



1. 强调方式


- 使用it is/was ... that结构

- 在某个成分前加入副词或者短语

- 使用特定的强调词,如only, even, just等

2. 强调句的结构


- It is/was ... that结构:强调句子中的某个成分或者信息


It was at the party that I met my old friend.


- 在某个成分前加入副词或者短语


I found the book on the table.


- 使用特定的强调词


Only you can solve this problem.


3. 强调句的注意事项


- 强调的成分通常放在句首或者句末,以突出其重要性。

- 强调句的语序和一般句子不同,需要注意语法结构的调整。

- 强调句的使用应适度,过多的强调可能会导致语言过于夸张或者武断。


1. 倒装句的分类

倒装句是指将句子的主语和谓语动词的位置进行互换的一种语法结构。根据倒装的具体方式,可以将倒装句分为以下几种类型:- 完全倒装:将句子的全部动词进行倒装。

- 部分倒装:将助动词或情态动词与主语进行倒装。

- 省略倒装:省略句子中的某些成分以实现倒装。

2. 倒装句的用法


- 在以never, not, nor, only等否定词开头的句子中,将谓语动词与主语倒装。


Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.


- 在以表示方向或地点的介词短语开头的句子中,将谓语动词与主语倒装。


Up the hill ran the little boy.


- 在表示祝愿、建议、命令等的句子中,为了突出语气或者显得更正式,将情态动词、助动词与主语倒装。


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3. 倒装句的注意事项


- 倒装句在强调某个部分或者突出语气时非常有用,但不宜过度使用,以免影响语言的自然流畅。

- 在进行倒装时,要注意主谓一致的原则,避免产生语法错误。

- 在实际写作中,倒装句的使用应与具体的语境相匹配,注重语言表达的准确性及流畅性。




知识全解 倒装句 主语和谓语有两种顺序:一是主语在前,叫自然语序。反之,如果谓语在主语前就是倒装语序,又分全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是把全部谓语放在主语之前,部分倒装是把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。 一、全部倒装 1.there be 句型: 可以用在这类句型中的动词除be外,还可用live,happen,exist,remain,stand等等作这类句型的谓语。如: There are many students in the classroom.教室里有许多学生。 Long ,long ago there lived a king who loved horses very much. 很久很久以前,有一位国王,他非常喜欢马。 There happened to be nobody in the bedroom when the fire broke out. 起火的时候,碰巧房间里面没有人。 2.Here/There/Now+vi.(常为come,go)+主语(必须是名词) 此句型中here/there用来唤起注意意思是“喂,注意了”。如: Here comes Mary. → I can see Mary coming.玛丽来了。 There goes the bell. 铃响了。→I can hear the bell ringing. Here comes the bus.汽车来了。 There he comes.他来了。 这种句型不能用现在进行时。 here句中也可用系动词。如: Here are some story books I want. →Here is what you asked for,or you are looking for.这就是我要的故事书。(我找了好久) Here we are.This is the station.咱们到了,这就是火车站。 “Give me some paper.” “Here you are.”“给我点纸。” “给你。” 3.then引起谓语为come,follow的句子。如: Then came a new difficulty. 然后产生了一个新的困难。 Then followed eight years of the Anti Japanese War.接着是八年抗战。 4.out,in,up,down,away之类的副词作状语放在句首,主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词,谓语为不及物动词come,go,run ,rush,etc。句式为:副词+vi.+主语(必须是名词)。如: Out rushed the tiger from among the bushes.老虎从灌木丛里冲了出来。 In came the rose fragrance through the windows.玫瑰花香透过窗户飘了进来。 5.介词短语作状语放在句首,谓语为不及物动词,主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:介词短语+vi.+主语(必须是名词)。如: In the middle of our school stands a high building.在学校中央有一座高楼。 6.表语放在句首,表语常为形容词、分词、副词、介词短语。要求主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:表语+系动词+主语(必须是名词)。 Gone are the days when the teachers were looked down upon. 老师地位低下的年代一去不复返了。 On the both sides of the street are beautiful flowers.街道两旁有美丽的花。 South of city are two big lakes.城市的两边有两个大湖。 7.直接引语中间或后面,表示某人说这意思的插入语(特别是谓语较短时)。


强调句和倒装句 倒装是一种语法手段。 在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时谓语的全部或一部分却提到主语的前面,这种语序叫做倒装。倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要,一是为了强调。 强调句为了使句子的某一个成分受到强调,改变句子结构。 高考重点要求: 1、掌握部分倒装,全部倒装的句型及倒装形式 2、掌握倒装句的都中使用方式 第一节知识点扫描 一、强调句 为了突出某一部分重要信息,常常借用语法中的变换句子的正常语序,将某个成分置于句首或句末,或者通过词汇手段突出句子的某个成分。 1. it 为先行词的强调结构 It was Li Ping who told me the news. (强调人时才能用who) It was in the park that I met him. (强调地点不能用where,只能用that) It was yesterday that I saw him off at the airport. (强调时间不能用when,只能用that) 2. 助动词do 的强调作用 在行为动词作谓语的句子中,常用“助动词do或did” + 谓语“动词原形”表示强调语气。 例如:She did go to see him yesterday. We do have four lessons in the morning. 二、倒装句 句子的排列顺序,通常是主语在前,谓语在后。倒装语序,谓语在前,主语在后。陈述句一般都是自然语序,一般疑问句都是倒装语序。 例如:He speaks English.(陈述句,自然语序) Does he speak English?(疑问句倒装语序) 倒装语序: 全部倒装,整个谓语放在主语之前。 部分倒装,谓语中需要强调的是一部分放在主语之前,其他部分仍放在主语之后。 倒装语序的作用,着重强调部分放在句首,引人注目。变化句子,使句子生动活泼。 例如:The bus comes home.(自然语序) Here comes the bus.(倒装语序) 倒装句除疑问句及“there + be “句之外,陈述句为了强调谓语或谓语某个部分也常可用倒装句,另外so,neither,no等词经常用于对话简略答语的句首,用倒装语序避免重复。 第二节实战演练 一、复习时需注意的要点 1. 全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 例如:Here he comes. Away they went. 当so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时,不可用倒装结构。意为"的确如此"。 例如:Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did. —It's raining hard. —So it is.


语法辨析强调句与倒装句的区别与应用 强调句与倒装句是英语语法中常见的两种结构,它们在句子结构和语义表达上具有一定的相似之处,但同时又有着明显的区别和不同的应用场景。本文将对强调句和倒装句进行详细的辨析,并分析它们在实际运用中的差异和适用范围。 一、强调句的特点和应用 强调句是为了突出某个成分、某种情况或某个观点而使用的特殊句式,通过在句子中使用"it is"或"there is/are"等结构进行增强语气,进而产生强调的效果。在强调句中,被强调的成分通常放在句首或句末位置。 1. 强调句的形式 强调句的基本形式为:"It is/was" + 被强调部分 + "that/who/which" + 其余部分。例如: - It is Mary who won the first prize in the competition. - There is an urgent matter that needs your immediate attention. 2. 强调句的功能 强调句的主要功能是为了使某个成分显得更为突出和重要,从而引起读者或听者的注意。它可以用于强调人物、事物、地点、时间、原因等各种具体的成分。例如: - It was at the top of the mountain that they finally found the lost treasure.

- There is only one person who can solve this problem. 二、倒装句的特点和应用 倒装句是指在英语句子中,将谓语动词或助动词放在主语之前的结构。它常用于条件句、状语从句、助动词后面省略的情况以及某些特殊句型中,以使句子结构更加紧凑或突出句子中的某些成分。 1. 完全倒装句 在一般陈述句中,要出现倒装结构,主要有以下几种情况: - 在表示地点和方向的状语从句中,介词短语位于句首时,需要倒装。例如:Down the street ran a stray cat. - 在表示否定的副词或短语位于句首时,需要倒装。例如:Not until the thunder stopped did the children come out to play. 2. 部分倒装句 部分倒装句主要出现在以下几种情况下: - 在表示条件的句子中,用倒装句形式可以加强语气或表示假设。例如:Were I you, I would seize the opportunity. - 在以表语从句或状语从句开头的句子中,为了使句子结构更加紧凑,可以使用部分倒装。例如:What I want is a peaceful night. 三、强调句与倒装句的区别


年级高二学科英语编稿老师李敏英 课程标题核心句法(五)特殊句式——强调、倒装、省略 一校林卉二校黄楠审核赵梅红 英语特殊句式是高考重点热点之一,主要考查的内容有以下几个方面: 1. 强调句型与其他从句的区别。 2. 全部倒装和部分倒装的特有句式,比如not until…, so… that, not only… but also等结构的倒装句式。 3. 各种省略句式,比如,各种从句中的省略现象、不定式的省略结构等。 英语特殊句式的考查题型可以是单选、完形、改错、阅读表达当中的翻译。英语特殊句式掌握得好对阅读和写作具有重要意义。 一、知识精讲 1. 强调句 强调句型是中学阶段所学过的比较重要的句型之一,也是高考的重点和热点之一。其基本结构是:It is(was)+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其它成分。英语中许多句子常可以通过强调句型对句子的不同成分进行强调。 【例句】 Mike and Mary helped the old man several days ago. It was Mike and Mary that / who helped the old man several days ago. It is Mary and Tom who often do good deeds. It was in today’s newspaper that we found the news. 状元典例1 — Were all three people in the car injured in the accident? — No, ______ only the two passengers who got hurt. A. there were B. it were C. there was D. it was 答案:D 思路分析:本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“it is/was + 被强调部分+that/who…”构成。题意“只有两个乘客受了伤”;如果选A,句意“只有两个受伤的乘客”,答非所问。 状元典例2 — ______ that he managed to get the information? — Oh, a friend of his helped him. A. Where was it B. What C. How was it D. Why was it 答案:C 思路分析:由答语a friend of his helped him可知,问的是方式。 2. 倒装句 英语的倒装句型分为全部倒装和部分倒装。


倒装句 1.完全倒装:谓语部分全部置于主语之前的句子,便是完全倒装句。 1)表示方位的副词或介词短语,如here, there, now, then, up, down, in, away, off, out, in the room等,置于句首时 Out rushed the children. Away flew the plane. 2) such置于句首时,多被认为是表语,所以,such后的be动词应与其后的“真正的主语”保持一致。 Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century’s greatest scientist. Such are the facts; no one can deny them. 2.部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(多为助动词或情态动词)置于主语之前的句子,称为部 分倒装句。 1)Only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,且放在句首时。 Only in this way can we learn English well. Only when he returned did we found out the truth. 2) ……;so+助动词+主语“……也是如此” They love having lots of friends; so do those with disabilities. 如果句意不是“……也是如此”,而仅是对前述内容的肯定或附和,那么,句子则不可使用倒装式,试比较: He came last night, and so did I. A. It is hot. B. So it is. 3)……;neither(或nor)+助动词+主语“……也不这样” Lily can’t ride; neither can lucy. 4) so+ adj / adv….that…“如此……以至于……“ So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood. 5) not only…., but also…. “不仅……而且……” Not only will help be given to people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it. 6) not until…“直到……才…” Not until he returned did we have supper. 注意:如果not until引导的是句子,until从句的主谓不可倒装,而是主句需要倒装。 Not until the film had begun did she arrive. 强调句 1.英语中的强调句式主要有it is…that…型,do/does/did+动词原形型 1)it is/ was…that/who….可以对句子中的主语,宾语,同位语,状语等进行强调,以达到突出信息的交际目的。如, I didn’t realize all my mistakes until you told me yesterday.


倒装句和强调句型 一.倒装句 倒装句:部分倒装(主语和be, 情态动词,助动词倒置)和完全倒装(主语和谓语完全倒置) I. 完全倒装: 1. 用于there be句型。 2. 用于here ( there, now, then)+不及物动词+主语句型,或以out, in, up, down, away等副词开头 的句子里,以表示强调。注意:代词作主语时,不用倒装。 3 . 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时。 4. 表语置于句首时,“表语+系动词+主语” 5. 用于so, nor, neither开头的句子,表示重复前面的部分内容。(例子如下) 6. 为了保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时。 1. There are many students in the classroom. 2.Then came Marry and George. In the castle lived the Snow White with the seven dwarfs. . Here comes the bell. Now comes your turn. Out went the children. 3. South of the city lies a big steel factory. From the valley came a frightening sound. 4.Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people. 5.He has been to Beijing. So have I . Li Wei can’t answer the question. Neither can I. 6.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy. II. 部分倒装 1. 用于“表语/状语/动词原形+ as 引导的让步状语从句时,若表语为名词,其名词前不加任何 冠词。Child as he was, he had to make a living. Hero as he is, he still has short comings. Much as I like it, I’ll not buy it. Pretty as she is, she is not clever. Try as he would, he might fail again. 2..省略了if的虚拟条件句中,were, had或should提到句首. Were I not so busy, I should go with you. Had he been here yesterday, he would have come to watch the football match. 3.在so…that(如此…以至于)句型中,若so…提到句首。 So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself. So loudly did he speak that people in the next room could hear him. 4 .用于no sooner…than…“一…就…”, hardly…when…“刚一…就…” ,not only…but also和not until 句型中. Hardly had he began to speak when his father stopped him. Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.. Hardly had we got home when it began to rain. (=We had hardly got home when it began to rain.) No sooner had I left home than it began to rain.(只用于过去的情况。No sooner引起的从句中,谓语动词用过去完成时) 5.用于never, hardly, seldom,. Scarcely(简直不、几乎不), barely(几乎没有), little, often, , not only, not once(一次也不)等否定副词开头的句子。 Never shall I do this again. Little did he know who the woman was. Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person. 6.在含有no的词组出现在句首时如at no time(决不、从来没有), in no time(立刻、很快) , in no way等。In no way can they leave freely.(他们决不能随便离开)


读语篇学语法——强调句与倒装句 Alaska, which was called Russian America before it was sold to the United States, joined the Union as the 49th state in 1959. Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states of the USA.①It was in 1867 that President Andrew Johnson’s Secretary of States(国务卿), William H. Seward, bought Alaska from the Russians at the cost of $7.2 million. The buying of the northern land seemed at first something foolishly done.②Not only was Alaska difficult to reach, but it was also hard to live in, and it appeared to be of no importance in time of war. ③Besides there are volcanoes (火山)there as Alaska lies on the Pacific “ring of fire”. In Alaska large treeless areas are covered with snow all the year round. For these reasons the buying of Alaska was called “Seward’s Folly(蠢事)” at that time. However, in 1896, gold was found in Alaska, and people poured into the land. Then other important natural resources were discovered, including oil. But now most people visit Alaska in order to see the endless beauty of nature that the northern land discloses to them.④For example, there are about 11,000 islands in Alaska. And in a certain area of Alaska the sun doesn’t set for 82 days every year. 强调句:顾名思义,强调句就是对句子的某一成分进行强调,以加强语气或引起重视。 英语中常见的表示强调的方式有以下三种: 1. 用助动词do(一般现在时), does(一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数形式)和did(一般过去时)来强调谓语动词。如: 1)The girls do look pretty today. 2)The little girl does look nice in that green dress today. 3)The boys did have a good time last night. 从上述结构不难看出,强调谓语动词时只有两种时态——一般现在时和一般过去时。 2. 固定句型:强调句的句型主要是:It is / was … that / who / whom…。该句型可以用来强调除谓语动词以外的任何成分。例如上文中的①:It was in 1867 that President Andrew Johnson’s Secretary of States(国务卿), William H. Seward, bought Alaska from the Russians at the cost of $7.2 million. 该句强调了时间状语in 1867。意思是:正是在1867年,当时担任美国总统Andrew Johnson国务卿的William H. Seward以七百二十万美元的价格从俄罗斯人手里买下了阿拉斯加。 2)It was their teacher who helped them solve the problem. 正是他们的老师帮他们解决了这一问题。 3)It was Lucy whom Tom met in the party yesterday. Tom昨天在聚会上见到的正是Lucy。 注意: ⑴该句型中的that,who和whom都不可以省略。


深入解读语法倒装句与强调句的区别与联系语法倒装句和强调句是英语语法中常见的两种句型结构。尽管它们在形式上有一些相似之处,但它们在使用上有着明显的区别。本文将深入解读语法倒装句和强调句的区别与联系,以帮助读者更好地理解并正确应用这两种句型。 一、语法倒装句 1.基本结构 语法倒装句是指将动词或助动词放在主语之前,从而改变了正常的句子结构。语法倒装句主要分为两种类型: -完全倒装: 将整个谓语动词都移到主语之前。 例子:Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset. -部分倒装:将助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,谓语动词保留在其后。 例子:Not only does she play the piano, but she also sings well. 2.使用情况 语法倒装句通常用以强调句子中的某一成分,或者表示句子的否定或条件。常见的使用情况包括: -表示地点或方向的副词放在句首。 例子:Out of the blue, a bird flew into the room.

-表示否定意义的副词或短语位于句首。 例子:Never have I been so disappointed in my life. -用于条件状语从句中,将谓语动词移到主语之前。 例子:Had I known you were coming, I would have prepared a meal. 二、强调句 1.基本结构 强调句是为了突出句子中的某个成分而对其进行强调。在强调句中,被强调的成分通常用it来代替,并将这个it放在句子的开头或动词之后,然后通过强调结构将被强调的成分置于句首或句末。 例子:It was John who won the first prize in the competition. 2.使用情况 强调句常常用于以下情况: -强调主语,强调句子中的人或事物。 例子:It was Jane who broke the vase, not her brother. -强调时间或地点。 例子:It was yesterday that I saw her for the last time. 三、区别与联系


强调句和倒装句是英语中常见的句型结构,它们在语法和意义上起到突出和强 调作用。本文将重点介绍英语中的强调句和倒装句及其使用方法。 首先,让我们来看看强调句。强调句主要用于强调句中的某个成分,使其在语 义上更加突出。强调句有两种形式:强调句式和强调副词。强调句式通常以 “it is/was...that”或“...do/does/did”开头,其中的“it”是一个形式 主语,真正的主语位于句子的后面。例如,“It was John who broke the vase.”这个句子中,强调了John这个人,使其成为整个句子的重点。 其次,倒装句也是英语中常见的句型结构之一。倒装句将谓语动词或助动词提 到主语之前,从而达到突出的效果。倒装句可以分为完全倒装和部分倒装。完 全倒装是指将整个谓语动词或助动词提到主语之前,例如:“Had I known the answer, I would have told you.”这个句子中,完全倒装使得“Had I”成为句子的开头,强调了“知道答案”的动作。部分倒装是指将助动词或情态动词 提到主语之前,例如:“Not only is she smart, but she is also kind.” 这个句子中,部分倒装形式“is she”突出了“She is smart”这个句子中的 主语。 在实际应用中,强调句和倒装句可以用于不同的场合,以达到不同的表达效果。强调句常用于强调句子中的一个成分,使其更加突出。比如,“It was the boy who saved the dog.”这个句子中的强调句式将“the boy”作为句子的重点,着重强调了是“the boy”拯救了“the dog”。倒装句则常用于句子的前 半部分是否定词或含有否定意义的词语时。例如,“Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.”这个句子中,“Never have I seen”这个部分采用了 完全倒装结构,使得“never”对于“have I seen”起到了强调作用,表达了 作者前所未有地看到了美丽的日落。 最后,为了正确使用强调句和倒装句,提高英语表达的准确性和流利性,我们 需要牢记一些使用规则。首先,在强调句中,要将被强调的成分放在句子的前面,然后加上适当的强调结构,例如“it is/was...that”或 “...do/does/did”,并根据句子的语法结构进行相应的改变。其次,在使用 倒装句时,要根据所需的强调来确定是否需要倒装结构,并根据句子的语法结 构进行相应的改变。最后,要注意避免语法错误和理解上的歧义,可以通过阅 读和练习来提高对强调句和倒装句的掌握。 总之,强调句和倒装句是英语中常见的句型结构,通过突出和强调句子中的成分,使得意义更加明确和强烈。掌握强调句和倒装句的使用方法,将有助于提 高英语表达的准确性和流利性,使得我们的语言更加生动有力。


语法中的强调句与倒装句 强调句是我们常用的一种表达方式,它可以用来强调句子中的某个成分或者信息。倒装句则是一种特殊的句子结构,常用于强调句子中的某个部分或者突出句子的语气。在语法中,强调句和倒装句都具有重要的作用,并且在实际的写作和口语表达中经常被使用。本文将详细讨论语法中的强调句和倒装句及其用法。 一、强调句 1. 强调方式 强调句可以通过在句子中加入特定的词语或者短语来强调某个成分或者信息。常见的强调方式包括: - 使用it is/was ... that结构 - 在某个成分前加入副词或者短语 - 使用特定的强调词,如only, even, just等 2. 强调句的结构 强调句的结构可以根据具体的语境进行灵活的变化,但通常遵循以下结构: - It is/was ... that结构:强调句子中的某个成分或者信息 例如: It was at the party that I met my old friend.

正是在派对上,我遇到了我的老朋友。 - 在某个成分前加入副词或者短语 例如: I found the book on the table. 是我在桌子上找到了那本书。 - 使用特定的强调词 例如: Only you can solve this problem. 只有你可以解决这个问题。 3. 强调句的注意事项 在使用强调句时,需要注意以下几点: - 强调的成分通常放在句首或者句末,以突出其重要性。 - 强调句的语序和一般句子不同,需要注意语法结构的调整。 - 强调句的使用应适度,过多的强调可能会导致语言过于夸张或者武断。 二、倒装句 1. 倒装句的分类


强调句与倒装句 一、强调句型 强调是为了用来加强句子的语气,突出说话的重点,区别不同的意思等。英语书面中表示强调的手段主要有词汇、语法和修辞三种。含有这些强调手段的句子统称为强调句。 1.词汇手段 以下两类词汇可以帮助句子通过词汇手段实现强调H的。 (1)通过only, even,alone Just, ever;very,too, at all,on earch, in the world ,rather z/entirely,completely, if ever ,if any •等单词或词组对其所修饰的内容进行强调。 Do you know it at all ?你究竟知道不知道? Where on earth did you put the key ?你到底把钥匙放哪去了? He entirely forgot the matter!他把这件事完全给忘了。 (2)通过强调词however/whatever/whenever/wherever/whoever/whichever; no matter how/what/where/when/who/which 等实现强调H 的。 However hard he tried ,he couldn't lift the box ・ 无论这么用力,他都无法举起这个箱子。 Whoever you are ,you should obey the rule •无论你是谁,都应遵守规则。 Take whichever of these paintings like best这些画中你最喜欢的无论拿哪一个都行。 2.语法手段 通过语法手段实现强调LI的的句型主要有以下儿种: (1)It is /was+被强调部分+that/who从句 这是强调句型的常见结构。被强调的部分通常为主语、宾语、和状语。被强调部分如果是人,其后的从句可以有Who引导也可以山that引导,如果被强调部分是事物,其后的从句只能有that引导。翻译时被强调部分译成“是S “就是” 等。 It is Professor Li that /who sent me the letter . 给我寄信的是李教授。(主语) It was Anne who had a heart attack last night ・ 正是安妮昨晚犯了心脏病。(主语) It is this novel that they talked about last week ・ 他们上周讨论的就是这部小数。(宾语) It was doctor james that /whom we invited to give us alecture ・ 被邀请个给我们作报告的是詹姆士教授(状语) It is only when one is ill that one Knows the value of health. 人们只有生病了才知道健康的价值。(状语) It was at an evening party that I first saw her我是在一次晚会上首次看见她的。(状语)


中的倒装句和强调句的区别及典型例句 倒装句和强调句是英语语法中的两个重要概念。虽然它们在语法结 构上有些相似,但它们的表达方式和语境使用上存在一些显著的区别。本文将分别介绍倒装句和强调句的定义、用法以及典型例句,以便读 者能够更好地理解和运用这两种句式。 一、倒装句的定义和用法 倒装句是指在英语句子中,把谓语动词或助动词放在主语之前,从 而改变正常语序的现象。倒装句可以分为完全倒装和部分倒装两种形式。 1. 完全倒装 完全倒装主要出现在以下情况中: (1)以表示地点或方向的副词或介词短语开头的句子,如:"Here comes the bus."(车来了。)和 "Out rushed the children."(孩子们冲了 出去。) (2)以表示否定的副词或词组开头的句子,如:"Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset."(我从未见过如此美丽的日落。)和 "Not only did he pass the exam, but he also got the highest score."(他不仅通过了考试,而且还得了最高分。)

(3)以表示条件的状语从句开头的句子,如:"Had I known the truth, I would have acted differently."(如果我早知道真相的话,我会采 取不同的行动的。) (4)以表示时间和方式的副词或介词短语开头的句子,如:"On the table sat a cup of coffee."(桌子上放着一杯咖啡。)和 "In front of the building stood a tall statue."(在建筑物前面矗立着一座高大的雕像。) 2. 部分倒装 部分倒装是指把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,而将主语和谓语 动词保持原来的顺序。部分倒装的常见情况有: (1)以否定副词开头的句子,如:"Never have I been so happy." (我从未如此快乐过。) (2)以 "so"、"neither"、"nor" 或 "not only" 开头的句子,如:"So did he."(他也是这样。) 二、强调句的定义和用法 强调句是用来强调句子中的某一成分,使其更为突出、重要或引人 注意。强调句通常通过使用 "It is/was" 结构来实现。 构成强调句的基本结构为:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其余 部分。 例如:"It was John who won the first prize."(约翰赢得了第一名。)


初中中常见的倒装句与强调句用法倒装句是英语语法中常用的一种句型结构,它在初中英语学习中占有重要的地位。同时,强调句也是初中英语的基本知识点之一。本文将详细介绍初中中常见的倒装句和强调句的用法。 一、倒装句的基本概念与结构 倒装句指的是主语和谓语在句子中的位置颠倒。一般来说,英语中的倒装句主要有两种形式:完全倒装和部分倒装。 1. 完全倒装 完全倒装句的结构是:助动词/情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语动词。当句子以频副词或其它副词开头时,常常使用完全倒装。例如: 1) Never had I seen such a beautiful sunset before. 我从未见过如此美丽的日落。 2) Rarely do we have the opportunity to travel abroad. 我们很少有机会出国旅行。 2. 部分倒装 部分倒装句的结构是:动词 + 主语。在一些特殊情况下,我们需要使用部分倒装来加强语气或强调某个部分。例如: 1) Not only does he play the piano, but he also sings beautifully. 他不仅会弹钢琴,而且唱得很好。

2) Little did he know that she had been waiting for him all night. 他并不知道她已经等了他一整晚。 二、常见的倒装句用法 倒装句在初中英语中非常常见,特别是在以下几个情况下: 1. 表示部分否定的情况 当句子中有“never”,“rarely”,“seldom”等意味“从不”的副词时,经常使用倒装句。例如: 1) Never have I seen such a talented young man. 我从未见过如此有才华的年轻人。 2) Rarely does he complain about anything. 他很少抱怨什么。 2. 表示地点状语的情况 当句子中的状语是表示地点的副词或介词短语时,也经常使用部分倒装。例如: 1) In front of the house stood a beautiful garden. 房子前面有一个漂亮的花园。 2) On the top of the hill, there is a small temple. 山顶上有座小庙。


强调句 英语的强调主要有两种:一是强调非谓语(包括主语、宾语、状语等);二是强调谓语动词。 一、强调非谓语 其基本句型是:“It + is/was + 被强调的成分+that/who + 其她成分”。It 没有实意,只起语法作用,引导被强调的部分。当被强调的是人时,可用who(m)/that, 其他情况用that。 例如: It was I who/that met Jack yesterday. 是我昨天碰到了Jack. (强调主语) It was Jack that/whom I met yesterday. 我昨天碰到的是Jack。 (强调宾语) It was yesterday that I met Jack. 是昨天我碰到了Jack. (强调时间状语) 这几句话复原为非强调句就是:I met Jack yesterday. It is people, not things, that are decisive. 决定的因素是人,不是物。 (强调主语) It is because the book is very important for my present job that I bought it. 是因为这本书对我目前的工作很有用,我才买了它。 (强调原因状语) It was in the supermarket that I gave the book to him. 是在那家超市里我给了他那本书。(强调地点状语) 1.强调主语: It was John who broke the window. 是John打破了窗子。 原句:John broke the window. It is this overpass that will be pulled down. 将被拆掉的是这个天桥。 原句:This overpass will be pulled down. It is the people who/that are really powerful. 真正有力量的是人民。 原句:The people are really powerful. 2.强调状语: (1)强调时间状语。 例如: It was at that moment that he changed his mind. 是在那一刻他改变了主意。 It is every day that Professor Smith goes swimming. 史密斯教授是天天去游泳。 It was not until Saturday that he began to prepare for the examination. 他直到星期六才开始为考试作准备。 注意:这句话的原句是He did not begin to prepare for the examination until Saturday. 变成强调时间状语,注意“not” 位置的变化。 (2)强调地点状语。 例如:
