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一:A medication or medicine is a drug taken to cure and/or ameliorate any symptoms of an illness.

1-M:I think you’ve got the flu. There’s a lot of it going around.


W:What do you think I ought to do?你觉得我该怎么办?M:Get this prescription filled and go straight to bed.拿这处方抓药,然后直接上床休息。

2- W:The doctor's given me this prescription.大夫给我开了这药方。

M:It will take five minutes,so perhaps you'll wait.这需要5分钟,所以你可能得稍等会

W:Have you also got something suitable for insect bites?有什么东西能够治虫咬吗?

M:Rub with this cream every four hours.用这种药膏每四小时抹一次

3-W:Which group of people can take the medicine?什么人可以服用这种药?

M:Adults and children over 12 years of age成人和12岁以上儿童

4-W:How should I take the medicine,doctor?大夫,这药该怎么吃?

M:Take 2 tablets each time,and 3 times in 24 hours.每次两片,每24小时3次(每日3次

5-M:Does the medicine have any effect?这药有效吗?

W:It is no good for either my fever or my headache.


W:Can I help you,sir?

M: Yes. Could you make up this prescription for me, please?请给我抓药好么?

W: I`ll do it for you right away. Now your prescription is ready.

M: Can you tell me how many pills to take and how many times a day?能告诉我一天吃几次多少片吗?

W: Certainly. Now look at the directions on this bottle of red pills. Take one of these red pills three times a day after meals. As for the white pills, they are to keep the fever down. 白药片是退烧的。Take one of these when you have a fever, but not more than once every four hours.

M: Oh, yes. What is this medicine?

W: It`s for your cough. Take one spoonful of it three times a day. Shake it well before t aking it.一次吃一勺,一天三次,


M:How should I take the medicine in the plastic bottle? W: This is for gargling.这是漱口用的。

M: How often should I gargle with it?多久漱一次?

W: Three times a day. Is that clear?

M: Yes. Thank you very much for your help

W: You`re welcome. I hope you will recover i n no time.祝你早日康复

Exercise :Identification

1. Gargle with cold salt water several times a day.Drink some warm water with some lemon juice and honey when you have a sore throat.

2. When you have a headache, put a cold cloth on the forehead. It is also a good idea for run your hands under hot water.

背诵:Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs.

Steve was among the greatest of American innovators

– brave enough to think differently,

– bold enough to believe he could change the world,

–and talented enough to do it.

•我星期天从不早起I never get up early on Sundays.

•孩子的性格受家庭环境影响很大The personalities of
