
When do you give gifts or presents in your country?



“礼物”话题是一直循环出现的,旧题库中多出现于Part 1部分。与birthday话题联系考查。在近期的考题中怕向于出现在Part 2中.如"A gift you gave to a friend".对于这种话题,回答思路可来用“总分式”结构。

高分示例1 When it comes to some special festivals and special occasions, people usually give gifts, such as birthdays, weddings, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day.


高分示例2 In our country, there are many occasions to give gifts. We usually send gifts to each as a kind of sincere blessing. And there are some conventional rules for giving gills. For example, you shouldn't give a clock to somebody, because "sending a clock" has the same pronunciation as "the end of life" in Chinese.


高分示例3 Well, Chinese people send gifts on many festivals and occasions: house warming, graduation days, wedding anniversaries. In particular, most gifts are exchanged during the Spring Festival, which is a traditional festival celebrating the Chinese lunar new year.



sincere blessing 真诚的祝福wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日^p

Do you ever take a gift when you visit saneone in their home? [Why/Why not?]




高分示例1 Well, I guess it will be more thoughtful to do so. Most people see it's a kind act if you bring a small gift when visiting someone. It shows that you appreciate being there. Just like an old saying goes "Courtesy demands reciprocity, which signifies bringing gifts to each other is a good way to sustain the friendship.


高分示例2 Definitely! However, it also depends on to whom I send the gifts during visiting. If it is for the elderly people, some healthcare products and multifunctional massagers would be suitable choices. If it is for the young people, they fancy those hi-tech products like iPad, PSP or some latest chic things. Actually, it's the thought that counts.


高分示例3 I prefer to send gifts when visiting someone's home. If I have an invitation to a house warming party, I will bring something that can be used to decorate their new home. If I am invited for dinner, I will bring a basket of fruit or home-made food there to show my care and love.



thoughtful adj.体贴的reciprocity n.互惠;互换

multifunctional massagers 多功能按摩器

count v. 重要.有价值;数数,计算

courtesy n. 礼貌

healthcare products保健产品

chic adj. 时尚的

When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]



考生在回答此题时,首先要注意题目对时态的考查,答案的时态应该为一般过去时。回答可以按照when, what, why的思路组织语言,针对这三个要素做适当拓展。

高分示例1 The last gift that I received was a bottle of perfume on my birthday party. Because my boyfriend knows that I am a big fan of it. So far, I have a huge collection of perfumes and hope that they will increase in value some day.


高分示例2 The last gift I received on my birthday is the best one I have ever received. it was a handmade birthday card given by my confidante. It was a huge card with pictures of us together and beautiful graphic patterns that she drew. It didn't cost much but I love it because she really put her heart into it when making a memorable gift for my birthday.


高分示例3 Speaking of last gift, it is a letter I got from my parents in my first year of university. Considering that I suffered a lot from severe homesickness, they said lots of words to comfort me. It gave a feeling that my parents were with me, giving me the courage and care I needed badly. This gift is of special sentimental value to me.



a huge collection of perfumes 一整套香水收藏

increase in value 升值

confidante n.闺蜜

memorable adj.值得纪念的

Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?




高分示例1 I guess not. It is a waste of time making efforts get the perfect gift. What's more, if the recipient is already wealthy, it will be more difficult to pick up the right present Still, I have little time to consider what they prefer.I am sort of tight-fisted when it refers to the payment.


高分示例2 Absolutely, I am really into picking up different gifts for people, my family and closed friends in particular. There is a saying that "It's better to give than to receive."


高分示例3 Speaking of looking for gifts for people, it is a good thing. In my view, how much the gift is worth is not important. It is more important that what the sentimental value it has because the sentimental value is something that can't be measured in terms of money.



tight-fisted adj. 吝啬的sentimental adj. 情感的

It's better to give than to receive.付出比收获更幸福。


本题属于“事件经历类”中典型的事件题,出现频率不高,但是难度相对比较大,本题也是一个开放性的问题。从题干可以看出,本题要用一般过去时作答,请考生注意:回答任何一道雅思口语题之前,一定要组织好时态,否则会导致无谓的失分。用自己的话重复一遍问题也是一种“思考”技巧,能起到承上启下、延长思考时间的作用。进而给出wtat, where, when 和who 的对应要素。考生要学会不同话题间素材的套用。比如,该题目可以嫁接话题: a difficult thing you did well 或a travel to a special place 等。

高分示例 名师点评

Mentioning a new and exciting thing, I want

to talk about the experience of climbing the Mount Tai with my friends during the summer holiday.

开门见山,给出事情发生的时间、地点以及和谁在一起。尝试使用非谓语增加得分砝码。 It was the first time I travelled with my

friends without thecompany of my parents. We were all excited and full ofexpectation for this trip. We arrived safely at the foot of MountTai and started climbing right


进一步介绍事件的特殊性:初次尝试并且无父母陪伴。这样可以渲染出更多令人兴奋的因素。 We climbed quickly and were curious about

everything around us.The sun shone brightly

and the temperature was very high. Beforelong, we were sweating allover. The water we brought withus seemed far from enough. Luckily for us, there was a breezeblowing, So weactually felt quite

comfortable at that moment.


specific details 可在一定程度上向考官展示自己的lexical resource.

As is known to all, Mount Tai is famous for

its steep steps. Lookingup, we could only

see steps right before us. What was worse,

tiredness began to attack us. I felt that

my legs were soheavy that all I wanted to do was sit downand have a rest. My fiends tried tocheer each other up and gave each

other a hand at some steeper steps.Finally

we reached thetop of the mountain, where we

shouted out loud and hugged together. What

an exciting moment!



company n. 陪同,陪伴

be curious about 对……好奇breeze n. 微风

steep adj. 陡峭的

hug v. 拥抱

Discussion topics1:

Doing new things

Example questions1:

Why do you think some people like doing new things?




It is the topic that people have been talking about all the time. Some believe that trying new things is a great way to break away from daily routine. Most people feel It boring to do the same things every day. Besides, some individuals claim that trying new activities can broaden our horizons and help make more friends


break away 放弃,脱离 broaden one'a horizon 拓宽视野

Example questions2:

What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?





Honestly speaking, the problems associated with trying new activities have already attracted a great deal of attention. Firstly, if the activity is out of the realm of experience, then extra care must be taken to ensure an accident doesn’t happen. Besides, some people put much pressure on themselves; they are worried about making mistakes. Many people might just give up if something is too difficult. Maybe persistence is the key to success.


a great deal of 许多,大量 realm n.范围

pressure n. 压

力 persistence n.坚持不懈;毅力

Example questions3:

Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people?Why? 雅思口语名师点题

此类问题属于Part3中的“选择类”问题,即二选一,较为常见。思路很简单,可以有下面两种阐述角度:选其中一个并把其优势展开进行阐述: 或者两个好处都点一下,最后总



Well, it’s a hard choice. I really can’t choose one over another. Generally speaking, if someone does new things, then other people tend to tag along with him. It seems more fun and interesting in groups .However, those who do well in new activities may feel inadequate. Under this circumstance, it might be better to do it on your own. Both ways have their own advantages. I think this is why people are always saying that everything exists for a reason.


tag along with 跟

着 inadequate adj.不足的circumstance n. 情况,情形

Discussion topics2:

Learning new things:

Example questions1:

What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young?How important are these things?




Children tend to be sponges when they are young; they are constantly learning. It’s a pretty essential stage for their development. They are learning knowledge and disciplines from family in school education, self-expression from stage performance and social interaction from group work. Most importantly, if children are extremely good in a certain field, it might turn out to be their lifetime career. There fore, care must be taken to ensure the healthy growth of kids.


Constantly adv. 一直,持续不断地career n. 职业

Discipline n.纪

律 interaction n. 相互交流,沟通

Example questions2:

Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same ways?How is their learning style different?




Definitely not. To begin with, I have to say that there are many differences in learning to new things between children and adults. Children tenf to learn much more through experience. Their brains are more flexible, so they can acquire new knowledge much more quickly, However, adult` brains are more likely to be developed to analyse and make judgements. Thus, I guess this is a natural result of the fact that are in difference age groups.


Flexible adj. 灵活的 analyse v. 分析

Judgement n.判断

Example questions2:

Who do you think should pay for the services that available to the people in a community ? Should It be the government or individual people?




It is the government's responsibility to invest on social services, but we individuals cannot leave

the burden alone to the government. Public donation could also be beneficial supplements to the

government funding, which plays an important supporting role in the system. 亮点表达

public donation社会捐

助 supporting role 辅助作用

beneficial supplement有益补充
