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This paper has introduced the design process of injection mould of the shell. The main research the plastic workpiece with side concave or side hole is how to divide structure and draw of patterns. Because the side of model has three eyelets, it is unable to realize by directly operating the mold, by designing the slanting leader pin and the lifter. We use the action of the injection molding machine to carry on core-pulling. The advantage of this design are reducing the use of some components, lowing the cost, omitting some component to install the working procedure, saving time, reducing the production cycle and enhancing the economic efficiency. This article also introduces die space quantity and the layout determination, the injection machine choice, the casting system design, the template and the standard part selection, the drawing of patterns and core-pulling organization design, the formation parts design etc.

Key words:injection mould; lifter; core-pulling; shell




1 前言 (3)

2 绪论 (2)

2.1概述 (2)

2.2我国塑料模现状 (2)

2.3 我国塑料模的发展趋势 (3)

3 塑件成型工艺分析 (5)

3.1 塑件图 (5)

3.2 塑件工艺分析 (5)

3.2.1 精度等级 (5)

3.2.2 脱模斜度 (5)

3.2.3 塑件圆角 (6)

3.3 ABS塑料性能特性与工艺参数 (6)

3.3.1 ABS化学与物理特性 (6)

3.3.2 ABS塑料的成型条件 (7)

4 拟定模具结构形式 (8)

4.1 型腔数目的确定 (8)

4.2 分型面的选择 (9)

5注塑机型号的确定 (11)

5.1 注塑容量的计算 (11)

5.2锁模力的计算 (11)

5.3 注塑机的选用 (12)

5.4 有关参数的校核 (13)

5.4.1由注塑机料筒速率校核模具的型腔数 (13)

5.4.2 注射压力的校核 (13)

5.4.3 锁模力的校核 (13)

5.4.4 开模行程的校核 (14)

6 浇注系统的设计 (14)

6.1 主流道的设计 (15)

6.2 分流道的设计 (17)

6.3 冷料穴的设计 (19)

6.4 浇口的设计 (20)

6.4.1浇口类型的选择 (20)

6.4.2 浇口尺寸的确定 (22)

6.4.3 浇口剪切速率的校核 (23)

6.5 排气系统的设计 (23)

7 成型零件设计 (23)

7.1 成型零件的结构设计 (24)

7.2 成型零件钢材的选用 (25)

7.3 成型零件工件尺寸的计算 (26)

7.4 型腔壁厚和底板厚度的计算 (29)

7.4.1 侧壁厚度计算 (29)

7.4.2 底板厚度计算 (30)

8 模架的确定 (32)

9 导向机构的确定 (32)

10 脱模机构的设计 (34)

10.1 脱模力的计算 (34)

10.2 脱模机构的结构设计 (35)

11 侧向抽芯的设计 (37)

11.1 抽芯距与抽芯力的计算 (37)

11.2 斜导柱圆形截面直径的计算 (40)

11.3 斜导柱圆长度的计算 (40)

11.4 斜滑杆的设计 (42)

12 模温调节系统的设计 (42)

12.1 冷却系统的设计 (43)

13 数控程序的编制 (47)
