

英语话剧剧本< Beauty and the Beast > (美女与野兽)


Beauty’s fathure 美女父亲

Beauty’s brother 美女哥哥


Beast 野兽


Beauty’s sister

旁白:Hello,everybody.today, I will tell you a very very beautify love story.Now let me introduce the members of this story first.The familyof the beauty,beast,playboya nd the leading role of our story----beauty.now,our beautyful story is begining.


旁白:One day,beauty’sfather learn that all hia ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless and would have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.

美女父亲(依依不舍的):I’m sorry,but all my ships had been lost in a storm, We have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.my dear children,I must go to find another job .

美女:Everything will be alright,daddy.

美女哥哥(很担心的):where will you go,father?Don't leave us! We don't have any servants and the house is so small.

美女姐姐:What can wo do?We can’t live well without you,my dear father!

父亲:I must go to a far away place,to talk a big business.If I do it well,then I will make very much money. And we can move back home.

美女妹妹:what!? Oh yeah! father,if you successedl,please bring us some pretty things!

美女父亲:what pretty thing do you want, my dear childern?

美女哥哥:I just want a diamond and some beautiful clothes,so the dsught of king would fall in love with me,my dear father!

美女姐姐:I want many beautiful clothes and I can become more beautiful!

美女妹妹:I’d like much delicious food.I love you ,father!

美女爸爸:I love you ,too.My dear. I will bring them to you.And you,(对着美女) my dear little beauty,what do you want?

美女:I want a pretty flower,daddy.I'll miss you.

美女父亲:I'll miss you too.But I have to leave.(转身离去)

美女哥哥:good bye, father,rember to bring me a diamond and beautiful cloth!

美女:good bye, father,I'll very miss you!I love you!

美女姐妹:Goodbye father!

第二幕: 出场人物: 美女父亲,野兽

旁白:The father made a great bill.He walked back. with the diamond and beautiful clothes ,but there were no flowers. Then he was on the way home.

one day he gotto a strange palce.Hefoundhe was lost his way.But a big castle appeared in his eyes.美女父亲:woo~~~ I did not knowwhere I was, I must really lost!

It was so big and so beauty a castle.(上前敲门)hello!anybody?!plese open the door!(发现门是开的)the door has been opened.(走了进去)woo~~~so many delicious dishes,I'm so hungry now, I think the master of this castle is a kind a nd warmheart man.Let me eat something.(吃了起来,吃到一半突然发现前面的花园有许多鲜花) There’re so many flowers!I canlbring one to my little daughter beauty.(走过去采花)


美女父亲(吃惊的):Oh no~~~~~

野兽:How dare you!I gave you much food But I didn’t know you were so greedy! I will kill you and eat you!

美女父亲:no!Please dont! I only picked a rose for my little daughter I have a son and 3 daughters!If I die ,they will very sad!

野兽:You have 3 daughters?Are they beauty?

美女父亲:beauty!beauty!very beauty! They look like angels!

野兽:Ok.Then I won’t kill you.But you must take your one of your daughthers here.I want to see her!

美女父亲:but ^o~~~I understande.

野兽:If you don’t take her to here in 7 days after, I will kill you,kiss your son and marry your daughter and eat you!


旁白: theer days later,the father arrived at his home and he told his kids about what happened.

美女父亲:I am very sad,Iwas cought by a beast when I picked a rose for you.He told me to take one of my daughters to him in 7 days,therwise it would kill me,kill your brother and marry all of you and eat me!

美女姐姐:No,I don’t want to marry the beast.It’s so scary…

美女(伤心的):daddy,I love you!You were caught it because of me .and I won’t let the beast kill you!I wont let the beast kill you!

美女父亲:My dear beauty.I wont let the beast touch you too!But he is so strong that nobody can defeat him!

美女哥哥(对着美女说):If you d idn’t want the flower, nothing will happened!

美女姐姐:Its your fault! Why did you want a flower ?Do you want to kill daddy?hen?!

美女:no!Idon’t!I will go to the place where the beast lives.He said if I go, he won’t kill daddy! 美女妹妹:No,my lovely sister,don’t you go away.Ineed you ..wo ..

美女父亲:No ! my little beauty!You are my best love!Ican’t let you go!

美女:Don’t be worryI will be back.trust me!(转身离去)


美女哥哥美女姐姐(悄悄离开):She must be eaten.How frightening!~~~~~~(笑)

第四幕:出场人物:美女, 花花公子,野兽

旁白:when the beauty was on the road, she was became the aim by someone

花花公子:I am a handsome boy,I like beauty girl~~~


花花公子:woo~~~what a beauty girl!here is a present for you!(拿起一枚戒指)

美女:I’m sorry but I don’t know you,I dont want your present,I just want to save my daddy!

花花公子: Dont leave me, I am a handsome boy and you are a beauty girl, I need you, and I will help you to save your father,heihei~~~~(上前要动手动脚)

美女:Dont! Dont touch me !

野兽:What are you doing!



第五幕:出场人物: 野兽,美女

野兽: You must be his daughter.


野兽:please come with me.

美女:woo~~~Its so nice a castle.

旁白:the beast took beauty to his castle.

野兽:This is my home ,do you like it?

美女:yes ,its so pretty.

野兽:This is your bedroom,you can sleep here at night.

美女:en ~~~~And where do you sleep?

野兽:I sleep in my room.


旁白:two week later.

野兽:Do you feel happy living here?

美女:Yes ,I do. but I want to go home.I want to see my daddy!

野兽(突然认真的):now, tell me, Do you love me ?


野兽:Do you love me ?

美女:~~~~ Love you? No, But I do like you, I like you a lot.

野兽(伤心的): Never mind ,A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!


旁白:two hours later

野兽:Do you want to go home ?Just go, never come back.

美女:Thank you.I think you are a kind man.

野兽:thanks . but I am nothing.


第六幕:出场人物: 美女家人,美女

美女哥哥美女姐姐:How did you come back?The be ast didn’t kill you ?

美女妹妹:My dear sister,I’m glad to see you again.

美女:So do I.I love you

美女父亲I’m ill,and I miss you.

美女:I w on’t go back.

美女父亲:No,you have promised to stay there.

美女:daddy,I don't know.

美女父亲:I am still very weak, And it will be winter soon. You can return to the Beast in spring. 美女:Ok,dad.

旁白:one night the beauty had a dream,she dreamed that the beast lied on his garden,and he will die soon.


美女:Hoo no!Don’t pass away,pleases!Pleas es don’t .pleases..

野兽(躺在地上有气无力地):you have come~~~~.Didn’t I tell you never come back here again ? I will die soon.Just let me die.leave me~~~~~~

美女:No~~~I cant leave you, I love you~~~~

野兽:what ?

美女:I love you!


王子:I love you too!

美女(吃惊地):Your face , how handsome you are!

子:I was maken magic by an old witch,only a beautiful girl's ture love could broken the magic, no w ,I have freedom and I find you .Thank you ,I love you!

美女:OH~~~I love you ,too. I won’t leave you!(条件允许的话,抱在一起)

(音乐响起)They lived a happy life forever.


新方言版武林外传 第一幕:湘玉及众人迫小贝读书 第二幕:小贝怒斥众人后离开 第三幕:小贝梦游现代,最后回到现实 演员:展堂 秀才 大嘴 小贝 芙蓉 湘玉 第一幕湘玉及众人迫小贝读书 (展堂、秀才及芙蓉教小贝学习吹箫、下棋、书法,争抢中小贝不愿再学,湘玉及大嘴上) 湘玉:哎呀!她是个娃又不是个瓜淡,揪来揪去的做什么呀? 大嘴:你在给骺坏了 (展堂三人继续争抢) 小贝:啊!我不学啦!我什么都不学了,你们出去出去! 展堂三人:好!就等着句话了! 湘玉:都不许走! (展堂三人回,继续争抢) 湘玉:哎呀!不学也行,给我留下个理由。 小贝:我学不会。 湘玉:学不会可以慢慢学,不要着急。 小贝:那我也不想学。 湘玉:不想学也得学!我的娃呀起来!起来!(大嘴附“娃呀!”)在漫长的人生起跑线上,你已经落后了。大嘴:你都落后了。 湘玉:再不抓紧你这辈子就要完了。 大嘴:你这辈子就完了。 展堂三人:什么人啊? 大嘴:那你也不能让他一下子学这么些啊,你说这谁学得会呀? 湘玉:就你那个脑子学不会是正常滴! 芙蓉:我也学不会呀! 秀才:就这么个学法儿,勉强学会了也是没用的! 大嘴:是,这就跟狗熊掰棒子一样,掰一个,扔一个,掰一个,扔一个,到最后啥都没落下。 展堂:听听基层的呼声吧!独断专行是没有好处的! 令四人附:没有好处的! 湘玉:那好,待我征求一下当事人的意见。小贝,你跟嫂子说实话,一样一样学你愿意吗? 小贝:那得看学什么了? 佟湘玉:那你想学什么呢? 小贝:串糖葫芦 佟湘玉:除此之外呢? 小贝:做糖葫芦? 佟湘玉:还有点儿别滴吗? 小贝:种红果,熬糖浆。 湘玉:我想赏你俩耳光。 展堂:也挺好的,手艺活儿(三人护小贝) 湘玉:我说的是高雅艺术!


公司年会爆笑小品剧本《武林外传之欢 天喜地贺新春》 --更多年会策划请百度欧凯传媒 地点:同福客栈外大厅 人物:佟湘玉白展堂秀才郭芙蓉李大嘴小六惠兰 佟湘玉:(在门口送客,上场。)客官,吃好再来啊!哎,社会主义市场竞争日剧激烈,买卖不好做呀。在想当年我佟湘玉一手创办起来的同福客栈,这七侠镇上也是响当当的一块招牌。那真是:鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,红旗招展,人山人海。可自打对面开了个太后大酒楼现如今是雀落庭院,一片苍凉。长此以往,这还了得。不行,我得改良。这人都到哪去啦?展堂!秀才!小郭!大嘴!快出来啊。人尼?~~~~发工钱了。 (秀才小郭大嘴上,“来了,来了。”) 佟湘玉:我的个神哪!救救这帮无知的人吧。好了,别闹了!说了多少遍了,“人人是饭菜质量,处处是客栈形象”一点都不知道注意。李大嘴,展堂呢? 大嘴:没见着他呀,还以为跟你在一块呢。 佟湘玉:这个死东西,打他电话(众人在后面演彩铃“我赚钱啦赚钱啦,我都不知道怎么去花!”)(佟自语:还彩铃呢。)(“对不起,您拨打的电话正在通话中~~~”)挂了。

在门口尼!他这个死东西真是够默契地,就知道给我省钱。(向门口冲凶狠状)整天在外面鬼混,看我怎么收拾你。(见展堂,撒娇状)讨厌嘛,去哪里了,让人家等的好辛苦嘛! (众人哆嗦,) 白展堂:上趟茅房都不让消情。 秀才:这寒流是西伯利亚的。 佟芙蓉:小郭,掌嘴。(郭:排山倒海!) 秀才:万恶的旧社会啊!,还是孔子说的对,唯小人(佟,郭看秀)~~~和小人不能范也。 佟湘玉:闲话少说,今天我要宣布一个大事情,今天早打烊。开会,上门板! 大嘴:掌柜的!饶了我吧,今天我就偷吃了一个鸡腿,下次再也不敢了!别上板子了。 佟湘玉:干什么呀这是,我是说上门板,又不是上搓板。你地事情一会儿再谈。 白展堂:(对大嘴)你最大的毛病就是不打自招,你应该练就到我这样,“打也不招”,小同志,还有很大的成长空间啊! 佟湘玉:展堂!(哈气,到佟跟前)趁莫小贝还没有放学,今天提前下班,开会!同志们最近也看出来也,自从对面的太后大酒楼开张以后,我们的生意是越来越不好,都被对面那个自称是慈禧的老婆姨抢去了。因此我们不能让对面的太后大酒楼比下去,我们要想法子,通过改变经营理念,调整战略计划,转变陈旧思路。让同福客栈重整旗


《武林外传之造梦机》 人物: 1佟湘玉老板XXX(演员,下同) 2白展堂代理人XXX 3郭芙蓉代理人XXX 4吕秀才代理人XXX 5李大嘴代理人XXX 6客串A:客户-XXX;客串B:客户-XXX;客串C:美女-XXX;客串D:小流氓女 -XXX;客串E:被抢者男-XXX 引子(旁白): 在现如今蓬勃发展的社会,餐饮业越来越不好做,于是,同福客栈的佟掌柜毅然决定转型。经过多方讨论与研究,最终决定,转型进入现下最有发展潜力的知识产权行业,于是,同福客栈加盟到XXX公司(自己公司/所),改做专利代理。。。 一天,办公室里安安静静,大家都在专心工作,正在这时。。。 剧情: (佟、郭、吕在办公室伏案工作) 白:(一手抱着一个快递大包裹,一手举着电话,上场,)喂,李总,诶,对,收到您的快递了,好,我们马上研究,及时跟您联系,好嘞。 (刚挂断电话,手机铃声又响,接起)喂,我是,哦,张工,张工,您好,您是说之前修改的那方案吧?哦,您又加新的技术方案了。。。好的,我马上查看,尽快给您回复,您还有其它要加的内容吗?没有了?确定没有了?好的,再见! (抬头对众人)一个方案改了七八遍了,还改,我那个心肝脾肺肾呐。。。(拆快递,并嘟囔,自由发挥:先看下这个东东) 吕:诶?老白,你手里拿的嘛玩意呀?(众人围上) 白:啊?哦,客户刚寄来的,说想申请专利 众人:(拿快递单念)造梦机 白:对,话说可以实现梦想。 吕:(拿过造梦机)这挺有意思啊,看看它能不能帮我实现梦想啊 郭:秀才,你什么梦想啊?

吕:(一边说,一边向前走去,陷入冥想状态)子曾经曰过,北方有佳人,绝世而独立。一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。我的梦想嘛,有个美女(郭开始自美),坐我旁边,看我写案子,这美女嘛,要求也不高,(忽然想起状)对,就跟这份专利写的差不多就行(拿起一份申请文件,老白抢过,吃惊状,摇头晃脑念) 白:一种人形模特,包括头部、躯干和四肢,其特征在于,所述躯干的三围分别为 36D,26,38,(吕一边比划一边说:这曲线),所述头部覆盖有长度至躯干腰身的长发,模特高度在165?175cm之间(吕一边比划一边说:标准)。 (此时,郭越来越生气,佟拼命拦住郭)(造梦机开启声响起) (此时,音乐起,美女扭腰上场,扇子遮面,到秀才面前,拿下扇子,扬起手绢调戏秀才,兰花指) 美女:吕官人 (美女扭头继续走,中程回头) 美女:官人,记得约我哦 (秀才一个激灵后倒,老白扶住,美女下场) 佟:(放开郭,无奈状)去吧,去发泄你心中的不满吧 郭:好你个秀才啊,原来你说的美女不是我。 吕:子曾经曰过,君子动口不动。。。 郭:就动,看我排山倒海。。。 吕:啊。。。 佟:好了,不要闹了嘛,小郭,你的梦想是啥 郭:我嘛,作为一代女侠,自然是行侠仗义,除暴安良啦(造梦机开启声响起)被抢男(定位:娘炮):(小流氓及被抢男上场,围场跑一圈)救命啊 小流氓:站住,别跑 被抢男:(被抢男摔倒,小流氓做凶狠状)你干嘛追我 小流氓:打。。。打。。。打劫 被抢男:呜呜,不要嘛。。。 小流氓女:给我严肃点,本大侠劫财不劫色,嗯。。。生的蛮俊嘛,算了,今儿劫色不劫财。脱? 郭:住手 小流氓:你是谁,敢扫本大侠雅兴 郭:(不屑状,随性左右踱步)在本女侠面前,你还敢自称大侠,(突然爆发)排山大海。。。 被抢者男:(小流氓女被打,落荒下台,被抢者男做扭捏状,双拳置于下巴下走至郭面前,头欲倒向郭)哇,你好棒哦,你可要保护人家


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 2018公司年会小品剧本《武林外传·欢天喜地贺新 春》   时间:傍晚 地点:同福客栈外大厅 人物:佟湘玉白展堂秀才郭芙蓉李大嘴小六惠兰 佟湘玉:(在门口送客,上场。)客官,吃好再来啊!哎,社会主义市场竞争日剧激烈,买卖不好做呀。在想当年我佟湘玉一手创办起来的同福客栈,这七侠镇上也是响当当的一块招牌。那真是:鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,红旗招展,人山人海。可自打对面开了个太后大酒楼现如今是雀落庭院,一片苍凉。长此以往,这还了得。不行,我得改良。这人都到哪去啦?展堂!秀才!小郭!大嘴!快出来啊。人尼?~~~~发工钱了。 (秀才小郭大嘴上,来了,来了。) 佟湘玉:我的个神哪!救救这帮无知的人吧。好了,别闹了!说了多少遍了,人人是饭菜质量,处处是客栈形象一点都不知道注意。李大嘴,展堂呢? 大嘴:没见着他呀,还以为跟你在一块呢。 佟湘玉:这个死东西,打他电话(众人在后面演彩铃我赚钱啦赚钱啦,我都不知道怎么去花!)(佟自语:还彩铃呢。)(对不起,您拨打的电 1 / 25

话正在通话中~~~)挂了。 在门口尼!他这个死东西真是够默契地,就知道给我省钱。(向门口冲凶狠状)整天在外面鬼混,看我怎么收拾你。(见展堂,撒娇状)讨厌嘛,去哪里了,让人家等的好辛苦嘛! (众人哆嗦,) 白展堂:上趟茅房都不让消情。 秀才:这寒流是西伯利亚的。 佟芙蓉:小郭,掌嘴。(郭:排山倒海!) 秀才:万恶的旧社会啊!,还是孔子说的对,唯小人(佟,郭看秀)~~~和小人不能范也。 佟湘玉:闲话少说,今天我要宣布一个大事情,今天早打烊。开会,上门板! 大嘴:掌柜的!饶了我吧,今天我就偷吃了一个鸡腿,下次再也不敢了!别上板子了。 佟湘玉:干什么呀这是,我是说上门板,又不是上搓板。你地事情一会儿再谈。 白展堂:(对大嘴)你最大的毛病就是不打自招,你应该练就到我这样,打也不招,小同志,还有很大的成长空间啊! 佟湘玉:展堂!(哈气,到佟跟前)趁莫小贝还没有放学,今天提前下班,开会!同志们最近也看出来也,自从对面的太后大酒楼开张以后,我们的生意是越来越不好,都被对面那个自称是慈禧的老婆姨抢去了。因此我们不能让对面的太后大酒楼比下去,我们要想法子,通过


Three visits to the cottage Aside: Three visits to the cottage(中文名三顾茅庐)is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Three Kindoms. ZhuGeliang is one of the main characters in the original. Also, he is an outstanding militarist, politician and the symbol of the wisdom in Chinese history. Another main actors——Liubei, who visited ZhuGeliang's thatched cottage three times and wanted to invite him to be his military adviser. Finally, ZhuGeliang was moved by Liubei' sincerity, helped the three brothers——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei to establish the Shu Kindom. He devoted his whole life to the cause and died in harness. Our script is revised from this story . In this play, we add many modern and funny elements. For example, there are some spoken lines and actions which were copied from some classical movies like Infernal Affairs(中文名无间道), My Own SWordsman(中文名武林外传),The Flirting Scholar(中文名唐伯虎点秋香)were combined in our play. Also, we added some interesting pictures and audio to our slide. Maybe there are some mistakes in our dialogue. But this play is the result of painstaking efforts of our group. So we present our script to you and wish you will like it. Three visits to the cottage Aside: After their swearing brotherhood to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei-had to be janitors in Caocao's corporation to make a living for they could not find jobs. Meanwhile the legendary and mysterious character ZhuGeliang who had been forced to attend CET-6 test by his wife was reviewing examination contents. SCENE 1: Liubei's home Actors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei Guanyu: Brother! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? It's so terrible! Liubei: Yu, it's impossible that I don't feel painful, isn't it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. Now we come down to Caocao's corporation as gatekeeper, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. It's very hard to get work now. No diplomas and no job offers, what are you dreaming about? Zhangfei: Oh, Brother! ZhuGeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his husband’s CET-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now. Guanyu: Yeah, Brother! Or we'll be as poor as church mouse Liubei: Alas! How did I forget this? Let's go! Go~~ go~! Hurry up! Follow me

flliped 节选剧本台词-大学生英语课话剧

Flipped Lines extract: Lines 1:(6:40~6:54)He was so shy and so cute, and his hair, it smelled like watermelon. I couldn’t get enough of it. I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon, and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss. 他如此腼腆可人,他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛,简直让我如痴如醉.整整一年我都沉浸在这秘密的迷人芬芳中,期待我的何时能迎来我的初吻。 Lines 2:(12:36~)You have to look at the whole landscape. A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic. 你得看到整体的风景。一幅画绝对不是各个部分的简单拼凑,一头牛就其本身而言只是一头牛,一块草地就其本身而言只是些花花草草,阳光透过树林漏出的不过一抹微光。倘若你能将它们看作一体,就会收获意想不到的成果。 Lines 3: (13: ~ )From that moment on, that became my spot. I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world. Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father’s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart. 从那一刻起,我彻底爱上了这里。我可以坐上好几个钟头,只是静静地欣赏这世界。落日时而泛着微醺的紫红,时而迸发出橙色的余晖瞬间布满天边的晚霞。正是在如此瑰丽的景象中,我终于对爸爸所说的整体胜于局部之和有所领悟。 Lines 4: Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss, but every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent. And when you do, nothing will ever compare. 我们中有些人会渐趋平庸浅薄,有些人金玉其外,而败絮其中,但你偶尔才能遇上一个光彩夺目的人。当你真正遇上的时候,会觉得一切都无与伦比。 Scene one:35:15 ~ 39:38 Bryce’s family 角色: Bryce Loski(男主角)LynettaLoski(男主姐姐)Pasty Loski(男主妈妈) Steven Loski(男主爹地)Chet Duncan(男主外公) (一家人围坐看电视,lynetta下楼) Steven:(严肃)Where are you going and why are you dressed like that? Lynetta:(不耐烦)Skyler’s. Matt and Mark are bringing over recording stuff and they’re gonna make a demo. Steven: Demo(嘲讽)? Like they know how to make a demo? Lynetta: You don’t even know them(生气).


This is a part from ,in Chinese ,called 《武林外传》。In this part ,姬,who is a Offenders ,escape from the Prison ,and return to The Tongfu hotel to revenge! However, he can’t remember who he is ,in other words he forgets everything that once happened in the hotel. Being frightened, the people in the hotel decide to run away, and our story begins! 秀才:大家好,欢迎收看同福客栈知识竞答,准备好了么 Hello, everyone, welcome to Tongfu Hotle’s knowledge Q and A R u ready? 小贝: yes 秀才:好,请选择格物致知的始作俑者,一朱熹、二、王阳明、三、王重阳、四、王沪生Ok, please choose the fonder of “gewuzhizhi”. No.1 zhuxi no.2 wangyangming no.3 wangchongyang no.4wanghusheng 白:王沪生谁呀? Who is wanghusheng? 秀才:答案不够现凑的。Just as a stopgap 请选择Please choose 小贝:额、我想向场外求助Eh , I need help 秀才:好的,向谁呢?Ok, to who? 小贝:我的亲友团My realationships. 众人:yeah 小贝:就你好了You, please. 白:啊呀。Ah ? ya 秀才:好的,时间三十秒。从现在开始。Ok, 30 seconds, from now on. 白:额,关于这个格物致知啊,哈,我建议你买一样东西。然后你仔细的观察,在观察的同时…… Eh, to say gewuzhizhi, ha, I advice you to buy something, and then, you watch this carefully, and while you watching ….. 秀才:时间到Time’s up 众人:啊? Ah? 小贝:额,我选四,王沪生。Eh , I choose no.4 wanghusheng 秀才:确定么?R u sure? 小郭:确定一定以及肯定。Suer and ensuer and very sure. 秀才:没你的事,一边去。None of you business . stay away 不改了么。Change it? 小贝:不改了。No. 秀才:唉,传奇录你们看过没有?Ai, have you ever read 传奇录? 众人:恩,没有。En, no 秀才:象山全集呢?What about xiangshanquanji? 众人:额、也没有。En, never 秀才:都没看过呀?Neither? 众人:额,没有。En, neither. 秀才:哈哈哈哈哈哈,太可悲了。一群白痴。 Hahahahahah , pityful. Idiots.


武林外传之一次性塑料餐具风波 (对话版) 场景:同福客栈 人物:佟掌柜(肖金利)、郭芙蓉(张金莲)、白展堂(谢赞平)、吕秀才(黄文娟)、李大嘴(章武盛)、祝无双(林夏伟)、燕小六(彭华大)、莫小贝(邓彩凤)、 旁白:鲍赛荣、电脑操作:赖侠阳 剧情: 旁白: 郭芙蓉(先做擦桌子的样子然后把毛巾放在肩上对着观众自己道):最近客栈里的生意甚是红红火火,顾客络绎不绝,可是…哎,掌柜算钱算得手软,客栈只我一个打杂的,我每天干活干得腰酸背痛腿抽筋,这年代又没钙片补钙。(突然一声盘碗打碎的声音),哎,听听那些没素质的顾客尽会打破杯碗,更可恶的是他们老嫌我洗的碗不干净怀疑没消毒什么的,真想把那些鸡蛋里面挑骨头的顾客给他们来个我的绝招“排山倒海”,推死他们(此时芙做个排山倒海的动作)。不行,这样累下去迟早会把我这个如花似玉、沉鱼落雁的美女给折腾坏的。 吕秀才(跑着上场,握着芙的双手):是呀是呀,看我芙妹累成这样我决定帮你出气,走,找佟掌柜抗议去。(双双离场) 紧接着旁白:他们找佟掌柜商量一番后,佟掌柜决定召开依次同福客栈扩大会议。(在念旁白的时候同福客栈的人迅速上场按原定顺序排好即四方桌上佟在中央对着群众,而李大嘴正对着,其他四人分两排站在两侧)佟(装正经点):嗯嗯,最近店里生意较好导致我可怜的芙蓉妹妹忙得够呛,所以今个召个会议让大家帮忙商量个对策,好,现在开始。刚一说完现场就很混乱坐在桌子两侧的人交头接耳(赖播放吵杂音),唯有李大嘴沉默。同时旁白就说明情况:此时场面争论的很激烈,最后佟掌柜拍桌发言。

佟:不行不行你们的都行不同,(她忽然意识到李大嘴还没发言,于是说),李大嘴,你又有什么看法呀? 李(突然很得意的甩动着菜刀):你们真是四肢发达头脑简单,还真比不上我我这个拿菜刀的厨子。我们可以来个既简单又易行的改革方法,那就是把所有的餐具都换成一次性的,比如一次性塑料饭盒、一次性塑料杯盘等….你们想想赞同不? (他说完大家陷入沉思,由一个一个的绕前面一圈并对观众说出自己的想法)芙:换成一次性塑料饭盒一次性杯碗,那我以后就不用收拾碗筷也不用洗碗筷了,哈哈,轻松了,这样就更有时间上Q聊天了,嗯,赞同赞同。(绕一圈后回到原处) 佟:换成一次性餐具后郭芙蓉的工作量减少了就应该给她减工资这样可以减少我的支出,哈哈哈…赞同赞同。 吕:(装着拿着算盘并装着快速的打算盘)一次性餐具的费用算在食客账上同时又免去了我们买盘碗筷的成本,这将节省2%的费用,然后有免去了洗盘碗的水又可以节省2%,然后又免去了消毒盘碗筷的电费又可以节省…..嗯,不错,赞同赞同。 莫:换成一次性餐具后客栈的利润上升了说不定嫂子一高兴就给我买更多糖葫芦,呵呵呵…….我也赞同这个方案。 旁白:(当大伙儿正沉浸在“美好“的憧憬时,突然一声巨大的踹门声把他们吓呆了。只见两个捕快夺门而入) 小六:(左手提着剑大摇大摆一脸自大的样子走到他们跟前)因上级命令要严格贯彻十七的精神,特别是十七大最后决议中的第第…呃,无双,接着说。 双:哦,是十七大决议中的第五大点的第四小点:加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,增强可持续发展能力。哦,是这样的我们的县官大人最近发现塑料废品的泛滥是造成我们县环境污染的主要原因,特别是一次餐具的使用情况,很多市民不知道塑料垃

小学中高年级英语话剧剧本Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out

Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out Script 人物:Charlie, Lola, Joey, Berry, Tooth Fairy, Lucy, Narrator 第一幕 Narrator:Charlie and Lola are playing in the sitting room. Charlie : 【玩汽车声】Hello, I’m Charlie. I have this little sister Lola. She is small and very funny. 【Lola手拿猪玩具学猪叫】Today, she’s talking funny. Because she has got a wobbly tooth. Lola: Look, here,Charlie.【用手指牙,口齿不清】 Charlie : I can’t understand you, Lola. Lola: I have a wobbly tooth. 【用手指牙,口齿不清】 Charlie: Sorry, I can’t understand you. Lola: I have a wobbly tooth. 【用手指牙,口齿不清】 Charlie: Oh, you’ve got a wobbly tooth. 【Lola点头】This is Lola’s first ever wobbly tooth. Lola: Yes, I got a wobbly tooth. I do not ever never want my wobbly tooth to fall out. Joey: Yeah, three years ago, when I had my first wobbly tooth, I nearly swallowed it. 【Lola吸气】B ut luckily I was eating a toffee… and my tooth got stuck in it! Charlie: Once I headed a football and my wobbly tooth just flew out of my mouth! 【Lola吸气】【Charlie笑】 Lola: But I do not ever never want my wobbly tooth to fall out. Joey: Which one is it, Lola? Lola: This one. Joey: Why don’t you want it to fall out? Lola : I just need to keep completely all my teeth. Charlie: Those are just your baby teeth and they are meant to get wobbly and fall out, Lola. Then you will get new teeth- and they are your grown-up ones. Joey: Yeah. They’re stronger. And you will keep them forever. Charlie: It’s like mooses. Mooses’ antlers fall off and then they get new ones which are better and stronger. Lola: But I am not a moose, Charlie! Charlie: We must have lost a lot of teeth. How many teeth is it, Joey? Joey: I think I have lost 54. Charlie: Maybe not 54, Joey. Maybe more likely 67. Lola: It’s my wobbly tooth and I want to keep it… wobbly. 第二幕 Narrator:Joey is Charlie’s good friend. They’r e making the pathway to have a train race. Joey: Put it here. Charlie: It doesn’t go like that… Lola: Charlie, before Berry comes, can you make the fence for the pig? Charlie: Lola, we are building a track for an very important race. Can’t you see?


Part1 郭芙蓉向吕秀才逼婚 郭:秀才才呀~你什么时候和人家那个呀 秀(裹紧衣衫,惶恐状):哪…哪…哪个…… 郭(娇羞):就是那个嘛。人家跟你也这么久了,你好歹也该给人家一个名分嘛 秀:芙妹,你还小,子曾经曰过,过早婚嫁对你身体发育不好 郭(不耐烦):好你个吕秀才!你说,你是不是不想娶我 秀:我想…我想起我还有事,芙妹,我先走一步咯~(从后门跑出) 郭芙蓉(愤怒):吕秀才你给我站住!!!(说罢追去) 李大嘴上场,在讲台切菜。 吕秀才惊恐冲进来,对大嘴说:大嘴,一会芙妹来了你可千万别说我来过这里 大嘴:去吧去吧,别打扰我做饭(说罢,吕秀才跑掉) 郭风风火火闯进来:吕秀才呢!秀才你给我滚出来!(转头问大嘴)大嘴,看见秀才没 大嘴:他说他没来过这里。 郭(怒瞪大嘴):是不是不说实话!排-山-倒-……(话未完,大嘴弃刀而逃) Part2 郭芙蓉拳打京城F4 郭芙蓉因逼婚不成心情不爽,此时京城F4中两个来了…摆好pose 美作玲:咳咳 郭:...... 美作玲(用力咳):咳咳咳 郭:...... 西门总二郎:大胆!竟敢无视我们京城F4! 郭:管你是F4还是F5,姑奶奶心情不好,都一边凉快去 美作玲:出言不逊!该死!让我美作玲来教训教训你!(出手) 郭:排山倒海(打退了美作玲),都说了姑奶奶心情不好还要来惹姑奶奶 西门总二郎:大胆泼妇!吃我一剑! 郭继续排山倒海打退。道和美作玲受伤,京城F4落荒而逃,西门临走前放话“你给我等着” part3 佟掌柜逃亡计划之飞向火星 话说郭芙蓉打走F4中两人之后,佟掌柜携展堂,小贝出来 佟:芙蓉啊,之前发生嘛事儿了 郭:来捣乱的,叫什么4的。Oh,京城F4! 白展堂大叫:京城F4!(表情严肃)这下大事不好了 大嘴和秀才出现,大嘴:嘛不好了 白展堂:芙蓉把京城F4打伤了,估计要不了多久他们领头的,也就是道明寺就会找上门来…… 莫小贝:找上门来会咋样? 白展堂表情凝重:我们…都得死。。。 众人惊恐,大嘴:我媳妇儿还没娶呢 小贝大哭:我糖葫芦还没吃呢


第一幕:老邢告诉老白姬无命逃出来了。 白(急):赶紧走赶紧走run, run away. pick up things that are necessary, and then we should run away as possible as we can! 掌柜:去哪呀To where? 白:姬无命逃狱了Jiwuming escape from the prison! 小贝:唉,逃就逃呗,他要是再敢来,我就再给他一闷棍。 Ai…If he dares to come, I will hit him on his head. 白:然后我就给你收尸,他武功深不可测,上次不是因为被我点了穴,你们谁能治得了他。 Then I just need to wait for your body. Nobody knows how strong he is. If there was not a exception for him, we would not have the chance to speak here today. 掌柜(面露紧张):那咋办呀Then what we should do ,now? 白:赶紧收拾东西,准备跑路。 We can do nothing except run away as soon as possible. 掌柜:小贝,不要再写了,去通知一下秀才他们,快点快点。 Xiao Bei ,there is no point to study ,you ,now inform others. (秀才进) 小贝:秀才来了,我去通知他们啊。 Okay,Xiucai is coming ,now I will go to inform them! 秀才:你们好hello 掌柜:你好你好。Hello hello. 秀才:我这次来啊,主要是想着重阐述一下,为什么说知识就是力量。 Em,I come to make you know why I say knowledge is power! 掌柜(摔掉手中的书):没看见我们正忙着么,去找小郭阐述去。 Don’t you see we are busy? Translate it to Xiaoguo! 秀才:那不行,她会攻击我的No. She will hit me. 老白:(放下手中东西,指着秀才)你再不走,我也攻击你啊。 If you don’t go ,I will hit you,too. 秀才:君子动口不动手 It is better to say than do for a gentleman. 掌柜:(把秀才向门外推)他不动我动。 If he don’t, I will. 秀才:哎哎,你们怎么都这样啊,难道真理就那么难以接受。难道武力就能解决问题啊。 AI…why are you all like this. Is it every difficult to accept the truth. Only force can solve problems? 掌柜:(收拾手中的手饰)好好好,你说。你倒是说呀。 Ok ok ok, say it! You say it!!! 秀才:那得从任何宇宙的关系开始讲起的 It will begin with the relationship between the universe and the human being. 白:哎呀,太精彩太震撼太有说服力了,唉,枕头带不带啊。 Ah , Excellent! Beautiful ! meaningful ! Well, take the pillow? 秀才:那你们前面干嘛还笑话我呀。


中国电视情景喜剧的困境与突围 回首中国的情景喜剧的发展历程,从1993年《我爱我家》在荧屏上的出现,成为中国第一部真正意义上的情景喜剧。它让国内电视观众体味到了一种全新的电视节目形式,也使这种相对较新的电视节目开始了它在中国本土化的成长历程。可喜的是,情景喜剧很快贴合中国的社会文化背景,其制作模式符合电视市场发展的要求,形式特点也迎合了电视受众的娱乐化收视行为和收视心理,一时之间,情景喜剧在中国风生水起。《东北一家人》、《爱情公寓》、《武林外传》、《家有儿女》等一大批国产情景喜剧给观众带来了无限的思考和欢乐。 这一电视剧种已获得很大发展。但问题仍是不少。不少作品太多极度夸张的情节,低级庸俗的笑料,编造痕迹过重,没有吸引人的故事和成功的喜剧人物,尽管编导们作出种种努力,情景喜剧的创新之路却仍然越走越窄。 一、情景短剧的简介及起源 情景喜剧(situation comedy/sitcom),亦称处境喜剧,是1947年在美国诞生的新兴的电视化的喜剧模式。最开始出现在广播中,时至今日将大本营搬到了电视屏幕上。情景喜剧一般有固定的主演阵容,一条或多条故事线,围绕著一个或多个固定场景进行,如家庭。 1992年,曾在美国留学的英达导演,将它引渡过来。从此,中国的情景喜剧开始了其自身的发展。十几年来,情景喜剧在中国曾遇到水土不服的困难,一度不被中国广大的电视观众所接受。但其凭借自身顽强的生命力,不断克服困难、发展完善,终于得到中国观众的广泛认可。当年被评为"最差电视剧"的《我爱我家》如今已被尊奉为经典之作。 二、中国情景喜剧的特点 (一)娱乐大众 情景喜剧是一种轻喜剧。它的宗旨是,让观众在休闲中得到娱乐。它的思想内涵清晰明了,通俗易懂。作为喜剧,它往往更富于反映社会现实、人性本质的深度和广度,以其富有生动的形式,幽默、诙谐的手法使观众感到舒畅、快乐。 情景喜剧以博得观众的笑声为目标,无论是虚拟情境还是罐头笑声,都是造就娱乐气息,让观众在明知是虚拟的现实中得到感染。但这里依然有差异和接受限度。


。武林外传。。 This is a part from ,in Chinese called<武林外传>.in this part,姬,who is a offenders, escaped form the prison, and return to the Tongfu hotel to revenge . However he can not remember who he is, in other words, he forgets everything that once happened in the hotel. Being frightened, the people in the hotel decide to run away. And our story begins. 白(急):pick up things that are necessary, and we should run away as possible as we can! 掌柜:why? Are you ok? Zhan tang? 白:ji escape from the prison! 大嘴:ai, it is not as bad as you thought, if he dares to come, I will put him into the prison again without your help. 白:then I just need to wait for your body, nobody knows how strong he is. If there is not an exception for him, we would not have the chance to speak here today! 掌柜(慌张):then what we should do now? 白:we can do nothing except run away as soon as possible.掌柜(转向小贝):xiaobei, there is no point in study, now you inform xiucai and xiaoguo. Hurry! 秀才进。小贝:ok, xiucai is coming, now I will inform


年会小品剧本《武林外传·欢天喜地贺新春》导读:本文是关于年会小品剧本《武林外传·欢天喜地贺新春》,希望能帮助到您! 、间:傍晚 地点:同福客栈外大厅 人物:佟湘玉白展堂秀才郭芙蓉李大嘴小六惠兰 佟湘玉:(在门口送客,上场。)客官,吃好再来啊!哎,社会主义市场竞争日剧激烈,买卖不好做呀。在想当年我佟湘玉一手创办起来的同福客栈,这七侠镇上也是响当当的一块招牌。那真是:鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,红旗招展,人山人海。可自打对面开了个太后大酒楼现如今是雀落庭院,一片苍凉。长此以往,这还了得。不行,我得改良。这人都到哪去啦?展堂!秀才!小郭!大嘴!快出来啊。人尼?~~~~发工钱了。 (秀才小郭大嘴上,“来了,来了。”) 佟湘玉:我的个神哪!救救这帮无知的人吧。好了,别闹了!说了多少遍了,“人人是饭菜质量,处处是客栈形象”一点都不知道注意。李大嘴,展堂呢? 大嘴:没见着他呀,还以为跟你在一块呢。 佟湘玉:这个死东西,打他电话(众人在后面演彩铃“我赚钱啦赚钱啦,我都不知道怎么去花!”)(佟自语:还彩铃呢。)(“对不起,您拨打的电话正在通话中~~~”)挂了。 在门口尼!他这个死东西真是够默契地,就知道给我省钱。(向

门口冲凶狠状)整天在外面鬼混,看我怎么收拾你。(见展堂,撒娇状)讨厌嘛,去哪里了,让人家等的好辛苦嘛! (众人哆嗦,) 白展堂:上趟茅房都不让消情。 秀才:这寒流是西伯利亚的。 佟芙蓉:小郭,掌嘴。(郭:排山倒海!) 秀才:万恶的旧社会啊!,还是孔子说的对,唯小人(佟,郭看秀)~~~和小人不能范也。 佟湘玉:闲话少说,今天我要宣布一个大事情,今天早打烊。开会,上门板! 大嘴:掌柜的!饶了我吧,今天我就偷吃了一个鸡腿,下次再也不敢了!别上板子了。 佟湘玉:干什么呀这是,我是说上门板,又不是上搓板。你地事情一会儿再谈。 白展堂:(对大嘴)你最大的毛病就是不打自招,你应该练就到我这样,“打也不招”,小同志,还有很大的成长空间啊! 佟湘玉:展堂!(哈气,到佟跟前)趁莫小贝还没有放学,今天提前下班,开会!同志们最近也看出来也,自从对面的太后大酒楼开张以后,我们的生意是越来越不好,都被对面那个自称是慈禧的老婆姨抢去了。因此我们不能让对面的太后大酒楼比下去,我们要想法子,通过改变经营理念,调整战略计划,转变陈旧思路。让同福客栈重整旗鼓,恢复往日的辉煌!(伸手姿势,秀才调整) 白展堂:鼓掌(众掌声) 佟湘玉:少拍马屁,现在大家就讲一下自己对同福客栈改良
