


Frank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?

Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。

Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the International Business Center。

Jane:When do you expect him back?

Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。

Jane:Yes, thank you. When he gets back, please let him know that Jane called and I need him to call me back。

Frank:Does he have your number?

Jane:Yes, he does. But I’ll give it to you again, 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6.

Frank:That was 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6, right?

Jane:Yes. Thank you very much。

Frank:You’re welcome。



Jane:Is Patti there?

Frank:I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number. There is no Patti here。

Jane:Wrong number? Are you sure? I called yesterday and she was there。

Frank:I’m sure you have the wrong number. This one has b een my number for more than 20 years。

Jane:That’s impossible. I remember the number clearly. Isn’t this 763-4565?

Frank:No, it isn’t. It’s 736-4565. It seems you’ve misdialed。

Jane:Really? I’m so sorry I bothered you. I’ll try again。

Frank:That’s all right. This sort of thing happens all the time to everyone。

Jane:Yeah, I guess it does. Sorry again for bothering you。

Frank:No worries。


Ann:Hello, three-five.

Sam:Is that Ann?

Ann:I’m sorry. I’m very tired. I’m going to bed early. I didn’t have a good time and I don’t really want to see you again。

Sam:What are you talking about? We had a great time. We laughed and talked all night last time。

Ann:It was hardly all night. And I recall it was you doing all the laughing at your own jokes。

Sam:That’s not fair. We had fun. Give me a second chance. Can we meet tomorrow night for drinks at the pub?

Ann:No, I’m sorry. I’m going to meet some friends tomorrow evening. And I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。

Sam:But Ann.


初中英语口语教学设计 初中英语口语教学设计 无锡市张泾中学谢华 一、教学内容 1(教材:江苏省中学生英语口语等级测试纲要(试行)初中部分。 2(主要内容:?朗读短文:第22、23篇。?回答问题:第1—163题。?情景对话: 第11、12篇。?话题简述:第15篇。 二、学情分析 1(学生已基本掌握了阅读文章的技巧,即会运用连读、重音、意群的停顿、升调、降调、音的同化、不完全爆破等朗读技巧,在此基础上要有感情地朗读文章; 2(九年级学生已具备了一定的观察、分析和解决问题的能力,所以,本节课应把学生分成小组,多为学生创造自主学习的氛围,调动学生的主动性和积极性;

3(改变过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械练习的现象,倡导学生主动参与,乐地探究,勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力及交流、合作的能力。 三、教具准备 录音机、多媒体 四、教学策略 实施“让学生为中心的教学”的教学策略,即通过教学意图和策略等影响学生,把学生置于主体地位并提供主体地位的天地,使得学生成为学习的行动者,换言之,把学生作为沟通与活动的主体,使之成为学习的主体,通过同学的沟通和活动展开指导。 五、教学目标 1(知识与能力目标:进一步掌握朗读技巧,能流利、准确、有感情的朗读短文。能利用所学内容进行回答问题、情景对话和话题简述。 2(方法与过程目标:改变教师一味传授的权威地位,拉近师生之间的距离,学生乐于探究、主动参与,用讨论的形式请学生划出情景对话中的五个要点,并用类似的内容进行替换,发展学生的自主学习的能力和口语应用能力。 3(情感态度和价值目标:通过情境教学,激发学生的学习情感,激励学生克服困难,力争人人口试成绩都得满分。 六、课前准备 1(学生通过录音自读短文第22、23篇,准备课上抽读; 2(学生背熟第1—163个问题,准备课上进行系列问答; 3(教师做好多媒体课件,对情景对话第11、12篇进行替换。 七、教学流程 任务一:掌握“朗读短文”中第22、23篇的阅读技巧。


初中英语口语对话资料 1. -- Good morning/afternoon. -- Good morning/afternoon/Hello/Hi. 2. -- How are you -- I'm fine, thanks. And you And how are you -- Fine, thank you. 3. -- Nice to meet/see you. -- Nice to meet/see you, too. | -- How do you do -- How do you do -- I'm Lin Qiang./My name is Lin Qiang. -- I'm Naney./My name is Naney. -- Good bye. -- Bye-bye. 4. -- Hello, I'm Neal. -- Hi, I'm Nancy. | 5. -- How is everything going -- Fine, thank you, And you -- Fine, thanks. 6. -- What's your name/May I have your name, please -- I'm Nancy/My name is Nancy. 7. -- How old are you -- I'm eleven. 8. -- Which grade are you in | -- Class 1, Grade 5. 9. -- Do you like balloons -- Yes, I do. -- Why Why do you like balloons -- Because they're colorful and interesting. 10. -- Do you like pandas -- Yes, I do. -- Why(Why do you like pandas) ? -- Because it's very cute. -- Let's go to see the pandas -- That sounds great. 11. -- Can you count from one to twenty --Sure. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ,nine ,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourtee n,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen ,twenty. 12. -- What's your phone number -- It's .(七位号码:前三后四,八位号码:各四位) 13. -- What's the time, please/What's the time by your watch ] -- Let's me see. It's 4:30. 14 -- What would you have for dinner -- I'd like hamburgers and some orange juice. -- Do you like hot dogs why -- Yes, I do. It's very nice. 15. -- Do you have sports every day -- Yes I do. -- What do you usually do after school : -- I exercise a lot. I like skipping -rope. 16. -- Do you watch TV every day -- Yes , I do. -- What time do you watch TV every day -- At 7:30. 17. -- What time do you get up every day -- At 6:30. 18. -- What time do you have your lunch every day ^ -- At 11:30. 19. -- What time do you go to school every day -- At 7:30. 20. -- What time do you have your breakfast every day -- At 7:00. 21. -- What time do you have your dinner every day -- At 6:00. 22. -- What time do you go home every day … -- At 5:00. 23. -- How many boys/girls/pupils are there in your class -- Twenty-two/Twenty-eight/Fifty. 24. -- What color is your


高考英语口语对话:问路 【对话一】 A: do you think I still fashionable in this dress? B: I think so. Blue is still fashionable at the moment. a: this style came out last year, though. I like the dress, but I’m not sure whether last year’s fashions will be same this year. b: I think this kind of dress will stay in fashion for a few more years. People don’t change fashions every year. It would be too expensive. a: yes. Only the top designer try to tell people to change fashion every year, but only rich people can do it. b: there are some real fashion victims who just have to keep totally up-to-date with expensive clothes. a: I wish I could be one of those people, but my budget simply doesn’t stretch that far. I have to limit the amount of money I spend on clothes otherwise I would go on a shopping frenzy. B: I know what you mean. The situation will be worse if we marry our boyfriends and have children. The we’ll have even less money to spend on fashionable clothes! 【对话二】 A: excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?


Job A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person .I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on. A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? B:I think I have positive opinions to work and life ,I can work hard without any complain .but ,I know I still have many weakness ,such as careless. A:how long do you think you'd stay with us if you were appointed? B:sorry I don't know exactly ,I think I will stay as long as possible. A:which is more important to you :status or money? B:status,status is more important than money ,when you have good status ,you will have money . A:why do you want to leave your present job? B: because the workplace have long way to my house. I should spend 2 hours in the way. A:which do you think are good working conditions? B:A good office environment A:what is your best quality? B:loyal(effort) A:what are your long-range goals? B:I want to be a good engineer. A:OK,you wait for notice B:thanks


七年级英语口语问答题 1、Do you know about Chinese festival? 2、What do people usually do during Spring festival? 3、Have you been to any other place? 4、Where would you like to go in the summer holiday? 5、Do you know Zhan Tianyou?What do you think of him? 6、Summer holiday is coming,can you talk about your plan for your holiday? 7、What do you want to be in the future? Why? 8、Where are you from? 9、Could you describe your hometown ? 10 .What is your telephone number? 11-16. What is your favourite color/season/animal/sport/subject/food/? 17-18.What are these/those? 19-20.what does your father /mother do? 21-22. What class/grade are you in? 23.What is the weather like today? 24.W hat day is it today? 25.What is the date today? 26.How many people are there in your family? 27.How many students are there in your class? 28-30.How many days are there in a week/month/year? 31.How many months are there in a year? 32.What is two and five?


【篇一】初中英语口语对话材料 Mom:John, come and get it; breakfast is ready。 John:I’m still getting ready for school. I can’t find my schoolbag。 Mom:I told you to pack it last night. What did you do with it? John:I did. But I used something in the bag later。 Mom:Anyway, hurry up! Here is your carrot juice。 John:Can I have apple juice, Mom? Mom:Don’t be so fussy about stuff。 John:Oh, Mom. Mom:Do you want your fried egg sunny-side up? John:Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. I’ll make it myself。 Mom:Good. I’ll butter your toast then。 John:I wish I could have breakfast steak today。 Mom:I’ll make it for you tomorrow。 John:Thanks。 【篇二】初中英语口语对话材料 Frank:Do you like cooking? Jane:Yes, I do a lot. But I don’t like doing dishes. What about you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards? Frank:To be honest, I don’t really like doing either one. I can’t cook and I hate cleaning。 Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer? Frank:I would rather do the dishes than cook。


Lesson 1 Introduction 第一课介绍 introduction介绍;推荐come来here向这里,到这里yes是,嗳,我在这儿mom妈妈pleased 欣喜的;愉快的see会面,晤见;遇见so如是,如此 Mom: Come here, Bo-Bo.来,波波。 Bo-Bo: Yes, Mom? 什么事,妈妈? Mom: This is Li-Li.这是莉莉。 Bo-Bo:How do you do?你好! Li-Li: How do you do? 你好! Bo-Bo: Pleased to see you.见到你很高兴。 Li-Li: So am I.我也是。 Lesson 2 Greetings and Goodbye 第二课问候与再见 hello喂! fine有精神的,健康的thank感谢,谢谢very很,非常well健康的,安好的 So long! 再见! Li-Li: Hello, Bo-Bo! 你好,波波! Bo-Bo:Hello,Li-Li!你好,莉莉! Li-Li: How are you? 你好吗? Bo-Bo: I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢你。你呢? Li-Li: Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。 Bo-Bo: Good-bye, Li-Li.再见,莉莉。 Li-Li: So long!再见! Lesson 3 About Bo-Bo's Family 第三课波波的一家 Li-Li: How many people are there in your family, Bo-Bo?波波,你家有几口人? Bo-Bo: There are three: Father, Mother and I.有三口人:爸爸、妈妈和我。 Li-Li: What is your father? 你爸爸是做什么的? Bo-Bo: He is a professor. 他是位教授。 Li-Li: And what is your mother's job? 那你妈妈是干什么工作的呢? Bo-Bo: She is a writer. 她是位作家。 I love my parents very much. 我非常爱我的父母亲。 how many (成语)多少people人,人们professor (大学)教授job工作,职业writer作家;作者 love爱,热爱parents父亲;母亲;双亲very much非常,很 Lesson 4 Getting up 第四课起床


1.Where will you choose to live, a small town, the countryside or a big city? Why? Big city shopping and life are more convenient, alternative things are more convenient to go out a little tourism. Interpersonal relatively simple small town life are more relaxed, but relatively few choose to go out shopping, information industry, the county of closure. 2.What can we do to arouse more people’s social conscience? 3.Does human activity improve or damage the earth? How? Environment is usually changed to benefit human life. Cars and roads make transportation is convenient, the factory make the products, make our life more comfortable, public services in water treatment equipment, electric power and waste disposal make our lives more convenient. All these advances, however, with a serious environmental costs. Human activities will be seriously damaged. A major, the influence of human activities on a regional water environment pollution.Factories, in order to convenient with water in the river, and the sewage discharge into the river Another serious long-term effect of air pollution is a problem of global warming. People cut down trees in great quantities, make carbon dioxide exceeds a certain


江苏省初中英语听力口语人机对话情景话题 第一组 一、Jim四岁时随父母一起搬到了阳光城,他对那里很了解。 1. When did Jim move to Sunshine Town with his parents? (At the age of 4.) 2. How did he know Sunshine Town? (Very well.) 二、那只名叫“希望”的熊猫宝宝,出生时重约90克。 1. What was the baby panda called/ named? (Xi Wang.) 2. How much did it weigh when it was born/ at birth? (About ninety grams.) 三、很多人在义演现场为“希望工程”捐了钱,这使得被选为主持人的李雷感到非常高兴。 1. Who was the host of the charity show? (Li Lei.) 2. Why was Li Lei so happy? (Because many people donated money to Project Hope at the charity show.) 四、我最喜爱的颜色是暖色。暖色包括能带给你成功的橙色和象征智慧的黄色。 1. What are your favourite colors? (Warm colours.) 2. Why do you like warm colours best? (Because they include yellow which can bring you success and it’s the colour of wis dom.) 五、Tom和他父母在迪斯尼乐园里拍了许多照片,打算回去后会给他的朋友们看。 1. Where did Tom take many photos with his parents? (In Disneyland.) 2. What would he do with these photos? (He would show them to his friends.) 六、9年级的学生Nancy每天看一个小时电视,她最喜欢看的电视节目是《动物世界》。 1. How long does Nancy watch TV every day? (For an hour.) How much TV does Nancy watch every day? (An hour of TV.) 2. Which is her favourite TV programme? ( Animal World.) 七、出生于1929年的Hepburn在1953年被选在影片《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)中担任女主角。 1. When was Hepburn born? (In 1929.) 2. When was she chosen to play the lead role in Roman Holiday? (In 195 3.) 八、地震开始时王林正在图书馆里看一本名叫《飘》(Gone With the Wind)的书。 1. Where was Wang Lin when the earthquake began? (In the library.) 2. What was she doing then? (She was reading a book called Gone With the Wind.) 九、上周三,暴风雪袭击了南京,Lily是和Lucy一起坐公共汽车回家的。 1. When did the snowstorm hit Nanjing? (Last Wednesday.) 2. How did Lily and Lucy get home? (By bus./ On a bus.) 十、上个星期六Daniel和他的朋友乘地铁去了玄武湖公园,他们在那儿拍了很多美丽的照片。 1. How did Daniel go to Xuanwu Lake Park with his friends last Saturday? (By underground./ On an underground.) 2. What did they do there? (They took many beautiful pictures/ photos.) 第二组 一、丹尼尔是游泳俱乐部的一名成员。他每周游泳两次。 1. Which club is Daniel in? (The Swimming Club.) 2. How often does he go swimming? (Twice a week.)


情景对话对提高初中英语口语听力的影响 摘要:初中英语教学的目的之一在培养学生使用英语进行交际的能力,也就是英语的听、说、读、写能力。传统的应试教学模式,着重于书面能力的训练,忽视了听、说能力的培养,使得出现了“哑巴英语”这种现象。英语听力是进行英语交流的基础,而口语则是英语交流的工具,要正确对待口语听力在中学英语教学的重要性,利用情景教学等方式,提高学生口语听力的能力。 关键词:情景对话;交际能力;口语听力 一、初中英语教学的现状 随着国际全球化的不断加大,英语在生活中发挥着越来越重要的角色,初中英语作为英语基础积累的重要时期,不仅需要学生学会与人交流,陈述自己的意见,还需要学生学会倾听他人的观点。而传统的英语教学方式则要求学生侧重于语言结构分析及操练,加大题目数量练习,形成答题的惯性,而教师在课堂上也偏重于答题技巧的教学,强制背诵英语常用语法,单纯注重语言知识的传授,甚至有时一节课都不存在英语交流,这样的教学方式造成了如今“哑巴英语”的现状,即听不懂、说不出、不敢说。这样的英语教学方式势必会削弱学生对英语学习的积极性,从而错过了学习这门语言的最佳阶段。所以,增加学生英语交流的机会,才是学好英语的关键。 二、情景对话对提高初中英语口语听力的影响 1、情景对话有利于营造良好的口语听力环境 我们学习英语的目的在于将生活中的种种可以通过英语对话的方式表达出来,而环境往往决定对话的内容与方式。很多人在国内学了好几年的英语,甚至上培训班却还是学不好,而到国外一年,就能说一口流利的标准英语,这充分说明语言环境对英语口语学习的重要性。在良好的语言环境中练习英语会话,是学生英语口语表达能力提高的根本途径。而在现实生活中,能够真实地接触英语交际的机会是非常局限的,仅仅只能通过课堂上的视频、音频来学习如何利用英语进行交流,这种传输式的英语教学不仅不能提高学生学习英语的自主性,还会使得学生羞于用英语表达。众所周知,如今学生的英语语言能力不足主要表现在,单词读音不标准甚至不会读,辨别不出单词相似或者相近的音素,对语调不能准确掌握,单词词性辨别度低等方面,这些语言能力的加强都是需要实践来提高的,情景对话作为人们在特定的情景中交流思想的一种言语行动,完全可以满足这些需要,在课堂上同学之间或者师生之间,就某一情景展开对话,学生自我编写情节对话,充分发挥学生的自主想象力,不仅给学生营造了良好交流的环境,还可以让学生将所学的知识灵活地运用到情景对话中去,这种自主表达的方式,为提高学生口语听力的能力奠下了基础。 2、情景对话有利于提高学生学习口语听力的积极性 在课堂上,教师可以利用情景对话的方式,建立情景对话的小组,给学生提供充足的讨论时间,自主模拟场景,编写情景对话,每个学生都可以参与其中,开动大脑,将所学的知识穿插在情景对话之中,这种教学方式与传统的传输式教学相比,多了更多的自主性、创新


七年级英语口语及情 景对话

七年级英语口语问答题 1、Do you know about Chinese festival? 2、What do people usually do during Spring festival? 3、Have you been to any other place? 4、Where would you like to go in the summer holiday? 5、Do you know Zhan Tianyou?What do you think of him? 6、Summer holiday is coming,can you talk about your plan for your holiday? 7、What do you want to be in the future? Why? 8、Where are you from? 9、Could you describe your hometown ? 10 .What is your telephone number? 11-16. What is your favourite color/season/animal/sport/subject/food/? 17-18.What are these/those? 19-20.what does your father /mother do? 21-22. What class/grade are you in? 23.What is the weather like today? 24.W hat day is it today? 25.What is the date today? 26.How many people are there in your family? 27.How many students are there in your class? 28-30.How many days are there in a week/month/year? 31.How many months are there in a year? 32.What is two and five?


初中简单的英语口语对话练习【初中简单的英语口语对话练习】 A:What’s wrong with you? A:你怎么了? B:I can’t stop coughing. B:我不停地咳嗽。 A:When did the cough begin? A:什么时候开始咳嗽的? B:It started last night. B:昨天晚上。 A:Do you cough up any phlegm? A:你咳痰吗? B:Yes.I do. B:嗯。是的。 A:What color is it? A:什么颜色的? B:Yellow. B:黄色的。 A:Do you have a fever? A:你发烧吗? B:Yes,I feel feverish. B:是的,我感到发烧。

A:Let me examine you. A:我给你检查一下。 【问路的初中英语口语对话练习】 to get there? A:对不起,先生。我想去北京旅馆,您能告诉我怎么走吗? B:Yes, of course. It’s not far from here.Would you like to take a bus or walk? B:当然可以。北京旅馆离这儿不远。你想乘车还是步行? A:Well,I’d like to walk if it’s within walking distance. A:嗯,如果步行可以的话,我愿意步行去。 B:All right. We are now at the corner of Tuanjie street and Fucheng Road. B:好的。我们现在正在团结街与阜成路的交汇处。 A:I know that. A:这我知道。 B:Go this way along Fucheng Road. Turn left at the second crossing. B:沿着阜成路走,第二个十字路口往左拐。 A:And then? A:然后呢? B.Go straight on along the road and turn right at the first crossing. The hotel is on the right hand side.



Telephone Calls A: Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking, How may I help you? B: Hello. I would like to speak to your director of human resources, Ms. Jenkins, Please. A: Just a moment. I'll check to see if she is at her desk. May I tell her who is calling? B: This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday. A: Thank you, Mr. Burton. Can you please hold for a moment? I’ll check to see if she is available. B: No problem. A: I'm sorry. Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her? B: Yes, please have her return my call when she returns to the office. It's best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today, she can reach me at my office number, 635-8799. A: I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that, could you please repeat the number? B: No problem, my office number is 635-8799. Tell her to ask for extension 31. A: I'm sorry, Mr. Burton, just to confirm, your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N, is that correct? B: Yes, and I represent Milford Insurance. A: I will make sure Ms. Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3pm this afternoon. B: Thank you very much. Memos A: I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what


2012初中英语口语情景对话 1.我们国家最重要的传统节日是春节,那时我们会走亲访友。 Which is the most important traditional festival in your country? (It’s the spring festival) How do you celebrate it? (we can visit our friends.) 2.我家离学校大约5公里远,所以我通常乘公共汽车上学。 How far is it from your home to the school ? (About five kilometers.) How do you usually go to school ? (By bus.) 3.我姓布朗,我的电话号码是80047562 。 What’s your family name ? ( Brown) What’s your telephone number?( It’s 80047562.) 4.我的奶奶80岁了,她的身体依然健康。 What’s the age of your grandmother? ( she is eighty years old.) How is she now? (she is still healthy.) 5.城市的空气污染越来越严重,我们应该乘坐公共汽车。 What do you think of the air in our city ? ( Air pollution is more and more serious in our city. ) What suggestion can you offer ?( we should take buses.) 6.我更喜欢旅游,它能让我放松身心。 Which do you prefer ,staying at home or going on a trip ? ( I prefer going on a trip.) How do you feel when traveling ? ( It can make me feel relaxed.) 7.我更喜欢听流行音乐,周杰伦(Jay Chou)是我最喜欢的歌手。 Which music style do you like ? ( I prefer pop music.) Who is your favourite singer? (Jay Chou) 8.我爸爸送我一台ipad,它很方便、有用。 What present have you got?( My father gave me an ipad.) How do you think of the present?(It’s very easy and useful.) 9.我的圣诞节礼物是一张明信片,上面有一只可爱的大熊猫。 What’s your Christmas gift? ( It’s a postcard.) What does it look like? ( There is a lovely panda on it .) 10.我的电脑出故障了,我明天会请人修一下。 What has happened to you? ( There is something wrong with my computer.) How will you deal with the problem? ( I’ll ask someone to repair it tomorrow.) 11.现在我手表的时间是10点30分,火车10点45分开。 What’s the time now by your watch ? ( It’s half past ten.) When does the train leave? ( It leaves at ten forty-five /fifteen to eleven.) 12.今天是9月9日,明天是教师节。 What’s the date today? ( It’s September the ninth.) What festival is it tomorrow? ( It’s Teachers’Day.) 13.我是三(2)班的学生,家住在学校附近的第九街。 Which class and grade are you in ? ( I’m in Class 2,Grade 3.) Where do you live ? ( I live in the Ninth Street near my school. )

高中英语 口语情景对话 未来旅行计划素材

原版英语口语情景对话第0220集:未来旅行计划 想去哪里旅行先做个计划吧,Kate已经详细的做完了,我们一起来看看吧。 Jessica: So Kate what is, what's this future trip? What are you gonna do next year? Kate: Next year, so when I leave Japan, I'm going back to Australia to work for another 8 weeks and then I'm off to New Zealand to see the rest of New Zealand and then Fiji and then, and then it'd be nice there cause I get to spend some time lying on the beach and then go to the Cook Islands. After the Cook Islands I'm going to go and see my best friend. She lives in Kuala Lumpur, so I'm going to go and do the East Coast of Malaysia and then I'm gonna go to Thailand and the Cambodia and then Vietnam and Lao and then India, and that's as far as I got. Jessica: OK, so after that point you don't know where you're gonna go? Kate: No, I don't know where I'm gonna go. Probably, probably I'm gonna head towards Canada because one of my best friend's immigrated there so I'd like to see him. Jessica: Wow, so how long do you think you're going to be traveling for then? Kate: Three years. Jessica: For three years. Wow, so now, do you have, like a plan after that or? Kate: Yeah, after I finish my travels I'm going to go back home and I've just finished my Master's before I came up, so I'm going to go back and do my PhD. in Psychology and then I'm going to train to be a psychologist.
