
1.when asked about (the game) involing( 关于)(our school)most people say(认为)but others regard.(认为),personally think….
2.when it come to(当谈到)opinions concerning(关于)….vary widely,somepeople think that….others argue(认为) that the opposite(反面) is true,there is probally some truth to both argument(观点)(也许双方的观点都有道理),but…
3.there is a general debate(讨论) nowadays about(目前针对什么展开聊激烈的讨论)….those who object to (反对)…..argue that they believe that strict limits should be placed on(施加) …but people who favor(支持)…..think in spite of the…but problem remain exist.
4.most people are of the opinion(赞成) that/it is widely acknowledged that(人们普遍认为)…I believe one should abandon the pursuit of[金钱]….and instead concentrate on the pursuit of…【事业】
5.the two major factors(原因) contributed to(支持,导致) …fist….second…/there are serious reasons for the marked(显著) increase in –n,n,and n
6.identifying(鉴于) the reasons for….which involves(包括,牵涉) many complicated factors(复杂的原因) sth are far from an easy task…some attributed to.. ,while, others place the bleam on.sb.
7.I suggest (认为)the phenomenon results from ..and the main reason is quite likely the
8.what has sparked(引起导致) the increasing intrest(兴趣) in… for one thing (一方面)…for another….the main thing perhaps centers on…
9.the reasons for..are many,but for the most part centres on….
10.sth which has broadened human horizons(拓宽人们视野) more than ever before and improved people’s standard of living(生活水平) more than anyone can ever imagine
11.sth be highly harmful to the stability and security(稳定与安全) of humans and establishment(社会)
12.some people think that…to be Frank ,I con’t agree with their opinion
13.what we are fail to understand is that
14.I like…not only because of…but because of..
15.from my point of view while(虽然。。但是) it is true that …it cause trouble as well
16. my argument for this view goes as follows(如下)

17.a growing/increasing number of people(越来越多的) are …doing…
18.these days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor,but has it?(贫富差距越来越大,但是那是真的吗?)
19.wo are often told (被告诉)that….but is this really the case(真的是事实嘛)?if this is really the case,perhaps it is high time to put an end to(结束)…/reexamine the idea that…..
20.people used to think that large family is a blessing(福气),todaty,however,things are changing /quite different and an increasing…..think…
21.the two major challenges/one of the most serious problem /pressing(急迫) problem ,

facing china is /concentrate on……so it is absolutely essential to(绝对有必要去做)…
22.traditional way of ..has changed drsmatically
23.chating has become such a serious problem thayt it has arousd the concern of the whole society
24.nowadays the behavior of ..has become worldwide popular
25.faced with this situation people will undoubtly(毫无疑问) have different opinion
26.various views exist as to .(对于什么存在不同的观点).
27.several reasons may contribute to the change
28.it can be easily proved that(很容易被证明)
29.my argument for this view goes as follows(观点如下)
30.the serious situation may set us thinking(让我们思考) about the cause of…
31.along with the develoments in….arise….(随着在。。方面的发展。。引起。。。)
32.on account of(鉴于) this we can find that

33.according to the figure given by the graph ,the years from 1880 to 2004witnessed a sharp increase in(见证快速增长) the number of ..
34.from the chart we can tell that in recent years…in 195the number is250,the number rose to(上升到) nearly 600 in 2000,in2005the number further climbed above(进一步攀升到) 2000
35.seen from the chart it can be concledued(得出结论) that sth accont for(占据)25%,while.sth .make up( 占了)16%
36.in a world,during the period of 3years(三年之间) the number of ..has gone to
37.it goes without saying(毫无疑问)

38.years of observing(观察)….has enable me to(让。。具有什么能力) conclude that..
39.judging from the reams of evidence presented,we can safely/reasonably conclude(推断,的出结论) that..
40.quite obviousely immediate action is needed to extricate…./there is little doubt that(毫无疑问) immediate action is required to eliminate(根除)…once and forver一佬永逸),although it is far from an easy task.(远不是一件容易的事)
41.we do ,infact,has a long way to go to reach our final goal,but everyone should assume full responsibility for..
42.the view is more dangerous than….is commonly held by(
43.despite the argument above,I prefer the former than the latter(更支持前者而不是后者)
44.yet I am one of the mang people who feel that(我是支持什么的人中的一个)
45.the advantage of B are much greater than those ofA
46.the best solution to the situation should first lie in..
47.the situation had become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate action
48.to put an end to such serious problem,in my opinion,calls for (需要)efforts from all sides(来自个方面的努力)
49.only when all of us join in the effort of eliminating ..
50.to begin with(首先) …what’s more (其次)…..the last but not the least…(最后但同样重要de )
51.therefore we should realize(意识到) that
