

“The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate

of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it

is referred to upon civil registration.


Full name of baby: 新生儿姓名Sex性别: Date of birth出生日期: Place of birth出生地点: Gestation (week)孕周:

Health Condition: Weight: Height:

Full name of mother母亲姓名: Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Full name of father父亲姓名: Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Type of place:

Name of facility出生机构名称: Fujian Provincial MCH Hospital 福建省妇幼医院

Birth No.: Date of issue发证日期:

Issuing Organization (seal):

The Official Seal for Fujian Birth Certificate, Fujian Provincial MCH Hospital 福建省



出生证明公证书翻译 篇一:出生公证书翻译英语 证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证 (2003)沪徐证外字第44556号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。王云的父亲是王国融,王莹 的母亲是杨丽红。中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日notarialcertificate thisistocertifythatwangyun,female,wasbornonjuly12,1977insha nghai.herfatheriswangguorongandhermotherisyanglihong.shangh aixuhui districtnotarypublicofficethepeople’srepublicofchina specialsealformarriageregisterofhaidiandistrict,beijingcivi

laffairs bureau marriageregister:证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本certificateoftaxationregistrationmindishuishizhino.35220070 51925xxxnameoftaxationpayer:fujinaxxxxrealestateco.,ltd.leg alrepresenative: xxxx address:4/f,xxbuilding,xxjiaochengroad,dateofissuance: september6,2004underthesupervisionofstatetaxationadministra tionth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本permitforopeningbankaccountrenyinhuguanzhengzi出生公证书(2010)浙开证外字第***号兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。***的父亲是***,***的母亲 是***。

【最新2018】中英文出生证明公证书-推荐word版 (7页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 中英文出生证明公证书 篇一:出生公证书 (英文模板) 出生公证书 (201X)浙开证外字第***号 兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。***的父亲是***, ***的母亲是***。 中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处 公证员 二O一O年二月八日 NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH (Translation) (201X) ZKZWZ No. *** This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***.. Notary: *** Signatory seal) *** County Notary Public Office Zhejiang Province The People’s Republic of China (Seal) February 8, 201X

篇二:中英文出生证明公证书 出生公证书 (201X)浙开证外字第***号 兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。***的父亲是***, ***的母亲是***。 中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处 公证员 二o一o年二月八日 notarial certificate of birth (translation) (201X) zkzwz no. *** this is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** county, zhejiang province on july 4, 1989. her father is *** and her mother is ***.. notary: *** signatory seal) *** county notary public office zhejiang province the people’s republic of china (seal) february 8, 201X篇二:出生公证书中英文样板_15311 出生公证书中英文样板 公证书 兹证明xxx(名字),男(女性别),于xxxx年xx月xx日在xx省xx市出生。公民身份证号:公证事项:出生 xxx(名字)的父亲是xx(名字),公民身份证号: xxx(名字)的母亲是xx(名字),公民身份证号:


出生公证书英文 篇一:出生公证书(英文模板) 出生公证书 (XX)浙开证外字第***号 兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。***的父亲是***,***的母亲是***。 中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处 公证员 二O一O年二月八日 NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH (Translation) (XX) ZKZWZ No. *** This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***.. Notary: *** Signatory seal) *** County Notary Public Office Zhejiang Province The People’s Republic of China (Seal) February 8, XX

篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本 证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本 出生公证 (XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号 兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。王云的父亲是王国融,王莹的母亲是杨丽红。中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处 公证员 二00三年四月一日 Notarial Certificate (XX) (English Translation) This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July 12,1977 in ShangHai. Herfather is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong. Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public Office The People’s Republic of China (Sealed) Notary Public:(Sealed) Dated: April 1,XX 证件翻译大全--结婚证英文翻译样本 THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

出生医学证明 英文翻译版

出生医学证明英文翻译版 BIRTH CERTIFICATE “The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to the Law of the People’s Republic of Full name of baby: Sex: Date of birth: China on Maternal and Place of birth: Gestation(week): Infant Health Care. It is a legal medical certificate Health status: Weight: Height: of people born in the Full name of mother: Age: Nationality: Ethnicity: People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of ID card No.: by the Newborn baby’s Full name of father: Age: Nationality: Ethnicity: father and mother or guardian,Can not be sold, ID card No.: lent or altered in private. Type of place: And it is referred to upon civil registration. Name of facility: MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (sealed) Birth certificate No.: Date of Issue: Issuing organization(seal)


英文各类证件翻译模板 1.身份证 (正面Front side) 姓名:Name: 性别:Se(或译Gender,但档案、履历等场合se常用一些): 民族:Ethnity: 出生:Date of Birth(或直接简写为Birth): 住址:Residential Address(或译Dwelling Place): 公民身份号码:Citizen ID number: (背面Back side) 中华人民共和国居民身份证 Citizen Identity Card of the People"s Republ of China 签发机关:省市区(县)公安分局 Authority: Publ Security Sub-Bureau of Distrt (County), City, Province 有效期限:2021.05.18 -- 2028.05.18 Valid through(或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity): 2021.05.18 -- 2028.05.18长期Long Term 2.户口本 Household Rester Under Supervision of the Ministry of Publ Security of P.R.C. Bas Information of Household No.88888888 Type of Household:Non-agrultural family (Non-agrultural corporate)

Name of Householder: Zhang San (张三) Household Number:Current residential address: No.888, Road, Dongcheng Distrt, Beijing Authorized supervisor:Publ Security Bureau of Beijing (sealed) Authorized Administrator: Road Pole Station (sealed) Restrar:Wang Wu (sealed)Date of Issue:1st January 20 Rester of Residence Change New Address Date of restration update Restrar Information of Member Name Zhang San (张三)Householder him/herself or Relation to the householder Householder himself / herself;


BIRTH CERTIFICATE 出生证明 “The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (seal) Full name of baby: Sex: Date of birth: Place of birth:Gestation (week): Health Condition: Weight: Height: Full name of mother:Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Full name of father: Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Birth Certificate No.: Date of issue: Issuing Organization (seal): The Official Seal for Beijing Birth Certificate,Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital 最新文件仅供参考已改成word文本。方便更改如有侵权请联系网站删除


中华人民共和国居民## Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic ofChina 签发机关:##省##市##区〔县〕公安分局 Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of ## District , ## City, ## Province 有效期限: Valid through〔或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity〕

翻译与填写注意事项: 1.户号:Household number 注意,我不知道其他地区的户口簿中这个"户号"是如何打印的.的户号是红色字体,打印在表格外右上角.表格内"户号"一栏反而是空的.

填写的时候一定要注意,不要忘了将模板上的No. 88888888改为实际的户号. 2.集体户:Corporate 很多人将"集体户口"译为collective,是根据字面按照汉语思维做的机械翻译.译为corporate较为恰当. 非农业家庭户即为Non-agricultural family. 非农业集体户即为Non-agricultural corporate. 其他依此类推. 有的户口簿"户口类型"一栏不注明"农业"或"非农业",直接就是"家庭户"或"集体口".这种情况,建议译为Household of a Family 或Household of a Cor porate. 2a.集体户口常住人口登记卡 ——这绝对是个具有"中国特色"的名词.我琢磨了一下,建议这样翻译:Reg istry of De Jure Population in Corporate Household 其中,de jure是个法律术语,拉丁文,意思是"合法的"、"已注册的";De Ju re Population就是"常住人口"的概念. 有人翻译为Permanent Resident,不能说错.一个国家的Permanent Reside nt,就是这个国家的"永久居民"〔不一定是本国公民,也可能是拿到"绿卡"、获得


签证英文资料翻译出生证明 BIRTH CERTIFICATE 出生证明 “The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (seal) Full name of baby: Sex: Date of birth: Place of birth:Gestation (week): Health Condition: Weight: Height: Full name of mother:Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Full name of father: Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Birth Certificate No.: Date of issue: Issuing Organization (seal): The Official Seal for Beijing Birth Certificate,Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital

出生医学证明 英文翻译模板

BIRTHCERTIFICATE Fullnameofbaby:XXXXXXSex:Dateofbirth: Placeofbirth:XXXProvinceXXCityCounty(District)TownshipGestation(week):40+ Healthstatus:Well √Weight:2500gHeight:cm Fullnameofmother:XXXXXXAge:XXNationality:ChinaEthnicity:Han IDcardNo.:XXXXXXXXXXX Fullnameoffather:XXXXXXAge:XXNationality:ChinaEthnicity:Han IDcardNo.:XXXXXXXXXXX Typeofplace:GeneralHospital √ Nameoffacility:XXXXXXXXXX BirthcertificateNo.:XXXXXXXXDateofIssue:XXXX Issuingorganization(se al) SpecialSealofXXXProvinceBirthCertificate “TheMedicalCertifica teofBirth ”isformulat edaccordingtothe Lawof thePeople ’sRepublico fChinaonMaternalandIn fantHealthCare .Itisal egalmedicalcertificat eofpeopleborninthePeo ple ’sRepublicofChina .Itistakencareofbythe Newbornbaby ’sfathera ndmotherorguardian,Ca nnotbesold,lentoralte redinprivate.Anditisr eferredtouponcivilreg istration. MINISTRYOFHEALTHOFTHEPEOP


新版出生证英文翻译模板 Introduction 本文档提供了一份新版出生证的英文翻译模板,以便更好地为需要这种翻译的人提供参考。 Template 出生证原件: [原件照片] 翻译内容如下: 将下方的英文模板填入翻译内容处: This is to certify that: Name: [Full name exactly as it appears on the original birth certificate]

Date of Birth: [Date of birth exactly as it appears on the original birth certificate] Place of Birth: [Place of birth exactly as it appears on the original birth certificate] This is a true and accurate translation of the original birth certificate issued in [Country/Region] on [Date of issue]. 翻译成中文如下: 将下方的中文模板填入翻译成中文处: 本证明书证明: 姓名:[与原出生证完全一致的全名] 出生日期:[与原出生证完全一致的出生日期] 出生地点:[与原出生证完全一致的出生地点] 此为原出生证在[国家/地区]于[签发日期]签发的真实准确翻译。 Conclusion

以上是新版出生证英文翻译模板的内容。根据原件的信息,将 英文模板和中文模板填写完成后,即可完成出生证的英文翻译工作。 请注意,本模板仅提供参考,并根据原出生证的具体格式进行 调整。确保翻译准确无误,并根据需要进行格式上的调整。
