




For each of Questions 1-3, select one answer choice unless otherwise instructed. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following reading passage.

Paule Marshall's Brown Girl, Brownstones (1959) was a landmark in the depiction of female characters in Black American literature. Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been 5 typical of the protest novels of early twentieth century.Like her immediate predecessors, Zora Neale Hurston and Gwendolyn Brooks, she focused her novel on an ordinary Black woman's search for identity within the context of a Black community. But Marshall extended the 10 analysis of Black female characters begun by Hurston and Brooks by depicting her heroine's development in terms of the relationship between her Barbadian American parents, and by exploring how male and female roles were defined by their immigrant culture, which in turn 15 was influenced by the materialism of White America.By placing characters within a wider cultural context, Marshall attacked racial and sexual stereotypes and paved the way for explorations of race, class, and gender in the novels of the 1970's. For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

1. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would describe Brown Girl, Brownstones as being

□A highly influenced by novels written in the early wentieth century

□B important in the late 1950's but dated today

□C an important influence on novels written in the1970's

2. According to the passage, Hurston, Brooks, and Marshall are alike in that they

○A did not examine the effects of White culture on their characters' lives

○B were heavily influenced by the protest novels of the early twentieth century

○C used Black communities as the settings for their novels.

○D wrote primarily about the difficulties their characters encountered in White culture

○E wrote exclusively about female characters and the experiences of women

3. The author‘s description of the way in which Marshall depicts her heroine's development is most probably intended to

○A continue the discussion of similarities in the works of Bro oks, Hurston, and Marshall

○B describe the specific racial and sexual stereo-types that Marshall attacked

○C contrast the characters in Marshall's novels with those in later works

○D show how Marshall extends the portrayal of character initiated by her predecessors

○E compare themes in Marshall's early work with themes in her later novels

答案:1. C. 2. C 3 D


Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloy‘s metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a 5 noble metal together with a metalloid, such as alloys of palladium and silicon, or alloys consisting of iron,phosphorus, and carbon, although small discrepancies remained. One difference between real alloys and the hard spheres used in Bernal models is that the 10 components of an alloy have different sizes, so that models based on two sizes of spheres are more appropriate for a binary alloy, for example. The smaller metalloid atoms of the alloy might fit into holes in the dense, random-packed structure of the larger metal atoms.

4. The author's speculation about the appropriateness of models using spheres of two sizes for binary alloys would be strongly supported if models using spheres of two sizes yielded

○A values for density identical to values yielded by one-sphere models using the smaller spheres only

○B values for density agreeing nearly perfectly with experimentally determined values

○C values for density agreeing nearly perfectly with values yielded by models using spheres of three sizes

○D significantly different values for density depending on the size ratio between the two kinds of spheres used

○E the same values for density as t he values for appropriately chosen models that use only medium-sized spheres



Questions 5 and 6 are based on the following reading passage.

One of the principal themes of Walzer's critique of liberal capitalism is that it is insufficiently egalitarian.Walzer's case against the economic inequality generated bycapitalism and in favor of "a radical redistribution of 5 wealth" is presented in a widely cited essay entitled "In Defense of Equality." The most striking feature of Walzer's critique is that, far from rejecting the principle of reward according to merit, Walzer insists on its validity.People who excel should receive the superior 10 benefits appropriate to their excellence. But people exhibit a great variety of qualities—"intelligence, physical strength, agility and grace, artistic

creativity,mechanical skill, leadership, endurance, memory, psychological insight, the capacity for hard 15 work—even moral strength, sensitivity, the ability to express compassion."Each deserves its proper recompense, and hence a proper distribution of material goods should reflect human differences as measured on all these different scales. Yet, under capitalism, the ability 20 to make money ("the green thumb of bourgeois society") enables its possessor to acquire almost "every other sort of social good," such as the respect and esteem of others. For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

5.The passage provides sufficient information to answer which of the following questions EXCEPT?

□A What weight in relation to other qualities should a quality like sensitivity have, according to Walzer, in determining the proper distribution of goods?

□B Which quality does Walzer deem too highly valued unde r liberal capitalism?

□C Which are the social goods that are, according to Walzer, outside the reach of the power of money?

6. The author implies that Walzer's interpretation of the principle of reward according to merit is distinctive for its

○A insist ence on maximizing everyone's rewards

○B emphasis on equality

○C proven validity

○D broad conception of what constitutes merit

○E broad conception of what constitutes a reward

正确答案:5. A C 6. D.


Questions 7 to 9 are based on the following reading passage.

National character is not formally considered by social scientists in discussing economic and social development today. They believe that people differ and that these differences should be taken into account 5 somehow, but they have as yet discovered no way to include such variables in their formal models of economic and social development. The difficulty lies in the nature of the data that supposedly define different national characters. Anthropologists and others are on 10 much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation-state composed of many disparate groups. The 15 situation is further complicated by the nature of judgments about character; since such judgments are overly dependent on impressions and since, furthermore, impressions are usually stated in qualitative terms, it is impossible to make a reliable comparison between the national characters of two countries.

7. The author's main point in the passage is that national character

○A is too elusive to merit attention by anthropologists and other social scientists.

○B is of greater interest to social scientists today than it has been in the past.

○C is still too difficult to describe with the precision required by many social scientists.

○D has become increasingly irrelevant because of the complexity of modern l ift.

○E can be described more accurately by anthropologists than by other social scientists. For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

8. It can be inferred from the passage that the social scientists mentioned in the first two sentences would agree with which of the following statements?

□A It is extremely difficult to create models that account for both economic and social development

□B Models of economic and social development would be improved by the inclusion of adequate descriptions of national character.

□C it is important to supplement formal models of economic and social development with qualitative impressions of national character.

9. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

○A A problem is presented and reasons for its existence are supplied.

○B A controversial view is presented and evidence for its validity is supplied.

○C A hypothesis is pres ented and possible means of verifying it are suggested.

○D A recent development is described and then analyzed.

○E A dispute is summarized and one side defended.

正确答案:7. C 8. B. 9. A


Questions 10 and 11 are based on the following reading passage.

It is now established that the Milky Way is far more extended and of much greater mass than was hitherto thought. However, all that is visible of the constituents of the Milky Way's corona (outer edge),where much of the galaxy's mass must be located, is a tiny fraction of the corona's mass. Thus, most of the Milky Way's outlying matter must be dark. Why? Three facts are salient. First, dwarf galaxies and globular clusters, into which most of the stars of the Milky Way's corona are probably bound, consist mainly of old stars. Second, old stars are not highly luminous. Third, no one has detected in the corona the clouds of gaseous matter such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide that are characteristic of the bright parts of a galaxy.

10. The passage as a whole is primarily concerned with

(A) analyzing a current debate

(B) criticizing a well-established theory

(C) showing how new facts support a previously dismissed hypothesis

(D) stating a conclusion and adducing evidence that may justify it

(E) contrasting two types of phenomena and showing how they are related

11. Select the sentence that the author implicitly indicates what astronomers believed about the Milky way until fairly recently.

正确答案:10. D 11. It is now established...


详解GRE阅读最常见三种题型 阅读题不管是放在哪一类考试上都能够算得上是一枚重磅炸弹。但是GRE阅读题因为是针对阅读英文能力的一种考察,那么对于中国考生而言也并非是容易的。以下GRE考试培训机构老师就要为考生们介绍GRE阅读最常见三种题型。 1. 主题题:一般在第一题,也会在中间2,3题,通常在末题出现的几率很少,解题技巧一般是从中心词(论述对象),配合TS(往往在首段出现,一定要记住“从前不从后”,原来的主旨为准),有时还要将下面的细节段落的层次关系概括考虑入内,得出答案。GRE考试培训机构老师表示若考生们在突破时可以边读边想,那么这个题不用15秒就可以看出,而后再使用原来积累的错误项的标志来“审核”(一定要注意永远别使用“排除法”来解这种题,否则浪费的时间是无法弥补的!),哪些标志呢?关键是记住细节段里的举例事物,唯一性,绝对性词汇就行了! 2. Insgroupsto题型:大家要注意到直接出现insgroupsto字样与也许会出现的“变体”,判断方式为该题问的是一种“因果联系”,还有作者提及A是为了什么,关于这个A能够是例子,又或是一个论证细节等等,那事不疑迟,马上从题干的事物出发返回到原文定位,而后快速的判断此层面的逻辑关系,而后决定是向上或者向下找几行,找到那个原因,提取“中心词”(有显着特征的词)而后在5个选项里识别出来,填上答案,不出30秒。 3. 作者态度题:回忆问及的事物是否给过“情态形容词或副词”修饰过,注意是“回忆”,针对此类词前面我已说过必须要注意留心,自己在突破里也许已经有所发现,大部分的书上还举出了动词,只要这种词一出现考生们都比较看得清,谁都知道是否定,但在此我举的就十分的隐蔽,独自的指出好像谁都知道,但在


GRE逻辑题的解题技巧—削弱结论型题目 根据GRE逻辑题的题目类型,将其划分为五类:支持结论型,削弱结论型,分析逻辑结构型,得出结论型(推断题),和解决矛盾型。接下来重点介绍GRE逻辑题削弱结论型题目的解题技巧,大家好好进行复习吧,以便更好冲刺GRE高分。 GRE逻辑题中削弱结论型题目与支持结论型题目非常像,当然它们之间的差别也是显著的,一个是削弱结论,一个是加强结论。削弱结论型题目回忆很多的形式出现:Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? Which of the following, if true, could present the most serious disadvantage of XYZ Corporation’s new marketing initiative? Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the view that the drug treatment will NOT be successful? 几乎所有削弱结论型题目的正确答案都会挖掘出论证中出现的一个错误或者破坏论证中的假设,又或者直接否定结论。其错误答案也具有一定的特征:第一点就是与结论无关,很多错误的答案与前提条件有关,但是与结论无关,不正确的答案只是提供一些与前提条件相关的不必要信息;第二点就是答案的方向错误,一些错误答案事实上支持结论。 同支持结论型题目一样,你需要记住的是逻辑论证中既会有结论,也会有相反的结论。 下面列举个例子进行说明: The national infrastructure for airport runways and air traffic control require immediate expansion to accommodate the proliferation of new private, smaller aircraft. The Federal Aviation Authority (the FAA) has proposed a fee for all air travelers to help fund this expansion. However, this fee would be unfair, as it would impose costs on all travelers to benefit only the few who utilize the new private planes. Which of the following, if true, would allow the FAA to counter the objection that the proposed fee would be unfair? A. The existing national airport infrastructure benefits all travelers. B. The fee, if imposed, will have a negligible effect on the overall volume of air travel. C. The expansion would reduce the number of delayed flights resulting from small private planes congesting runways. D. Travelers who use small private planes are almost uniformly wealthy or traveling on business.


美联英语提供:GRE阅读逻辑题快速选择答案技巧 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 RE阅读中有一种题型是逻辑题,就是哪个选项成立,会support/weaken原文的观点,这种题型在GRE阅读中几乎是必考的,所以,考生在备考的时候对于该类题型的解答方法要有一定的了解,下面360教育集团为考生分享下GRE阅读逻辑题快速选择答案技巧,供考生参考。 先讲讲里面的GRE阅读逻辑题思维,一个命题主要由三部分构成:条件、结论以及条件到结论的推理过程。 据360教育集团介绍,如果同学们看到一个中文问题,说“下列哪项可以支持原文观点?”相信同学们的第一反应就是找原文的结论,再看哪个选项支持结论。 这个思维就太狭隘了,因为支持条件、结论和推理过程都是对原文观点的支持,这点思维大家要建立起来。用一个例子给大家分析巩固下这个思维,具体题目和文章就不引述了,考生可以看看N0.6第二套section1的长文章,讲的浮游植物和浮游动物之间关系。 文中有这样一个推理,由“出现了高密度浮游植物的地区,浮游动物就少”推出了“浮游植物分泌排斥剂,把动物赶跑了”,后面有题问到如何削弱(weaken)此结论,我们直接看看正确答案(B)“动物排斥和植物种群密度是无关的”。

言下之意就是把推理过程推翻了,条件是推不出结论的。我们来看看,如何推翻条件,“在某些地区,出现了高密度浮游植物,但浮游动物并没有减少”。 这就削弱了条件。再看看如何削弱结论,“试验中,将植物体内的排斥物质放在正在培养着浮游动物的容器中,并不能使浮游动物的数量减少”结论就削弱了。 以上内容给考生详细介绍了GRE阅读逻辑题快速选择答案技巧,希望对考生有帮助,考生们在做完一个GRE阅读逻辑题以后,不要满足于答案,要多想想到底是支持或削弱了条件,结论还是推理过程。当把这种思维变成自己思维一部分的时候,自然可以应对自如。 截止目前,留学360更新海外名校录取86789枚,中哈佛大学43人、耶鲁大学56人、斯坦福大学43人、麻省理工学院25人、牛津大学38人、剑桥大学35人、多伦多大学 290人、麦吉尔大学353人、悉尼大学1874人、墨尔本大学1286人、澳洲国立大学 1100人、香港大学120人、新加坡国立大学150人、南洋理工大学227人、新西兰奥克兰大学1241人。

陈虎平新GRE阅读逻辑10套2014-01 加解析

新GRE阅读逻辑10套(GRE-RC-Logic-10, 2014.01)

目录 新GRE阅读逻辑10套 (1) 提示 (2) 练习1 (1) 练习2 (8) 练习3 (15) 练习4 (22) 练习5 (30) 练习6 (37) 练习7 (44) 练习8 (51) 练习9 (59) 练习10 (67) 答案 (76)

提示 1. 按目前能够看到的电子材料,新GRE考试(Computer-based)每个Verbal Section都会出现1-2道逻辑单题, 两个section共有2-3道题,内容主要是非学术类的社会生活话题。逻辑单题的文章长度通常在40-80字,题目的五个选项也许比原文更长。这些题目恢复了多年以前古老的GRE的逻辑题。在GMA T与LSA T考试中,这类题目一直存在,市场上有成熟的应对策略。 2. 我们编选了95-99年老GRE的逻辑单题作为新GRE逻辑单题的训练材料。本材料共汇集10个练习,每个 练习11-15道题不等。每道题最好控制在1-1.5分钟完成。建议第一遍时一定卡时间练习。所有10个练习共计132道逻辑单题,数量已经足够;反复训练这些题目,应对新GRE逻辑单题应该没有困难。 3. 建议进行循环训练:每个练习的所有题目做3-4遍归纳总结以后,再做新的练习。 4. 练习8、9、10的题目已经分散放在“新GRE阅读理解36套(GRE-RC-36. 2014.01)”中,在训练逻辑题时 可先不做,以避免在阅读36套的模拟训练中失去真实感。 5. 欢迎同学和朋友们以各种方式对本材料提出改善的建议。

练习1 1. Patel: Although enrollment in the region's high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school. Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students. Which of the following, if true, most helps to support Quintero's alternative proposal? (A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con- verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele- mentary school students. (B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school. (C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the region's high school has increased markedly. (D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students. (E) Even before the region's high school population began to decrease, several high school class- rooms rarely needed to be used. 2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not being paid enough. Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for the simple reason that there are not enough jobs in science in Risland to employ all of these graduates. Which of the following, if true in Risland, would most undermine the reasoning in Peter's argument? (A) The college graduates with science degrees who are not working in science are currently earning lower salaries than they would earn as scientists. (B) Fewer college students than ever before are receiving degrees in science. (C) The number of jobs in science has steadily risen in the last decade. (D) A significant number of college graduates with science degrees worked at low-paying jobs while they were in college. (E) Every year some recent college graduates with science degrees accept permanent jobs in nonscientific fields.


新GRE逻辑阅读练习题精选整理 逻辑要点在解GRE阅读是是关键,所以大家要多写一些新GRE逻辑阅读练习题,快来一起学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 新GRE逻辑阅读练习题 Ragtime is a musical form that synthesizes folk melodies and musical techniques into a brief quadrille like structure, designed to be played exactly as written on the piano. A strong analogy exists between 5 European composers like Ralph Vaughan Williams, Edward Grieg, and Anton Dvorak who combined folk tunes and their own original materials in larger compositions and the pioneer ragtime composers in the United States. Composers like Scott Joplin and James 10 Scott were in a sense collectors or musicologists,collecting dance and folk music in Black communities and consciously shaping it into brief suites or anthologies called piano rags.(100 words) 9. Which of the following is most nearly analogous in source and artistic character to a ragtime composition as described in the passage? (A) Symphonic music derived from complex jazz motifs (B) An experimental novel based on well-known cartoon characters (C) A dramatic production in which actors invent scenes and improvise lines (D) A ballet whose disciplined choreography is based on folk-dance steps (E) A painting whose abstract shapes evoke familiar objects in a natural landscape 答案:D 新GRE逻辑阅读练习题 Ge ologists have long known that the Earth‘s mantle is heterogeneous, but its spatial arrangement remains unresolved—is the mantle essentially layered or irregu-larly heterogeneous? The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle. Some geologists, however, on the basis of obser-vations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered, but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in “incompatible elements” (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state)percolating upward and transforming


GRE的阅读逻辑的练习题: 对于没有对新gre阅读准备充分的考生,建议第一遍时一定卡时间练习。以下是小编整理的新GRE阅读逻辑题练习10套,所有10个练习共计132道逻辑单题,数量已经足够;反复训练这些题目,希望能够帮助大家攻克新GRE阅读题。 1. Auditor from Acme Industries: Last week at Acme Bakery, about six percent of the pastries baked during the night shift were found to be imperfect, but no imperfect pastries were found among those baked during the day shift. Pastries are inspected during the same shift in which they are baked, so clearly the night-shift quality control inspectors were more alert, despite their nighttime work hours, than the dayshift quality control inspectors. The argument depends on the assumption that at least some imperfect pastries were baked during the day shift at Acme Bakery last week not all of the pastries that the night-shift quality control inspectors judged to be imperfect were in fact imperfect the night-shift quality control inspectors received more training in quality control procedures than did the day-shift quality control inspectors in a normal week, fewer than six percent of the pastries baked during the night shift at Acme Bakery are found to be imperfect there are only two shifts per day at Acme Bakery, a day shift and a night shift 感谢您的阅读!


美联英语提供:GRE阅读逻辑题和GMAT阅读逻辑题的对比 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 GRE改革之后,阅读新增只有一到四句话的超短文章,称之为微文。这种微文也就是ETS 模仿GMAT的逻辑题,填补GRE对逻辑推理能力考查的欠缺。我们就看一下GRE阅读逻辑题和GMAT阅读逻辑题的对比。 以下就是对GRE阅读逻辑题和GMAT阅读逻辑题的对比的详细分析,总结了GRE阅读逻辑题的特点,方便大家备考。 大家都知道,老GRE阅读从篇幅上分有长文章和短文章,而在新GRE阅读中不但保留原来的长文和短文,还增加了只有一到四句话的超短文章,我将其称之为微文。微文不但微小,还有微妙之感。试看下例(新GRE官方指南 P71): In the United States between 1850 and 1880, the number offarmers continued to i ncrease, but at a rate lower than that ofthe general population Which of the following statements directly contradicts theinformation presented a bove? The number of farmers in the general population increasedslightly in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.


美联英语提供:四种GRE逻辑题解题技巧- 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 GRE逻辑题对于考生来说也不是十分容易解决,但是只有掌握了GRE逻辑题的特点以及解题技巧,便会迎刃而解了。下面我们一起看看吧。 GRE考试中有一种逻辑题。GRE逻辑题解题技巧其实非常简单,就是看到问题和题干后马上就能知道答案。你不相信吗?那么,下面我们就来看看吧! 名词解释 evidence:证据,现象等,一般指Aconclusion:判断,推论等,一般指B 元素:指evidence和conclusion中的主语谓语或宾语(很重要!!)一、归纳,conclusion 题型 1、有两个及以上的evidence,没有conclusion,但有推理关系,答案就是是conclusion 2、有两个及以上的evidence,且有数字作为evidence的,答案是需要计算一下元素和数字关系的conlusion 3:有evidence和conclusion,但evidence会影响到conclusion的准确性,答案是conlusion不正确 A、上来就说conclusion,但举出来了一条evidence是特例,答案是conlusion会被其他

元素影响到 B、上来就说conclusion,然后举出了一条影响conclusion正确的evidence,答案是conlusion被过高或过低估计了 4、有evidence和conclusion,但彼此之间无关联,答案是evidence和conclusion无关系 5、有evidence和conclusion,但彼此矛盾,答案是conclusion不存在 6、有evidence和conclusion,且结构比较完整无疏漏,答案是evidence的复述 7、有evidence和conclusion,且conclusion是两个元素进行比较的结构,答案是conclusion的进行比较的另一种写法 二、演绎题 (一)假设题 1、有evidence和conclusion,推理过程完整,答案是把conclusion的元素和evidence 的元素搭桥建立关系。 A、情况A,当evidence和conclusion各有一个,并且都有一个共同的元素时,把conclusion独有元素和evidence的独有的元素建立关系。 B、情况B,有多个evidence和一个conclusion时,把conclusion和一个evidence共同用的元素和另外一个evidence的独有的元素建立关系。


GRE阅读逻辑135题 分章分类:现象解释型、结论解释性、新旧观点型、问题解决方案型 读题顺序:短文章,先看文章再题目;长文章,先读题目再读文章 混偏反无,慎重对待最高级和比较级及唯一性的主要内容 长选项竖读法,比较五个选项差异性及相同语言 文章定位,总结原则。作者什么工作,关键词,正负评价。主题词。 首次出现位置,题型,定位,同意变换 快速阅读法,分析复杂句子 修饰曾分,在一般第一个修饰成分结束 合理化推测原则,(快速阅读原则)单词部认识,找其他的认识,在附近只要没有强转折或者强对比,一般意思大致相同 主题题:写法&内容:内容进行同意变换(有明确主题句) 没有明确主题句,三出现原则,必须细节内容,不出现新内容,重要关键词出现态度题:态度保持一致 套路,四种套路,短文章套路(新老观点对比) 两个原则:从前不从后,延伸性内容,以前面为主题,以后面为延伸性内容 从大不从小,文章开头或主题句为大评价,其他事小评价(让步除外) 去除两种方法:印象及自己背景知识 延伸,对于现象解释型文章,关注首句和第二段首句 机考,填写誓言,个人信息,拍照,进入考场,教你使用计算机,开始考试 三篇阅读,30行,2题 75行,4题, 30行,2题 阅读对四个板块提高找准定位,灵活取舍,了解结构态度, 每个section前面1~10必须作对,作比较难得题目:考试感觉不代表真实成绩 多做模拟考试,多找感觉。这些题目乱穿差出题。 《费费逻辑宝典》详解版

Ver. 2004-06-29 主编:fyhllj (风云化龙) 编委:Mindfree, Anchoret, fyhllj, ZZENG, freegirl, YOYO700, RIC0717, MARR, IOS, MAX, tupan, CYNTHIAS, followggg, 祈晴坊主, crystalzeng, miejue, cuili, dz, cicia, isabellu, chriszhx, euphony, precious, chrislujin, nana460, xihui, annywx, fair_sword, christinewxy, vidy, tyghbn, Mozatfan, NeTman, iidiot, mozatfan, nnt992, pumpkin 题目版权属原作者所有,题目思路、解释版权由ChaseDream网站与作者共同所有; 电子版由https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html,网站校正、维护; 寻找最新版本或反馈使用信息,请访问:https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html, ●《费费逻辑宝典详解版》是继《费费数学宝典详解版》后,又一积聚ChaseDream网友 智慧的心血之作。ChaseDream论坛GMAT逻辑专区版主fyhllj(风云化龙)担任主编,37位ChaseDream会员协力完成。 ●费费逻辑宝典全集(共135题)是目前公认的非常好的GMAT逻辑复习补充材料,这是 费费从最新LSAT逻辑中摘出的他认为最具有代表性也是最符合GMAT逻辑原则的135题。 ●本套练习题共135题,根据牛人建议:为锻炼Pace,每18题划分为一组,限时30分 钟完成。 ●反馈请发到:ChaseDream论坛【GMAT逻辑专区】https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html,/ 或发送email:master@https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb17268251.html, ●版本的更新与维护由ChaseDream网站负责。 致谢:mindfree, Anchoret, fyhllj三位超级巨牛编写了9道题的分析模板,供编委参照;pumpkin 校正补全;

新GRE阅读逻辑10套(1-8)解析 (转)

逻辑阅读10套部分翻译与解析(第1套) 我把自己的一些思路写出来了,初次接触逻辑阅读,还在总结技巧中。做的过程中,请教过别人,总结了两点:1、注意找关系,而不要过多地去弄明白中文意思,有些句子真的不好用中文直接翻译,浪费时间。2.尽量排除无关信息的干扰,比如选项中出现了题目中没有提到的可以直接pass 掉,即使你觉得可能是对的。 1.内容:尽管在该地区的高中入学率已经连续几年下降,但小学的入学率已经有相当大地增长,因此,地区教育委员会建议建立一所新的小学。Q提出的另一种方案是暂时性地把一些高中教室给小学生用。 问题:下面的哪一个能支持Q的提议: A.高中的一些教室不能改造成合适的小学教室。 B.建一所高中比小学花费高 C.尽管出生率并没有提高,但该地区的家庭送孩子上高中的增加了很多 D.高中的氛围可能会伤害到小学生的安全和自信。E.即使在该地区的高中生人数减少之前,就有几个高中的教室很少被利用。 很明显答案选E。 2.P:现在比以前更多的获得科学学位的研究生找到其他的领域的永久性工作。这表明科学家在R没有给予足够的薪

水。 L:不。这些人不能在科学领域工作只是因为该地区不能为毕业生提供足够的科学领域的职位。 问题:下面哪个选修会削弱P的观点。 A.现在那些不在科学领域工作的毕业生挣得的钱比在科学领域工作低 B.比以前更少的学生获得科学学位。 C.在过去十年中,科学领域的工作稳定地增加 D.很大一部分科学学位毕业生在大学做着低报酬的工作。E.每年一些最近的科学学位毕业生接受了非科学领域的永久性工作 明显的答案选A。 3.C:每年一个很出名的杂志发行了一系列的通过一系列标准混合后的综合的得分而进行排名的大学名单。但这些综合得分不能成为学生申请的依据。 问题:下面哪一个有助于证明C的建议。 A.买这本书的大多数读者不是入学大学的。 B.排名最好的一些学校通过这来当做吸引学生的广告C.这个排名一年年地很少变化 D.由于学生们的不同需求,这个特殊的标准对他们的作用也就不一样


gre阅读逻辑题技巧分享 很多学子为gre阅读所苦,到底新gre阅读技巧有哪些?下面就和大家分享gre阅读逻辑题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 gre阅读逻辑题技巧 gre阅读真题解析: Exterminator: Using poisoned food is the most effective tactic for combating a mouse infestation. The mouse will carry the food back to the nest, causing all of the mice to die, while a trap will kill only the one mouse that falls into it. If all signs of the mice disappear for three consecutive weeks after poisoned food is used, the homeowner can be sure that the poison was successful in eradicating the mice. Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the exterminator’s claim that the absence of signs for three weeks means the mice have been eradicated by the poison? (A) Because mice hide whenever they sense humans, it is very difficult to see or hear mice even when there is an active infestation.


新GRE逻辑阅读练习题精选汇总 逻辑要点在解GRE阅读是是关键,今天小编和大家一起来看一下新GRE逻辑阅读练习题吧,快来学习学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 新GRE逻辑阅读练习题 Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law". Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law notwithstanding, of course,a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences 5 with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned—that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. Even the two other representatives of sacred law that are historically and 10 geographically nearest to it, Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law, are perceptibly different. Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law. Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign 15 state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. Islam, on the 20 other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and 25 numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories. All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny, the impact of which varied greatly, being almost nonexistent in some fields, and in others originating novel 30 institutions. This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law. In its relation to the secular state, Islamic law differed from both Jewish and canon law. Jewish law was 35 buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside; its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. Canon and Islamic law, on the contrary, were dominated by the dualism of religion and


GRE考试逻辑阅读部分翻译与解析(4) 1、环保机构必须对接触教室空气中的石棉纤维给孩子健康带来的 危害做出反应。因为不可能关闭学校的建筑。所以的方法就是着手实 施强制性立即消除所有学校建筑中的石棉的计划,而不管这些建筑物 是否在使用中。 下列哪一个,假如准确,是有力的原因来说明环境保护机构不理 应实行上面所提出的计划? (A)可行的消除石棉的技术通常增加空中的石棉含量。 (B)学校是居民活动最可能导致石棉释放到大气中的场所。 (C)接触空气中石棉的孩子比接触空中的石棉的成人得癌症的风险 更大。 (D)消除石棉的成本在各个学校中不同,它取决于被除去石棉的量 及可接近的水准。 (E)不可能确切判定含有石棉的建筑材料是否且什么时候将分解并 且释放石棉纤维而进入空气。 解析:本题实际上要找一个选项来支持不应着手实施强制性立即 消除石棉的计划。(A)说明消除石棉的技术增加空气中的石棉含量,意 味着消除石棉的效果反而更差,所以,支持了不应着手实施强制性立 即消除石棉的计划;(B)与消除石棉的计划无关;(C)是一个新的比较;(D)涉及的成本不同,但只要利大于弊就应实施强制性立即消除石棉的计划;(E)与(B)一样,与消除石棉的计划较远。 2、Aedesalbopictus是蚊子的一个变种,最近在美国东南部衍居,它没有当地的沼泽蚊子分布广。沼泽蚊子与A.都能携带有时能使人致 命的病毒,但丸对公众健康危害更大。

下列选项除哪个外,如果准确,都能提供附加信息来支持以上所 做出的对公共健康产生危害的判断。 (A)与沼泽蚊子不同,A.原产于亚洲,且20世纪80年代中期以前 在美国还没有发现过A.的幼虫。 (B)不同于沼泽蚊子,A.albopictus倾向于在人类居住地附近度过它们的绝大部分成熟期。 (C)不同于沼泽蚊子的幼虫,A.albopictus幼虫生存于花盆、锡罐,和很多盛有少量水的家用物体中。 (D)与沼泽蚊子相比较,A.albopictus是大量所知的能导致人类严重疾病的病毒的宿主。 (E)A.albopictus是比沼泽蚊子搜索更大范围的动物宿主,更可能叮咬人类。 解析:本题为strengthen EXCEPT题型,答案方向为无关选项或 反对选项。上文的判断为A.albopictus is a greater danger to public health,(A)强调的是A.albopictus被发现的时间,与“是否 对公众健康危害甚大无关,所以做为无关选项,必为准确答案;(B)、(C)、(E)说明Aalbopictus更可能与人类接触,所以起到支持作用;(D)是支持作用更为明显。 3、一个人如果增加日进餐次数且不显著增加所摄入的食物总量, 那么他的胆固醇水平会有显著下降。不过,绝大部分增加日进餐次数 的人同时也摄人了更多的食物。 上面陈述如果准确,下列哪一个结论最能支持上面的陈述? (A)对于绝大部分人来说,胆固醇的水平不受每天吃的食物量的影响。 (B)对于绝大部分人来说,每顿饭吃的食物的量取决于吃饭的时间。
