







*邮箱desert_ielts@https://www.360docs.net/doc/fc17245831.html, 2009 年 10 月










钱吗?同理,没有包装的口语,能得7 分以上吗?这时模板就很有用了。模板在雅思写作中




尤其你上硕士、博士的时候,需要阅读大量的文献,老外的杂志论文7 页是经常的事,当你







*作者将第一部分按照提问的方式分为basic description, liking/disliking, types of, wh-/how,

****yes/no, would 共计 6 类题型,而第三部分分为comparing, predicting, why, disadvantages,

disadvantages, problems, solutions 共计7 种题型来讲述模板的使用,所以我将本书的精华部





P1T1 basic description………………………………………………………P1T2 liking/disliking…………………………………………………………P1T3 types of……………………………………………………………………

P1T4 Wh-/How often……………………………………………………………P1T5 Yes/No………………………………………………………………………

P1T6 Would……………………………………………………………………….



1 2 4 6 7 8


*P2 模板分析 (11)

*P2 示例 (13)


P3T1 comparing (16)

*P3T2 predicting (17)

P3T3 why (18)

*P3T4 advantages (19)

P3T5 disadvantages (20)

*P3T6 problems (22)

*P3T7 solutions (23)

*Additional Tips (24)





Well as you can probably guess I come from Beijing and I have lived here all my life, although at the moment I’m studying in another city – Tianjin. I suppose if I had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it’s absolutely enormous, maybe even one of the biggest cities in Asia I guess. It’s also in fact that eve n the locals have problems finding their way around. Another significant characteristic is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually some of the China’s most renowned landmarks are ‘slap-bang’ in the middle of Beijin g.


Ok, then


Well, you know


Right, OK


Well, first of all


The first thing I should mention that…

The point I’d like to begin with is that…

I could start off by saying that…

My initial point would be that…

I need to start off by pointing out that…

The main thing you need to know is that …

I suppose I should begin by highlighting the fact that…

You may (may not) be aware that in fact…

I really need to kick off with the point that…

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Another point which I could add is that…

A second feature which I should mention is that…

As well as that, I could say that…

On top of that I can also add that…


And I shouldn’t forget to mention that ….

In addition to what I’ve just said, I can add that…

Something else that I need to comment on is that…

I guess I could also remark on the fact that…



Well to be honest, in general I would say that I’m actually quite keen on animals, but in particular I would proba bly have to say that I’m really into domestic pets like dogs. I guess the reason why I’m a fan of dogs is because I adore their loyalty and companionship. In addition to dogs I suppose I’m also pretty passionate about endangered species, especially dolphi ns and things like that and


I’m fairly/pretty keen on…

I’m really into…

I’m quite a big fan of…

I simply adore…

I’m quite enthusiastic about…

I’m quite/pretty fond of…

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I’m totally mad about…

I’m quite partial to…

I’m quite passionate to…


Well in general I would say that…

Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say that…Well, to be honest I should really say that…

Of course I think I’d have to say that…

Certainly I would definitely say that…

Well, I guess that generally speaking I would certainly say that…第一点

…but in particular…



…to be more precise…

…to be more specific…

…to be more exact…

…to be more accurate…


And I guess this is probably because…

This could be because…

This might be because…

This is due to the fact that…

I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that…


As well as this…

In a ddition to this…

To add to this…



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Of course I think I’d have to say that I’m not keen on the weather. To be more precise, I really can’t stand the summer months. This is due to the fact that the temperatures can get as high as 40 degrees so it can be quite uncomfortable if you don’t have air conditioning in your house. In addition to this, I’m not really that fond of the public transport system. And I guess this is probably because the buses are too old and the seats are really hard, so long journeys are usually


I’m not keen on…

I’m not much of a fan of…

I’m not really that fond of…

I totally detest…

I absolutely loathe….

I really can’t stand…

P1T3 types of



Of course, it goes without saying that there’s quite a mixed variety of public transport in my city. Though I think the most commonly-used would potentially be buses. And the explanation for this could be that they are so cheap and reliable. In fact the average bus fare in my city is about one yuan for a single journey.

As well as buses, a second variety of public transport would be something like taxis. And one exceptional aspect with taxis is that they are certainly the quickest way to get around town. So if you’re in a hurry then taxis are the best bet.

Likewise, as might be expected, there’s things like ferries, motorcycle taxis and trains, although there are not as widely-used as the first two I mentioned.


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Well actually…

Sure, obviously…

OK, certainly…

Of course, you know…

Of course, it goes without saying…


…there’s quite a mixed variety of…

…there’s quite a wide range of…

…there’s a fairly broad range of…

…there’s quite an extensive diversity of…

…there’s quite a diverse mixture of…


But I guess the mo st…would be probably be…

However, I suppose the most…could possibly be…

Though I think the most…would potentially be…

Yet I imagine the most…may well be…

Still, I suspect that the most…could perhaps be…


The thing with…is that…

I assume…are so…because…

The point I want to add about… is that…

And what you have to realize with…is that…

And the explanation for this could be…

And the basis of this is that…



As well as…

In addition to…

Another kind of something would be…

Another form o f something worth mentioning could be…

A second variety of something would be something like…

A subsequent category would be something like…


And the main characteristic of … is that…

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And the unique aspect of…is that…

And one exceptional aspect with…is that…


And of course there’s the usual things like…

And obviously you can also fi nd things like…

Likewise, as might be expected, there are things like…

And naturally, there are things like…

P1T4 Wh-/How often



Well to be honest, I think I would have to say that it really depends. Like for instance, if I have the money, then it’s quite possible that I will watch a movie in the cinema, two or three times a month. You know cinema tickets are pretty pr icey in China. Whereas in contrast, if I’m broke, it’s more likely that I’ll watch movies at home on DVD; you probably know that DVDs are quite cheap here, especially compared to the price of a cinema ticket.


Well to be honest…

Actually to be fair…

In actual fact…

Well in truth…

Well in all fairness…

In fact, in all honesty…


I think I would have to say that it really depends…

I suppose I would have to maintain that it kind of depends really.

I imagine that it would depend on the situation.

I guess my answer would be determined by different conditions.

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Like for instance…

Like more specially…

You know l ike, to be exact…

More precisely like…

Like, to be more direct…


If (situation A)….then I will most likely….

If (situation A)….then it’s quite possible that I will…

If (situation A)….then as a consequence I will probably…

If (situation A)….then I guess it’s quite likely I will…


Whereas in contrast…

Whereas on the other hand…

Though, at the same time…

While, oppositely…


If (situation B)…then it’s more likely that I’ll…

If (situation B)…then it’s almost certain that I will…

If (situation B)…then I will almost always…

If (situation B)…then I will most certainly…

PIT5 Yes/No



Well in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways it’s fairly important, especially

when you consider that a healthy diet can help to prevent a variety of diseases and health problems such as diabetes and obesity. But you have to understand that eating unhealthy food in moderation

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is not overly harmful. In fact unhealthy food is often tastier than healthy food so I guess it’s fine to eat a little junk food now and then. So all in all I guess my answer would have to be yes and no.


Well in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways…

Ok, well in reality, I suppose that to some extent…

Alright, I guess that on th e one hand…

Well certainly in some ways…


….especially when you consider that…

…particularly if you think about the point that…

…especially with regard to the point that…

…and this is definitely the case with…


But you also have to underst and that…

Even so, you could also say that…

At the same time you could say that…


So all in all I guess my answer would have to be yes and no.

So on the whole I suppose the answer has to be yes and no.

So all things considered I guess the answer is both yes and no.

So in the main, I suppose the answer is probably yes and no.




Actually, t his isn’t something that I’ve ever considered, but in short I suppose I would possible

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完全装逼指南——我来教你怎么去装逼 篇一:完全装逼手册 1、英文名字不管你本来长得多么土气,但一定要有一个像样的英文名,起码也得是Anglelina、Mike这样的名字; 2、看电影知道《拉拉肚孙子记》的白领电影,如果连这样的电影也看不懂,看了之后抓紧看电影评论,显得和《读者》一样深刻; 3、单身无论有多少性伙伴,都得装单身;无论得了多少次性病,都要装清纯; 4、手机手机得时尚,男的用诺基亚,女的用索爱,也可以用黑莓,可以收邮件,随时要上火星出差的架势,还要有蓝牙,传**也可以不被边缘化; 5、口音如果不幸和我一样有一口很土的巴中话,赶快改掉,用当地口音,当地口音太难就用北平音,实在强悍就用港台国语; 6、居住地如果不幸住在北京的唐家岭,成都的五大花园这样的地方的话一定要隐瞒,一定要做神秘状,住在双流说住在玉林,住在黄田坝说住在西南财大; 7、会一点英语经常说:Can i fuck you?Do you fuck me?这样的英语; 8、拍照到了好一点的地方赶快照相,做轻松华丽可爱漫不经心状,体现你低调的高贵; 9、会Word电脑水平不需要太高,会Word就可以,会解压缩就是高手了。工作多年之后应该会Excel; 10、用MSN最好不用QQ,回家后联系**可以用QQ,工作一定要用msn,专业!msn 签名最好是细节决定成败,执行力第一之类的屁话,给领导看的,让他老人家放心。猫扑是一定要上,随时找八卦谈资; 11、QQ空间万一有QQ,空间里面不能放异性照片,如果爸爸帅就放爸爸的,爸爸拿不出手就放侄儿侄女什么的,反正什么有爱心放什么; 12、衣服男的一定要西装笔挺,头发像吃了伟哥一样翘着,女人的裙子一定要紧紧包着屁股和胸部,让领导意淫又不敢上为佳; 13、想MBA一样做小领导如果有幸做经理什么的东西,要折腾你下面几个人,让他们预算、报告、总结、工作流程、团队、狼性、执行力...什么恶心弄什么,总之,像MBA一样。 14、转弯在公司走路转弯一定要专业,背不弯,不东张西望,要干净利索,主要是体现饱满的精神和专业; 15、爱好爱好羽毛球,混帐。尽量知道酒吧在哪个地方,千万不要土气,要和蓝领们拉开距离。 电梯篇 1、经过大堂跨国大门到电梯口一段路程特别重要,这段路往往比较空旷,要尽量显得闲庭信步和优雅,不宜采用奔跑等姿势;一些白领是从公交车上连滚带爬出来的,但步入大堂的一瞬间应该将公交模式切换成白领模式; 2、批评如果在电梯里面发现清洁工或者送盒饭的人,要略略显得讨厌和不耐烦。个别刚晋升小经理白领可以顺便批评他们几句,比如:你们为什么不走货梯? 3、食物能够在电梯中出现的食物可能只有星巴克等,再差也得是肯德基这些。新疆烤馍、臭豆腐这些传统文化还是回到唐家岭再品味;


Excel 使用技巧集锦(163个技巧造就Excel达人)

目录 基本方法 (12) 1. 快速选中全部工作表 (12) 2. 快速启动E XCEL (12) 3. 快速删除选定区域数据 (12) 4. 给单元格重新命名 (13) 5. 在E XCEL中选择整个单元格范围 (13) 6. 快速移动/复制单元格 (14) 7. 快速修改单元格式次序 (14) 8. 彻底清除单元格内容 (14) 9. 选择单元格 (15) 10. 为工作表命名 (15) 11. 一次性打开多个工作簿 (16) 12. 快速切换工作簿 (17) 13. 选定超级链接文本(微软O FFICE技巧大赛获奖作品) (17)

15. 修改默认文件保存路径 (18) 16. 指定打开的文件夹 (18) 17. 在多个E XCEL工作簿间快速切换 (19) 18. 快速获取帮助 (19) 19. 创建帮助文件的快捷方式 (19) 20. 双击单元格某边移动选定单元格 (19) 21. 双击单元格某边选取单元格区域 (20) 22. 快速选定不连续单元格 (20) 23. 根据条件选择单元格 (21) 24. 复制或移动单元格 (21) 25. 完全删除E XCEL中的单元格 (21) 26. 快速删除空行 (21) 27. 回车键的粘贴功能 (22) 28. 快速关闭多个文件 (22) 29. 选定多个工作表 (22) 30. 对多个工作表快速编辑 (23) 31. 移动和复制工作表 (23)

33. 快速选择单元格 (24) 34. 快速选定E XCEL区域(微软O FFICE技巧大赛获奖作品) (24) 35. 备份工件簿 (25) 36. 自动打开工作簿 (25) 37. 快速浏览长工作簿 (25) 38. 快速删除工作表中的空行 (26) 39. 绘制斜线表头 (26) 40. 绘制斜线单元格 (27) 41. 每次选定同一单元格 (27) 42. 快速查找工作簿 (28) 43. 禁止复制隐藏行或列中的数据 (28) 44. 制作个性单元格 (28) 数据输入和编辑技巧 (29) 45. 在一个单元格内输入多个值 (29) 46. 增加工作簿的页数 (30) 47. 奇特的F4键 (30) 48. 将格式化文本导入E XCEL (30)


职场Excel达人装B指南 ----13条秘笈,链接多多,惊喜不断! 文/ ExcelPro的图表博客(https://www.360docs.net/doc/fc17245831.html,/) 朋友秋叶同学整了个职场PPT装B指南奇文,据说在装B界获得热烈反响。所以他嘱咐我写个Excel版的装B指南,以飨同好。嗯,用Excel需要装B吗?只要你打开Excel,就会看到数万行、百万行的B!----呃,我说的是B列。 左手Excel,右手PPT,职场白领基本功。但Excel这东西没PPT好玩,可谓博大精深--你越了解她,就越觉得自己不了解她--怎么像说女人呢?不过确实有很多男同学想做“表哥”,为啥?因为做Excel 的都是“表妹”啊! 1、你一定要知道些小技巧,譬如单元格内换行要按Alt+回车啊,输入身份证号时要先输个'啊,这样你在办公室小mm眼中就是高手啦,可以经常帮个小忙碰碰小手什么的。故而提示:表哥有风险,表妹需谨慎!

2、如果有人和你说,Excel不就是做表格的吗?你一定要用一种鄙夷的目光看得他无地自容,然后说:“Excel不是画表格的,是做分析的,建model的,必要时可以开发出一个系统。”但是如果碰到了VBA发烧高手怎么办?不要心虚,你就说:“哥们,Excel不是这样玩滴,搞编程开发用VBA,你这也太小儿科了吧,怎么也得用JSP啊!” 3、不要使用斜线表头,不要合并单元格,姐不是当年的WPS。真正的数据分析人员最讨厌这两个东东了,要是有人问你怎么画斜线表头,淡淡地告诉他:“你不该问这个问题,这根本就不应该是个问题。”表格最好是开放式的,这代表你有开放的心态。 4、不要使用默认的颜色面板,不要使用默认的字体,要有你自己的范,style,懂吗,要把你装得和那些office大众截然不同,让人根本看不出你的东西是用Excel做的。 5、常用的几个函数要记熟了,什么sum、count、if、vlookup......再多的就算了,谁记得那么多啊,用的时候再看帮助吧。要经常定义名称,一定要用英文,哥玩的不是寂寞,是优雅! 6、偶尔用Ctrl+shift+回车,把普通公式输入成数组公式,这样表妹肯定会问你,这个地方怎么总说不允许动呢!废话,哥不让你动你就别乱动嘛:) 7、经常有清单级数据需要处理?那一定要玩转透视表啊,鼠标几拉几拉,数万行的数据变成了清晰的表格,神马OLAP,神马钻取、旋转、切片,不就TM一透视表吗,吹那玄乎干嘛。IT部?Oracle?算了,不麻烦你们了,俺用Excel搞定了! 8、现在是读图时代,一定要多做图表,做像《商业周刊》那样精致专业的商务图表,精致到让人有想舔的感觉(乔布斯语),这样才能唬住人啊。Excel是个枯燥活,那些函数啊公式啊,再高级再复杂有什么用,谁看得见啊?也就图表还能秀秀你的水平。那些个领导们啊,就会看图说话了,你给密密麻麻的表格他,不是成心找骂挨吗。当然了,《Excel图表之道》这本商务图表宝典,一定要藏好,不能让同事发现了,否则大家都知道了,你还拿什么装?


如何成为财务Excel达人 我们是否反思过:日常工作中的数据分析和表格编制的工作量真有那么大吗?有没有存在“没有困难,制造困难也要上”的情形?我们的表格从字段设置、行列布局到数据格式设置,还有数据分析流程、自己的Excel操作习惯,这其中各个环节存在什么问题没?有没有可优化的地方?Excel达人应擅长摸索Excel的强大功能来提升工作效率。 提升数据处理效率 了解Excel强大的功能,遇到问题,解决问题,而不是采用手工方法。 现在很多财务人已学会使用的功能也许不到Excel功能的20%。平时使用得较多一点的Excel功能有:常用函数、筛选、排序、汇总、数据透视、条件格式、数据有效性等等;其实,还有冷门一点的功能如定位、合并计算、模拟分析、单变量求解;高端一点的还有可以用来编写各种应用的VBA。先不说这些功能真正会应用的有多少,至少应该要知道Excel有这些功能,它们能做什么。只有对Excel强大的功能有所了解,才会在遇到问题的时候,首先想到用这些功能去解决问题,而不是傻乎乎地采用手工方法。遇到问题的时候可以看帮助、搜帖子,有需求就有学习的动力,通过自我学习解决了问题,工作效率大幅提高,就会进一步提高学习的兴趣。 在了解了Excel的强大功能后,如果不进行持续深入的学习,同样无法掌握其基本的功能用法和实用技巧。 遇到问题,从多渠道寻求解决方案 数据处理效率低下还有一个重要的原因:满足于当前的解决方案,如果做表格时觉得数据处理效率不高、重复工作量大,请先别忙着埋头苦干,想一想,方法是不是错了?如果没错,那此方法是不是最优的?是不是该向“谷哥”、“度娘”寻求更佳的解决方案? 大部分财务人员对Excel的强大有足够的认识,也掌握了一些常用的功能,但是,由于缺乏对这些功能的灵活运用,操作效率依然不高。比如查找替换是Excel最常见的功能之一,但大部分人对其认识也仅限于简单的查找替换。实际上查找替换可实现很多功能,利用好了可大大提高操作效率。 灵活运用、思路决定出路 不会灵活运用的另外一个表现就是在表格制作的思路上,比如每个月填报的报表大部分都是相同的,如合同汇总表、月度经营分析。这些报表都是对数据进行分析加工分析后填报的,要分析的数据每个月的表格格式都是一样的,可以通过编制公式、结合规范性的工作表命名、查找替换功能来翻新这些报表:只要将上月的报表复制一份,将基础数据放到指定

excel使用技巧,让你成为EXCEL达人 1、如何在已有的单元格中批量加入一段固定字符

excel使用技巧,让你成为EXCEL达人1、如何在已有的单元格中批量加入一段固定字符? 例如:在单位的人事资料,在excel中输入后,由于上级要求在原来的职称证书的号码全部再加两位,即要在每个人的证书号码前再添上两位数13,如果一个一个改的话实在太麻烦了,那么我们可以用下面的办法,省时又省力: (1)假设证书号在A列,在A列后点击鼠标右键,插入一列,为B列; (2)在B2单元格写入:="13" & A2后回车; (3)看到结果为13xxxxxxxxxxxxx了吗?鼠标放到B2位置,单元格的下方不是有一个小方点吗,按着鼠标左键往下拖动直到结束。当你放开鼠标左键时就全部都改好了。若是在原证书号后面加13则在B2单元格中写入:=A2 &"13"后回车。 2、如何设置文件下拉窗口的最下面的最近运行的文件名个数? 打开“工具”,选“选项”,再选“常规”,在“最近使用的文件清单”下面的文件个数输入框中改变文件数目即可。若不在菜单中显示最近使用的文件名,则将“最近使用的文件清单”前的复选框去掉即可。 3、在EXCEL中输入如“1-1”、“1-2”之类的格式后它即变成1月1日,1月2日等日期形式,怎么办? 这是由于EXCEL自动识别为日期格式所造成,你只要点击主菜单的“格式”菜单,选“单元格”,再在“数字”菜单标签下把该单元格的格式设成文本格式就行了。 4、在EXCEL中如何使它象WORD一样的自动定时保存文件? 点击“工具”菜单“自动保存”项,设置自动保存文件夹的间隔时间。如果在“工具”菜单下没有“自动保存”菜单项,那么执行“工具”菜单下“加载宏...”选上“自动保存”,“确定”。然后进行设置即可。 5、用Excel做多页的表格时,怎样像Word的表格那样做一个标题,即每页的第一行(或几行)是一样的。但是不是用页眉来完成? 在EXCEL的文件菜单→页面设置→工作表→打印标题;可进行顶端或左端标题设置,通过按下折叠对话框按钮后,用鼠标划定范围即可。这样Excel就会自动在各页上加上你划定的部分作为表头。 6、在Excel中如何设置加权平均? 加权平均在财务核算和统计工作中经常用到,并不是一项很复杂的计算,关键是要理解加权平均值其实就是总量值(如金额)除以总数量得出的单位平均值,而不是简单的将各个单位值(如单价)平均后得到的那个单位值。在Excel中可设置公式解决(其实就是一个除法算式),分母是各个量值之和,分子是相应的各个数量之和,它的结果就是这些量值的加权平均值。
