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Call at (sw)拜访,访问,停靠(对象为地点)

Call back 回电话;再次拜访

Call by (经过某地时)顺便作简短的拜访,顺便看看(地点)Call for 接某人;取某物;要求,需要

Call for help 呼救

Call in 派人去请;打电话;收回某物

Call off 取消

Call on / upon 要求,请求;号召;拜访;叫(对象为人)Call out 大喊;召集

Call out for help 大喊救命

Call up 打电话;召集;回忆

Call sb names辱骂某人

Call sb. (up )给某人电话=ring sb (up)=(tele)phone sb=make a (tele)phone call to sb=give sb a call/ ring Calm down 平静下来,镇定下来

Camping site 野营地

Can’t agree more 完全同意

Can’t bring oneself to do

Can’t stand to do

Can’t stand sth

Can’t shop doing sth 忍不住……,无法不……

Care for 关怀,照顾,喜欢,想要

Carry away 拿走

Carry conviction 令人信服,有说服力

Carry off 抢走,夺取

Carry on 进行;继续

Carry on / hold a controversy with / against sb. on / about sth. 和某人就某事展开论战

Carry sb. / sth on one’s shoulder 扛着某人或某物

Carry through 进行到底,完成

Cast about / around 想方设法,搜索,寻找

Cast away 丢掉,浪费,使失事;荒掉余生;演出

Cast …(eyes) on 把…(目光)投向

Castle building 空中楼阁,幻想

Catch a bus 赶公共汽车

catch a cold 感冒

Catch a fever 发烧

Catch fire =take fire失火

Catch hold of 抓住

Catch one’s breath 屏住呼息;喘息,气喘吁吁

Catch sb. Off guard 使某人措手不及,乘某人不备而来

catch up (with) 赶上;把…缠住

chalk and cheese 一点也不一样,相差甚远,天壤之别Change of heart 改变看法

Charge sb. with 控告某人犯有……;因某事指控某人;使负……


Check on 检查,核实,把关

Cheer up 使高兴,高兴起来,使振奋;鼓励

Crack down on 采取严厉措施;镇压

Chatter box 唠唠叨叨的人

Cheat sb. into doing sth 骗某人做某事

Cheat sb. of sth. 骗取某人某物

Choose sb. sth = choose sth. for sb. 为某人选择某物

Chop and change 朝三暮四(的)

Claim check (取回存放物的)提前正,存放证

Clamp down 强制,压制,取缔

Clap sb. on the shoulder 拍一下没人的肩膀

Claw at 抓

Clean out

Clean up 打扫干净,梳理整齐

Clutch at straws 僗救命的稻草

Code of practice (行业的)工作守则

Coincide with 符合,与……相一致

Collection of

Collide with 与…发生冲突

Combat weakness 战斗弱点

Come across 偶遇

Come all over funny

Come apart 破碎,瓦解,崩溃

Come by 从旁而过

come down 下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势,降价come down on 申诉;惩罚;索取

come down on sb. 向没人发泄怒气

come down to earth 来到人间,回到现实,不再幻想

Come first 最重要

Come for 来取

Come from 从……来

come /bring home to one’s heart 使某人有深刻体会

Come into being 形成,问世

Come into contact with 与…建立联系

Come into force 生效,开始实施

Come into season上市

Come last 排在最后

Come over 过来,从远方来;顺便来访;抓住

Come (over) again 再来啊

Come through 胜利,成功

Come to a sticky end(口)遭不幸、耻辱、毁灭;凄惨地死去

=meet to a sticky end

Come to an end 结束,完毕

Come to blows互相殴打

Come/get to grips 搏斗起来

Come to life 苏醒过来

Come / go to the rescue / sb’s rescue 营救

Come too an arrangement 妥协

Come true 实现

Come up 1. 上来; 走近2. 发生3. 升起; 长出来; 响起, 刮起4. 开庭5. 显露光泽, 开始发光6. 提到, 提及7. 在博彩游戏

中指号码、名字、奖券等)被抽中,中奖8. 即将发生(或


Come up with 制定,找出,想出

Come upon 要求;成为……的负担;突然产生

come upon an idea 突然想出一个主意

Come with sb.

Command in chief 总司令

Commercial traveler 旅行推销员

commit a blunder 犯错误

commit a crime 犯罪
