

inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易

international trade 国际贸易

foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸

import, importation 进口

importer 进口商

export, exportation 出口

exporter 出口商

import licence 进口许口证

export licence 出口许口证

commercial transaction 买卖,交易

inquiry 询盘

delivery 交货

order 订货

make a complete entry 正式/完整申报

bad account 坏帐

Bill of Lading 提单

marine bills of lading 海运提单

shipping order 托运单

blank endorsed 空白背书

endorsed 背书

cargo receipt 承运货物收据

condemned goods 有问题的货物

catalogue 商品目录

customs liquidation 清关

customs clearance 结关


外销员辅导物流货运费英文术语大全 海运费 ocean freight 集卡运费、短驳费 Drayage 订舱费 booking charge 报关费 customs clearance fee 操作劳务费 labour fee or handling charge 商检换单费 exchange fee for CIP 换单费 D/O fee 拆箱费 De-vanning charge 港杂费 port sur-charge 电放费 B/L surrender fee 冲关费 emergent declearation change 海关查验费 customs inspection fee 待时费 waiting charge 仓储费 storage fee 改单费 amendment charge 拼箱服务费 LCL service charge 动、植检疫费 animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式其重机费 mobile crane charge 进出库费 warehouse in/out charge 提箱费 container stuffing charge 滞期费 demurrage charge 滞箱费 container detention charge 卡车运费 cartage fee 商检费 commodity inspection fee 转运费 transportation charge 污箱费 container dirtyness change 坏箱费用 container damage charge 清洁箱费 container clearance charge 分拨费 dispatch charge 车上交货 FOT ( free on track ) 电汇手续费 T/T fee 转境费/过境费 I/E bonded charge 空运方面的专用术语 空运费 air freight 机场费 air terminal charge 空运提单费 airway bill fee FSC (燃油附加费) fuel surcharge SCC(安全附加费) security sur-charge 抽单费 D/O fee 上海港常用术语 内装箱费 container loading charge(including inland drayage) 疏港费 port congestion charge 他港常用术语


主题:国际贸易词汇 trade term / price term 价格术语 world / international market price 国际市场价格FOB (free on board) 离岸价 C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价 CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价 freight 运费 wharfage 码头费 landing charges 卸货费 customs duty 关税 port dues 港口税 import surcharge 进口附加税 import variable duties 进口差价税 commission 佣金 return commission 回佣,回扣 price including commission 含佣价 net price 净价 wholesale price 批发价 discount / allowance 折扣 retail price 零售价 spot price 现货价格 current price 现行价格/ 时价 indicative price 参考价格 customs valuation 海关估价 price list 价目表 total value 总值 贸易保险术语

All Risks 一切险 (Free from Particular Average) 平安险 W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险 War Risk 战争险 (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险 Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险 Risk of Leakage 渗漏险 Risk of Odor 串味险 Risk of Rust 锈蚀险 Shortage Risk 短缺险 ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险 Strikes Risk 罢工险 贸易机构词汇 WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织 CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会 EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟 AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区 JCCT (China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade) 中美商贸联委会 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 北美自由贸易区 UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 联合国贸易与发展会议 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定



国际贸易术语英文缩写 A AA制自动许可制 AAC 亚非会议 A.A.R 保综合险(一切险) ABCコ-ド ABC商业密码ac. 英亩 a/c(或A/C) 银行往来存款acpt 承兑;接受 a/cs pay. 应付帐款 a/cs rec. 应收帐款ACU 亚洲清算同盟 A/D 出票后 ADB 亚洲开发银行a.f. 预付运费 AFA 自动外汇分配制度AFDB 非洲开发银行 A.F.E. B. 核准的外汇银行agcy 代理公司 agt. 代理人 AIQ制自动进口配额制A.M. 互相保险

A.N. 到货通知 A/P 委托付款证 A/P 委托购买证 A/P 附加保险费 A/P 付讫 APO 亚洲生产率组织 APU 亚洲支付同盟 A/R 综合险,一切险 A/S 销货帐单 A/S 见票后 A/S 见票即付 ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 ASP 美国销售价格 ATAカルネ暂时许可簿册,临时过境证A.T.L. 实际全损 A/V 从价 A/W 实际重量 A.W. B. 空运单 B B/Aレ-ト银行承兑利率 B/B 买入汇票 B/C 托收汇票

B/D 银行贴现 B/D 银行汇票 B/E 入港申报单 B/E 汇票 BETRO 英国出口贸易研究组织BIS 国际清算银行 B/G 保税货物 B/L 提单 B/N 钞票 B/N 交货记录 B.O. 分公司 B.P. 应付票据 B.R. 应收票据 B/S 再进口免税证 B/St 即票 BTN 布鲁塞尔税则分类 B.T.T. 银行电汇 C C.A. D. 凭单付款

C.B. D. 交货前付款 C.B.S. 装船前预付货款 C/C 商会 C.C. 时价 CCC 关税合作理事会 CCCN 关税合作理事会税则分类表 C.F.S. 集装箱货运站 C.H. 货舱 C.H. 票据交换所 C.H. 海关 Chq. 支票 C.I. 领事签证发票 C/I 保险证书 CIF関税込条件成本,保险费,运费加关税条件 CIF条件成本,保险加运费条件 CIF通関費用込条件成本,保险费,运费和一切进口费用条件 CIF&C条件成本,保险费,运费加佣金条件 CIFに関する国際統一規則 CIF买卖契约统一规则


F/F 货运代理Freight Forwarder FAF 燃料附加费Fuel AdjustmentFactor FAK 各种货品Freight All Kind FAS 装运港船边交货Free Alongside Ship FCA 货交承运人Free Carrier FCL 整柜Full Container Load Feeder Vessel/Lighter 驳船航次 FEU 40‘柜型Forty- Foot Equivalent Unit 40 ' FMC 联邦海事委员会Federal Maritime Commissi on FOB 船上交货Free On Board GRI 全面涨价General RateIncrease H/C 代理费Handling Charge HBL 子提单House B/L I/S 内销售Inside Sales IA 各别调价Independent Action L/C 信用证Letter of Credit Land Bridge 陆桥 LCL 拼柜Less Than Container Load M/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) Measurement Ton MB/L 主提单Master Bill Of Loading MLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口Minni Land Bridge Mother Vessel 主线船 MTD 多式联运单据Multimodal Tran sport Docume nt N/F 通知人Notify NVOCC无船承运人Non Vessel OperatingCommon Carrier O/F 海运费Ocean Freight OBL 海运提单Ocean (or original )B/L OCP货主自行安排运到内陆点Overla nd Continen tal Poi nt OP 操作Operation ORC本地收货费用(广东省收取) Origen Recevie Charges P.P 预付Prepaid PCS 港口拥挤附加费Port Congestion Surcharge POD 目地港Port Of Dest in ation POL 装运港Port Of Loading PSS 旺季附加费Peak Season Sucharges S/(Shpr) 发货人Shipper S/C 售货合同Sales Contract S/O 装货指示书Shipping Order S/R 卖价Selling Rate S/S Spread Sheet Spread Sheet SC 服务合同Service Contract SSL 船公司Steam Ship Line T.O.C 码头操作费Terminal Operations Option T.R.C 码头收柜费Terminal Receiving Charge T/S 转船,转运Trans-Ship T/T 航程Transit Time

《国际贸易实务》(英文版) 词汇

《国际贸易实务》(英文版)词汇 Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Trade Frictions 贸易摩擦 Portfolio Investment 间接投资 Chapter 2 International Trade Policy Acquisitions 购并 Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States(HTS)美国协调关税明细表 Harmonized System 商品名称及编码协调制度 International Harmonized Commodity Coding and Classification System 商品名称及编码协调制度 World Customs Organization 世界海关组织 Customs Tariff of Import/Export of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国进出口关税条例 Voluntary Export Restaint(VER)自动出口限制 Multi-Fiber Arrangement 多种纤维协定 Domestic Content Requirements 国内成分要求 Government Procurement Policies 政府采购政策 Buy America Act of 1933 1933年购买美国货法案 Red-tape Barriers Export Enhancement Program(EEP)美国的出口促进计划 Dairy Export Incentive Program(DEIP)奶制品出口激励项目 Chapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade Block


stocks 存货,库存量 cash sale 现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售 distribution channels 销售渠道 wholesale 批发 retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买 fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市 unfair competition 不合理竞争 dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理 trade consultation 贸易磋商 mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解 partial shipment 分批装运 restraint of trade 贸易管制 RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排 favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences 优惠关税 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒 贸易伙伴术语 trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人 dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商 merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者 consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户 buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人 进出口贸易词汇commerce, trade, trading 贸易 inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易 foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸import,


国际贸易发展常用英文词汇(中英对照) A ABN AMRO Bank N.V.荷兰银行 Abu Dhahi Investment Authority (ADIA)阿布札比投资机构 Action Plan Monitoring Committee【APEC】行动计划监察委员会【亚太经合组织】ad valorem duty从价税 additional document requirement额外文件规定 Administration Procedures for Registration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Laboratories【China】中医药科研实验室登记管理办法【中】 Administration Procedures on Foreign Exchange Control in Bonded Areas【China】保税区外汇管理办法【中】 Administration Office【HKCEC】行政中心【会展中心】 Administrative Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Certificate of Origin for Export Goods中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书管理规定 Administrative Rules on Importation of Audio and Video Products【China】音像制品进口管理办法【中】 Advertisement Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国广告法 affiliated store加盟店 Agreement on Government Procurement 【WTO】政府采购协议【世贸】 Agricultural Products (Marketing) Regulations【HK】农产品(统营)规例【港】Agriculture Bank of China中国农业银行 AIM Japan国际自动认识工业会【日】 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Association of Hong Kong香港空调及冷冻商会 All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce中华全国工商业联合会 All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperation中华全国供销合作总社 All-China Patent Agents' Association中华全国专利代理人协会 Alternate Members, CPC中共中央候补委员 American Booksellers Association美国书商协会 American National Standards Institution (ANSI)美国全国标准学会 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)美国试验与材料学会 Amsterdam Office【TDC】阿姆斯特丹办事处【贸发局】


分析证书certificate of analysis 一致性证书certificate of conformity 质量证书certificate of quality 测试报告test report 产品性能报告product performance report 产品规格型号报告product specification report 工艺数据报告process data report 首样测试报告first sample test report 价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue 参与方信息party information 农产品加工厂证书mill certificate 家产品加工厂证书post receipt 邮政收据post receipt 重量证书weight certificate 重量单weight list 证书ceitificate 价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value and origin 移动声明A.TR.1movement certificate A.TR.1 数量证书certificate of quantity 质量数据报文quality data message 查询query 查询回复response to query 订购单purchase order 制造说明manufacturing instructions 领料单stores requisition 产品售价单invoicing data sheet 包装说明packing instruction 内部运输单internal transport order 统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments 直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request 直接支付估价单direct payment valuation 临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation 支付估价单payment valuation 数量估价单quantity valuation request 数量估价申请quantity valuation request 合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ 不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ 标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ 询价单enquiry 临时支付申请interim application for payment 支付协议agreement to pay 意向书letter of intent 订单order 总订单blanket order


国际贸易中重要的英文缩写 CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价 D/P(document against payment)付款交单C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 G.W.(gross weight)毛重 C/D (customs declaration)报关单 W (with)具有 FAC(facsimile)传真 EXP(export)出口 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨 INT(international)国际的 INV (invoice)发票 REF (reference)参考、查价 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型 RMB(renminbi)人民币 PR或PRC(price) 价格 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 B/L (bill of lading)提单 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 WT(weight)重量 N.W.(net weight)净重 EA(each)每个,各 w/o(without)没有 IMP(import)进口 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的 S.S(steamship)船运 DOC (document)文件、单据 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表 PCT (percent)百分比 EMS (express mail special)特快传递T或LTX或TX(telex)电传 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记PUR (purchase)购买、购货 L/C (letter of credit)信用证


国际贸易英语词汇集锦 贸易价格术语 ?trade term / priceterm价格术语??world/ international market price国际市场价格? FOB(free onboard)离岸价 ?C&F(cost and freight)成本加运费价? CIF (cost, insurance and freight)到岸价 ?freight运费 ?wharfage 码头费? landing charges卸货费? customsduty 关税? portdues 港口税 import surcharge进口附加税 ?importvariableduties进口差价税??mission佣金? returnmission回佣,回扣 ?price including mission 含佣价 ?netprice 净价 wholesale price批发价? discount / allowance 折扣? retail price零售价 ?spot price现货价格 current price现行价格/时价 ?indicative price参考价格? customs valuation海关估价??pricelist 价目表??totalvalue 总值??贸易保险术语 All Risks一切险 ?F、P、A、(Free from ParticularAverage)平安险 ?W、A、/ W、P、A(With Averageor With Particular Average)水渍险? War Risk 战争险 F、W、R、D、(Fresh Water Rain Damage)淡水雨淋险??Risk ofIntermixture and Contamination混杂、玷污险 Risk ofLeakage 渗漏险??Riskof Odor 串味险 ?Riskof Rust 锈蚀险 ShortageRisk 短缺险? T、P、N、D、(Theft,Pilferage&Non—delivery) 偷窃提货不着险 ?Strikes Risk 罢工险 ?贸易机构词汇

国际贸易英文术语 中英对照复习进程

(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据 (15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证



外销员辅导物流货运费英文术语大全 海运费oceanfreight 集卡运费、短驳费Drayage 订舱费bookingcharge 报关费customsclearancefee 操作劳务费labourfeeorhandlingcharge 商检换单费exchangefeeforCIP 换单费D/Ofee 拆箱费De-vanningcharge 港杂费portsur-charge 电放费B/Lsurrenderfee 冲关费emergentdeclearationchange 海关查验费customsinspectionfee 待时费waitingcharge 仓储费storagefee 改单费amendmentcharge 拼箱服务费LCLservicecharge 动、植检疫费animal&plantquarantinefee 移动式其重机费mobilecranecharge 进出库费warehousein/outcharge 提箱费containerstuffingcharge 滞期费demurragecharge 滞箱费containerdetentioncharge 卡车运费cartagefee 商检费commodityinspectionfee 转运费transportationcharge 污箱费containerdirtynesschange 坏箱费用containerdamagecharge 清洁箱费containerclearancecharge 分拨费dispatchcharge 车上交货FOT(freeontrack) 电汇手续费T/Tfee 转境费/过境费I/Ebondedcharge

国际贸易英文术语 中英对照知识讲解

国际贸易英文术语中 英对照

(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据 (15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证


国际贸易术语英文缩写 A AA制自动许可制 AAC 亚非会议 A.A.R 保综合险(一切险) ABCコ-ドABC商业密码 ac. 英亩 a/c(或A/C) 银行往来存款 acpt 承兑;接受 a/cs pay. 应付帐款 a/cs rec. 应收帐款 ACU 亚洲清算同盟 A/D 出票后 ADB 亚洲开发银行 a.f. 预付运费 AFA 自动外汇分配制度 AFDB 非洲开发银行 A.F.E. B. 核准的外汇银行 agcy 代理公司 agt. 代理人 AIQ制自动进口配额制 A.M. 互相保险 A.N. 到货通知 A/P 委托付款证 A/P 委托购买证 A/P 附加保险费 A/P 付讫 APO 亚洲生产率组织 APU 亚洲支付同盟 A/R 综合险,一切险 A/S 销货帐单 A/S 见票后 A/S 见票即付 ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 ASP 美国销售价格 ATAカルネ暂时许可簿册,临时过境证A.T.L. 实际全损 A/V 从价 A/W 实际重量 A.W. B. 空运单 B B/Aレ-ト银行承兑利率

B/B 买入汇票 B/C 托收汇票 B/D 银行贴现 B/D 银行汇票 B/E 入港申报单 B/E 汇票 BETRO 英国出口贸易研究组织 BIS 国际清算银行 B/G 保税货物 B/L 提单 B/N 钞票 B/N 交货记录 B.O. 分公司 B.P. 应付票据 B.R. 应收票据 B/S 再进口免税证 B/St 即票 BTN 布鲁塞尔税则分类 B.T.T. 银行电汇 C C.A. D. 凭单付款 C.B. D. 交货前付款 C.B.S. 装船前预付货款 C/C 商会 C.C. 时价 CCC 关税合作理事会 CCCN 关税合作理事会税则分类表 C.F.S. 集装箱货运站 C.H. 货舱 C.H. 票据交换所 C.H. 海关 Chq. 支票 C.I. 领事签证发票 C/I 保险证书 CIF関税込条件成本,保险费,运费加关税条件 CIF条件成本,保险加运费条件 CIF通関費用込条件成本,保险费,运费和一切进口费用条件CIF&C条件成本,保险费,运费加佣金条件 CIFに関する国際統一規則CIF买卖契约统一规则 C.L.貨物「コ」(集装箱)整箱货


外贸英语之国际贸易英语词汇主要贸易术语: (1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费


国际贸易英文术语中英 对照 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据 (15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证


Free Carrier 货交承运人 FCA (insert named place of delivery) Incoterms 2010 货交承运人(…指定地点) GUIDANCE NOTE 序言 This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed. “Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the seller’s premises or anothe r named place. The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the n amed place of delivery, as the risk passes to the buyer at that point. If the parties intend to delive r the goods at the seller’s premises, they should identify the address of those premises as the na med place of delivery. If, on the other hand, the parties intend the goods to be delivered at anoth er place, they must identify a different specific place of delivery. FCA requires the seller to clear t he goods for export, where applicable. However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities. 该术语适用于所选择的任一运输方式,也可被用于多式联运。“Free Carrier”是指卖方只要将货物在其所在地或指定交货地点交给买方指定的承运人,即完成交货。当事人应尽可能精准地指定交付地点,因为到达指定地点后风险由买方承担。如果当事人计划在卖方所在地交货,则应指明卖方所在地的地址为指定的交付地点。如果当事人计划在另一地点交货,则应指明另一明确的交货地点。FCA要求在需要办理海关手续时由卖方负责货物出口清关。然而,卖方并没有义务办理货物进口清关、负担任何进口关税或办理任何进口海关手续。 A THE SELLER’ OBLIGATIONS 卖方义务 A1 General obligations of the seller 卖方基本义务 The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract. Any document r eferred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary. 卖方必须提供符合销售合同规定的货物和商业发票以及按照合同约定必需的有同等作用的其他任何凭证。以及经当事人同意或根据交易习惯在A1-A10中提到的任何有同等作用的电子记录或程序的凭证。 A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities 许可,授权,安全许可和其他正式手续 Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods. 在需要办理清关手续时,卖方必须承担风险和费用获得任何出口许可或其他官方授权,办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续。 A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance 运输合同和保险合同 a) Contract of carriage 运输合同The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of carriage. However, if requested by the buyer or if it is commercial practice and the buyer does not give an instruction to the contrary in due time, the seller may contract for carriage on usual terms at the buyer’s risk and expense. I n either case, the seller may decline to make the contract of carriage and, if it does, shall promptl y notify the buyer. 卖方没有义务为买方订立运输合同。但若买方要求,或者如果是商业惯例而买方未适时给予卖方相反指示,则卖方可按照通常条件订立运输合同,费用和风险由买方承担。在任何一种情况下,卖方都可以拒绝订立此合同;如果拒绝,则应立即通知买方。
