


Ⅰ. 安排

1. 页面布置



2. 题目


(2)题目中首尾词的首字母应大写,中间词除冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for)、介词和不定式的to外也须大写。例如:

My First Visit to the Palace Museum

The People without a Country

What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?

What reform means to China

The Myth of a “Negro Literature”


a. 题目后不加句号。

b. 若题目为疑问句,应加问号;若是间接引语形式的疑问句,则不加问号。

c. 题目中引用的部分应加引号。

d. 书名须在下面划线或用斜体标明。

3. 缩进


4. 页码


5. 标点




Ⅱ. 大写


1. 句子开头



He said, “My trip to Mountain T ai was interesting but tiring.”

(3)引语被分成两部分,置于两对引号之中,第二部分不用大写字母开始,如:“My trip to Mountain T ai,” he said, “was interesting but tiring.”

2. 标题中的实义词

题目中首尾词的首字母应大写,中间词除冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for)、介词和不定式的to外也须大写。

3. 专有名词



a famous university—Peking University

a broad street—Chang’an Street

a large lake—Lake Erie






mackintosh(由苏格兰化学家Charles Macintosh的名字变来)

Ⅲ. 移行


1. 基本原则


2. 注意事项

(1)单音节词,如through, march, brain, pushed, 不能分开。







Ⅳ. 标点


1. 结构完整的句子不论长短,后面都要打句号。

2. 不要用逗号连接两个并列从句;应用逗号加连词,或用分号。

3. 逗号和句号要分清:逗号带个小尾巴(,);句号是个黑圆点(.),不是圆圈(。)。

4. 疑问句后用问号,但在改为间接引语的问句后不用问号:

“Have you done your exercise?” the teacher asked.

The teacher asked whether we had done our exercises.

5. 感叹号只用在需要强调的感叹句或表达强烈情感的词语后面。不要用得太多。

6. 直接引语应放在两个引号之间。说话人或表示“说”的动词可放在引语前面、后面


Ⅴ. 书法

1. 书写




2. 修正



3. 字体



浙江省2018年1月高等教育自学考试 英国文学选读试题 课程代码:10054 Part I. Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10%) Section A A B (1)Jonathan Swift() A. The Rainbow (2)D.H. Lawrence () B. Adam Bede (3)Emily Brontё() C. Gulliver’s Travels (4)Thomas Hardy () D. Wuthering Heights (5)George Eliot() E. Far From the Madding Crowd Section B A B (1) Middlemarch() A. Shylock (2) Jane Eyre() B. Sir Peter Teazle (3) The Merchant of Venice() C. Mr. Rochester (4) Mrs. Warren’s Profession() D. Will Ladislas (5) The School for Scandal() E. Vivie Part II. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (5%) 1. In Paradise Lost, the author intended to expose the ways of Satan and to “justify the ways of _________ to men.” 2. As the greatest novelist of the Victorian period, Charles Dickens set out a full map, and a large -scale criticism of the _________century. 3. In Jane Austen’s novels, stories of _________ and marriage provide the major themes. 4. In the novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the two men Alec and _________ are both agents of the destructive force of the society. 1


1.城市:非农人口、产业聚集的居民点,我国行政 建制的市、镇。 2.城市是人类文明的重要产物,两次劳动分工有较 大促进作用: ●农牧业标志第一次,固定居民点。 ●商、手工业标志第二次,产生城市。 3.城市化与工业化紧密相关,工业化的促进是城市 化的动因: ●农村推力:剩余劳力向城市集中。 ●城市引力:工业供剩余劳力就业。 4.城市发展理论: ●经济基础:经济发展与基本经济部类。 基本经济满足外部产品、服务需求。 从属经济(非基础)满足内部产品、服务。 城市发展阶段:专门》综合》成熟》区域化。 ●城市进化:城市发展与经济转型。 绝对集中:工业初期,农村人口向城市集中》 相对集中:工业成熟,城市人口向郊区扩散》 相对分散:后工业初期,郊区增长超过中心城》 绝对分散:后工业成熟,逆城市化。 发达国家后工业成熟,第三世界处于工业初期。 ●增长极核:城市发展与区域经济。 条件优越、规模集聚效应产生中心城市。 ●全球化:城市发展与国际分工。 发展中国家从原料地向生产、装配基地转变。 一体化经济,部分城市地位突出。 5.城市物质环境构成 ●公共领域:共享,公共、基础设施,公共投资。 ●非公共领域:个体占有,非公共投资。 ●公共领域主导,为非公共领域提供可能和约束。 6.城市社会基本特征: ●人际关系以社会分工为基础。 ●空间分布聚居的异质性强(与农村本质区别)。 7.农村社会主要差别:●人际关系以地缘关系、乡土意识为认同基础。 ●聚居空间形态异质性弱。 8.我国城市社会演化趋势: 人口老龄化、家庭核心化、生活休闲化。 9.城市产业构成:经济活动部类 ●第一产业,产品直接来源自然界。 ●第二产业,初级产品再加工。 ●第三产业,为生产和消费提供服务。 10.城市产业构成演化: ●第二向第三产业主导转化,比重显著升降。 ●传统向高科技产业转化,二产中后者取代前者。 ●体制、构成由水平、部类向垂直、层面特征转化。 11.城市化:农业传统乡村社会转向工业、服务业现 代城市社会,乡村到城市的复杂过程。几种含义: ●城市生活方式的强化。 ●乡村人口向城市转化集中。 ●农业经济向非农业经济转移并空间集聚。 ●农业区、未开发区出现城市。 12.世界城市化三阶段: ●兴起、验证、示范,英国首先城市化过半。 ●欧洲、北美推广、普及、基本实现。 ●全球推广、普及、加快。 13.城市化进程一般特征: ●城市人口比重上升。 ●产业构成消长、变化。 ●与人均国民生产值的增长成正比。 ●以二、三产、农业现代化为基础。 14.世界城市化进程特点: ●势头猛烈。 ●主流由发达国家转向发展中国家。 ●向大城市集中,处于支配地位。 15.中国城市化进程特点: ●增长多,比重不大,速度缓慢。 ●不稳定,波动明显,与社会经济政治相关。 16.城市化的动力机制:农业是初始,工业是根本, 第三产业是后续动力。 17.城市化源于经济发展,关系密切,相互推动。 18.城市化是达到现代化唯一有效的综合性手段。 19.城市:区域的中心/某些职能有辐射、吸引作用。 20.中心城市:对周边城镇经济文化等有组织作用/ 受区域资源、发展条件制约/与区域城镇相互促 进、制约。 21.区域条件对城市发展影响: ●区域自然、社会、人文、文化资源影响。 ●社会经济、城市化水平、生产力布局直接影响。 ●空间布局由大城市单中心到多重心组团城镇群。 22.城镇体系:区域中,不同职能、等级规模,空间 有序,相互依存。城乡一体化的驱动力。决定城 乡整体发展水平。 23.城镇体系特征:群体、关联、层次、开放(各城 镇对内外开放/整体对外部开放)、动态、整体性。 24.城镇体系、城乡发展一般规律: ●城镇发展造成城乡差别》城市引力》向心增长 ●城市辐射》离心增长》城镇体系强化城乡发展 25.城市规划:一定时期,经济社会、土地、空间、 建设,综合部署、具体安排、实施管理。 26.我国古代规划思想: ●礼制,周礼考工记,最早。 ●自然,管子。 ●商品经济、世俗生活,清明上河图。 ●唐长安,轴线、方格、核心皇城、三面里坊。 ●元大都、北京,三套方城、宫城居中、轴线。 27.古希腊城市:广场、公建、集会场所,民主。 28.古罗马城市:浴室、斗兽场、宫殿,享乐;罗马 帝国时期的广场、铜像、记功柱、凯旋门,核心; 集中体现为广场群。 29.中世纪欧洲城市:教堂、城堡。 30.文艺复兴、巴洛克:意大利古典严谨,罗马圣彼 得教堂广场、威尼斯圣马可广场、巴黎轴线宫殿。 31.现代城市规划历史渊源: ●空想社会主义,莫尔、欧文、傅里叶。 ●英国关于城市卫生和工人住房的立法。 ●巴黎改建,排水、环卫、公园、墓地。 ●城市美化,欧美国家,城市景观空间。 ●公司城。 32.早期城市规划思想: ●田园城市:现代城市规划形成标志,分散模式。 霍华德,为健康、生活、产业,规模有限,农业围 绕,土地公有,莱奇沃斯。 ●现代城市:技术手段解决城市问题,集中发展。 柯布西耶,明天城市,功能理性,绿地空间阳光。 光辉城市,深化和集中体现。 33.早期其它探索: ●线性城市,索里亚玛塔,西班牙。 ●工业城市,戈涅,法国。 ●区域规划,格迪斯,芒福德发展。 ●城市规划方法,格迪斯,调查、分析、规划。 34.分散发展理论:卫星城(大城市派生)/新城(独 立)/有机疏散(沙里宁)/广亩城(赖特)。 35.集中发展理论:聚集区/大城市带(戈德曼,法)。 36.区域发展理论: ●区域是城市的基础、腹地、发展动力。 ●城市是开放系统,依赖区域支持。 ●美国田纳西河流域规划的成就和示范作用。 37.城市土地使用布局结构理论: ●同心圆:吉伯斯,中央商务》过渡(衰败居住)》 工人居住》良好居住》通勤(富裕居住)。 ●扇形:霍伊特,放射,轴状延伸。 ●多核心:哈里斯、乌尔曼,设施位于少数区域(中 央商务)、受益于接近(工业、工人居住)、对抗 和消极影响(高级住宅、污染工业)、无法负担 土地费用而位置不合理(边缘仓库)。


《城市规划原理》复习笔记 第一章城市与城市发展 城市的产生与定义居民点的形成 农业与畜牧业分离,第一次劳动分工,新石器时代后期,农业成为主要生产方式,逐渐产生了固定居民点黄河中下游、尼罗河下游、西亚的两河流域 城市的形成 生产方式改进,生产力提高,产品剩余,出现交换,以物易物,《易经》:日中为市,致天下之民,聚天下之货,交易而退,各得其所。劳动分工加强,出现专门的手工业者,商业和手工业从农业中分离,第二次劳动分工,原来的居民点分化,以农业为主的是农村,一些具有商业和手工业职能的是城市,可以说,城市是生产发展和人类的第二次劳动分工的产物。剩余产品产生私有制,原始社会生产关系解体,出现了阶级,人类进入奴隶社会,所以也可以说,城市是伴随私有制和阶级分化,在原始社会向奴隶制社会过渡时期出现的城市与农村的区别,主要是产业结构,也就是居民所从事的职业的不同,还有居民的人口规模,居住形式的集聚密度。 城市的定义 现代城市,包括三要素:人口数量,产业结构,行政管辖我国 1955年规定市、县所在地,常住人口大于 2000,非农人口超过 50%,即为城市型居民点。工矿点常驻人口不足 2000,在 1000以上,非农超过 75%,也可定为城市型居民点城市型居民点,按行政区划的意义,可有直辖市,市,镇。建制市与建制镇只是行政管辖意义的不同,不应只把有市建制的才称为城市。 城市形成和发展的根本动因 建立在工业化基础上的经济发展,城市的规模效益和聚集效益使城市成为人类聚居地的主要形式第一次劳动分工产生了固定居民点;第二次劳动分工产生了城市 城市的发展 城市的发展,大致分为两个大的社会发展阶段:农业社会和工业社会,也可以称前工业化时期和工业化时代,也可以称为古代的城市和近代的城市 古代城市的发展城市与防御要求 最初的固定居民点,就具有防御的要求,起初防止野兽,其后为了战争。半坡、姜寨等原始居民点外围的深沟,就是防御设施,也有用石头垒成的墙或木栅栏。春秋战国时期,是我国古代一个筑城高潮西亚巴比伦城,平面矩形,两重墙,两重间隔 12m,墙外有城壕,有明显的防御目的。罗马帝国盛期,罗马人在其统辖地区大量建造营寨城,平面相当规。位于阿尔及利亚的提姆加得城(Timgad)至今保存最完整。伦敦,巴黎都可以在古城部位找到罗马营寨的遗迹。欧洲中世纪,从防御要求出发,封建主的城堡选在山顶或湖边、河边,或在外开人工水渠,架设吊桥。完全从防御要求出发的平面模式:斯卡莫奇理想平面 Scamozzi 社会形态发展与城市的布局 社会的阶级分化与对立在城市建设方面有明显反映。中国古代城市,统治阶级宫城居中并占地很大。商都的“殷”城,以宫廷区为中心,近宫外围是若干居住聚落(邑),居民多为奴隶主和部分自由民,各邑之间空地多为农业用地。居住聚落外围散布手工业作坊,也有居穴,居穴可能是手工业奴隶栖息之所,再外圈疏松的环布居邑,以务农为主,居住下等自由民和农业奴隶,还有小部分奴隶主。


第1章盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(450~1066) 1.1 复习笔记 Ⅰ. Historical Background(历史背景) (1) The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the Celts, who migrated to the British Isles about 600 B.C. 不列颠群岛最早的定居者是凯尔特人,他们大约在公元前600年移民到不列颠群岛。 (2) From 55 B.C. to 407 A.D. the British Isles were under the rule of the Roman Empire. 从公元前55年到公元407年,不列颠群岛处于罗马帝国的统治之下。 (3) About 450 A.D., waves of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded the British Isles. They settled in England, and drove the Celts into Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 公元450年左右,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人占领了不列颠群岛。他们在英格兰定居,将凯尔特人驱逐到威尔士、苏格兰和爱尔兰。 (4) It was around 500 A.D., in the struggle against Cerdic, the founder of the kingdom of Wessex, that the Celtic King Arthur, a legendary figure, is said to have acquired his fame. 大约在公元500年,在与威塞克斯王国创始人塞迪奇的斗争中,传说中的凯尔特王亚瑟获得了他的名声。 (5) Beginning from the later part of the 8th century, the Danes, or the Vikings, came to invade England, at first, along the eastern coast, but later they threatened

英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)

Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special. Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world. 犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do". Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners? eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good. He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It?s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】 1. The ambivalence of mastery In short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. 2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe?s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one?s life. Crusoe?s story instruct s others in God?s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one?s sins. 3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe?s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life. ·Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 【Themes of Jane Eyre】 1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,


城市规划原理笔记整理 第二篇城市与城市规划 第一章城市与城镇化 城市的产生与定义 1、随着生产力的提高,出现了农业与畜牧业,这就是人类第一次劳动大分工,农业成为主要的生产方式,逐渐产生了固定的居民点。 2、商业与手工业从农业中分离出来,这就就是人类的第二次劳动大分工。城市就是生产发展与人类第二次分工的产物。城市就是伴随着私有制与阶级分化,在原始社会向奴隶制社会过渡时期出现的。 3、城镇就是以从事非农业活动人口为主体的居民点,一般就是工业、商业、交通与文教的集中地,就是一定地域的政治、经济与文化中心。 城市的发展 1、古代城市的发展 人类最初的固定居民点,就具有防御的要求,最初就是防止野兽的侵袭,后来就是防御部落战争。 中国古代一一些城市的平面也曾由一套方城发展成两套城墙,都城则有三套城墙,每层城墙外都有深而广的城壕。 欧洲罗马时期在环地中海地区建立了不少罗马营寨城,后来成为欧洲城市发展的基础。欧洲中世纪,从防御要求出发,将封建主的城堡选在山顶或湖边、河边,或在其外围开人工沟、架设吊桥。在城市的平面布置中,考虑了组织多层次、多方位的问题。

兵器技术的进步也影响到了城市的建设。中国在宋代,火药已大量用于战争,并直接影响到城市的建设,使得一些城墙或加厚,或在土墙外包砖。对欧洲的城市建设也产生了很大的影响。 社会的阶级分化与对立在城市建设方面也有明显的反映。在中国古代城市中,统治阶级专用的宫城居中心位置并占据很大的面积。 罗马帝国时期,奴隶主依靠掠夺奴隶与殖民地大量的财富,驱使奴隶无偿地为她们建造罗马城及豪华的宫殿、寺庙、浴池、斗兽场等。 社会政治体制对城市建设也有着直接的影响。 中国的封建社会大多数朝代就是统一的中央集权的国家。按照规划新建规模很大、布局严整的都城。 欧洲的封建社会,在很长的时期内分裂成许多小国,城市规模很小。真至17世纪,英、法、德建立君权专制的国家,这些国家的都城才有了较大的发展。 经济制度直接影响城市的发展形态。在整个漫长的封建社会中,小农经济就是社会的经济基础,然而欧洲与中国在土地所有制上有很大的差别。 中国就是地主所有制,地主通过代理人征收地租,可以居住在城市。 欧洲就是封建领主人制,封建主大多数住在自己的城堡与领地的庄园中。 中国的城市就是政治与经济的中心,而欧洲往往政治中心在城堡,经济中心在城市。 商品经济的发展就是促进城市发展的主要因素。古代中国,在一些商路交通要地、河流的交汇点,商业发达,手工业集中。中国虽有很长的海岸线,航海技术也较发达,但始终未


Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) 乔叟He was born in 1343 in London. He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets Corner”.The father of English Poetry and one of the greatest narrative poets of England.“The Canterbury Tales” (1387-1400) It is Chaucer?s masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature. Chaucer’s Contribution to English Literature Chaucer is regarded as the founder of English poetry and has been called “the founder of English realism.” He is the firs t great poet who wrote in the English language. He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the “heroic couplet” (英雄双韵体) to English poetry.His masterpiece “The Canterbury T ales” is one of the monumental works in English literature 公爵夫人之书,百鸟议会,声誉之堂,特罗勒思和克里西德 Structure of a poem: A poem can be broken down into three parts: (1) Stanza (节) : a group of lines set off from the other lines in a poem. It is the poetic equivalent of a paragraph in prose. In traditional poems, the stanza usually contains a unit of thought.(2) The line (行) : a single line of poetry (3) The foot (音步) : a syllable or a group of 2 or 3 syllables. T o scan a line of poetry one counts the number of feet in a line. For a beginner, the easiest thing to do is to count the number of stresses. Typically a foot will contain a stressed and an unstressed syllable. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)playwright, poet, actor.Shakespeare and Aeschylus are the two greatest dramatic geniuses the world has ever known.—Carl Marks.The Great Tragedies: 《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet,1601 ) 《奥赛罗》(Othello, 1604) 《李尔王》(King Lear, 1605) 《麦克白》(Macbeth, 1606) The Great Comedies威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice, 1596) 《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream,1596) 《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night, 1600) 《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It, 1601) Shakespeare’s car eer as a dramatist may be divided into four major phases.: The First Period(1590-1594) This period is the period of his apprenticeship in play-writing. Works: Henry VI The Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》/《连环错》Love?s Labor?s Lost 《迷失的爱》/《空爱一场》/《爱的徒劳》Romeo and Juliet, etc. The Second Period (1595-1600) This period is his mature period, mainly a period of “great comedies” and mature historical plays. It includes 6 comedies, 5 historical plays and 1 Roman tragedy. His sonnets are also thought to be written in this period. The Third Period (1601-1607) The third period of Shakespeare?s dramatic career is mainly the period of “great tragedies” and “dark comedies”. It includes 5 tragedies, 3 comedies and 2 Roman tragedies.Major works written in this period:Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra The Fourth Period (1608-1612) The fourth period of Shakespeare?s work is the period of romantic drama. It includes 4 romances or “reconciliation(和解,复合)plays”. Shakespeare’s Literary Position:Shakespeare and the Authorized Version of the English Bible are the two greatest treasuries of the English language. Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance, and one of the greatest writers in world literature. Hamlet:Hamle t is considered the summit of Shakespeare?s art. It is one of Shakespeare?s canon, and it is universally included in the list of the world?s greatest works.It?s written in the form of blank verse.blank verse : poetry in rhymeless iambic pentameter.(素体诗剧)The story, coming from an old Danish legend, is a tragedy of the “revenge” genre. Shakespeare incorporates into the medieval story other major humanistic themes, including love, justice, good and evil, and most notably, madness, and the spirit of the time Injustice, conspiracy, and betrayal in the society。1. first blow: father?s murder and mother?s re-marriage2.second blow: betrayal of his two former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern3. third blow: betrayal of his girl friend OpheliaThe greatness o f the play: in praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived.


做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答! 浙江省2007年10月高等教育自学考试 英国文学选读试题 课程代码:10054 Ⅰ.Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A.(10%) Section A A B (1)Daniel Defoe ( ) A. The Pilgrim’s Progress (2)Charles Dickens ( ) B. The Silver Box (3)John Bunyan ( ) C. Robinson Crusoe (4)Richard Sheridan ( ) D. A Tale of Two Cities (5)John Galsworthy ( ) E. The School for Scandal Section B A B (1) Jane Eyre( ) A. Irene (2) The Man of Property( ) B. Mr. Rochester (3) The Merchant of Venice( ) C. Satan (4) Paradise Lost( ) D. Sophia Western (5) The History of Tom Jones ( ) E. Portia Ⅱ.Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook.(5%) 1. In the era of the Renaissance, the humanists made attempts to get rid of those old ______ ideas in medieval Europe. 2. The ______ century was an age of prose. A group of excellent writers, such as Swift, Fielding were produced. 3. English ______ is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads. 4. In the V ictorian period, the______ as a literary genre became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. 5. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern 1


第一章 城市与城市发展 城市的产生: 1、城市最早是政治统治、军事防御和商品交换的产物,城指军事防御产生的,市指商品交换产生的 2、城市是生产力发展、社会剩余产品交换和争夺、社会分工和产业分工的产物 3、城市是伴随着私有制和阶级分化,在原始社会向奴隶制社会过度时期出现的 4、世界最早的城市出现在我国的黄河中下游、埃及的尼罗河下游、西亚的两河流域,都是农业发达较早的地区 5、城市一直被认为是人类文明的象征 6、城市是社会经济发展到一定历史阶段的产物,是技术进步、社会分工的结果 城市产生的定义:是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,具体说是人类第三次社会大分工的产物。 城市聚集的定义:城市的本质特点是聚集,高密度的人口、建筑和信息是城市的普遍特征。 当前所获得的共识:城市是非农业人口集中,以从事工商业等非农业生产活动的居民点,是一定地域范围内社会、经济、文化活动的中心,是城市内外各部门、各要素有机结合的大系统。 城市的基本特征:

1、城市的概念是相对存在的 2、城市是以要素聚集为基本特征的 3、城市的发展是动态变化和多样的 4、城市具有系统性 乡村的基本特征: 1、人的活动、建筑的区域、居住地、生产地等的相对分散是基本特征 2、同一地区的人们生活有明显的同质性 3、大部分生活资料可直接来源于土地 4、社会结构较单一 5、能源使用多样 6、如同城市的变化一样,在经济发展和社会变革的驱使之下,乡村在各地也发生着不同程度的变化 城市与乡村的基本区别: 1、聚集规模差异 2、生产效率差异 3、生产力结构差异 4、职能差异 5、物质形态差异 6、文化观念差异 城市与乡村的基本联系 1、他们有着很多不同之处,但仍是一个统一体,不存在截然的界

新编英国文学选读 第二版 复习资料

Chapter 8 The age of Romanticism: 1.From the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798 to the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832, a new movement appeared on the literary arena. The essence of this new movement is the glorification of instinct and emotion, a deep veneration of nature, and a flaming zeal to remark the world. 2.The political and social factors that gave rise to the romantic movement were the three revolution: American and French Revolution; national liberation movements; democratic movements. 3.And Industrial Revolution: brought great wealth to the rich and worsened the living condition of the poor; Workers organized themselves and gave voice to their distress by breaking machines, which is called Machine breaking movement(Luddite movement) 4.The shift in literature from emphasis on reason to instinct and emotion was intellectually prepared for by a number of thinkers in the later half of the 18th century. 5.Rousseau: the father of Romanticism. He rejects the worship of reason. He maintains in the really vital problems of life, it is much safer to rely on feelings, to follow our instincts and emotions. He preaches that civilized man should return to nature, praised the natural man as the noble savage and attacks the civilized man as the depraved animals. 6.Edmund Burke: As a political philosopher he is known for his Reflection on the Revolution in France. He distinguished between two kinds of beauty—the sublime and the beautiful. 7.Thomas Paine: He published The Rights of Man in 1791 to answer to Burke’s Reflection. The Rights of Man asserts that man has no property in man and justifies the radical actions of French people in the revolution, claiming that it is the right of people to overthrown a government that opposes humanity. 8.Characteristic features of the romantic movement: 1)Subjectivism: romantic poets describe poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which express the poet’s mind.The interest of romantic poets is not objective world or the action of men, but in the feelings, thoughts, and experience of the poets themselves. 2)Spontaneity: Wordsworth defines poetry as the spontaneous overflow of feelings. Romanticism is an assertion of independence, a departure from the neo-classis rules. 3)Singularity 4)Worship of nature 5)Simplicity 6)Melancholy 7)It was an age of poetry by which the poets outpoured their feelings and emotions. Romantic poets loved to use a freer verse form. 9.Romanticism is a term that denotes most of the writings that were written between 1798 and 1832. Wordsworth:
