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4. 5.
Are all technical regulations/CTS/SSTS available? 所有的技术标准是否有效? If supplier is design responsible, has DFMEA been used to develop the PFMEA? 如果供方有设计责任,是否参照DFMEA作PFMEA?
QUALITY SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 6. Is a Process Flow Diagram available? 过程流程图是否有效? 7. Does the Process Flow Diagram include receiving? 过程流程是否包括让步接收? 8. Does the Process Flow Diagram include rework? 过程流程是否包括返工返修? 9. Does the Process Flow Diagram include scrap? 过程流程是否包括报废? 10. Does the Process Flow Diagram include gauging/inspection? 过程流程是否包括计量器具? 11. Does the Process Flow Diagram include shipping? 过程流程是否包括交付? 12. Does the Process Flow Diagram include labeling and Part ID at receiving, WHIP, finished good and shipping areas? 过程流程是否包括产品标识和接受零件代码,whip,成 品,发货区域? 13. Is there a PFMEA available? 是否有有效的PFMEA? 14. Is the PFMEA acceptable (RPNs, numbers match Process flow and include KPCs/PQCs/KCCs)? PFMEA是否可接收? 15. Is there any evidence that it is kept up to date? 是否有改进的证据? 16. Is there a Process Control Plan (PCP) available? 是否有有效的过程控制计划? 17. Is the Process Control Plan (PCP) acceptable (numbers match PFMEA and Process Flow, including KPCs/PQCs/KCCs, GP-12 if applicable and latest EWO/ODM included)? 过程控制计划是否可接收(与PFMEA匹配的参数和流程, 包括过程特性/产品特性,如早期生产限制合适,是否包 括最新的EWO/ODM)? 18. Are all "Current Controls" listed on the PFMEA detailed on the 所有PFMEA中标注的当前的控制方法是否具体体现在控 19. Are process controls in place in the PCP to address the high PFMEA Risk Priority Numbers? PFMEA中涉及的高风险控制要求是否体现在控制计划 中? 20. Is there a procedure/process for Continuous Improvement for 是否建立了优先减少风险的持续改进过程? 21. Are KPCs/PQCs/KCCs called out on the PCP? 在控制计划中是否标注了关键控制特性和关键产品特 22. Are sample sizes and check frequency for each operation 是否合理的规定了每个过程的样品尺寸和检验频次? 23. Do your supplier's provide evidance of approved material for all components needed for the assembled part? 供应商是否获得协力厂商提供的零组件材质证明和试验 报告等证据?
产品有效期 质量完成情况
Run @ Rate CPIP/Warranty
Major Disruption Shutdown/Start Up Audit DD&W Complete Mfg. System Other Quality System - Ongoing Documentation
24. Are controls in place to ensure only approved incoming material released for production? 是否依据协力厂商提供的检验证明实施进料检验? 25. When parts require traceability, do controls link component traceability to the final part? 当零部件有可追溯性要求时,是否作了标识并能追溯到 26. 产品形成的过程? Is the workplace properly configured and matches Process Flow 是否配置了合理的工作场所并与过程流程图相符合? 27. Are all tools and gauges properly identified? 所有配置的工具和量检具其准确度和精度是否满足要 28. Are all gauges calibrated? 所有量检具是否定期校验? 29. Are all tools and gauges certified? 所有配置的工具和量检具能否提供表明校验状态的合格证明? 30. Is gauge Repeatability and Reproducabilty less than 10%? 所有量检具的重复性和再现性是否小于10%? 31. Do all gauges have proper operator instructions? 所有量检具是否有合适的操作规程或作业指导书? 32. Are proper operator instructions available for each operation? 操作规程或作业指导书是否对每个操作过程都有效? 33. Are Standardized Work instructions detailed to run the job properly, including handling of non-conforming parts? 作业指导书是否详细标注了正常操作所需的内容(包括手工制品) 34. Is there Standardized Work? 是否将作业指导书配挂在现场? 35. Is the Standradized Work being followed? 是否按作业指导书操作? 36. Do the operators understand the instructions? 操作员是否了解作业指导书内容? 37. Have operators been properly trained? 操作者是否经过适当的培训 38. Are boundary samples (BS) available to operators? 操作者是否有合适的限度样件? 39. Are boundary samples (BS) in use? 限度样件是否在现场使用? 40. Are Master Parts or samples available to confirm inspection? 是否依据标准样件进行确认检验? 41. Are Master Parts available for error proofing devices? 标准样件对防呆装置是否有效? 42. Is there a Preventive Maintenance (PM) plan on tools and is it 是否建立了工具的预防性维护计划并付诸实施? 43. Is there a Preventive Maintenance (PM) plan on equipment and 是否建立了设备的预防性维护计划并付诸实施? 44. Are listed tests and inspections per control plan, actually 每个控制计划是否规定了检验和实验项目并按规定执行? 45. Where the Process Control Plan calls for SPC are the data 控制计划规定的SPC能否提供合适数据记录? 46. Are the Upper Control Limits (ULC) current? 控制图的上控制限是否为现行的? 47. Are the Lower Control Limits (LCL) current? 控制图的下控制限是否为现行的? 48. Does the data make sense and are reasonable control limits 数据是否合理,数据限(线)是否依据数据计算? 49. Are out of control points noted with the corrective action taken?
Top Focus Mgmt. Request CSL-1 Plant Request CSL-2 D/PFMEA Launch Current
GM 1960-B GM 1927-16
Auditor Phone: 评审员电话 GM Division: 通用分部 Part Name: EWO #: / ODM # Model Year: 车型年份 Commodity: 商品
Partial Other
Eng. Change Level: 设计变更单号 Program 项目
Safety Related Part ? 保安件
Run at Rate (GP9 Attachement B) Product Validation/Qualification Complete:
Component Check Plan Critical Fastner (D02) Part / Assembly Line /Cell
Focus of Audit: 评审要点
Operation / Machine
Approve Approved, but need Documentation d 批准 批准,同时需要文档
Not Approved 没批准 Yes
Follow-Up Audit Date: 复评日期 No N/A Comments
TECHNICAL INFORMATION AVAILABILITY 1. Are actual drawings availabe at production facility with the latest 最后一次设变的生产设备的实际图纸是否为有效版本? 2. Does the supplier have the final customer approved drawing? 供应商是否有最终顾客批准的图纸? 3. Is the print complete (Tolerances, GD&T, Correct Datums, KPCs, 图纸内容是否完整?
WWP Supplier Quality Process Control Plan Audit Summary Sheet
供应商质量过程控制计划审核汇总表 Date: Supplier Name: 供应商名称 Mfg. DUNS: Supplier Phone: 供应商电话 Plant Location & Country: 公司地址/国家 Auditor: (SQE, SQI) 评审员 Auditor: E-Mail: 评审员邮箱 Part Number (s): 零件编号 Drawing Date: 图面日期 PPAP/Interim/Benestare Status: 生产件批准 Creativity Team: 开发项目,样品批准 Reason For Audit: Future 评审依据 Type of Audit: Initial Follow Up 评审类型 Driver of Audit: APQP Confirmation 评审范围