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Part I.

Vocabulary & Structure (30%)

Directions: Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.


As the semester is drawing to an end, the student

union is calling

on all the students

to __C_the

temptation to cheat on exams.

A. refuse

B. reject

C. resist

D. resolve

2.You don ’t agree with me on this matter, I know, but _

__B_you ’ll see I am in the right.

A. at times

B. in time

C. at one time

D. all the time


As some of the rules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO, the government decided to __A__ them as soon as possible. A. abolish

B. accomplish

C. distinguish

D. establish 4.It is impossible for me to sing a song these days, for my voice is __C__. A. going of B. going to

C. going off

D. going away


The old man regained consciousness and found himself lying in a room which had nothing but __D__

walls. A. blank

B. empty

C. vacant

D. bare 6.The typical symptom of the epidemic SARS is _A___ high fever and acute cough. A. persistent

B. resistant

C. subsequent

D. perseverant


The Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course, salad, bread, and vegetables, and B____ a

variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings and ice-cream. A. involves

B. features

C. characterizes

D. protrudes

8._B___ the events of last week, I think, we could have handled things more efficiently. A. Falling back on B. Looking back on C. Getting back on

D. Going back on

9. A suicide bomb exploded in a Jewish _D___, killing dozens of people. A. site

B. plantation

C. terminal

D. settlement 10.In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become __D__ words; almost everyone has heard of them. A. family

B. home

C. house

D. household

11.It can said without exaggeration that no part of the United States is not easily accessible by car, by train,

or by air, and __B__ by all the three of them. A. more often than B. more often than not C. no more often than

D. less often than

12.While freshmen are considered part of the academic elite(

精英), some of them appear to lack common

sense _C___ following traffic regulations. A. coming to B. when coming to C. when it comes to D. when they come to

13.Dangerous animals such as bears and wolves can be _B___ by lighting a fire when you go camping in a

virgin forest. A. kept in hand B. kept at bay C. kept in touch D. kept in mind

14.As she matured as an artist, she __A

__ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture ”.

A. came to

B. kept to

C. took to

D. went to 15.He always uses the same __B__ of lies to cheat strangers.

A. number

B. flock

C. group

D. web

16.Many European countries __B__ all alliance(

同盟) against Hitler

’s military invasion.

A. passed for

B. forged

C. compelled

D. authorized

17.Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union __D__ a worldwide ban on British beef and beef

product exports.

A. challenged

B. charged

C. forged

D. imposed

18.The ancient tribes there are supposed __C__ from the mainland to the island.

A. to move

B. to be moving

C. to have moved

D. to have been moving

19.Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes(

行车道) for bicycles on some of the

main streets, but though they have got some supporters, ___B_ likes the idea. A. everyone B. not everyone

C. no one

D. someone

20.On Children

’s Day, our nieces and nephews were taken to the department store and then __

D__ to pick

their favorite toys.

A. set out

B. let alone

C. brushed aside

D. turned loose 21. Our house is about a mile from the station and there are not many houses __A____.

A. in between

B. among them

C. far apart

D. from each other

22. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could __D_______. A. stand up to B. put up with C. come up with D. make up for 23. Some fish have a greater _A_______ for acid water than others.

A. tolerance

B. resistance

C. dependence

D. persistence

24. Many scientists have been _______A__ the goal of a practical and economical way to use sunlight to split

water molecules.

A. pursuing

B. chasing

C. reaching

D. winning 25. I have no formal clothes for the occasion. Perhaps I can get __B_______ in a dark suit?

A. through

B. by

C. at

D. off 26. The money I get from teaching the piano is a useful __C_______ to my ordinary income. A. implement

B. complement

C. supplement

D. compliment 27. The __C_______ consists of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, their son and two daughters.

A. house

B. household

C. home

D. housing 28. He never talks to me ____D_____ to ask for something. A. besides B. aside from C. apart from D. other than 29. I ____C_____ my grant by working in the evenings. A. compliment B. complement C. supplement D. implement 30.______B___ my point I have done a comparative study.

A. Illustrating

B. To illustrate

C. Having illustrated

D. Being illustrated

Part II. Reading Comprehension (30%)

Passage One:

When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay, they did not bring very many things with them. They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more people are using. The renting of home furnishings (bed, tables, dishes, and so on) has become one of America ’s fastest growing businesses.

What kinds of people

rent their home furnishings instead

of buying

them? People who are international

business or government officials, foreign students, airline workers, young married couples --- people whose job or business may force them to move frequently from one city to another. They save a lot of trouble and
