

Unit 1

(1) I'm really sorry:

Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK?

Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this.

Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America?

Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina.

Ted: Did you grow up there?

Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school.

Ted: And where did you learn to rollarblade?

Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time.

Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons?

Ana: Sure. Just follow me.

Ted : By the way, my name is Ted.

Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you.

Hey, hey! that was fun

Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson!

Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do?

Ted: I work in a travel agency.

Ana: Really! What do you do there?

Ted: I'm in charge of their computers.

Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist.

Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so.

Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking. Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more rollarblading lessons.

Ana: It's a deal!

(2) Where are you from originally, Yu Hong

Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong?

Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai.

Interviewer: And when did you move here?

Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992.

Interviewer: And what do you do now?

Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer.

Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States.

Yu Hong: Yes, that's right.

Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.?

Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I don't have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but that's not the same thing. In China, on the holidays or the weekend, we visit relatives. It isn't the same here.

Interviewer: And what do you miss the most from home?

Yu Hong: Oh, that's easy: my mom's soup! She makes great soup. I really miss my mother's cooking.

(3) Hey! Are these pictures of you

A: Hey! Are these pictures of you when you were a kid?

B: Yeah! That's me in front of my uncle's beach house. When I was a kid, we used to spend two weeks every summer.

A: Wow, I bet that was fun!

B: Yeah. We always had a great time. Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach. I have a great shell collection. In fact, I think it's still up in the attic!

A: Hey, I used to collect shells, too, when I was a kid. But my parents threw them out!

A: You know what I remember most about growing up?

B: What?

A: Visiting my grandparent's house…you know, on holidays and stuff. They lived way out in the country, and my granddad had a horse named Blackie. He taught me how to ride. I just love that horse-and she loved me, too! I used to really enjoy spending time at my grandparent's house. And every time I came back, Blackie remembered me.

B: Ah, memories!

Unit 2

(4) Why is there never a bus when you want one?

A: Why is there never a bus when you want one?

B: Good question. There aren't enough buses on this route.

A: Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper.

B: Good idea. You should say that we need more subway lines, too.

A: Yeah. There should be more public transportation in genral.

B: And fewer cars! There's too much traffic.

A: Say, is that our bus coming?

B: Yes, it is. But look. It's full!

A: Oh, no! Let's go and get a cup of coffee. We can talk about this letter I'm going to write.

A: So you are really going to write a letter to the paper?

B: Sure. I'm going to say something about the buses. They're too old. We need more modern buses…nice air-conditioned ones.

B: And they need to put more buses on the road.

A: Right. And there are too many cars downtown, and there isn't enough parking.

B: That's for sure. It's impossible to find a parking space downtown these days.

A: I think they should ban private cars downtown between nine and five.

B: Oh, you mean they shouldn't allow any cars except taxis and buses during the regular workday. Hmm…that sounds like a really good idea.

(5) Quite a number of things

Quite a number of things have been done to help solve traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorists must buy a special pass if they want to drive into the downtown business district. They can go into the business district only if they have the pass displayed on their windshield.

Another thing Singapore has done is to make it more difficult to buy cars. People have to apply for a certificate if they want to buy a car. And the number of certificates is limited. Not everyone can get one.

There is also a high tax on cars, so it costs three or four times as much to buy a car in Singapore as it does in, say, the United States or Canada.

The other thing Singapore has done is to build an excellent pubic transportation system. Their subway system is one of the best in the world. And there is also a very good taxi and bus system.

(6) Excuse me. Could you tell me

A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is?

B: There's one upstairs, across from the duty-free shop.

A: Oh, thanks. Do you know what time it opens?

B: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00A.M.

A: Good. And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city?

B: You need to check at the transportation counter. It's right down the hall.

A: OK. And just one more thing. Do you know where the nearest restroom is?

B: Right behind you, ma'am. See that sign?

A: Oh. Thanks a lot.

A: Excuse me. It's me again. I'm sorry. I need some more information-if you don't mind.

B: Not at all.

A: Thanks. Do you know how much a taxi costs to the city?

B: Well, it depends on the traffic, of course. But it usually costs about forty dollars.

A: Forty dollars? I guess I'll take the bus. That means I have almost an hour till the next one. Where could I find an inexpensive restaurant in the airport? Maybe a fast-food place?

B: Go upstairs and turn right. You'll see the snack bar on your left.

A: Thanks very much. Have a nice day.

B: You, too.

Unit 3

(7) What do you think?

A: What do you think?

B: Well, it has just as many bedroom as the last apartment. And the living room is huge.

C: But the bedroom are too small. And there isn't enough closet space for my clothes.

A: And it's not as cheap as the last apartment we saw.

B: But that apartment was dark and dingy. And it was in a dangerous neighborhood.

A: Let's see if the real estate agent has something else to show us.

A: Well, how do you like this space, then?

C: Oh, it's much better than that other one. The thing I like best is the bedrooms. They are too huge!

B: Yes, they are nice and big.

C: And there are two bathrooms! I could have my own bathroom!

B: Yes, I guess you could.

C: The only problem is the color of the living room. I really don't like those dark green walls. A: Oh, I'm sure we can change the color if we want to.

(8) Creative Rentals.

A: Creative Rentals. Good morning.

B: Hello. I'm calling about the apartment you have for rent.

A: Yes. What can I tell you about it?

B: Where is it, exactly?

A: It's on King Street, just off the freeway.

B: Oh, near the freeway. Can you hear the traffic?

A: Yes, I'm afraid you do hear some. But the apartment has lots of space. It has three bedrooms and a very large living room

B: I see. And is it in a new building?

A: Well, the building is about fifty years old.

B: Uh-huh. Well, I'll think about it.

A: OK. Thanks for calling.

B: Thank you. Bye

A: Hello?

B: Hello. Is the apartment you're advertising still available?

A: Yes, it is.

B: Can you tell me a little about it?

A: Well, it's a perfect apartment for one person. It's one room with a kitchen at one end.

B: I see. And is it far away from the subway?

A: There's a subway station just down the street. Actually, the apartment is located right downtown, so you step out of the building and there are stores and restaurants everywhere. But it's on a high floor, so you don't hear any street or traffic noise.

B: It sounds like just the kind of place I'm looking for. I'd like to come see it, please.

A: Sure. Let me give you the address.

(9) So where are you working now

A: So where are you working now, Terry?

B: Oh, I'm still at the bank. I don't like it, though.

A: That's too bad. Why not?

B: Well, it's boring, and it doesn't pay very well.

A: I know what you mean. I don't like my job either. I wish I could find a better job.

B: Actually, I don't want to work at all anymore. I wish I had a lot of money so I could retire


A: Hmm, how old are you, Terry?

B: Uh, twenty-six.

A: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry?

B: Oh, you didn't know? She and I broke up a couple of months ago. We decided we needed a break from each other for a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get back together again.

A: I'm sure you will.

B: I really hope so. So what kind of job would you like to look for?

A: I'm not sure, but I'd really like to move to another city. I'm sick of this place. I need to live somewhere more exciting.

B: I know what you mean. It sure can get boring around here at times.

Yeah, I really need a change. I've been doing the same things for ever five years now, and I'm just not learning anything new. It's the same routine every day, and I am really sick of sitting in front of a computer. I think I need to try something totally different. I want to be in a profession that involves meeting people.

I really need to join a club or sports team to give me something to do on weekends. I get really bored on the weekends, and if I joined a club. I'd probably get to meet people and make new friends.

I should take a typing course this summer. I really need if it for my school work. And people say that if you can type really well, it's something you'll find useful later in life.

Gosh, I really have to go on a diet. I've gained ten pounds since last year, and everyone tells me I look fat. And if I don't lose weight now, I won't be able to get into any of my summer clothes.

Unit 4

(10) Hey, this sounds good-snails

A: Hey, this sounds good-snails with garlic! Have you ever eaten snails?

B: No, I haven't

A: Oh, they're delicious! I had them last time. Like to try some?

B: No, thanks. They sound strange.

C: Have you decided on an appetizer yet?

A: Yes. I'll have the snails, please.

C: And you, sir?

B: I think I'll have the fried brains.

A: Fried brains? Now that really sound strange!

A: Oh, good. Here comes the waitress now!

C: Here are your snails, madam. And for you, sir…the fried brains.

B: Thank you.

A: Mmm, these snails are delicious! How are the brains?

B: Well, I think they're…yuck! Oh, sorry, I guess brains are pretty strange after all. Um, I think I'm going to order something else, if you don't mind.

A: Oh, sure. Go ahead.

B: Miss! Excuse me, miss!

C: Yes?

B: Uh, I really don't care for this appetizer. Could you bring me something else?

C: Yes, of course. What would you like instead?

A: Try the snails.

B: No, I don't think so. I'll tell you what. Just forget an appetizer for me, and bring me a nice, juicy hamburger…medium rare…with French fries and a large soda.

(11) Have you finished with this

A: Have you finished with this?

B: No, I'm still drinking it. Thanks.

A: Did you order this?

B: Yes, that's mine. Mmm, it looks great and smells delicious!

A: Don't you like it?

B: I haven't tasted it yet. I'm waiting for the waitress to bring me a fork.

A: Did you enjoy it?

B: Well, it was a little tough. I think it was cooked for too long.

A: How is it?

B: Great. Just the way I like it: black and strong.

A: Your turn or mine?

B: It's my treat this time. You paid last time. Remember.

Unit 5

(12) I'm so excited!

A: I'm so excited! We have two weeks off! What are you going to do?

B: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay home. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. What about you? Any plans?

A: Well, my parents have rented a condominium in Florida. I'm going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.

B: Sounds great!

A: Say, why don't you come with us? We have plenty of room.

B: Do you mean it? I'd love to!

A: So, what are you planning to do for your vacation, Judy?

B: Oh, I'm doing something really exotic this year. You know, I went to Hawaii last year, and just stayed on the beach for two weeks. This year, I'm going white-water rafting!

A: Ooh, that sounds great. But what is it, exactly?

B: Oh, well, you know, it's in Colorado. They have all these trips down the rapids. The water gets really rough, but I think it'll be really exciting. Oh, I'm doing some rock climbing, too. A: And you call that a vacation?

(12) What are your plans for the summer

A: What are your plans for the summer, Paul?

B: Oh, I'd love to go and lie on a beach somewhere, but I need to save some money for school.

I think I'll stay home and get a job.

A: That doesn't sound like much fun.

B: Oh, it won't be too bad. Some of my friends are going to work this summer, too, so we'll do some partying on the weekends.

A: Have you planned anything for the summer, Brenda?

B: Yeah. I'm going to work the first month and save some money. Then I'm going to go down to Mexico for six weeks to stay with my sister. She's working in Guadalajara. She says it's really interesting there, so I want to go and see what to go and see what it's like. It will also give me a chance to practice my Spanish. I'm really looking forward to it.

Unit 6 Sure. No problem!

(13) Jason…Jason!

A: Jason…Jason! Turn down the TV a little, please.

B: Oh, but this is my favorite program!

A: I know. But it's too loud.

B: OK. I'll turn it down.

A: That's better. Thanks.

B: Lisa, please pick up your things.

A: They're all over the living room floor.

B: In a minute, Mom. I'm on the phone.

A: OK. But do it as soon as you hang up.

B: Sure. No problem.

A: Goodness! Were we like this when we were kids?

B: Definitely!

A: Have you noticed how forgetful Dad is getting? He's always forgetting where his car keys are. It drives me crazy.

B: And he can never find his glasses either.

A: I know.

B: You know what drives me crazy about Mom?

cover letter 英文介绍信格式

Jessica Li Qinghe Xiaoying Eastern Road Haidian, Beijing China PRC 100192 Mobile: QQ: E-mail: June 18th, 2014 President Yu Minhong New Oriental Education and Technology Campany No.18 Zhongguancun Street Haidian, Beijing China PRC 100186 Dear President Yu, My name is Jessica and I would like to apply for the position of full time junior high school English teacher of New Oriental. As I understand the position, there are three primary responsibilities: ●Improve student their English scores with effective ways ●Clear about teaching aim, having creative teaching method, with good control ability in class by mobilizing the enthusiasm of the students; ●The profound identity and understanding of Oriental culture Therefore you require an individual who has an English education background and a strong background in teaching and organizing with creative and effective teaching methods which make the class active and attractive. As you can see from my CV, which I have attached for your reference, I have all of the required skill sets. First, I am good at English with four years English major study. I graduated from Beijing Information Science & Information University with bachelor degree. I spared no efforts to study English in collage, especially oral English. I’ve done well in my college life not only in academic performance but also in the field of daily communication with the people around me. Second, I have over one year teaching experience as a part-time teacher for junior high school students in ABC language school. I know how to improve junior high school students’ English


Unit 1 (1) I'm really sorry: Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school. Ted: And where did you learn to rollarblade? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time. Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me. Ted : By the way, my name is Ted. Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you. Hey, hey! that was fun Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson! Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: I work in a travel agency. Ana: Really! What do you do there? Ted: I'm in charge of their computers. Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist. Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking. Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more rollarblading lessons. Ana: It's a deal! (2) Where are you from originally, Yu Hong Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai. Interviewer: And when did you move here? Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: And what do you do now? Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer. Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States. Yu Hong: Yes, that's right. Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things,


Lesson 1 Section one News item 1 A. b,c,d B. 1c,2d,3b,4a News item 2 A. b B. running behind News item 3 A. d, B. 1.president,had died in a plane crash 2.ruling,130 3.Foreign Minster,47 4.Portugal,1975 5.Prime Minister,9,transitional Section two A. FTFFF B. C,C,B,A,D,B,C,B C. 52,hospital director,married,good,US Air Force Hospital,Wiesbaden, W.Germany,this moring,undertermined,U.S.A D. 1.precisely,freedom 2.take up,reporters,six-mile jog 3.evaluation,had coped extremely well 4.evidence,tortured,physically ab used Section three A.1.Most Chinese thoughtt mao tsetong as a very good poet,according to the speaker. 2.poetry was considered abysmal because of the restriction of publicatio n during the ten years of the cultural revolution. 3.leaders in china,as well as in the east,are expected to be accomplished p oets. 4.it is about getting rid of a disease that was a plague in china. 5.willis barnstone is a professor of comparative literature at Indiana unive rsity in Bloomington. 6.mao’


英语听力课程教学大纲 课程编号: 一、说明 (一)课程性质 必修课 (二)教学目的 通过专门系统的、严格的听力技能训练,培养学生听力兴趣、听力理解能力和正确的听音方法,为他们今后使用英语进行交际和工作奠定坚实的基础。 (三)教学主要内容 英语数字、时间、新闻等。 (四)教学时数 128学时 (五)教学方式 在教学过程中坚持精听和泛听相结合,课内外相结合,循序渐进。 (六)适用对象 英语专业大一、大二学生 二、教学内容及安排 第一学期 Unit 1 Happy New Millennium 教学要点: 如何抓住听力内容大意。 教学时数: 4学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: The time ball Part III: Word of the millennium Part IV: Short talks on Listening skills -- Focus on the Main Idea 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 2 Net Changes Life (1) 教学要点: 如何做笔记。 教学时数: 4学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: Network Part III: Online shopping Part IV: Short talks on Listening skills -- Don’t Attempt to Write Too Much

掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 3 Net Changes Life(2) 教学要点: 如何听取细节。 教学时数: 2学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: Net changes dorm life Part III: Global multi-media giant Part IV: Language study and language appreciation 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 4 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (1) 教学要点: 如何听英语数字。 教学时数: 2学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: In Brazil and France Part III: Life here and there Part IV: Short talks on listening skills -- Be Careful with Numbers 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 5 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (2) 教学要点: 如何听英语数字。 教学时数: 2学时 教学内容: Part I: Warming up Part II: The world’s six billionth inhabitant Part III: The biggest cities in the world Part IV: Language study and language appreciation 考核要求: 掌握并能实际运用本章所学内容。 Unit 6 From Place to Place 教学要点: 如何听英语对话。 教学时数:


United 2 A plan to build the world's first airport for launching commercial spacecraft in New Mexico is the latest development in the new space race, a race among private companies and billionaire entrepreneurs to carry paying passengers into space and to kick-start a new industry, astro tourism. The man who is leading the race may not be familiar to you, but to astronauts, pilots, and aeronautical engineers –basically to anyone who knows anything about aircraft design –Burt Rutan is a legend, an aeronautical engineer whose latest aircraft is the world's first private spaceship. As he told 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley when he first met him a little over a year ago, if his idea flies, someday space travel may be cheap enough and safe enough for ordinary people to go where only astronauts have gone before The White Knight is a rather unusual looking aircraft, built just for the purpose of carrying a rocket plane called SpaceShipOne, the first spacecraft built by private enterprise. White Knight and SpaceShipOne are the latest creations of Burt Rutan. They're part of his dream to develop a commercial travel business in space. "There will be a new industry. And we are just now in a beginning. I will


Unit1 That's what friends are for. you have a date for the party yet Do you have a date for the party yet Actually,I don't. Do you know anyone I could go with em..what kind of guys do you like oh,I like guys who aren't too serious,and who have a good sense of humor. You know,someone like you. okay,erm,what else Well I prefer someone I have something in common with,who i can talk to easily. I think i know just the guy for you,Bob.. Do you know him

No,i don't think so. okay,I'll ask him to meet us for coffee,and you can tell me what you think. ,what's the verdict So,what's the verdict What did you think of Bob Well,I was worried at first,especially when I saw that he rode a huge motorcycle. I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who is into heavy metal music and stuff like that. You know what I mean But he is just a regular kind of guy right Yeah,we got along really well. I knew you'd like him!

英语高级听力lesson 13 文档翻译

LESSON 13 SECTION 1 1.A special committee of twelve senator s today began the impeachment trial of Federal Judge Harry Claiborne. It's the first such proceeding in fifteen years. Claiborne is serving a jail sentence for tax evasion. 一个由十二位参议员组成的特殊委员会今天开始启动对联邦法官Harry Claiborne的弹劾。这是十五年来第一次发生这样的诉讼。Claiborne因为被判逃税而收押在监。 2 President Reagan today continued his campaign for a drug-free America. He ordered mandatory testing for federal workers in sensitive positions. And he also sent Congress a legislative package that would increase federal anti-drug spending by nine hundred million dollars, much of that on increased border patrols. The President said the legislation is the federal government's way of just saying no to drugs. "We're getting tough on drugs; we mean business. To those who are thinking of using drugs, we say 'Stop.' And to those who are pushing drugs, we say 'Beware.'" Mandatory drug testing for some federal workers is the most controversial part of the President's plan. It's been condemned by some employee groups. 里根总统今天继续他的全国性禁毒行动。他要求对所有处于敏感部门的联邦政府的职工进行强制性毒品检查。他还送给国会一份关于国家反毒品增加9亿美元预算的法案,其中很大部分是用于边境巡逻。总统说立法是联邦政府坚决反对毒品的有效方法。“我们要严厉打击毒品,我们不是随便说说的。对于那些在想着使用毒品的人,我们说:…停止!?对于那些做毒品买卖的人,我们说:…当心!?”对于部分联邦工作人员的强制药检是总统计划中最受争议的部分。它受到部分职员团体的谴责。 One person was killed and more than fifty injured today in Paris when a bomb exploded at the drivers' permit office at police headquarters. It was the fourth blast in seven days in the French capital


《英语听说课程》教学大纲 课程名称:《英语听说课程》 开课专业:应用法律系、监狱劳教系、司法技术系各专业 学时:50学时 课程性质:必修 考核方式:闭卷 一、课程总体基本要求: 英语听说课程是英语教学的一个重要组成部分。通过听说课程的教学,基本上改变以往学生英语听力能力培养相对滞后的局面,避免“聋哑”英语的情况出现,使学生的英语听说能力的培养与读、写、译等能力的培养实现同步均衡的发展,并在日常交际和业务活动中能够进行较为简单的口头交流,在课堂上加强实际能力的培养,达到国家高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求中对于学生听说能力的培养目标。 二、课程培养目标和教学内容: 1.培养目标:通过听说教程的学习,要求学生达到下列要求: ①听懂一般的日常交谈用语,抓住讲话和交谈的中心大意; ②运用简单的日常英语进行对话,并能就所听、读的材料回答问题及复述,做到语音、 语调、语法基本正确; ③对一般日常生活话题进行简单的交谈; ④经一定的准备后,就熟悉的话题做3—5分钟连贯性的发言; ⑤听懂一般交谈和简短讲话,辨别讲话人的态度和语气; ⑥与英美等国家人士谈论日常生活和社会生活话题,比较准确地表达思想,语言基本得体。 2.教学内容: 听说理论课的主要教学内容包括: ①语音和朗读训练; ②听说基本技能训练; ③听说交际技能训练和篇章听说技能训练。 三、教学方法 1.将英语语言基础知识学习、语言应用技能训练和影响到交际效能的文化背景知识介绍有机地融合在一起,突击语言的交际语境和实用的功能意念,在强化语言基本训练的同时,注重语言交际技能的培养和训练,显凸学生所处的生活学习环境和文化氛围,力求使英语学习做到学用结合,学以致用,学后会用。 2、根据认知语言文学和语言习得理论的研究成果,在各单元的题材选择上,力求从学生的英语语言基础、个人兴趣 爱好、实际交流需求出发,通过题材广泛、短小精悍的学生素材,尽可能将知识性、趣味性、实用性和可思性融合在一起,以便充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性。 3、在处理听与说的关系时,以听为导入,以说为目标,让学生首先轻松愉快地接受和领会有关的语言信息,然后兴 趣盎然地加以模仿,力求让学生做到有话可说,有话要说和有话会说,从而完成听说技能的转换和提高。 四、听力实训的教学目的与任务 语言实训课部分是通过一系列具体的表现形式,训练学生实际运用语言的能力,按照《高职高专英语基本要求》所规定的交际范围表,为学生提供100%的英语环境,提高学生英语综合水平。 五、实训课的主题和范围 (一)日常生活交际主题: 介绍、问候、感谢、致歉、道别、指点、接受、拒绝、问询、天气、学习、爱好、饮食、健康、间距等等。 (二)日常涉外交际主题: 迎送、安排日程与活动、安排住宿、宴请与迎送会、陪同购物、游览、就诊等。 (三)一般涉外业务交际主题: 面试、公司/工厂简介:历史、现状;产品介绍:类型、性能、规格、市场等;市场推销、人员培训、业务洽谈、合作意向、投资方向、商品订购、付款方式、谈论价格、业务交流、签定合同等等。 六、实训内容主要包括: 1. 发音训练:说一口标准的英语,较系统而全面地掌握发音知识。 2. 口语技能训练:通过大量的口语技能训练和语音实践活动,巩固和扩展所学语音功能

Part 2 高级英语听力材料

Listening Comprehension Exercises Part Two. Directions:You will hear 26 talks or conversations. Complete the sentences or answer the questions while you listen. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You will be given some time to read the questions before each recording begins. 1. You will hear a talk about dictionaries. Besides telling you the meaning of a word and giving you examples, a dictionary will tell you how to 1) _______________ What will take you a little time but is worthwhile to learn? 2) _______________ You?re sure t o find the right spelling through 3) _______________ Another thing to help you with your writing, the dictionary will tell you where each syllable of a word 4) _______________ With a dictionary, you can find out if you?re separating the word in the 5) _______________ 2. You will hear an introduction about the American musician George Gershwin. What kind of boy was George Gershwin? 1) _______________ To what did George Gershwin begin to pay attention through Hambitzer?s influence? 2) _______________ What kind of work was La, La, Lucille? 3) _______________ What did the first performance of Rhapsody in Blue bring to George Gershwin in 1924? 4) _______________ George Gershwin had enriched American popular music with 5) _______________ 3. You will hear a lecture on language problems facing learners of English. Students who learn the language in their own countries had very little everyday opportunity to 1) _______________ Every-day spoken English is different from English used for 2) _______________ What does the speaker suggest students should use as much as possible?… 3) _______________ According to the speaker, most English people will respond if a foreign student has the courage to 4) _______________ What will the speaker talk about in other talks? 5) _______________ 4. You will hear an extract from a talk about ways to avoid headaches. What?s the principal cause for headaches according to one study? 1) _______________ What creates the conditions for a headache for most people? 2) _______________ How will you feel when working in a bad light? 3) _______________ What does the speaker suggest you should do before bed? 4) _______________ Smoky places encourage headaches, and the smoke may do you quite 5) _______________ 5. You will hear a talk about the country of Switzerland. Besides its beautiful scenery and excellent manufactured products, Switzerland is


成熙英语中级班听力脚本(剑桥二) 1.Break the Ice (1) Oh,I’m really sorry: Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school. Ted: And where did you learn to rollarblade? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my s econd time. Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me. Ted : By the way, my name is Ted. Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you. (2) Hey, hey! that was fun Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson! Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: I work in a travel agency. Ana: Really! What do you do there? Ted: I'm in charge of their computers. Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist. Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking. Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more rollarblading lessons. Ana: It's a deal! (3) Yuhong the Immigrant. Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai. Interviewer: And when did you move here? Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: And what do you do now? Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer. Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States. Yu Hong: Yes, that's right. Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I


《英语视听说》课程教学大纲(English Watching Listening Speaking)课程类型:职业能力课程编号:N053042 适用专业:应用英语专业 先修课程:综合英语后续课程: 学分:19总学时:292学时(理论200学时,实验92学时)教学目的与要求:本课程的教学目的:通过视、听、说教材和其他媒体资料的学习,开展课内外听说技能训练, 努力提高英语听说水平,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。通过本课程的学习达到以下教学要求: 1、知识:学习和巩固语言知识包括词汇、句型及有关口语交际的文化背景知识,从而从根本上提高学生听说方面的理论知识。2、技能:学习和掌握各种听力技能(如理解中心内容和重要事实;领会说话者的态度、感情及真实意图)及口语表达技能(用词造句、联句成段及根据不同场合和对象选择正确词汇用语等)。3、能力:能就常见话题开展课堂、日常会话;能对与教材难度一致的视听资料及阅读资料开展对话、讨论;能听懂大众传播媒介的新闻、科技等内容的报导并能开展简单的讨论。语言使用比较确当、得体;语言表达清晰、比较连贯本课程的考核方式是:考试课程,闭卷笔试。平时50%(出勤10%+课堂表现20%+随堂测验20%)+期末考试50% (书面考试)教学内容与学时安排(第一学期)学 时 分 配序号章目名称讲课实验上机第一学期教学内容①:《高等院校实用英语 听说教程1》30学时1Unit 1: Introduction 22Unit 2: Greetings 11 3Unit 3: Expressing Gratitude 114Unit 4: Making Apologies 25Unit 5: Saying Goodbye 116Unit 6: Asking the Way 117Unit 7: Weather 28Unit 8: Revision I 11对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中


Obese state workers to be charged more for health insurance Overweight is definitely, definitely a problem issue for a lot of people, me being one of them. Those extra pounds add up to health care cost. State officials say that the leading causes of preventable death are tobacco use, lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. There has been a shift upward in terms of the percentage of members who have signs of disease. Starting in July of next year, the state will put those tar-heeler employees who smoke on a PPO basic 70-30 plan. In July of 2011, those who have a body mass index of 40 or more will be put on the same limited coverage too. I understand that no one likes to be singled out; however, that is willfully choosing ill health. Most people agree with the penalties for smokers. A lot of companies have already started instituting similar policies. It's the plan for obese-state employees that has everyone talking. I honestly think that is completely ridiculous, that, um, to charge somebody more for their weight, I don't see what that's even constitutional, to be honest. You need to take many different things into consideration for that it could be, um, just an illness. The States have preventable diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, increase health care cost astronomically. These conditions that we are both seeing on now, um, are too, um, that have some the greatest impact on cost of health care. The State believes giving folks an incentive to stop smoking and lose weight will not only save their lives, but also the tax-payer money. In Ashville, Charu Kumarhia, News 13.


Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet? Kim: Actually, I don’t ……Do you think you could help me find one? Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like? Kim: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know ... like you. Chris: OK. What else? Kim: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to easily. Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him? Kim: No, I don’t think so. Chris: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me what you think. B Listen to Chris and Kim discussing Bob after Kim met him. How did Kim like him? Chris: So, what’s the Verdict? What did you think of Bob? Kim: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Chris: But he’s just a regular kind of guy, right?
