



Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

With the rapid development of science and technology, the car has turned from a luxury into into the millions of products. Just as the saying goes: everything has two sides, while the car's appearance is a double-edged sword: an irreplaceable advantage on our life, also h a d a s i g n i f i c a n t n e g a t i v e i m p a c t o n o u r l i f e.

F r o m t h e g o o d s i d e,t h o u g h,h a v e t h e f o l l o w i n g i m p a c t: A more convenient, travel, this is the most obvious, you don't have to worry, do not rush to the car, do not have to go on the crowded bus. Out of town have nothing to fear as long as a road, the car can go anywhere in the world. (As long as there is a gas station, car p r o b l e m-f r e e.)Second, will significantly increase the quality of life. At our holiday time, you will have more choices, and in time more comfortable. No outside elements, can be resistant to heat and cold. (In the car, across the glass, and cars are equipped with air conditioning, you can blow hot and cold. ) Can serve as a rest house, if there is no accommodation on the way to a far away place of the h o t e l,y o u c a n s l e e p i n t h e c a r. Third, the cars out of steel framing and metal protection can protect the safety of drivers and passengers. (Unlike bicycles-meat-coated i r o n,w h i l e c a r i s i r o n c l a d m e a t,s a f e a n d m u c h m o r e). Four, the invisible, has also expanded the scope of your home, work options, where is no longer considered what needs to be done around t h e c a r t o g e t h o m e o r t o w o r k.

A five, car development arising from social change: the automotive industry as a pillar industry, connected to the first, second and tertiary industries, not only bring about significant economic

benefits, its industry system and chain into a wide range of scientific fields, driving a lot of rapid industrial development, induced by the emergence of new industries and high-tech. The other hand, there are those who think that the automobile has b r o u g h t t o o m u c h n e g a t i v e i m p a c t 1: pollution of the environment. This is the most immediate and most o b v i o u s d i s a d v a n t a g e s. 2: speed up t he e xti n cti o n o f sp e cies. T his i s c aused by environmental pollution and human capture. belongs to the development o f s c i e n c e a n d t e c h n o l o g y.

4 human physique than. with the development of science and technology, cars, trains, planes and other modes of important change in the appearance of the everyday life of mankind, humans have not always rely on their own two legs, thus now physical and human than ever b e f o r e a r e n o t c o m p a r a b l e. 5: car exhaust fumes of a serious threat to human health. Today, many of the world's big cities have been seriously polluted air, car exhaust is one of the greatest sources of discharges. Air pollution aggravate asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease o u t b r e a k s,e v e n p u t i n t h e m.

H o w c o n t r o l l e d a u t o m o b i l e?City main is development bus, clean fuel car, include subway, city iron, public electric, and car, taxi, retained bike road, seems Beijing has began such do; problem is failed to control car, a car , in exercise State occupies of road and a car 40 block of big guest basic same, manned number is difference is more, so, in road crowded, and mass oil import of situation Xia, should appropriate control car,

achieved switch development. Singapore car people, and control cars there is a way: first buy a berth after buying a car, berths of more expensive than car; limousine licence are more expensive; access to the Centre of licence fee increase; these revenues are used to improve transportation facilities. Hong Kong, Wenzhou has a similar requirement. Japan provides many counties released a car, owners must be planting 100 trees to offset its caused by air pollution (environmental protection law "polluter governance" requirement, but not yet implemented). Currently thousands of cities in Europe and America, "stop", some stopped one day a week to save gasoline and reduce pollution, cycling, walking, let the city keep the lungs, restore limb function. The visible, not the car more modern. In my opinion: everything in the world with two sides, human cleverness is that approach and avoidance, maximize and expand its beneficial aspects, avoiding and minimizing the disadvantages.


人类的生存方式,20万年前与10万年前相比,不会有太大的改变;3000年前与2000年前相比,不会有太大的改变;600年前与500年前相比,不会有太大的改变。但是,今人与古人其实早已今非昔比,即使是现在与100年前相比,也已完全不一样。是什么推动了人类历史的发展?是什么让人类开始了新的生存方式? 我说,这便是科技,是科技的发展才推动了人类的进程,是科技的发展才使人类有着这崭新又美好的生活。纵观千古,哪朝哪代不是重视科技的发展?回首过去,看四大发明,独具鳌头;观天文历法,为之惊叹;览赵州拱桥,设计精妙;窥《本草纲目》,东方巨典;瞻圆周率值,七位小数;眺丝绸之路,发展经济;端青花瓷器,扬名海外。科技发展是强国之路,科技发展是中华民族进步的第一动力,没有科学,我们哪来的今天的幸福生活?没有科技,我们哪来的舒适的物质生活与精神享受?没有科技的进步,我们哪能吃到杂交二号?我们哪能穿上全棉衣服,我们哪能住进高楼大厦? 问,科技发展利大还是弊大?毋庸置疑,当然是利大!作何解释?不用解释!中华文明八千年历史文明就是铁证如山,历史每时每刻都在改变,科技每时每刻都在发展。人类从茹毛饮血原始生活学会利用或烧熟食物,从依靠自然到繁殖饲养,从手无寸铁到冶金炼石,这不都是进步,这不都是发展?如果是弊端大于利的话,那人类为什么都还不约而同的选择了进步?只有进步才能使明天更美好! 一个人不进步是可悲的,一个国家不进步是没落的,一个世界不进步是黑暗的。只要在不断的进步中,人类的生活才可以得到升华。人类是渺小的,人类是脆弱的,他没有庞大的身躯,没有牛似的力气,没有乌龟的硬壳。但上天给予了人类一颗聪慧的大脑,一双勤劳的双手,人类没有坐享其成,而是选择了不断进步,才可以在今天站在了食物链的顶端。 让我们把今天的生活和十万年前相比,我们是至高无上的;把今天和几千年前相比,我们是居高临下的;把今天和几百年前相比,我们是幸福舒适的;把今天和明天相比,未来是美好光明的。几千年来,从马车变成了轿车、火车、飞机;从煤油灯变成了白炽灯、霓虹灯、节能灯;从海角天涯变成了近在咫尺、视频聊天、鼠标一点尽知天下事。 我们是幸福的,我们是幸运的,我们赶上了一个科技高速发展的时代,一个充满高科技的时代,这不光光是我们的祖先在进化时选择了发展,选择了进步,也包括了所有人的不懈努力,刻苦钻研,我们今天的日子时有多少辛勤的科学家们用智慧甚至生命换来的。 因为法拉第,我们生活的周围才充满了各种各样的电器;因为达尔文、因为孟德尔,我们才可以更好地了解自己,认知自己;因为扁鹊,因为华佗,因为李时珍,我们的生命才能得到保障。 我们周围的一切,不都是他们给我们换来的吗?生活如此舒适,生活如此惬意,生活如此美妙,我们的平均寿命比古代提高了30岁,看望亲友甚至不用出家门,这不都是科发展给我们带来的好处吗? 所以说,科技改变历史,我们探讨科技的发展利大还是弊大是不需要质疑的,因为就是利大!利大!利大!科技改变历史,不错的,没有科技发展,我们的生活是无法想象的,我们的日子是昏天黑地的,是科技发展救了我们,是科学把我们从水生火热的年代拯救了出来。我们更应该怀着一颗敬畏之心去尊敬他,怎能口是心非地说科技发展弊端累累? 科技改变历史,知识改变命运。我们跨入了21世纪,跨入了一个充满高科技的时代。科学改变了我们的生活,科学改变了我们的命运。“知识就是力量”,我们中华人民共和国,13亿人口的泱泱大国,为何能在世界面前挺起胸脯?因我们的科技在不断的发展!我们的科技在不断的进步! 科技发展利大于弊,这是一个亘古不变的主题!


(一) 假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等); 2. 这种单车的优势; 3. 你对这种单车的看法。 注意:1. 词数不少于80; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机smartphone, 二维码the QR code 参考范文 Dear Jim, I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike mobike mentioned in your latest letter. It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is find a nearest mobikethrough the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip. Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well. Hope to ride a mobike with you in China. Yours, Li Hua (二) 最近很多大城市都投放了共享单车(shared bikes),比如摩拜单车(Mobike)、Ofo共享单车等。由于它们方便停放,骑车也能起到锻炼身体的作用,作为代步工具很受大家欢迎。但是,各地也出现了很多毁车现象,比如刮掉车上的二维码(QR code)、上私锁等。 你对这种现象怎么看?你对共享单车公司有什么建议吗?写一篇符合逻辑的英语短文,80词左右。 参考词汇:bike-sharing companies 共享单车公司,Mobike 和Ofo 是两家共享单车公司,convenience 方便,register登记 参考范文 The shared bikes like Mobike and Ofo bring great convenience to people. You needn’t lock them by simply using your smart phone. They can take you where the subway and bus don’t go. And they can be left anywhere in public for the next user. However, bad things happen. Some people damage the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, which causes trouble to other users. In my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideas in a short time. Therefore, bike-sharing companies like Mobike and Ofo need to do something. For example, those who damage the bike should pay for their actions. Also, because people use their real name toregister as a user, it’s a good way to connect to one’s personal credit. In the end, what I want to say is to take good care of public services. (三) 共享单车(bicycle sharing)已成为时下最热的话题之一,请你就这一话题写一篇短文。内容须包括三方面:1. 共享单车蓬勃发展,成为社会热潮;2. 共享单车带来便利,但也存在问题;3. 我对解决问题的建议。 参考范文 Bicycle Sharing With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into people's lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing. On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It can save time for people. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous.

英语作文 自行车还是汽车(Bikes or Cars)-精品

自行车还是汽车(Bikes or Cars) 自行车还是汽车 美国人喜欢乘汽车外出。尽管越采越多的中国人拥有了汽车,但大部分中国人仍喜欢 骑自行车,这是由很多因素决定的。 众所周知,自行车靠人力,行进慢,但可以在方便的地方停放。然而对于汽车来说, 虽然它依靠发动机行进很快,但它必须停在停车场。 多数美国人生活在郊区,远离市区及工作地点,所以他们需要汽车来购物、上班,并 且他们也喜欢驾车远行。因此汽车给他们提供很大方便 相反,多数中国人居住在工作地点和市场附近,他们不需要开车去上班或购物。 我喜欢骑自行车外出,因为它花费少而且容易使用。最重要的是自行车不会引起污染。 bikes or cars americans like to go out by car. although more and more chinese own cars,most chinese still like to ride bicycles, this is determined by a lot of factors. as we all know, the bike advances slowly by manpower, but it can be placed wherever it is convenient however, as for the car, although it can run fast by engine, it must be parked at parking places. most americans live in the suburb which is far from urban areas and their working places. so they need cars to go shopping and go to work. and they also like traveling far. thus a car brings them great convenience. on the contrary, most chinese live near their working areas and markets. they don\'t need a car to go to work or go shopping. i would like to ride a bike, because it costs little and it is easy to use and won\'t cause pollution. 自行车还是汽车(Bikes or Cars) 相关作文:描述你的英语老师关于下岗职工的例子(A Good Example of Laid-off Workers)创建绿色城市(Make Our Cities Green)中秋节(Mid-Autumn or Moon)海滨(The Seashore)世界和平(World Peace) 高中英语作文


科技的发展才推动了人类的进程,科技的发展使人类有着崭新又美好的生活。科技发展是强国之路,没有科学,我们哪来的今天的幸福生活?没有科技,我们哪来的舒适的物质生活与精神享受?没有科技的进步,我们哪能吃到杂交二号?我们哪能穿上全棉衣服,我们哪能住进高楼大厦? 问,科技发展利大还是弊大?毋庸置疑,当然是利大!作何解释?不用解释!中华文明八千年历史文明就是铁证如山,历史每时每刻都在改变,科技每时每刻都在发展。人类从茹毛饮血原始生活学会利用或烧熟食物,从依靠自然到繁殖饲养,从手无寸铁到冶金炼石,这不都是进步,这不都是发展?如果是弊端大于利的话,那人类为什么都还不约而同的选择了进步?只有进步才能使明天更美好! 一个人不进步是可悲的,一个国家不进步是没落的,一个世界不进步是黑暗的。只要在不断的进步中,人类的生活才可以得到升华。人类是渺小的,人类是脆弱的,他没有庞大的身躯,没有牛似的力气,没有乌龟的硬壳。但上天给予了人类一颗聪慧的大脑,一双勤劳的双手,人类没有坐享其成,而是选择了不断进步,才可以在今天站在了食物链的顶端。 让我们把今天的生活和十万年前相比,我们是至高无上的;把今天和几千年前相比,我们是居高临下的;把今天和几百年前相比,我们是幸福舒适的;把今天和明天相比,未来是美好光明的。几千年来,从马车变成了轿车、火车、飞机;从煤油灯变成了白炽灯、霓虹灯、节能灯;从海角天涯变成了近在咫尺、视频聊天、鼠标一点尽知天下事。

我们是幸福的,我们是幸运的,我们赶上了一个科技高速发展的时代,一个充满高科技的时代,这不光光是我们的祖先在进化时选择了发展,选择了进步,也包括了所有人的不懈努力,刻苦钻研,我们今天的日子时有多少辛勤的科学家们用智慧甚至生命换来的。 因为法拉第,我们生活的周围才充满了各种各样的电器;因为达尔文、因为孟德尔,我们才可以更好地了解自己,认知自己;因为扁鹊,因为华佗,因为李时珍,我们的生命才能得到保障。 我们周围的一切,不都是他们给我们换来的吗?生活如此舒适,生活如此惬意,生活如此美妙,我们的平均寿命比古代提高了30岁,看望亲友甚至不用出家门,这不都是科发展给我们带来的好处吗? 所以说,科技改变历史,我们探讨科技的发展利大还是弊大是不需要质疑的,因为就是利大!科技改变历史,不错的,没有科技发展,我们的生活是无法想象的,我们的日子是昏天黑地的,是科技发展救了我们,是科学把我们从水生火热的年代拯救了出来。 对方辩友,你们总是列举科技的种种坏处,似乎科学技术的发展给人类带来的只有灾难,那为什么我们现在还强调科学技术是第一生产力?为什么人类还要继续发展科学技术呢? 如果没有科技,说不定我们现在还停留在原始社会,那环境再好又有什么用呢? 现在人们在研究科技的时候,不也在保护环境吗,那又怎么能说研究科技就一定破环了环境呢?


男性骑自行车的坏处是长期压迫会阴,会导致男女的生殖系统病变,引起男性睾丸压迫与散热障碍,精子活力降低,降低男性的生育能力 正确的骑行姿势: 1、坐垫角度: 一般坐垫需要水平安装,或者前端稍稍低一点,但尽量不要前端上翘。 有人骑完车后常常会抱怨胯下痛,这可能是坐垫前端对PP或大腿内侧的压力过大所致,这时需要检查一下你的坐垫是否水平,甚至可以将坐垫的鼻端稍稍向下调整一点,这样做可以减轻对胯下部位的磨损。 还有减少磨损的有效方法:穿上带护垫的骑行裤。` 2、坐垫高度: 坐垫高度不合适,长途骑行后会出现膝盖疼痛,且多数时候,人体膝盖的损伤不可恢复,医生也仅能帮你保持状况不再恶化,需要重视坐垫高度的设置,保持正确的姿势则不会损伤关节。 我的经验,车座最合适的高度:当脚蹬到最低点时,腿可不费劲地伸直,膝盖可以不用弯曲,但腿稍稍使劲伸直的时候,膝盖可以有微量弯曲,就好了;这样在骑行中可以让血液在骑行过程中通过膝盖。 当然,如果你还不适应新单车,不习惯把坐垫调得过高,可先降低一些,慢慢再升高,一且以安全为先。 3、背部、脖子的姿势: 骑行中需要背部是直的,但不是竖直,是前倾而笔直的,要从臀部前倾,而不是腰部或后胸,否则变成罗锅或虾米-----不仅仅是为了好看,更是需要让脊柱尽量笔直,否则长期骑行后, 会背痛难忍。

脖子自然挺直,别太低或太挺,否则脖子会酸-----如果你感觉脖子要低一些、耷拉着脑袋才舒服,那你是需要休息了,尽快去休息吧。 希望对你有用 骑自行车的好处与坏处(转载) 好处: 1,自行车是克服心脏功能毛病的最佳工具之一。 世界上有半数以上的人是死于心脏病的,骑单车不只能藉腿部的运动压缩血液活动,以及把备注从血管末梢抽转意脏,事实上却同时强化了微血管组织,这叫附带循环。 强化血管可以使你不受年龄的威胁,青春永驻。 2,习惯性的单车运动,更能扩大你的心脏。 否则血管愈来愈细,心脏愈来愈退化,到了晚年,你就会体验到它所带来的烦恼,那时你会发现,自行车运动是多么的完美。 单车是需要大量氧气的运动,曾经有个老年人以6天时间,完成了460公里的单车旅行。他说: 老年人一周至少要有3次运动,使心脏强化起来,恢复正常功能。 你要使心脏激烈跳动,但不可过久。 如此它将能适应紧急状况,如赶车或抵抗困境。 3,单车运动同时也能防止高血压,有时比药物更有效。 还能防止发胖、血管硬化,并使骨骼强半。 自行车使你不必用药物来维持健康,而且毫无害处。 4,自行车是减肥的工具,根据统计,75公斤重的人,每小时以9英里半的速度,骑73英里时,可减少半公斤体重,但必须天天持之以恒。 5,单车运动,不只可以减肥,还使你的身段更为匀称迷人。 藉运动减肥,或边节食边运动的人,身材比只先靠节食减肥的人来得更好,更迷人。 我不知道如何来描述更迷人,但事实上,运动所带来的结实肌肉,和单车运动所练成的细小足踝,比令人憔悴、青筋突起的节食,总好看多了吧!适当的运动能分泌一种荷尔蒙,这种荷尔蒙使你心胸开朗、精神愉快。从经验中,可知道单车运动就能产生这种荷尔蒙。 6,事实上由于踩单车压缩血管,使得血液循环加速,大脑摄进更多的氧气,因此你吸进了更多的新鲜空气。 骑过一阵子之后,你会觉得脑筋更清楚。 7,骑着这种靠本身体力往踩的双轮脚踏车,你会感觉十分自由且令人畅快无比,可以忘记工作和生活中的不快和困难,释放不必存在的压力。 8.自行车能带你免车费旅游观光。只要周末你有时间,可以骑着爱车,跟随好友,与大自然亲密接触。时间充足的话,可以长途旅行,领略不同的风土人情,感受不同的文化魅力,增长你的知识和阅历,增进您和朋友的沟通和交流。它不止是一种减肥运动,更是心灵愉悦的放逐。 当然也有不好的地方: 曾有人证实,男子久骑或不当骑行自行车易患阳萎。 现在的自行车车座通常又窄又硬,骑在上面会使***受到很大的压力,而骑车座位的受力点


[标签:标题] 篇一:关于汽车的英语作文 好的 Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities. It brings some benefits for us but also causes many problems at the same time. For one thing,there’s no doubt that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily. Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want. However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What’s more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious. Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots. As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars. Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed. Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars. 坏的 Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people's living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefit for us but also causes many problems at the same time. For one thing,it's no doubt that that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily. Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want. However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health .What's more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious. Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots. As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It's high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars. Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed. Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars. 篇二:雅思作文高分范文:私家车的利与弊 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思作文高分范文:私家车的利与弊


Direction: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Cars and Air Pollution. You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1.私家轿车越来越多,有些问题随之产生 2.比较明显的大问题有…… 3.我对这种现象的看法 Car and Air Pollution Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars completely replace the traditional ones. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly. On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists. 汽车和空气污染 太多的车已经在我们的世界中创建很多严重的问题。除了交通挤塞、意外、快速油耗汽车负责在大城市的空气污染很大一部分。所有的时间,他们注入大量的废气进入大气。这些气体很大的损害,导致疾病、甚至死亡。 一个可能的解决方案是设计和开发清洁能源汽车和清洁燃料。在上海,一些公交车的开始天然气,并不给予出尽可能多的二氧化碳作为汽油上运行。但它可能需要几十年,为新的清洁能源汽车模型完全取代传统的。 另一个解决方案是发展现代公共交通系统和限制私家车使用。如果汽油价格不断上涨和公共车辆是高效、便捷没有足够的大多数人会购买私家车。与大城市的汽车总数将大大降低。 整体上,消除空气污染需要来自政府、公众和环保主义者的集体努力。


With the rapid development of science and technology, the car has turned from a luxury into into the millions of products. Just as the saying goes: everything has two sides, while the car's appearance is a double-edged sword: an irreplaceable advantage on our life, also had a s i g n i f i c a n t n e g a t i v e i m p a c t o n o u r l i f e. F r o m t h e g o o d s i d e,t h o u g h,h a v e t h e f o l l o w i n g i m p a c t: A more convenient, travel, this is the most obvious, you don't have to worry, do not rush to the car, do not have to go on the crowded bus. Out of town have nothing to fear as long as a road, the car can go anywhere in the world. (As long as there is a gas station, car p r o b l e m-f r e e.)Second, will significantly increase the quality of life. At our holiday time, you will have more choices, and in time more comfortable. No outside elements, can be resistant to heat and cold. (In the car, across the glass, and cars are equipped with air conditioning, you can blow hot and cold. ) Can serve as a rest house, if there is no accommodation on the way to a far away p l a c e o f t h e h o t e l,y o u c a n s l e e p i n t h e c a r. Third, the cars out of steel framing and metal protection can protect the safety of drivers and passengers. (Unlike bicycles-meat-coated iron, while car is ironclad meat, safe and much m o r e). Four, the invisible, has also expanded the scope of your home, work options, where is no longer considered what needs to be done around the car to get home or to work. A five, car development arising from social change: the automotive industry as a pillar industry, connected to the first, second and tertiary industries, not only bring about significant economic benefits, its industry system and chain into a wide range of scientific fields, driving a lot of rapid industrial development, induced by the emergence of new i n d u s t r i e s a n d h i g h-t e c h.


浅谈现代科技发展的利与弊 生活在当代社会,我们能明显地感觉到现代科技的发展对我们生活产生的巨大影响。现代科技的发展很大程度上改变了人们的生活方式、学习方式和工作方式。 “科学技术是一把双刃剑”,这应该是几乎所有人都认同的道理。现代科技的发展就是一把双刃剑,它既给我们的生活带来了诸多便利,但也存在许多弊端。 电话、手机、互联网几乎取代了原来的书信、电报,人们的通讯时间大大缩短;汽车、飞机等现代交通工具也为人们节省了大量的交通时间;洗衣机、电冰箱等新式家电给人们的生活带来了诸多便利;电视、电脑的出现也大大丰富了人们的生活······对我们影响最大的现代科技我觉得应该属互联网。使用互联网,我们可以做许许多多的事情。我们可以在上面找我们需要的资料。互联网可以算是一部真正的“百科全书”,上面的知识几乎是应有尽有。有时候我们要想了解个什么东西,只要上互联网一搜就能得到答案,既快捷又方便。互联网上有大量的新闻、资讯,把我们和外界紧密地联系在一起,真正印证了“秀才不出门,全知天下事”的说法。我们可以把它当作通讯工具,用它来跟别人联系,现在QQ、人人使用面十分广,成为许多人必不可少的通讯方式。互联网还给我们提供了许多娱乐平台,人们可以在上面找到许多可以用来消遣的东西。互联网给人们的学习创造了更多的机会,人们的学习变得更加方便,同时也使远程教育成为可能。近来,网络办公也成为许多人的选择,他们可以在家工作,工作时间相对自由。网上购物的出现也为人们的生活带来了诸多便利,现在许多东西都可以网购,为人们节省了许多时间与精力。互联网的给人们带来的益处可以说是许多其他科技所无法取代的,它的优点很难列举得尽。 在享受现代科技带来的便利的同时,我们同样感受到了它们带来的危害。物理科技的发展给人们送来了核技术,为人们提供了新能源。但与此同时,它也是广岛、长崎巨大核灾难的罪魁祸首。还有,由于核技术使用不当或其他原因导致的核泄漏成为人类健康的一个巨大杀手。现代的高科技不仅在提高人民生活水平、促进社会发展方面起着巨大作用,它们也成为不法分子不可缺少的犯罪道具。现在许多高科技的犯罪手段让人实在无法识别,高科技的发展在这一方面又成了人们上当受骗的重要原因。这也让人们越来越感到人身安全不能得到保障. 有了现代交通工具,许多人出门就是乘车、坐飞机;互联网的应用和网购的走火,塑造了一批又一批的宅男宅女。可以说,科技让许多人变得越来越懒,从而身体素质也变得越来越差。虽说互联网带来的益处列举不尽,但它也带来了一些坏处。互联网上面不仅有大量的有用信息,但也充斥着许许多多虚假的不良信息,使得人们不敢轻易相信网上的信息。所以说,它在加强人们之间联系的同时在某种程度上其实也疏远了人们的关系。 还有,科技的高速发展加快了人们对地球资源的开发与利用,而其中有许多都是不合理的,对地球环境产生了极大的负面影响。总而言之,现代科技的发展有许多对人类社会的和谐起到了巨大的阻碍作用。 科学技术一把双刃剑,这是无法改变的现实。但我们可以也必须尽力缩减它带来的害处,使它全面发挥它的有利作用——为人类谋福利。


风的好处和坏处(总结10篇) 风的好处和坏处(总结10篇) 风的好处和坏处(一): 风对人类的好处: 在你劳累一天的时候,迎面吹来的阵阵凉风能够缓解你的疲劳。 天气热时,微风吹来,我们感到很舒服。 风还帮我们把湿衣服出吹干。 风能发电,风还能够把风筝吹上天。 风,又推动风车旋转,使帆船加速行驶 人类不能没有风。如果没有风,靠风力传播花粉的植物就无法传播、繁殖;污染的大气得不到稀释;帆船将无法在水上航行;人类赖以生存的空气会如同一潭死水,污浊不堪;许多生物将难以生存。 风对人类的危害: 风能吹翻海上的船,吹走肥沃的土壤,吹倒庄稼、大树、房屋。 风的好处和坏处(二): 风是一种自然能源,它能促使干冷和暖湿空气发生交换。很早以前,人类就学会制造风车,借风力吹动风车来抽水和加工粮食,此刻人们还利用风车来发电。 墨西哥湾暖流的构成就是风的杰作。在暖流的影响下,加拿大东海岸,冬天冷到-20°C而与此纬度相同的欧洲西北部温度却在0°C以上,沿岸的海水常年不冻。

我国多数地区受季风影响,夏季风使沿海地区雨量丰富。加上温度高、日照充足,使农作物和动植物都能良好地生长。夏季风还深入到大陆内部。使那里不致成为浩瀚的沙漠,大部地区仍然是农牧业生产的好地方。 风能使大范围的热量和水汽混合、均衡,调节空气的温度和湿度;能把云雨送到遥远的地方,使地球上的水分循环得以完成。 风能传播花粉还能将有些植物的种子吹送到远方,让它们在新的环境里生长发育。 但风也经常给人类带来灾害,暴风、台风、飓风会使农田淹没、房屋倒塌、水电中断。龙卷风能摧毁大面积建筑物,所过之处一片狼藉。 并且风还会带起沙尘,构成沙尘暴,危害人体,还会带动沙漠移动造成荒漠。 风的好处和坏处(三): 风的好处 1、风可传播植物花粉、种子,帮忙植物授粉和繁殖。比如最常见的例子是蒲公英的种子就是靠风来传播的。 2、风能是分布广泛、用之不竭的能源。利用风能发电,能够减少了化石能源的利用,保护了环境。 3、风在农业中对改善农田环境起着重要作用。 风将空气中的二氧化碳、氧气、热量等进行输送和交换,为农作物的成长创造了条件。风是农业生产的环境因子之一.风速适度对改善农田环境条件起着重要作用. 近地层热量交换、农田蒸散和空气中的二氧化碳、氧气等输送过程随着风速的增大而加快或加强.风可传播植物花粉、种子,帮忙植物授粉和繁殖.风能是分布广泛、用之不竭的能源.中国盛行季风,对作物生长有利.


汽车的重要性《英语作文》 The automobile has become one of the most important means/ways of transportation in the world since it was invented. The automobile has completely changed the lifestyles of almost all the people in the world. In the past, animals like horses and camels were used for traveling and transporting goods. Automobiles are more comfortable and faster. Automobiles have also made it possible for us to transport large quantities of goods and people at the same time. Besides, the invention of the automobile has provided jobs for millions of people all over the world. 翻译: 汽车已经成为世界上最重要的交通工具之一,因为它是发明的。汽车已经完全改变了世界上几乎所有的人的生活方式。 在过去,像马和骆驼的动物被用来运送货物。汽车更舒适,更快速。汽车也使我们能够在同一时间运送大量货物和人。 此外,汽车的发明为全世界上百万的人提供了工作。


科学发展带来了人类生活方式的改变,把人类从繁重的体力劳动里解放出来。 但是科学发展加速了地球毁灭,也就是人类毁灭的过程 地球毁灭的过程,也就是人类利用地球资源的过程 原始时代,人类只需地表面的资源就能生活,只需要溪水、树上的果子、草籽等生活资源,也其乐融融 后来,出现工具,然后养殖、重植,资源利用到破土一尺 再后来,煤炭、金属等矿产,人类利用地球资源深入到地表下100米这种深度 石油的开采,人类利用资源到地表下5000米,也就是说,现在人们利用地球资源到万米深度随着科学发展,人类需要更多的资源,科学发展又促进人力利用地球资源的能力,人类加速的向地球深层索取资源,由现在的万米到10万米、百万米,当人类利用地核资源时,地球也就到了毁灭的时候。 可以说,科学技术给人类带来利用资源的能力,减少了为争夺资源引发的战争,但不能避免集体毁灭,却加速了集体毁灭的进程 科学技术可以探索到地球外的人类生活空间,但不可能在地球毁灭时转移全人类,只能模仿诺亚方舟,每个物种带一个源种,来拯救地球物种的延续 下边是关于科学发展利大于弊的分析希望能帮的上你啊! 人类的生存方式,20万年前与10万年前相比,不会有太大的改变;3000年前与2000年前相比,不会有太大的改变;600年前与500年前相比,不会有太大的改变。但是,今人与古人其实早已今非昔比,即使是现在与100年前相比,也已完全不一样。是什么推动了人类历史的发展?是什么让人类开始了新的生存方式? 我说,这便是科技,是科技的发展才推动了人类的进程,是科技的发展才使人类有着这崭新又美好的生活。纵观千古,哪朝哪代不是重视科技的发展?回首过去,看四大发明,独具鳌头;观天文历法,为之惊叹;览赵州拱桥,设计精妙;窥《本草纲目》,东方巨典;瞻圆周率值,七位小数;眺丝绸之路,发展经济;端青花瓷器,扬名海外。科技发展是强国之路,科技发展是中华民族进步的第一动力,没有科学,我们哪来的今天的幸福生活?没有科技,我们哪来的舒适的物质生活与精神享受?没有科技的进步,我们哪能吃到杂交二号?我们哪能穿上全棉衣服,我们哪能住进高楼大厦? 问,科技发展利大还是弊大?毋庸置疑,当然是利大!作何解释?不用解释!中华文明八千年历史文明就是铁证如山,历史每时每刻都在改变,科技每时每刻都在发展。人类从茹毛饮血原始生活学会利用或烧熟食物,从依靠自然到繁殖饲养,从手无寸铁到冶金炼石,这不都是进步, 这不都是发展?如果是弊端大于利的话 ,那人类为什么都还不约而同的选择了进步?只有进步才能使明天更美好! 一个人不进步是可悲的,一个国家不进步是没落的,一个世界不进步是黑暗的。只要在不断的进步中,人类的生活才可以得到升华。人类是渺小的,人类是脆弱的,他没有庞大的身躯,没有牛似的力气,没有乌龟的硬壳。但上天给予了人类一颗聪慧的大脑,一双勤劳的双手,
