

A Book Review On Brave New World

When reading the introductory passage about this book before starting it formally,the year of 1932 attracts my attention.As we all know,there was so much turmoil in Europe in the year of 1931,severe social problem ,such as depressing economy,high unemployment rate,the unrest of government,made the whole Europe a horrible place.In such a circumstance,it was spontaneous for people to dream for a better world and just judging from the name it’s quite easy to consider the book as a picture of an ideal world.However,as it is Brave New World is substantially not a brave world,but a even more horrible world.

In that world,material civilization is in high level and everything is automated.No one would ever worry about what to eat and wear;everyone is enjoying the most comfortable life.Seemed like a wonderful world,its true appearance can be thrilling.In that world, Economic prosperity and personal enjoy will become the only philosophy idea ,in the meantime ,the only religion of the whole society.

One of the biggest characteristics of that new world is unstable factors ranging from international warfare to personal illness that may influence the material production are all destroyed.For instance, soma,a kind of drug just like today’s narcotic drugs ,is used widely.Here are several sentences from the book about soma."Glum, Marx, glum.What you

need is a gramme of soma.”"All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects.""One cubic centimetre cures ten gloomy sentiments."(from Chapter 3)It’s clear that people’s emotion is controlled by drugs;almost everything is controlled by drugs.Never regard it as a good thing.On the contrary,it’s terrifying,it means people lost their feelings and have no independent personality.To some extent,it just like turn human beings into machines.Another trait of the world is man is produced rather than be born.In a specific place named Human Incubation Center,following a specific procedure called Bokanovsky's Process,humans are produced by eggs and sperm.As a result ,a man’s fate is actually determined before he is “born” by what conditions the operators provide.

Confronted such a crazy world,in spite of many advantages it have,everyone’s choice is likely to be the same with the Savage (Here savages means people comes from places except the brave new world) in the book:

“But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.”“In fact,” said Mustapha Mond, “you're claiming the right to be unhappy.”

“All right then,”said the Savage defiantly,“I'm claiming the nght to be unhappy.”

“Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too

little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind.” There was along silence.

“I claim them all,”said the Savage at last.

However,to my disappointment,the savage finally killed himself in order to purify himself.Before he died,he said”I ate civilization.It poisoned me; I was defiled. And then I ate my own wickedness.”

You may consider nothing in the book makes real sense as the whole book is just the author’s fancy.Nevertheless,yesterday’s imagination is likely to become the reality of tomorrow;that is to say Brave New World is a book foreseeing future.With its unique significance of enlightenment,the book is bound to be taken seriously especially today when modern civilization,both economy and technology,is developing in an amazing rate.In the process of development,it’s never lose our human nature and instinct that should be bared in everyone’s mind.Only in this way can we human create a real brave new world.


关于平凡的世界读后感五篇寒假,我拜读了路遥先生的这部反映建国初期社会状况的着作——《平凡的世界》。 看完《平凡的世界》后,已将近子夜,脑中已经差不多混沌一片,想不起来是什么样的感受,只是闭上眼睛便看见孙少平在悟得了人生的意义以后,幸福的向着属于自己的地方跑去,在他的脑海中,是那个美丽而善良的惠英围着红色的头巾带着系着鲜红色红领巾的明明站在山坡上迎接着少平的归来,他们是那样的幸福,那样的安宁,那样的坦然,那样的纯净。 虽然相比于大都市中的一切,以及妹夫吴仲平为他安排的前程那样让很多人憧憬的荣耀,但是,他们的幸福,他们的人生,作为普天下最为简单、最为原始、最为朴实的一种状态也是最为安全最为幸福的一种状态,那里的城堡中的主人就是他们自己,平凡的人生就是如此,没有闪亮的星,但是却因为有了素雅的云,一切仍旧具有朴实无华的美。 《平凡的世界》无疑是一部家族式的史诗,与当下流行的电视剧《闯东关》有着异曲同工之妙,都是以一个家族的纠葛变迁为窗口,了望的是整个国家的变迁与沉浮。只不过,看完平凡的世界后,心境却与闯关东完全不同,前者给人的是一种宁静,而后者给人的以一种激荡。一个是君子淡如水似的豁然开朗,一个却是英雄当如是的大气凛然。

在当下的浮躁社会中,很显然,大气凛然已经有点由于锦上添花的美而变得让人有些疲惫,但是平凡的世界不一样,平凡的世界,平凡的人生,本来就是如此,这就像是一杯清水给茫茫浊世带来了几分清凉与慰藉,让在繁忙与俗物中苦苦纠缠的人们可以暂且抛下一切烦恼,可以忘记自己现今的荣辱,而回忆起曾经最为纯真最为朴实无华的那个年代,让人们懂得,即使作为一个平凡人,亦会有平凡人的人生之幸福所在。 《平凡的世界》对人物描写的造诣之高可以说是空前绝后,并且贯穿人生的哲理于其中,发人深省。所有的人物都处于一个社会的变局之中,谁也无法预料下一步情节的发展。老实善良的少安,终于不再局限于背向蓝天面对黄土的以农为本的生活,开砖窑、包砖厂,谋求新的致富之道;热情洋溢的少平终于背乡离井,以矿山为归宿。都是人生旅途上,开始迈出了新的一步,他们不是生活中的强者,他们身上不可能没有旧的传统,但他们能够冲破旧有的樊篱,选择应走的道路,求得自身来自价值的确立。 这既是对历史性变化的追踪,也是当代青年选择人生道路的情绪体验。要说本书的成功之处在于人物的塑造,无庸质疑绝对是大众认可,不过在细品这部书后我发现路遥先生原来还在书中加入了不少的浪漫主义元素,这在孙少平在失去了田晓霞后精神迷离而遇见外星人,以致于出现第三类接


电影怦然心动观后感(精选多篇) 第一篇:电影怦然心动观后感 电影怦然心动观后感 电影《怦然心动》一直没看,昨天与学生一起看了,没看完,如鱼鲠在喉难受。今天把它看完了。 故事情节简单,却一如影片题目看后令人怦然心动。影片叙述视角独角,分别以男女主人公的视角叙述故事,讲述少男少女布莱思与朱莉成长的故事,一个初恋的故事,一个如何学会爱的故事,无论谁看了都会有启发。 如何勇敢对待自己的真爱。女孩子的成熟永远比男孩子超前,所以当还是孩童时,朱莉就喜欢上布莱思闪亮而迷人的眼睛,她在那一刻便已怦然心动,成长的路上,她一直执着坚定地追求着自己的真爱,哪怕是遭到布莱思的讨厌,她是勇敢的,影片把一个少女欲罢不能的初恋情怀描摹得细腻动人。布莱思对待自己的真爱也是勇敢的,仅管认识真爱的过程如此曲折,仅管经过了妒忌才确认。面对父亲对朱莉一家的反感,面对好友对朱莉的否定,布莱思勇敢地走向朱莉。 如何去爱,是那种“低到尘埃里“的爱吗?朱莉从年少时一起追逐着她的爱,但换来是布莱思的不屑,甚至厌恶。当她在那棵树上感受到微风吹拂时,她开始用另一种眼光审视世界,她开始活得独立自尊,不再纠缠她的爱时,这时一直逃避的布莱思才静下心来,回望

她。爱是平等的,一直纠缠却得不到的爱不是真爱。追逐的过程中要学会停下来,只有停下来,才能认真思考,理智地思考问题,只有停下来了,逃的那一方才能明白自己为什么要逃。朱莉用自尊赢得了她的爱。 成长的路上需要引领。很欣赏布莱思的外公与布莱思一起散步时跟布莱思说的那句话:”我们中有的人暗淡无光,有的色泽艳丽,有的则光彩照人,但是偶尔你也会遇到色彩斑斓的人。当你真遇到时,其他一切都不重要了。“爱的成长路上,我们常常采用堵的方式,其实我们更需要智者引领,学会去爱。这正是我们现下教育缺失的地方。 相爱的路上一起种植爱的精神之树。影片最后,布莱思与朱莉一起种植那棵梧桐树时,当布莱思的手抚摸朱莉的手时,我相信他们终于明白了爱的真谛,他们会幸福地相爱。苏霍姆林斯基在《给女儿的信》中告诉女儿爱情是“你看看我,我看看你”的相看两不厌,爱情是白发苍苍儿孙满堂时依然能“你看看我,我看看你”的叫诚,爱情是当一方离开后的心灵追念。犹如布莱思的外公,常常坐在窗前思念老伴。人生是短暂而漫长的,一路走来,一起种一棵爱情常青树,一起浇灌,执子之手,与子偕老。 影片只是淡淡地叙述着,就连朱莉想得到的初吻都未曾有。但是就这样静静地看着,当朱莉捧着那一筐被布莱思抛弃的鸡蛋,心会随


英文名:Frankenstein 监制:Carl Laemmle Jr. 导演:James Whale (I) 主演: 简介 Frankenstein is a novel by Marry Shelley. She was born in 1797 and was a female writer in London. Her old name was called Mary Godwin, Her father was a philosopher and novelist in England. In 1816, she got married with Percy Bysshe Shelley, who was a famous Romantic poet in 19th century. This novel was finished in 1818; it was the earliest science fiction in history of literature. After published, it was valued by critics of each country. After that, The Last Man(1826), Lodore(1835) and Folker(1837) were turned out one after another and they brought Marry Shelley worldwide popularity. This is a book of science fiction which tells us an advent story. The hero Frankenstein is engaged in people’s life scientific research and tries hard to use artificial method to create life. In his laboratory, he eventually creates an obnoxious and ugly monster through countless explorations. At the beginning, the artificial monster has kindhearted nature. He is full with goodwill and thanksgiving towards people. He asks his creator and people to give him every life right and even asks for a spouse. However, he feels very disappointed when he is always discriminated by people and his creator. So he hates everything and eager to ruin everything around the world. He kills Frankenstein’s brother and attempted to murder Frankenstein’s fiancée. In order to save other people, Frankenstein has his bosom filled with anger to hound the monster. At last, he and the monster both end in death in the battle. This novel shows the author’s attitude towards life. She thinks people have double characters---goodness and badness. People are going to do wrong things if they are discriminated and persecuted by other people for a long time. What’s worse, they may destroy all the world.


The Great Gatsby Information about this novel: The novel is told us the story of Gatsby by Nick’s tone. Nick came to New York from his hometown the America Middle West, and he rent a small house nearby Gatsby’s luxurious mansion where hold a grand banquet every night. The story began with the meet between Nick and Gatsby. And Nick had an exploratory interest to Gatsby and understood that there was a lost love in Gatsby’s deep heart. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other when Gatsby was young, but because of Gatsby’s poor family they were broken up. Then G. joined the First World War. While Daisy was married to Tom who was a rich dandy, but her marriage was not happy because Tom had a mistress. Therefore, the material couldn’t satisfy her spiritual empty. Gatsby was very painful and he believed that Daisy betrayed the pure heart for the money, so he resolved to be a man of wealth and a few years later he managed it. What’s more, in the opposite direction of Daisy’s house Gatsby built a mansion. In order to attract Daisy and aroused the lost love, Gatsby spent money like water. Nick was moved by Gatsby’s passion of love, so he visited to his young female cousin Daisy and told her Gatsby’s mind. Then Gatsby made date with Daisy, often. Finally, Gatsby found Daisy’s vanity, vulgar and selfish. Gatsby’s pink dream finally broke up, but he still insisted it, still retained


篇一:《平凡的世界》读后感 读《平凡的世界》有感 平凡,是生活的本色 列校张力 我们每一个人,对于这个浩缈的世界来说,都十分渺小、脆弱、微不足道。这个世界也是平凡的,悲与欢、生与死、穷与富、世事的变更,于历史的长河来说,无非是些平凡事。对于平凡,我素来都是这样认为的,直到读了一本书——《平凡的世界》,这才恍然大悟。这一部伟大的巨著,为我们解说了平凡和苦难,阐释了生活的意义。书中为我们描述的是一个平凡的世界,一个黄土地上的世界。这里生活着一群世世代代面朝黄土北朝天的普通人,他们演绎着一幕幕生老病死、悲欢离合、贫穷与富裕、苦难与拼搏、世事变更的戏剧。是喜剧?悲剧?正剧?也许都有一点。在这本书里,没有华丽的辞藻、没有惊险离奇的情节,没有惊天动地的场面,有的只是平凡的人,平凡的生活,平凡的感情,平凡的故事。老师推荐我读这本书的时候,我还以为她是在搪塞我,因为我读完第一遍的时候,我没有任何感觉,这里面的事情太平凡了,平凡得让我感觉到他们都好像是发生在我的身边。然而,当我读到第三遍的时候,我已经感觉到了我的血液慢慢地开始沸腾了。书中给我印象最深的人物是孙少平。这是一位对苦难有着深切的认识,对生活有着深邃的理解,对精神世界有着深刻追求的人,他有铮铮铁骨,有强大的精神力量,有巨大的勇气。从学生时代的非洲人到成年时代的揽工汉,他经历的是艰苦卓绝的人生奋斗,然而在痛苦与磨砺中,他形成了一种对 苦难的骄傲感、崇高感。我欣赏他的苦难的哲学,钦佩他对劳动的认识,羡慕他对生活的理解。关于苦难的哲学,书中这样表达??是的,他是在社会的最底层挣扎,为了几个钱而受尽折磨;但是他已经不仅仅将此看作是谋生、活命??他现在倒很“热爱”自己的苦难。通过这一段血火般的洗礼,他相信,自己经历千辛万苦而酿造出来的生活之蜜,肯定比轻而易举拿来的更有滋味——他自嘲地把自己的这种认识叫做”关于苦难的学说??这是一种什么样的认识啊?每到我们遇到困难、挫折的时候——也许这种困难与挫折只有孙少平所遭受的苦难的百万分之一——我们可曾有过这样的认识?就算是哪天放学是下了场雨,亦或是天气有些闷热而又停了电,我们往往会听到许多的怨天尤人。然而,我想只要是你读了《平凡的世界》以后,读懂了“苦难的哲学”,那么就算是你今后遭受再多的苦难,你也不会怨天尤人。 对于劳动的认识,书中这样写道:“一个人精神是否充实,或者说活得有无意义,主要取决于他对劳动的态度。”这绝对是一条精辟的理论,在任何时候都不会过时的理论。“只有劳动才可能使人在生活中强大。无论什么人,最终还是要那些能用双手创造生活的劳动者。对于这些人来说,孙少平给他们上了生平最重要的一课——如何对待劳动,这是人生最基本的课题。”这里体现出的是两种人,勤劳的和懒散的。人生来是没有差别的,然而经过了不同的境遇和发展之后,人与人之间便产生了巨大的差别。而在这期间,对于劳动的认识不同,对产生这样的差别起着决定性的作用。正如我们考到大学的时候, 在学习方面,我们没有太多的差别。然而,经历了三年的大学生活之后,人与人之间的差别又是何其巨大。宰相刘罗锅在和绅临终前对他说:“其实,每个人的结局,都是他自己一手精心设计的。”当我们读到这里的时候,我们都应当好好想想,我们是怎样对待劳动的。孙少平,到底是一个什么样的人啊。其实,他也就是一个平平凡凡的人,一个比普通农民多读了几本书,一个对生活的意义有着更高层次追求的人。在写给妹妹孙兰香的信中充分表现了他对生活的认识:“??我们出生于贫苦的农民家庭——永远不要鄙薄我们的出身,它给我们带来的好处将使我们一生受用不尽;但我们一定又要从我们出身的局限中解脱出来,从意识上彻底背叛农民的狭隘性,追求更高的生活意义。? 润叶是悲哀的,同样晓霞也是悲哀的,同时她们又是那么的痛苦?这里的种种悲哀就构成了这平凡的世界中的一面镜子?在这面镜子面前任何人都无法保留,它透射着现实中的大抵相


怦然心动观后感 《怦然心动》>观后感 存放在FTP上的电影《怦然心动》一直没看,昨天与学生一起看了,没看完,如鱼鲠在喉难受。今天把它看完了。 《怦然心动》>故事情节简单,却一如影片题目看后令人怦然心动。影片叙述视角独角,分别以男女主人公的视角叙述故事,讲述少男少女布莱思与朱莉成长的故事,一个初恋的故事,一个如何学会爱的故事,无论谁看了都会有启发。 如何勇敢对待自己的真爱。女孩子的成熟永远比男孩子超前,所以当还是孩童时,朱莉就喜欢上布莱思闪亮而迷人的眼睛,她在那一刻便已怦然心动,成长的路上,她一直执着坚定地追求着自己的真爱,哪怕是遭到布莱思的讨厌,她是勇敢的,影片把一个少女欲罢不能的初恋情怀描摹得细腻动人。布莱思对待自己的真爱也是勇敢的,仅管认识真爱的过程如此曲折,仅管经过了妒忌才确认。面对父亲对朱莉一家的反感,面对好友对朱莉的否定,布莱思勇敢地走向朱莉。 如何去爱,是那种“低到尘埃里”的爱吗?朱莉从年少时一起追逐着她的爱,但换来是布莱思的不屑,甚至厌恶。当她在那棵树上感受到微风吹拂时,她开始用另一种眼光审视世界,她开始活得独立自尊,不再纠缠她的爱时,这时一直逃避的布莱思才静下心来,回望她。爱是平等的,一直纠缠却得不到的爱不是真爱。追逐的过程中要学会停下来,只有停下来,才能认真思考,理智地思考问题,只有停下来了,逃的那一方才能明白自己为什么要逃。朱莉用自尊赢得了她的爱。 成长的路上需要引领。很欣赏布莱思的外公与布莱思一起散步时跟布莱思说的那句话:“我们中有的人暗淡无光,有的色泽艳丽,有的则光彩照人,但是偶尔你也会遇到色彩斑斓的人。当你真遇到时,其他一切都不重要了。”爱的成长路上,我们常常采用堵的方式,其实我们更需要智者引领,学会去爱。这正是我们现下教育缺失的地方。 相爱的路上一起种植爱的精神之树。影片最后,布莱思与朱莉一起种植那棵梧桐树时,当布莱思的手抚摸朱莉的手时,我相信他们终于明白了爱的真谛,他们会>幸福地相爱。苏霍姆林斯基在《给女儿的信》中告诉女儿爱情是“你看看我,我看看你”的相看两不厌,爱情是白发苍苍儿孙满堂时依然能“你看看我,我看看你”的叫诚,爱情是当一方离开后的心灵追念。犹如布莱思的外公,常常坐在窗前思念老伴。人生是短暂而漫长的,一路走来,一起种一棵爱情常青树,一起浇灌,执子之手,与子偕老。 影片《怦然心动》只是淡淡地叙述着,就连朱莉想得到的初吻都未曾有。但是就这样静静地看着,当朱莉捧着那一筐被布莱思抛弃的鸡蛋,心会随之隐隐痛;当朱莉一次次失望后决定放手时,布莱思才意识到那个叫朱莉的女孩已深入内心,才明白自己喜欢,看着布莱思在镜前挑衣的那刻,怦然心动;那“午餐男孩”的拍卖会上,布莱思的期待,朱莉的纠结,令人怦然心动;午餐会上布莱思毅然离席走向朱莉,想亲吻朱莉的那一刻,怦然心动;当他们一起种植那棵爱的精神之树时,怦然心动。

高中英语北师大版 Handout for Literature Spot 3 必修三 Frankenstein(学生学案)

Handout for Literature Spot 3 Frankenstein Ex. 1 Listen and read the text carefully and do True or False exercises. ( )1. Frankenstein was very interested in science. ( )2. Frankenstein was pleased with his creation. ( )3. Justine was accused of murdering William and was hanged. ( )4. The monster hated people as soon as he was created. ( )5. Frankenstein created the female monster but destroyed her at last. ( )6. The police accused Frankenstein of murdering Henry. ( )7. The monster killed Frankenstein ’s wife and escaped. ( )8. In the end, the ship ’s captain killed the monster. Ex. 3 The story is told by three people, that is, there are three narrators (叙述者). Order the five parts of the story . Monster Ernest & William The Relations between Victor Frankenstein and other characters Victor Frankenstein Henry Clerval Justine Elizabeth Captain Walton


平凡的世界英文读后感 你会写《平凡的世界》英文的读后感吗,下面为大家精心搜集了一篇“平凡的世界英 文读后感”,欢迎大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到大家! The man who is working is the happiest one in the world, no matter in which period. That’s a truth the book ordinary world wants to tell us. It’s loudly gives out the slogan, as a human, despair the position, as long as you have a burning heart, you will beloved by the life. Everybody in the world should love their work. One can be ordinary, but can not be mediocre. Only be a worker, and use one’s sincere heart to taste the life and experience, can we truly being alive. We have only one life. This is a book written by life. There is a kind of ordinary sound flood in the earth and universe. 读完《平凡的世界》,心中涌起一股热辣辣的感觉,有时竟禁不住热泪盈眶。我没有 资格对它评述,只有被它感动。 浪漫的彩虹,飘渺的世界!印象中最喜欢小说中的这句话。当泪水浸湿这句话的时候,我知道我又感动了。为里面主人公的困苦,被他们那种至高无上的亲情所打动。孙少安、 孙少平、孙兰香之间的兄妹之情,三兄妹与父母之间的感情,那种亲密,那种无私而伟大 的爱,无论在任何时候,任何环境都不会动摇。一家人相互理解、相互体贴,在风雨中, 在困境中,在挣扎中走完了一生的一段又一段,山水为之而动容!孙玉厚一生有几个这样 出色的儿女,真是太值得骄傲了。孙少安的不怕吃苦,和那颗有社会感知力、有经济的头 脑使他在这个平凡的世界中苦苦挣扎而不至于失败,甚至取得了辉煌的成绩。 孙少平是我最喜欢的人物,他在学校中不仅学习成绩好,运动也很好。看到他每天在 学校角落里偷偷吃干硬的窝头,为了节省钱,从来不去食堂买菜吃时,感到很凄凉。虽然 经过了许多努力仍然没有考上大学,但是少安并没有放弃自己。在帮助哥哥把窑厂搞起来 之后,就外出寻找工作,做了工地上的工人,很巧的是他遇到了自己的同学田晓霞。田晓 霞是县委副主任的女儿,现在时一名记者。在小霞的帮助下,孙少平阅读了大量的名著, 继续坚持着自己的梦想,即使是一名微不足道的煤矿工人,也从来没有怨恨过。经过长时 间的相处,少平与小霞成为了一对男女朋友,但是好景不长,小霞在一次洪水采访时,不 幸遇难死了,少平很痛苦,再一次煤矿事故中受了重伤。但是少平并没有放弃生命,而是 好好地或者继续奋斗。 这本书讲述了:故事的主人公孙少平出生在一个贫苦的家庭,从上学时候吃黑面馒头 到他长大成人后成了一名揽工汉,依然很艰苦。可是哥哥的工厂又倒闭了,全家好几口人 的生活压力全压在他一个人的身上。开始他承受不了,可后来他坚持住了,还总结出一种 对苦难的骄傲感、崇高感。读到这里我不禁为他留下了眼泪。


看美国影片怦然心动观后感范文5篇 爱情和生命的深入交流,方才开始。下面是学习啦的小编为你们整理的文章,希 望你们能够喜欢 电影怦然心动观后感 《怦然心动》(FLIPPED)看了五六遍,尤喜其中的两段话。其一是上文所引朱莉 父亲的“整体大于部分之和”的概念,其二是布莱斯的外公对于人的评价,“我们有的人 暗淡无光(flat),有的色泽艳丽(satin),有的则光彩照人(gloss)。但是偶尔,你也会遇 到色彩斑斓(iridescent)的人。当你真遇到时,其他的一切都不重要了。”韩寒译为: “有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯 人若彩虹,遇上方知有。” 人生在世,必深谢有几个能点悟你的人。比如朱莉的父亲,又比如布莱斯的外公。由此说来,《怦然心动》的小清新里增添了几丝大智慧的魅力,贯穿影片始终,也渗 透到朱莉和布莱斯的成长轨迹上。虽讲述早恋题材,但又不仅仅止于此。哪怕如我这 般过了早恋年纪的人来看,仍旧受益匪浅。 除了朱莉和布莱斯,其他的每个人似乎都散发出各自的气息,宛如一部活字典, 通过片言只语,一不小心就透露了生活的很多秘密。家庭的矛盾,生活的艰辛,内心 的失衡,性情的懦弱等等,都隐于豆蔻年华情窦初开之际,从容不迫娓娓道来,还原 真实的生活,整饬个人的心扉,使人更加坚定和清醒。有一个镜头让人很感动,当朱 莉在晚餐时讨论修饰院子的计划时,父母亲为了家庭花销不禁大吵一架,过后父亲和 母亲各自到朱莉的卧室与她谈话。家庭成员之间的挚爱深情,很温暖,羡煞旁人也。 电影讲故事的方式有些意思,抛开平铺直叙,采用了叙述人称变换的手法,从布 莱斯的独白切换到朱莉的讲述,如此交叉进行,共分为7段。这使得影片保持在平稳 和舒缓的节奏上,如潺潺流水,波澜不惊,自然生动。 同时,这部电影也很赏心悦目。朱莉披着一头柔顺的棕发,略带着东方女性刚柔 相济的气息,很讨人喜欢(让人想起90年代香港的某位女影星);还有晨曦或落日中的梧桐树,本身就是一处蕴涵象征性的美丽风景;还有异国乡镇的淳朴风情等等。 电影怦然心动观后感


简介 或许以这个悲伤而恐怖的故事拍成的电影要比世界上由任何其他故事拍成的电影都要多。为什么有这么多的人喜欢它因为当我们第一次读到它时,它就好像是出自我们梦中的记忆一样。 这是一个古老的故事,也是一个新的故事。说它“古老”是因为它创作于一百五十多年以前,那时的科学发展才刚刚起步;说它“新”是因为弗兰肯斯坦的问题也就是我们今天所面临的问题。科学给予我们力量去改造世界,但这种力量也可能与我们作对并毁灭我们。弗兰肯斯坦创造了一个新的人,他比任何其他人都要巨大和强壮——然而弗兰肯斯坦控制不了他,这个怪物毁灭了弗兰肯斯坦所爱的一切。今天的科学家正在创造着巨大的机器、电脑和武器,他们声称这些东西对我们有益——但我们能够驾驭它们吗 玛丽·雪莱(1797—1851)是维多利亚时代的一位重要作家。她的丈夫是英格兰最著名的诗人之一——珀西·比希·雪莱。 1 ‘Captain!Something is moving on the ice.Look over there!’

The sailor stood at the top of the mast,high above the Captain.His hand pointed away from the ship,across the miles of ice that covered the sea. The Captain looked to the north,where the sailor was pointing.He saw something coming fast towards the ship across the ice.He put his telescope to his eye,and through it he could see the shapes of ten dogs pulling a sledge over the ice.He could also see the driver of the sledge—a huge figure,much bigger than a man.The sledge came nearer and nearer to the sea.Soon it was only a quarter of a mile from the ship.No one needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the driver. Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice and disappeared.At that moment another sledge appeared.It,too,was moving fast,and was clearly chasing the first sledge.This driver was a smaller figure,more like an ordinary man.Faster and faster the dogs ran;then the second sledge also disappeared behind the mountain of ice. Two hours passed.The sledges did not appear again.Nothing moved on the ice.Soon night came,and in the night there was a storm.In the morning,the sailors saw that great pieces of ice were floating round the ship.Suddenly the sailor on the mast shouted again:


英文版名著读后感 英文版名著读后感(一)《双城记》 After reading "A tale of two cities". "A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength. The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually ,Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister……The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as


外国名著读后感英文版 Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic——a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister. Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters


平凡的世界读后感(共8篇) 《平凡的世界》是一部具有恢弘气势和史诗品格的长篇小说,小说中几位年轻主人公的经历,就像是20世纪70年代后期,80年代早期的众多青年的经历。 有一种责任叫孙少安,孙少安是一个农民的儿子,一年年过去,他们家越来穷,他父亲只好不让孙少安再读书了,尽管在双水村小学时他年年都在班上考第一名,尽管在全县初中统一考试时他名列第三名被录取了。但这没能改变他当农民这条路,孙少安的学习生涯随着这张录取的到来就这样终结了。从那以后他必须要和父亲一起劳动,他的身上担负着养活家的责任。 有一种不屈叫孙少平。孙少平是孙少安的弟弟,他不想像哥哥一样,当一辈子农民,他渴望知识,渴望学习,但家中的情况是不可能供他上大学,他能读到高中已是万幸。可他不想命运屈服,他要到城市去打拼,在他不断的努力和田晓霞的支持与帮助下,他成为了一名煤矿工人,尽管累,也辛苦,但他一点也不害怕,因为一路走来他经历的太多。 有一种刻苦叫孙兰香。孙兰香是孙少安和孙少平的妹妹。贫困的家庭出身和艰难的生活磨炼使兰香很早就开始直面艰辛的人生。她知道自己读到高中是多么不容易!她现在明白,她一生不能再回到农村去,他一定要考上大学,因为她要是没学什么名堂回去,她就对不

起含辛茹苦的一家人。正因为这样,学习对她来说是至高无上的。近三年来,她不仅在班上,而且在整个年级都保持前三名的位置。在九门功课上数学、外语、物理、化学、和生物,考试几乎都是满分。孙兰香的刻苦没有白费,她顺利的考上了赫赫有名的北方工业大学而且学的还是天体物理。 有一种勇敢叫田晓霞。田晓霞高中时和孙少平在一个学校上的,两个人还一起去黄原表演节目。但毕业以后少平当了双水村初中的老师,晓霞上了荒原师专,师专毕业后,她又顺利的当了记者,虽然记者是个苦职,但晓霞不怕苦,这是她梦寐以求的理想职业。当南部城市被淹没时,她不怕危险的到达了第一线,坚持完成了自己的职责。不行滴是他为了救一个小女孩,不惜失去了自己的性命,这么一个勇敢的记者就这样被洪水吞没了。 有一种帮助叫金波。金波家庭状况比孙少平要好一些,生活方面在班里算是属于较高层次的。少平和这位富翁的关系到特别好,在公社上初中时,离村十来里路,为了省粮省钱,都是每天来回二十里路,金波和大队书记田福堂的儿子润生都有自行车,但唯有少平没有,只有他是两条腿走路。金波就和他共骑一辆车。两年下来润生的自行车还是新的,金波的车子已经破烂不堪了。他父亲只好又给他买了一辆新的。现在到了县城,离家六七十里,每星期六回家,少平更是离不开金波的车了。另外,金波还好几次塞给少平白面票,不过,少平推着没有要因为这年头谁的白面票也不宽裕。 有一种友善叫田润叶。当孙少安还在读小学的时候,尽管少安


怦然心动英文观后感 《怦然心动》讲述了少男少女布莱思与朱莉成长的故事。下面是精心为您整理的怦然心动英文观后感,希望您喜欢! 怦然心动英文观后感一 After watching Flipped, i was totally moved by its romantic plot. The heroine, Juli Baker, who is regarded as a strange student in the school, did leave a strong impression in my heart. What i want to say after watching it is that a special girl deserves a beautiful love. Juli is the one i admire so much. Juli Baker met Bryce Loski in her second grade, and she was flipped from then on because of his watermelon-scented hair and a pair of dazzling eyes. Though Bryce shew no interest in her and did everything he could to keep away from her, she never gave up and spent the whole year wondering if she could ever get his kiss. When they were in seventh grade, Juli fell in love with a large, old sycamore tree, which no one understood. Right after seeing the tree being cut down but Bryce didn’t help, and seeing him throwing the eggs she gave him, Juli began to think about whether Bryce was the right person. Fortunately, Bryce finally


Love Created the World After reading Frankenstein, I have a deep thought. Frankenstein gave birth to the monster, but he was then scared to serious illness after the first look of him. And the good-natured monster with that hideous face began to doubt his existence, hate himself and lost himself in the road of revenge after so many times of heart broken. Is Frankenstein wrong? I think he is. He has an extraordinary talent and enthusiasm in natural philosophy, and can even create life, but when his creature opened his eyes and gave him a big smile, he didn’t feel happy at all! “How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form?”He refused to acknowledge everything, refused to comprehend him, even refused to see him again and ran away. The essence of life is truth, goodness and beauty, even if he is not a man actually. It isn’t his fault born to be hideous, how can people cruelly kill his soul? When the monster tells his story, even if he tells it in a peace emotion, I can fell that his heart is crying. Everyone has the right of happiness except him. No one want to comprehend him, or even talk to him just because something he can’t change, his hideous looking. Even his angel, the family he has secretly be with for over a year is afraid of him, beat him and drive him away after they saw him. He is lonely without any care, he is good without any reward. The only thing he has, is a broken heart. When a warm heart begin to grow cold, when a bright hope begin to get dark, when the monster’s last hope, having a female creature like him, is destroyed, he turned into a cruel and ferocious person. After killed William, frame Justine, killed Clerval and Elizabeth and then Frankenstein, he found that he is not happy at all. His dying monologue gave me quite a big shock. “ when I first sought it, it was the love of virtue, the feeling of happiness and affection with witch my own being overflowed, that I wished to be participated. But now that virtue has become to me a shadow, and that happiness and affection are turned into bitter and loading despair, in what should I seek for sympathy? I am content to suffer alone while my sufferings shall endure; when I die, I am well satisfied that abhorrence and opprobrium should load my memory. Once my fancy was soothed with dreams of virtue, of fame, and of enjoyment. Once I falsely hoped to meet with being who, pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding. I was nourished
