

But then a few days later Mr. Sawyer came to Mother, his face beaming, and said they?d be leaving for Michigan the next day. And Mrs. Sawyer looked radiant, too, and for the first time gobbled up her dinner like a little pig.

Afterward she took Mother into her room for a long talk.

“What do you suppose struck them?” Father asked Mother when they went to bed. “All this time they couldn?t leave, just had to stay here, and now they?re off in this awful hurry, it sure is a mystery.”

“No, it isn?t,” said Mother, “She told me why. She?s going to have a baby.”

“Oh, she is. Well, that?s good. That?ll cheer her up. But it?s still no reason for this hasty exit.”

“I think she?s a little crazy,” said Mother. “She told me she had to stay here until she got pre gnant, that if she went away before, she knew she would not get pregnant.”

“Of all the loony ideas!” snorted Father. “Couldn?t she get pregnant back in Michigan? Any particular magic in this house?”

Maybe,” said Mother.

Father pondered on that. “What do you mean by …maybe??”

“Well… Rose Kane is going to have one.”

“Oh, well, that?s fine.”

“And,” added Mother, “We are, too.”

“Great Jumping grasshoppers!” cried Father. “Why don?t you tell a fellow?”

Leisure Will Kill You

This country is producing so much leisure equipment for the home that nobody has any leisure time anymore to enjoy it. A few months ago I bought a television tape recorder to make copies of programs when I was out of the house.

Last week I recorded the Nebraska-Oklahoma football game. When I came home in the evening, I decided to play it back. But my son wanted to play “Baseball” on the TV screen with his Atari Computer. We finished four innings when my wife came in the room and asked me if I would like to listen to the Vienna Opera on our hi-fi stereo set. I told her I was waiting to finish the baseball match so I could watch the football game I had recorded.

She said if I watched the football game for three hours, I would miss Love Boat. I told her I would record Love Boat and we could watch it later in the evening. She protested that Casablanca was showing on Channel 5 at 11:30 and she wanted to see it again.

“Don?t worry,” I assured her, “we can watch Love Boat late Saturday and Casablanca on Sunday morning when we get up.”

“But if we watch Casablanca tomorrow morning when can we see the instant Polaroid movies you took of Ben yesterday afternoon?”

“We?ll see them after we play backgammon on the new table.”

“If we do that,” my daughter said, “we won?t be able to see the Washington Redskins-New York Giants football game.”

“I?ll record the Redskins-Giants football game and we?ll watch it while 60 Minutes is on the air. We can see 60 Minutes at 11 o?clock.”

“But,” my son said, “you promised to play the pinball machine with me at 11.”

“Okay, we?ll play pinball at 11 and watch 60 Minutes at midnight.”

My wife said, “why don?t we listen to the Vienna Opera while we?re eating and then we can save an hour to play computer golf?”

“That?s good thinking,” I said. “The only problem is I?ve rent ed a TV tape for Cleopatra and that runs for three hours.”

“You could show it on Monday night,” she suggested.

“I can?t do that. I have to return the tape Monday afternoon or be charged for it another week. I have an idea. I won?t go to work Monday morning and we?ll watch it then.”

“I was hoping to use our Jacuzzi Monday morning,” my wife said.

“Okay, then I?ll tape Cleopatra and you can see it Monday afternoon.”

“I?m using the set Monday afternoon,” my son said, “to play digital hockey on the TV screen.”

“You can?t do that,” I said. “I have to watch the Today show in the afternoon if I?m going to watch Cleopatra in the morning.”

“Why can?t you watch the Today show at dinnertime?” my wife asked.

“Because the Wolfingtons are coming over to hear me play …Tea for Two? on the electric organ.”

“I thought we might play computer bridge at dinner,” my wife said.

“We?ll play it after my encore,” I assured her.

“Then when will we see Monday Night Football?” my son wanted to know.

“Tuesday,” I said.

“Does that mean you?re not going to work on Tuesday?” my wife asked.

“How can I go to work,” I yelled, “When I?ve got so much leisure time on my hands?”

Passage 3


Some people would say that the Englishman?s home is no longer his castle; that it has become his workshop. This is partly because the average English is keen on working with his own hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another, that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. The main reason for this is a financial one: the high cost of labour has meant that the builders? and decorators? costs have reached a level which makes them prohibitive for house-proud English people of modest means. So, if they wish to keep their houses looking bright and smart, they have to tackle some of the repairs and decorating themselves. As a result, there has grown up in the post-war years what is sometimes referred to as the “Do-it-yourself Movement.”

The “Do-it-yourself Movement” began w ith home decorating but has since spread into a much wider field. Nowadays there seem to be very few things that cannot be made by the “do-it-yourself” method. A number of magazines and handbooks exist to show hopeful handy-men of all ages just how easy it is to build anything from a coffee table to a fifteen foot (4.5 meters) sailing dinghy. All you need, it seems, is a hammer and a few nails. You follow the simple instructions step by step and, before you know where you are, the finished article stands before you, complete in every detail.

Unfortunately, alas, it is not always quite as simple as it sounds! Many a budding “do-it-yourself” has found to his cost that one cannot learn a skilled craftsman?s job overnight. How quickly one realizes, when doing it oneself, that a job overnight. How quickly one realizes, when doing it oneself, that a job which takes the skilled man an hour or so to complete takes the amateur handyman five to six at least. And then there is the question of tools. The first thing the amateur learns is that he must have the right tools for the job. But tools cost money. There is also the wear and tear on the nerves. It is not surprising when that many people have come to the conclusion that the expense of paying professionals to do the work is, in the long run, more economical than “do-it-yourself”.

Passage 4

The Difficulty of Translation

Since translating is a skill which requires considerable practice, most people assume that it can be taught, and to some extent this is true. But it is also true that really exceptional translators are born, not made. Potential translators must have a high level of aptitude for the creative use of language, or they are not likely to be outstanding in their profession. Perhaps the greatest benefit from instruction in translating is to become aware of one?s own limitations, something which a translator of Steinbeck?s Of Mice and Men into Chinese should have learned. Then he would not have translated English mule-skinner into a Chinese phrase meaning “ a person who skins the hide of a mule”.

For many people the need for human translation seems paradoxical in this age of computers. Some modern computers can be loaded with dictionaries and grammars, why not let computers do the work? Computers can perform certain very simple interlingual tasks, providing there is sufficient pre-editing and post-editing. But neither advertising brochures nor lyric poetry can ever be reduced to the kind of logic required of computer programs. Computer printouts of translations can often be understood, if the persons involved already know what the text is supposed to say. But the results of machine translating are usually in an unnatural form of language and sometimes just plain weird. Furthermore, real improvements will not come from merely doctoring the program or adding rules. The human brain is not only digital and analogic, but it also has a built-in system of values which gives it a componentially incalculable advantage over machines. Human translators will always be necessary for any text that is stylistically appealing and semantically complex--- which includes most of what is worth communicating in another language.

The most difficult texts to translate are not, however, highly literary productions, but rather those texts which say nothing, the type of language often used by politicians and delegates to international forums. In fact, a group of professional translators at the United Nations headquarters in New York City have insisted that the most difficult text to translate is one in which the speaker or writer has attempted to say nothing. The next most difficult type of text is one filled with irony and sarcasm, since in a written text the paralinguistic clues to the meaning are usually much more difficult to detect than when someone is speaking. And perhaps the third most difficult type of text is a book or article on translating in which the illustrative examples rarely match.

Some people imagine that the greatest problem in translating is to find the right words and constructions in the receptor or target language. On the contrary, the most difficult task for the translator is to understand thoroughly the designative and associative meanings of the text to be translated. This involves not only knowing the meanings of the words and the syntactic relations, but also being sensitive to all the nuances of the stylistic device. As one struggling translator summed up his problem, “If I really understood what the text means, I could easily translate it.”

Child Labors in a Country

In a certain country, millions of working-class children are forced to work as child laborers. Child labor is mostly used in agriculture. It is reported that more than eight hundred thousand children are hired on plantations and farms. They are cruelly exploited by the monopoly capitalists.

Child laborers are badly treated by the big farmers. They are made to do what is usually done by grown-ups, but they are paid very much less. In one country in a state of that country, as many as 4,000 children are forced every summer to go and work for the capitalists. They are made to work in the burning sun from seven o?clock in the morning until four in the afternoon.

In recent years monopoly capitalism has been hit harder and harder by economic crises. More and more children have been hired to work in factories and on farms, because the monopoly capitalists are trying very hard to keep the wages low.

Tax Evasion

Tax evasion in the United States is considered “fraud” and is looked upon as a serious off ence. When rich evaders are caught, they are subject to the same penalty rates that apply to the poor. The action is featured as front-page scandal by newspapers when a wealthy, highly placed person or a corporation is found evading the tax. Since tax evasion is regarded as affecting the welfare of the entire community and nation, it is looked upon as a major offence--- not worth trying.


Passage 7


Passage 8





红房子西菜馆原名“喜乐意”,开设于1945年,主要经营法式、意式西菜。当时仅两间门面,12 只座位,外墙涂上红漆,显得十分别致。久而久之,顾客都叫它“红房子”,1956年正式定名为“红房子西菜馆”。




[0366]《马克思主义哲学》网上作业题答案 第一次作业 [单选题] 一、单选题 1.哲学的基本问题是() A:A.社会与自然的关系问题 B: B.思维与存在的关系问题 C:C.政治与经济的关系问题 D:D.理论与实践的关系问题 参考答案:B [单选题] 一、单选题 2. 马克思主义哲学产生的标志是() A:A. 《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》的发表 B:B.《神圣家族》的完成 C:C. 《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》的产生 D:D. 《德意志意识形态》的完成 参考答案:D [单选题] 一、单选题 3.事物的规律是() A:A. 事物之间的特殊联系 B:B. 事物之间的普遍联系 C:C. 事物的表面特征和外部联系

D:D. 事物内部本质的、必然的联系 参考答案:D [单选题] 一、单选题 4.意识是人脑的机能,表现()A:A. 人脑是意识的源泉 B:B. 意识是人脑自生的 C:C. 意识是人脑的分泌物 D:D. 人脑是产生意识的物质器官 参考答案:D [单选题] 一、单选题 5.一个认识的完整过程是()A:A.感性认识——理性认识——感性认识 B:B.实践——认识——实践 C:C.概念——判断——推理 D:D.感觉——知觉——表象 参考答案:B [单选题] 一、单选题 6. 杰出人物是() A:A. 对历史发展起促进作用的伟大人物 B:B. 专指无产阶级的伟大政治家和思想家 C:C. 专指历史上被剥削阶级的政治代表 D:D. 专指杰出的科学家、教育家、艺术家 参考答案:A

一、单选题 7. 下列不属于人对世界的实践把握和改造的哲学意义的是() A:A. 实践使主观与客观的对立统一成为可能 B:B. 实践使主体与客体的对立统一成为现实 C:C. 实践建构了人与世界的价值关系 D:D. 实践是主客体的双向对象化过程 参考答案:D [论述题] 四、简答题 如何理解世界是普遍联系的整体? 参考答案: 普遍联系是指事物内部各要素之间是相互联系的,从而构成具体事物的统一整体;同时也指事物外部、事物同所处环境、事物同事物之间发生的多种联系。任何事物都处在内外交织、纵横交错的联系之中;整个世界是一个相互联系的统一的整体系统,任何事物都是世界整体联系之网上的一个部分、环节或子系统,并通过它体现出与其他事物或系统的相关性和联系的普遍性。普遍联系这一范畴,揭示了一切事物和现象的客观本性。 [判断题] 三、判断题 新事物克服了旧事物中消极的、过时的、腐朽的东西,同时又保留了旧事物积极的、合理的因素,并增加了旧事物所不能容纳的新东西,使新事物在本质上优越于旧事物,具有强大的生命力和广阔的发展前途。 参考答案:正确 [多选题]

Exercise 1 1.As holidays go, Thanksgiving is in some ways the most philosophical. 2.Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always take for granted. 3.We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. 4.In other words, we try to understand how very rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. 5.Today is one of the few times most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitude--- not to mention the abundance--- that Thanksgiving summons. 2.在众多节日中,感恩节是最令人深思的节日。今天,我们会把平时习以为常 的事看得很珍贵。至少会在饭前的片刻,看透一成不变的生活,悟出背后的道理。换句话说,无论我们觉得自己是贫是富,我们总是把自己看得很富有,今天,难得大多数美国人会有意识地把欲望放置一边,至少拥有一颗感恩的心,更不用说是一顿丰盛的晚宴了。这时欲望光临便显得格格不入了。Exercise 2 It should have been easy. They were battle-tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country. The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nation’s economy, a key factor in any election,was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed,with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeed more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America –a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government. 这应该是一件容易的事。他们是跟随里根多年,久经沙场的老将,与共和党是有着更深的渊源,是这个国家最熟悉总统政治的人。精选的背景也很有利,有很多的新闻可以炒作。例如:美国上下一片和平,国家经济,竞选的一个关键因素也在经过一段时间的衰退之后进行强有力的反弹。还有,这次竞选本身就收到了慷慨资助,可以比较充裕地培养一流竞选班子,支付巡回演讲以及电视广告的

笔译实践 院系名称:外语学院 专业年级:英语f1101 姓名:王欢 学号:201119010209 心得体会 在做这次笔译实践题目之前,关于笔译我是完全不了解的。在我的感觉中笔译相对于口 译而言应该算是比较简单的,但是在做完全部题目之后我就彻底改变了原有的这种认知,原 来看起来简单的事情并不定就像表象上呈现出的那样容易做到。表面看来笔译能够看着文本 逐字逐句翻译,貌似很简单,只要把文本内容真实的翻译出来就可以达到要求了。实际上则 不然。这学期我们有一门专业课就是关于英汉翻译的。课堂上老师曾经讲述过关于翻译的历 史、理论、要求等一系列相关知识,所以在简单翻阅这次翻译之后,我觉得看似简单的题目 确实需要投入大量的精力才能较好地完成任务。在翻译过程中我发觉自己存在以下几点问题: 1、对某些专业术语了解甚少。例如第一篇the high-tech student中出现的gopher program,generic2 database,moby dick,等等,类似这样的词汇我就需要上网查阅相关资 料才能进而推测了解作者想要借此来表达怎样的意思。再如a roller-coaster ride in the stock market中,关于股市的一些专用名词,dow and nasdaq,cnbc等也是这样。 2、对统计数字的描述能力较差。如何用不同的描述性词汇来体现数字的增长和下降及其 各自升降的幅度,如何准确把握那些不同用词之间细微的差别,较好地描述数字变化,这对 我来说是比较困难的。此次翻译题目中出现的仅仅只是一些已经被数字化的统计数据,但是 要用合适的词汇来体现尚且不简单,倘若是给出bar chart, pie chart, line chart等这一 类图标来自行描述其内容,就会更加困难了。题目中出现数字最多的莫过于描述汶川大地震 的这一部分了。各种数字,表示年月的,表示伤亡人数、经济损失的,以及各个地区经济损 失所占的不同比例,这对我来说无疑是亟待加强训练的部分。 3、关于某些长句翻译起来较困难。长句出现最多的就是最后一篇题目描述"我"的文本。 这片文章涉及不同领域大家的杰出作品及其艺术特色,各式各类的建筑,建筑中体现出的精 湛的技巧,还有各种被写入经典的景物,所有的描写都交织在一起,翻译起来很容易找不到 方便。摸不清头绪,到底哪里才是开始,应该如何结束。在翻译课上老师曾经说过长句的翻 译技巧,要先根据谓语动词进行切分,之后再根据逻辑顺序进行重新组合,之后才能慢慢进 行翻译,听起来就很繁琐的程序。我一直在试着这样做,却发现这要求太难达到了,而且每 次被提问翻译总是被说翻译的一塌糊涂。关于长句,我可能还要经历一段很艰难的路程。 虽然完成所有题目有点困难,但是我觉得收获还是很不小的。这是第一次这么耐心的昨 晚这么多翻译题目,最大的感触就是那些翻译工作者们真的是好辛苦,之前还以为翻译是我 们英语专业发展的目标。事实上也是,但是这项工作并不是所有人都能胜任的,这也是我的 真实感触之一。总结一下,收获可以归纳为以下几点: 1、一定程度上开阔了知识面,提高了自己的专业能力。虽然这次实践题目只有几个,但 是各个题目都具有的一定的代表性。这些题目涉及科技、经济、文学、报道等各种题材的不 同内容,对于我们这样的初学者算是一个挑战但是同时也是一个很好的锻炼自己的机遇。初 次涉猎翻译领域就得到这样的锻炼,既让我们看到了自己的不足之处,又给自己之前的知识 积淀找到了一个合适的展现平台,对于一个语言学习者无疑是一次很好的机会。 2、增加了对专业的认知。在刚入学的时候每每都被别人问到你们英语专业出来 的是不是只能做翻译,这句话给我的最初印象就是英语翻译既然这么容易做,那我学这 个专业不就一点竞争力都没有了,可是自己亲身时间之后才知道翻译并不是每个人都能做来 的,只要好好学专业,任何专业都是好专业。与其抱怨,不如从现在开始就好好努力,这样

From English to Chinese [1] Brilliant autumn foliage frames this scenic driveway in Eastern Canada. [ 1 ]金灿灿的秋叶构成了加拿大东部风景优美的车道。 [2]Ukrainian Canadian folk dancers pose before a statue of Taras Shevchenko, national poet of the Ukraine, on the grounds of the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnibeg. [ 2 ]乌克兰裔加拿大民间舞者在温尼伯马尼托巴省议会大厦旁的乌克兰民族诗人塔拉斯·谢甫琴科塑像前摆跳舞。 [3] The site of Expo ’67 in Montreal, Quebec. [ 3 ]1967年世博会在魁北克蒙特利尔市举行。 [4] The Canada goose-possibly the most famous game bird in the world. [ 4 ]加拿大鹅可能是世界上最著名的猎禽。 [5] Workers at an oil in Hunt Boulder, British Columbia. [ 5 ]英国哥伦比亚波尔德的石油工人。 [6] Wide-angle view of the Senate during opening ceremonies of Parliament, with Supreme Court judges in centre. [ 6 ]在议会开幕式上,参议院以最高法院法官为中心的广角视角。 [7] A lab technician conducting a biochemical analysis. [ 7 ]进行生化分析的实验室技术员。 [8] Rich farmland of Prince Edward Island, dotted with small, attractive villages like Hunter River. [ 8 ]爱德华王子岛富饶的农田中间点缀着像亨特河这样小而迷人的村庄。 [9] Young Family being processed through the immigration area of a Canadian airport. [ 9 ]正在加拿大机场移民区等待处理的年轻家庭。


笔译实践 院系名称:外语学院专业年级:英语F1101 姓名:王欢 学号:0209 心得体会

在做这次笔译实践题目之前,关于笔译我是完全不了解的。在我的感觉中笔译相对于口译而言应该算是比较简单的,但是在做完全部题目之后我就彻底改变了原有的这种认知,原来看起来简单的事情并不定就像表象上呈现出的那样容易做到。表面看来笔译能够看着文本逐字逐句翻译,貌似很简单,只要把文本内容真实的翻译出来就可以达到要求了。实际上则不然。这学期我们有一门专业课就是关于英汉翻译的。课堂上老师曾经讲述过关于翻译的历史、理论、要求等一系列相关知识,所以在简单翻阅这次翻译之后,我觉得看似简单的题目确实需要投入大量的精力才能较好地完成任务。在翻译过程中我发觉自己存在以下几点问题: 1、对某些专业术语了解甚少。例如第一篇The High-Tech Student中出现的 Gopher program,generic2 database,Moby Dick,等等,类似这样的词汇我就需要上网查阅相关资料才能进而推测了解作者想要借此来表达怎样的意思。再如A Roller-Coaster Ride In The Stock Market中,关于股市的一些专用名词,Dow and Nasdaq,CNBC等也是这样。 2、对统计数字的描述能力较差。如何用不同的描述性词汇来体现数字的增 长和下降及其各自升降的幅度,如何准确把握那些不同用词之间细微的差别,较好地描述数字变化,这对我来说是比较困难的。此次翻译题目中出现的仅仅只是一些已经被数字化的统计数据,但是要用合适的词汇来体现尚且不简单,倘若是给出Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart等这一类图标来自行描述其内容,就会更加困难了。题目中出现数字最多的莫过于描述汶川大地震的这一部分了。各种数字,表示年月的,表示伤亡人数、经济损失的,以及各个地区经济损失所占的不同比例,这对我来说无疑是亟待加强训练的部分。 3、关于某些长句翻译起来较困难。长句出现最多的就是最后一篇题目描述 “我”的文本。这片文章涉及不同领域大家的杰出作品及其艺术特色,各式各类的建筑,建筑中体现出的精湛的技巧,还有各种被写入经典的景物,所有的描写都交织在一起,翻译起来很容易找不到方便。摸不清头绪,到底哪里才是开始,应该如何结束。在翻译课上老师曾经说过长句的翻译技巧,要先根据谓语动词进行切分,之后再根据逻辑顺序进行重新组合,之后才能慢慢进行翻译,听起来就很繁琐的程序。我一直在试着这样做,却发现这要求太难达到了,而且每次被提问翻译总是被说翻译的一塌糊涂。关于长句,我可能还要经历一段很艰难的路程。 虽然完成所有题目有点困难,但是我觉得收获还是很不小的。这是第一次这么耐心的昨晚这么多翻译题目,最大的感触就是那些翻译工作者们真的是好辛苦,之前还以为翻译是我们英语专业发展的目标。事实上也是,但是这项工作并不是所有人都能胜任的,这也是我的真实感触之一。总结一下,收获可以归纳为以下几点: 1、一定程度上开阔了知识面,提高了自己的专业能力。虽然这次实践题目只有几个,但是各个题目都具有的一定的代表性。这些题目涉及科技、经济、文学、报道等各种题材的不同内容,对于我们这样的初学者算是一个挑战但是同时也是一个很好的锻炼自己的机遇。初次涉猎翻译领域就得到这样的锻炼,既让我们看到了自己的不足之处,又给自己之前的知识积淀找到了一个合适的展现平台,对于一个语言学习者无疑是一次很好的机会。 2、增加了对专业的认知。在刚入学的时候每每都被别人问到你们英语专业出来的是不是只能做翻译,这句话给我的最初印象就是英语翻译既然这么容易做,

马克思主义基本原理_在线 作业_3 -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

马克思主义基本原理_在线作业_3 交卷时间:2018-03-08 09:21:15 一、单选题 1. A. 地理条件 B. 生产方式 C. 人口因素 D. 社会意识 答案 B 2. ? A. 人类 认识和改造主观世界与外部物质世界能力的范畴 ? B. 人类利用和改造自然,从自然界获取物质资料能力的范畴 ? C. 人类改造旧的社会制度、创建新的社会制度能力的范畴 ? D. 人类进行生产活动、政治活动和科学实验能力的范畴 答案 B 3. ? A. 只有不断 变革生产关系才能促进生产力发展 ? B. 生产力的发展变化决定生产关系的改变 ? C. 生产关系可以超越生产力的发展水平 ? D. 生产关系是生产力的物质基础 答案 B 人类社会历史发展的决定力量是( )。 历史唯物主义认为,生产力是标志( )。 在生产力和生产关系这对矛盾中,( )。

4. ? A. 政治法律制 度与军队警察 ? B. 生产关系和政治制度 ? C. 政权和政治法律制度 ? D. 观念上层建筑和政治上层建筑 答案 D 5. ? A. 生产关系的不同性质 ? B. 生产力的不同水平 ? C. 意识形态的不同性质 ? D. 人的发展的不同状况 答案 A 6. ? A. 先进与落后、革 新与守旧之间的矛盾 ? B. 落后的社会生产与人们日益增长的物质文化需要之间的矛盾 ? C. 生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑之间的矛盾 ? D. 人与自然、个人与社会之间的矛盾 答案 C 7. 上层建筑由两部分组成,是指( )。 马克思主义把人类社会的发展划分为五种社会形态,这种划分法所依据的标准是( )。 人类社会的基本矛盾是( )。


高级笔译第八章作业:文学原著翻译/ 1. 英译汉:And what a view it was! Or rather, what a succession of views. For it was different every day; and without stirring from the house one had the impression of an incessant change of scene: all the delights of travel without its fatigues. There were autumn days when all the valleys were filled with mist and the crests of Apennines rose darkly out of a flat white lake. There were days when the mist invaded even our hilltop and we were enveloped in a soft vapor in which the mist-colored olive trees, that sloped away below our windows towards the valley, disappeared as though into their own spiritual essence; and the only firm and definite things in the small, dim world within which we found ourselves confined were the two tall black cypresses growing on a little projecting terrace a hundred feet down the hill. Black, sharp, and solid, they stood there, twin pillars of Hercules at the extremity of the known universe; and beyond them there was only pale cloud and round them only the cloudy olive trees. 多美的风景啊!或者说,多壮观的风景线啊!每一天都是不同的。平静所有的激动,从小屋望去,不断变化的风景会给你留下深刻的印象,让你感受到旅行中所有的乐趣都没有疲倦。秋天,薄雾笼罩着所有的山谷。亚宁平山脉倒映在一滩浅浅的湖泊里,泛着白光的湖面上,山峰若隐若现。有时,薄雾甚至袭上我们所在的小山顶,将我们包围在一片柔和的雾气中。从我们窗户俯看,山谷周围,斜坡上的橄榄树也染上了雾色,随后渐渐消失,像是进入了它们的精神核心世界。然而,在这将我们围困,狭小模糊的世界里,只有两棵高大的黑柏树,坚定且清晰的屹立着。它们生长在离山坡100英尺,一块小小凸出的梯田上。漆黑,挺拔,结实的身姿,就像两根大力神殿的顶梁柱,伫立在浩瀚宇宙的尽头。在它们之外,只剩下暗淡的云雾;围绕着它们的,也只是朦胧的橄榄树。 2. 汉译英 祖厉河上游,过去没有清泉水。河水是苦的,井水也是苦的。人们世世代代喝着苦水,五脏六腑都被苦水的咸涩味儿浸透了。有谁想要喝一点甜水,就得到一百里以外的地方去取。提来一桶水,看得比琼浆玉液还珍贵。 村落里不知从什么时代起,便流传下来两句隐语,说是: “要吃甜水并不难,石羊出世吐清泉!” 可是,石羊是什么宝物它藏在什么地方谁也不知道。直到金钻出世以后,这“石羊吐清泉”的奇迹,才终于出现了。 In the past, the upper reaches of the Zhu Li River never have tasty clear spring. The water from the river is bitter as well as wells. Local people drink the bitter water age after age with their entrails soaked deeply by the taste of salty and bitter. Anybody who wants to drink a drop of sweet water has to go more than one hundred li to get it, so that a pail of it is regarded more valuable than nectar. Without knowing the specific time, there are two enigmatic sentences passed down in village. They are: “It is not difficulty to have sweet water. When stone carving sheep comes into the world, it will bring tasty clear spring.” However, what is this stone carving sheep

Chapter 1 1.If you’ll believe me, he went through with flying colors on examination days! He went through on that purely superficial “cram”, and got compliments too, while others, who knew a thousand times more than he, got plucked. 你信也罢,不信也罢,考试那天他可是出尽了风头。他靠一知半解的临时抱佛脚居然考及格了,还受到了表扬。好多人比他强一千倍,反而没及格。 2.I took the news with a grain of salt. 我对这个消息半信半疑。 3.He has many hot potatoes to handle every day. 他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。 4.This hen-pecked man became on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room. 妻子骂骂咧咧地闯了进来,这得了“气管炎”的男人一下子手足无措。 5.Aging and a prey to poverty and ill health, he began to look like a man with one foot in the graze. (士隐)那禁得贫病交攻,竟渐渐的露出了那下世的光景。 6.The Making of a Hero 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 7.He is easily the best student in the class. 他无疑是班上最好的学生。 8.They gave the boy the lie. 他们指责男孩说谎。 9.Her mother died of difficult labor. 她母亲死于难产。 10.He was then bright in the eye. 那时他已经喝醉了。 11.Calculation never makes a hero. 举棋不定永远成不了英雄。 12.Their panic was their only punishment. 他们只是有惊无险。 13.Do you have a family? 你有孩子了吗?

11春哲学基础作业3_0001 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:0 ?单项选择题 ?多项选择题 ?判断题 ?简答题 一、单项选择题(共10 道试题,共20 分。)得分:0 1. 公孙龙的“白马非马”论错误在于它割裂了() A. 矛盾同一性和斗争性的关系 B. 矛盾的主次方面的关系 C. 主要矛盾和非主要矛盾的关系 D. 矛盾普遍性和特殊性的关系 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 2. 矛盾的基本属性是() A. 普遍性和特殊性 B. 斗争性和同一性 C. 变动性和稳定性 D. 绝对性和相对性 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 3. 荀子说“不积跬步无以至千里,不积细流无以成江河”这说明() A. 量变是质变的准备 B. 质变是量变的必然结果 C. 量变和质变相互包含 D. 量变和质变相互渗透 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 4. 辩证的否定是事物发展的环节,因为辩证的否定() A. 把旧事物完全抛弃 B. 使旧事物发生量变 C. 促使新事物产生和旧事物灭亡 D. 是从外部强加给事物的 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 5. “一个志在有大成就的人,他必须如歌德所说,知道限制自己。反之,那些什么事都想做的人,其实什么事都不能做,而终归于失败。”这段话告诉我们() A. 要懂得对事物进行矛盾分析 B. .要学会解决不同矛盾用不同的方法 C. 要学会分清事物矛盾的性质 D. 要抓住主要矛盾,不要平均使用力量 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 6. “如果偶然性不起作用的话,那么世界历史就会带有非常神秘的性质。”这是一种() 1

A. 历史宿命论的观点 B. 形而上学机械决定论的观点 C. 辩证唯物主义决定论的观点 D. 唯心主义、神秘主义的观点 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 7. 现象和本质的区别在于() A. 现象是客观的,本质是主观的 B. 现象是相对的,本质是绝对的 C. 现象是可以认识的,本质是不可认识的 D. 现象是事物的外部联系,本质是事物的内在联系 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 8. “一把钥匙开一把锁”,这句话在哲学上讲() A. 矛盾的普遍性 B. 矛盾的特殊性 C. 矛盾的斗争性 D. 矛盾的同一性 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 9. “具体问题具体分析”。就是要人们在实践中学会运用() A. 矛盾普遍性原理 B. 运动、发展的原理 C. 普遍联系的原理 D. 矛盾特殊性原理 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 10. 矛盾问题的精髓是() A. 矛盾的主要方面与次要方面的关系问题 B. 主要矛盾与次要矛盾的关系问题 C. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性的关系问题 D. 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性的关系问题 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 总体评价: 11春哲学基础作业3_0001 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:0 ?单项选择题 ?多项选择题 ?判断题 ?简答题 二、多项选择题(共10 道试题,共40 分。)得分:0 1. 坚持内容和形式的统一就要反对()

“七夕”——中国的情人节 Qixi - Chinese Valentine’s Day 农历七月初七(2006年是7月31日)是中国的传统节日——“七夕”。“夕”的意思是“夜”。为什么七夕是中国的情人节呢?这有一个关于牛郎和织女的动人故事。 The seventh day of the seventh month of lunar calendar ( it is 31st, July in 2006 ) is Chinese traditional festival - “Qixi”. “Xi” means “night”. Why Qixi is Chinese Valentine’s Day? There is a moved story about Niulang - the cow herd and Zhinv - the weaver. 传说,牛郎是人间的青年农民,救过一头神牛。织女是天上王母娘娘的孙女,有一天,天上的织女们来到人间游玩,还跑到河里洗澡,那头神牛让牛郎拿走了第七个织女的衣服。织女在寻找衣服的过程中爱上了牛郎,他们结为夫妻,男耕女织,过着幸福的生活。王母娘娘知道了这件事,非常生气,强迫织女跟她回到天上。牛郎追了上来,眼看着就要追上了,王母娘娘拔下头上的银簪子*在身后划了一下,立刻,牛郎与织女之间出现了一条大河,这就是天上的银河,也就是西方所说的“奶路”(Milky Way)。结果牛郎和织女无情地隔开。后来,他们的爱情感动了喜鹊,每年七夕,所有的喜鹊都飞过来,在银河上搭起一座桥,让牛郎和织女在鹊桥相会。 It was said that Niulang was a terrestrial young farmer, he once saved a bull. Zhinv was the grandson of Wangmuniangniang - the Queen Mother of the West. One day, the weavers from the heaven came to the earth for fun. They went to the river for shower. The bull let Niulang take away the seventh weaver’s clothes. The weaver fell in love with Niulang while she was finding her clothes. They got married. They lived a happy life that Niulang did the farm work and Zhinv engaged in spinning and weaving. The Queen Mother of the West got the news and was in a great anger. She compelled Zhinv came back to the heaven. Niulang chased after them. Niulang almost caught them. Then the Queen Mother of the West plucked a

商务英语笔译个人实习总结 1.通过本次实习使我能够从理论回到实践,更好的实现理论和实践的结合,为以后的工作和学习奠定初步的知识,使我能够亲身感受到由一个学生转变到一个职业商务英语笔译工作者的过程。 XX年6月中下旬开始在本校内为期2个星期左右的商务英语笔译的实习,起初我对笔译还不是太了解,选择笔译是基于我对笔译工作的特别爱好。商务英语笔译是一项需要耐心和精力的工作,它是以商务方面的资料为依据,要求翻译者对其进行全面,准确,快速的翻译,语言要表达准确,意思清晰。由于商务英语笔译的翻译材料大部分都是非文学的,例如合同,客户资料,商业等专业性文件,所以它的要求就更为严格,苛刻,同时又必须符合“信,达,雅”的原则,难度相当的大,其中要用到大量的专业术语,范围不仅仅包括我们平时上课时所认识的,更多的需要我们通过各种可行的渠道去查阅,具有很强的专业性。这就要求我们在翻译时要严谨,不能给读者以错觉。 这次实习主要针对商务合同的翻译进行重点突破,花了整整几天的时间才磕磕绊绊的翻译一个合同,感觉到了前所未有的压力,也突出了自己眼高手低的缺点,平时课堂上老师讲的用的寥寥无几,更多的是靠自己查资料来获取准确的信息。其中有些既晦涩又在网上很难查的一般都给不了,这

些都给刚开始翻译的我造成了各种各样的阻碍,往往会遇到原文看不懂或者觉得语法别扭不对的情况,这时候需要更大的耐心和毅力,需要坚持,对商务合同中的一些专业术语进行重点突破,查阅各种资料,在网上搜索各种专业术语,一点一滴的翻译,练得多了,慢慢就变的更加熟悉了,速度和质量慢慢的有所改善,当然和真正意义的笔译质量还是有相当的差距的。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。商务英语笔译也同样如此,它需要通过大量的网上资料和翻译软件来进行协助翻译,因此在掌握商务英语基础的同时,电脑成为了我们读取翻译资料的利器。在实习的过程中我们不难发现,其实很多相当一部分的专业术语需要我们通过电脑来进行翻译,来完成,基于此我们也有必要掌握一些简单的电脑知识和电脑软件,例如Word文档等等。看来要作为一名合格的笔译工作者,电脑知识也是其必要的一个方面。 在实习的过程中常常出现翻译质量不合格的问题,这些对我们初步介入笔译领域的初学者是司空见惯的,没必要害怕,但同时是必须要引起我们的重视的,所谓熟能生巧,这个工作就更要求我们不断的进行练习,不断的进行知识积累。这次实习对我们来说就是一个十分难得的机会,辅导老师给我们的作用也是希望我们能有更多的机会去接触并练习商务英语笔译,这些都有助于我们提高翻译水平和翻译质量。

13秋学期《马克思主义哲学原理》在线作业 一、单选题(共50 道试题,共50 分。) 1. 马克思主义认为,哲学是() A. 人们自发形成的世界观 B. 理论化、系统化的世界观 C. 科学的世界观 D. 无产阶级世界观 满分:1 分 2. 事物发展的源泉是() A. 事物的相对性 B. 事物的内在矛盾性 C. 事物的变化 D. 人的自觉能动性 满分:1 分 3. 根据社会意识的层次和特点不同,可以把社会意识划分为() A. 社会心理和社会意识形式 B. 个人意识和群体意识 C. 意识形态和非意识形态 D. 进步意识和落后意识 满分:1 分 4. 唯物辩证法所理解的联系是指() A. 各种事物和现象之间没有确定的界限,一切都是“亦此亦彼” B. 相互区别的事物和现象彼此都是孤立的 C. 一切事物和现象都处于相互影响、相互作用和相互制约之中 D. 每一事物和现象都同其他事物和现象相区别 满分:1 分 5. 从本质上看,国家是() A. 管理社会各项事业的机关 B. 维护社会秩序的机关 C. 阶级统治的暴力机关 D. 调和社会矛盾的机关 满分:1 分 6. 在社会发展中起决定作用的因素是() A. 生产方式 B. 人口因素 C. 地理环境 D. 社会风气 满分:1 分 7. 物质与意识的辨证关系是()A. 物质决定意识,意识创造物质 B. 意识决定物质,物质对意识有反作用 C. 物质决定意识,意识对物质有反作用 D. 物质决定意识,意识决定人脑 满分:1 分

8. 人们为了获得知识()A. 只要刻苦读书就行 B. 只要积极参加社会实践就行 C. 既要认真读书又要参加社会实践 D. 只要抓住“灵感”和机遇就行 满分:1 分 9. 哲学的基本问题是() A. 物质和意识的关系问题 B. 人和世界的问题 C. 人和自然的问题 D. 时间和空间的问题 满分:1 分 10. 社会历史观的基本问题() A. 人和世界的问题 B. 社会存在与社会意识的关系问题 C. 时间和空间的问题 D. 一般和个别的关系问题 满分:1 分 11. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准,这主要是因为() A. 实践是人类生存和发展的基础 B. 实践是认识的来源和目的 C. 实践能把主观和客观联系起来 D. 实践是一个无限发展的过程 满分:1 分 12. 揭示物质世界发展的状态和形式的规律是() A. 质量互变规律 B. 对立统一规律 C. 否定之否定规律 D. 本质决定现象规律 满分:1 分 13. 根据社会意识与经济基础的关系不同,可以把社会意识划分为() A. 社会心理和社会意识形式 B. 个人意识和群体意识 C. 意识形态和非意识形态 D. 先进意识和落后意识 满分:1 分 14. 阶级斗争在阶级社会发展中的作用表现为,它是阶级社会发展的() A. 根本动力 B. 直接动力 C. 最终动力 D. 唯一动力 满分:1 分 15. 哲学的基本问题是()A. 世界观和方法论的关系问题 B. 物质和运动的关系问题 C. 理论和实践的关系问题

The Four Lines There had a saying since ancient times, "One word can cause the nation to prosper;one word can cause it to perish.Talk is truely a art. In order to be welcomed by many, how can we talk ? Here are my four suggestions: Firstly, to get rid of one's embarrassment by giving a word.Being helpful is not only at the expense of money, labor and time, but also a word, such as giving a word when someone is in an awkward situation. Secondly,to encourage people who are crushed by giving a word.There is a saying in western society, which goes as "The role which speech plays in our communication is to speak good words". Good words are inspiring and confident when people are in frustraction and in a state of deep depression. Thirdly,to remind someone who is in a puzzling by giving a word.As Hsun tzu once said,"giving a good word is more valuable than gold and jade."If you remind someone sitting on the crossroads or wandering in his life by giving a word in time, his life will be changed or even saved. Fourthly, to support the helpless by giving a word.Their mood state is influenced by a word, for they live in an enviroment of good and evil.Faced with the helpless, we support them by saying good words for the simple purpose that their confidence and self-affirmation will be derived from it. Yuan said, "A nobleman may give little words but true,while small peole give many but untrue".Another saying given by Mencius is that "Simple as the way Good words give,their meaning are far-reaching intentions.So, we should be prudent in speaking so that you will not be treated as a cruel man or even complained of by others. Bank of Life There were four twenty-year- old young people, who applied for a bank loan. The bank promised a mint of money for each of them in the condition that they shoud pay off principal and interest in fifty years. The first one wanted to lead a very easy life in the first 25 years, and then tried to work hard for the simple purpose that money he borrowed should be payed off before his death. However, he accomplished nothing, still in debt and died in his seventies. His name was "Laziness".
