文献检索 5-羟甲基糠醛的测定

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本文建立了通过测定HMF的含量来监测热处理对乳制品质量影响的方法。考察了电泳缓冲液的总类、电泳缓冲液pH 值、添加剂浓度和分离电压等因素的影响。最终选定的分离条件为:pH 6.85,30 mmol/L 的磷酸电泳缓冲液以及80 mmol/L 的SDS添加剂,15 KV 工作电压,使用内径75 μm,总长58.5 cm,有效长度50 cm,的未涂层石英毛细管,检测波长214 nm (检测三聚氰胺)和280 nm(检测HMF)。在上述条件下,三聚氰胺和HMF能被有效地分离,HMF 的最低检出限为0.067 μg/mL;其峰面积的相对标准偏差:日内1.69%~3.53%,日间 4.23%~5.42%;并进一步将该方法用于奶制品的检测,平均回收率为80% 左右。本方法高效、简便、节能、经济环保,有望应用于对食品安全检测产生借鉴和启发作用。



Detection of 5 –HMF


In this paper, a method has been developed for the determination of the influence to dairy products’ quality in heat treatment by the determination of HMF. The effects of several factors such as the concentration and pH of the running buffer solution, the concentration of the additive and the separation voltage were investigated. The optimum condition was as follows: phosphate running buffer solution which had pH value 6.85, 30 mmol/L and 80 mmol/L additive of SDS, 15 KV working voltage, a uncoated qu artz capillary with diameter, 75μm, overall length, 58.5 cm, effective length, 50 cm, the detection wavelength 214 nm (the determination of HMF) and 280 nm(the determination of melamine). In the above conditions, melamine and HMF could be effectively separated, the minimum value of LOD of HMF was 0.067 μg/mL; the repeatabilities of peak area were: 1.69%~3.53% interday, 4.23%~5.42% intraday; and the method was further applied in the determination of the dairy products, the average recovery was around 80%. This method is simple and effective, the energy conservation, economical and environmental protection, could be used for food safety testing produce reference and inspiration effect.

Key words:5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde(HMF); melamine; uncoated quartz capillary
