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UNIT 4 学案参考答案

Period 1

语篇理解1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C

课文缩写 1.dust 2.exploded 3.time 4.harmful 5.multiplied 6.development7.spread 8.much 9.prevents10.depend


I. ys eggs 2.in time 3.prevent;from 4.is harmful to 5.in his turn 6.give birth to II. 1. so violent that whether or not. 2. cooled down,appear on its surface. 3.made it possible to develop. 4.depend on whether this problem can be solved. Period 2

1.【答案】她如此的漂亮以至于我们班所有的男生都喜欢她。such a beautiful girl

①so good a girl/such a good girl②so difficult that


①at times②in time③in no time④At no time



5.【答案】①I think it harmful②(have)made it a habit


1.such nice weather



4.at one time Period 3


7. 【答案】因为它们生出幼仔,用自己的母乳喂养。

①婴儿出生时长得很像。②我生来是中国人。①gave birth to②by birth

8. 【答案】当轮到我时,我激动得都说不出话来了。①那些女孩逐一报名①in②by

9. 【答案】①to go out→f rom going out②prevented后边加上from③They didn't prevent/stop/keep him from expressing his views.

10 【答案】主语从句宾语从句我来看看她在不在家


discuss和介词后,whether用来引宾从;不定式,or not后面跟,whether独能显神通;


①whether he likes it or not②whether he will agree or not


①I'm puzzled about②one of the most puzzling

达标练习:1.came into existence 2. We take turns to do/in doing the housework.。3. 他们被拦在了燃烧着的大楼外面4.whether to stay or leave

Period 4

12. 【答案】其他科学家认为很久以前一颗彗星与地球相撞导致恐龙灭绝。

①crashed into②in the train crash


【答案】①blocked up②blocked off


I. 1.It is reported that 2.That she gave birth to a healthy baby 3.Whether his parents will buy

a new computer for him 4.Whose bag that was was 5.why this animal died out suddenly

6.Which book they will choose 7.What is the most important for him8.Where we will have the meeting

II.1.That 2.Whether 3.Who 4.What 5.Whoever 6.that7.How;what8.How Period 5

【答案】 1.C 2.B 3.A

【答案】pull through;pulled in

【答案】cheer myself up①cheering;cheerful;cheer up②cheer;on

【答案】break down 今年的产量是去年的两倍; the size of

①This table is three times as long as that one.②This table is three times the length of that one.

③This table is three times that of that one. ④This table is twice longer than that one.

【答案】既然大家都到齐了,我们就开始开会吧。①Now(that)the weather is fine②now that you have finished

达标练习:1.up 2. as tall as ;3. cheered the runners on 4. Now that


【答案】 1.system 2.religion 3.theory 4.unlike 5.multiply 6.thus7.gravity8.gentle 9.climate 10.crash11.pull12.float

【答案】13.violent;violence14.fundamental;fundamentally15.harmful;harm16.exist;existence 17.puzzle;puzzling;puzzled18.globe;global

【答案】 1.in time y eggs 3.give birth to 4.prevent...from 5.轮到某人,接着 6.感到高兴,感到振奋7.突发,爆发8.密切注视,当心9.挡住(光线) 10.既然

【答案】ying eggs12.in time13.blocks out 14.broke out15.Watch out

【答案】 1.so clever that 2.makes it a habit to get up/getting up 3.four times as large as

4.Now that you want to improve your oral English

一、system; theories; violent; harmful; existed; puzzled; give birth to; prevented from; cheer up; Now that

二、in time,prevent...from,gave birth to,Cheer up, Now that, broke out,Watch out, depend on,in turn,is different from


Unit4 补偿练习答案:

I.1.how 2.directions bine 4.uncertain 5.voilent 6. whether 7. explode 8. gases 9. atmosphere 10.cooled down 11. appear 12. unlike 13. fundamental 14. harmful 15. to develop 16.multiplied 17. which 18. were followed 19.were followed 20. laying 21.remains 22. disappearance 23. gave birth 24. Thus 25. into 26.prevents 27. live on 28.continue 29. depend on
