

Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死

New words and expression 生词和短语

Labourer ['le?b(?)r?] n.劳动者(工人)(劳工)-- 强调使用体力, 而不是技能, 在户外工作。Workman n.技工, 工匠 -- 具有某种工艺技能的半熟练工人

worker n.工人(泛指)-- 具有更高水平的工人

-- white-collar worker 白领职员(指非体力劳动者) -- blue-collar worker 蓝领工人(指体力劳动者) -- a factory worker 工厂工人 / farm worker 雇农, 农业工人

Manual worker mental worker

farmhand(n.农业工人, 农场工人)= farm labourers = farm worker

labour n. 1、劳动(尤指体力劳动)(可以以复数形式出现labours. (very hard work, usually physical work)

2、(总称) 劳工

3、工作(任务task;(一段时间的)工作period of work)

4、分娩 (分娩期;分娩;生产)Her labour had lasted ten hours

vi 1、艰苦劳动、干苦力活 2、艰难的工作、吃力地行进 move with difficulty

3、+to do 艰苦地做;吃力地做 If you labour to do something, you do it with difficulty labour force n. 劳动力

surplus labour 【政治经济学】剩余劳动(力) , 【经济学】剩余劳动

['s?:pl?s] n. 剩余;[贸易] 顺差;盈余;过剩 adj. 剩余的;过剩的

labour party (劳)工党 Conservative party保守党 Democratic party 民主党 Republican party 共和党

division of labour 分工

labour union n. [美]工会

conserve vt. 1、节省;节约 2、保护;保存;保藏 to protect sth and prevent it from being changed or destroyed

n. 果酱;蜜饯

Conserve的“保持、保存”有两种含义,第一种含义含有为了节约而保护、保存的意思,例如:You can set

the temperature to 26 degrees centigrade in order to conserve energy. 你可以把温度设置成26摄氏度以节约资源。第二种含有为了让某事物(一般指自然资源)不被改变或者不被破坏而保护、保存的意思,例如:Government should enforce laws to conserve wildlife animals in this area. 政府应该实施法律保护这个地区的野生动物。

preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持;腌;禁猎 n. 保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品;

Preserve的“保持、保存”也有两种含义,第一种含义有维护、保持(a situation or condition)某种状态、质量、权利的意思,例如:She believed it‘s the most important thing to preserve her reputation. 她认为维护自己的名声是最重要的事情。preserve peace维护和平。the preservation of the status 维持现状。第二种含义有保留、保藏且维护以不被破坏或者维持现状的意思,常常用作被动语态,例如:The ancient vase was preserved well by the archaeologists. 这个古代花瓶被考古学家保存得很好。reserve n. 储备,储存;自然保护区;预备队;[金融] 储备金 vt. 储备;保留;预约 vi. 预订Reserve有“预定”的意思,即主动去要求“保留”,例如:I'd like to reserve a room tonight. 我想预定一个今晚的房间。Reserve还常用作被动语态,表示为了留给后面的人或者为以后的使用而“保留、保存”,例如:The refreshments are reserved for the guests. 这些点心是留给客人的。Reserve还能表示“拥有、保留、保持”权利和意见的意思,例如很多出版物上都会标有“All rights reserved”,意思是“版权所有”。


Overnight adv.一夜期间

Overnight n.头天晚上 adj.通宵的, 晚上的, 前夜的 adv.在前一夜, 整夜, 昨晚一晚上

Adj&adv 突然地;突然地(由“一夜间”引申出)

-- an overnight trip一整夜的旅行 / an overnight guest 过夜的客人

overpopulated adj.人口过密的, 人口过剩的

oversea s adv.海外 adj.外国的, 海外的


overeat vt.使吃过量 vi.吃得过多

oversleep vt.(使)睡过头 vi.睡过头, 睡得太久

overwork n.过度工作 v.(使)工作过度

overcharge v.讨价过高, 使过量装填, 过度充电 n.超载, 过重的负担, 过度充电

overestimate vt.评价过高 n.估计的过高

Hay [he?] n.干草 ((作饲料用的) 干草)


固化短语:If you say that someone is making hay or is making hay while the sun shines 晒草要趁好太阳; 抓紧时机

Corn [k?:n] n.谷物、谷粒-- Corn n.[英]谷物, 五谷, 小麦[美、加、澳]玉米[苏、爱]燕麦

wheat [wi:t]小麦barley[‘bɑ:li] 大麦 rice水稻 cereal燕麦



grain [gre?n] 指稻、麦等谷类及其粒子。

crop [kr?p] 指谷物或果类等一年或一季的收成,也可指地里的农业作物或谷物。(农作物、庄稼)corn 主要指大麦、小麦、燕麦、裸麦、玉蜀黍这5种谷物及其粒子。

Moonlight n.月光月光男孩 2017年奥斯卡最佳影片

Conscientious [,k?n??'en??s] adj.认真的修饰人

Someone who is conscientious is very careful to do their work properly

Conscientious adj.认真的,尽责的, 有心的(凭良心的), 自觉的(谨慎的)

-- a conscientious worker 勤勤恳恳的工作者

conscious adj.有意识的, 神志清醒的unconscious

-- He is hurt but still conscious. 他受了伤, 不过神志还清醒。

conscious adj.了解的, 察觉的

-- She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不晓得他在这房间里。

-- I was conscious of her presence. 我知道她在场。

conscience 良知、良心

Suspect v.怀疑动词读作s?’sp?kt。名词和形容词读作’s?sp?kt

v. 怀疑;猜想 n. 嫌疑犯 adj. 靠不住的;可疑的

Suspect sth -- I suspected her motives. 我怀疑她的动机。

Suspect sb to be -- suspect him to be ill 猜想他病了 -- I suspect him to be a spy. suspect sb of doing/n -- I suspect him of stealing the car.

-- suspect sb. of giving false information 怀疑某人提供假情报

-- suspect sb. of a crime 怀疑某人犯罪

Suspect that…

-- We suspect they'll be a little late. 我们揣想他们会晚来一会儿。

Suspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑

Suspicious adj.可疑的, 引起怀疑的 -- Cats are suspicious of human beings.

Suspect表示一种肯定的语义, Doubt 表示一种否定的语义

Doubt vt.怀疑, 不信, 拿不准(用 that, 往往表示非常怀疑)

-- I doubt that he will come. 我看他不见得会来。

-- I doubt whether [if] he is at home. 我看他不一定在家。

-- I do not doubt (but) that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下来。

-- I doubt what he said. 我不相信他说的话。

Doubtful adj.怀疑的;不信任的

-- It is doubtful that he will come.

Doubtable adj.可疑的, 令人怀疑的

Desert v.(军队中)开小差 [(for v.) d?'z??t; (for n.) 'dez?t]

V-T&V-I If someone deserts, or deserts a job, especially a job in the armed forces, they leave that job without permission. 开小差(不及物时用介词from, desert from)

-- The soldier deserted his army. 这个士兵开小差。

Desert .遗弃, 抛弃, 舍弃(= abandon vt.放弃, 遗弃;违背法律、道义、责任、信仰

-- desert the army, desert school, desert his duty, desert his family

Abandon vt.抛弃, 舍弃, 离弃(被迫放弃所喜爱的或所负责的东西)especially when you should not do so

-- abandon one's home 离弃家园

-- He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.(research n.研究, 调查)Forsake [f?'se?k] vt.( 过去式 forsook 过去分词 forsaken ) 舍弃, 放弃, 背弃 [文学性]

对象一般是亲人或关系亲密的人,或者是摒弃某种行为[文学性];eg革除(旧风习等), 抛弃(坏习惯)

-- He forsook his family.

-- He has forsaken his wife and children. 他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。

-- You must forsake your bad habits. 你必须革除你的坏习惯。

Discard [d?'skɑ:d] vt.放弃, 丢弃, 抛弃(= give up as useless)

If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it. 丢弃

-- Everyday we discard a large amount of rubbish.

Regiment n.(军队)团(引申出量词,一大批) ['red??m(?)nt]

brigade 旅 division师 Squad班(小队) platoon[pl?'tu:n]排 company连 battalion 营[b?'t?l ??n]

group army 集团军

Action n.战斗auction ['?:k?(?)n] vt. 拍卖;竞卖n. 拍卖

Active adj. 积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的 n. 主动语态;积极分子

Activate vt.[usu passive] 刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性 vi. 激活;有活力

Initiate vt. 启动,开始,创始;发起;使初步了解(传授) n. 开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者Motive n. 动机,目的;主题 adj. 发动的;成为动机的 vt. 使产生动机,激起

Motivate v. 刺激,使有动机,激励/激发…的积极性;成为……的动机;(激起某种行为)

Recluse [r?'klu:s] n.隐士n. 隐士;隐居者 adj. 隐居的

远离【世界】,过着【隔绝】生活,“常常”是【独处】。 - 不一定是【宗·教·信·仰】的原因,不一定是独处(也许是小群体的与世隔绝的生活);recluse的第2个含义,才是指修行者,和上面hermit同。reclusive [r?'klu?s?v] adj. 隐居的;隐遁的

hermit ['h??m?t] n. (尤指宗教原因的)隐士,隐居者;蜂鸟


还有些小的区别:recluse只用于人,而hermit 可指动物的独居习性;

give up 放弃, 抛弃, 认输

labour n.劳动, 劳力, 劳工 v.劳动, 苦干

cowshed n.牛棚, 牛舍

oblige [?'bla?d?] vt.迫使, 责成

词根: oblige

adj. obliged 必须的;感激的;有责任的

obligate 有责任的,有义务的;必需的

obliging 乐于助人的;有礼貌的;体贴的;亲切的

obligated 有义务的;责无旁贷的

n. obligation 义务;职责;债务

obliger 施惠与人者

v. obliged 要求;约束;施恩惠(oblige的过去分词)

obliging 迫使;约束(oblige的现在分词)

vt. obligate 使负义务;强使,强迫;对…施以恩惠

动词oblige和obligate词形词义均相似,但oblige表示“迫使(某人做某事)”[force sb to do sth],常用作被动语态;而obligate表示“(法律或道义)强迫“(某人做某事)”[oblige or bind legally or morally],可用作主动语态或被动语态。例句: She was obliged to go out to work when her husband died. 丈夫去世后,她不得不出去工作。 They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debbts. 为了还债,他们不得不卖掉房子。 The law obligates a fater to support his children. 法律规定父亲有抚养其子女的义务。 He felt obligated to vist his parents. 他觉得有义务去看望父母。

1> It never occurred to them that… 他们从来没有想到过…

2> penalty(n.处罚, 罚款)= punishment(n.惩罚, 处罚, 惩处)

desertion [d?'z???n] n.丢掉, 遗弃, 逃亡, 开小差

3> outbreak n.(战争的)爆发, (疾病的)发作 bury vt.埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏

4> army life = life in the army 军队生活 school life = life in the school 学校生活

9> with time 随着时间的推移

at the time 当时, 在那个时候 on time adv.准时 at times adv.有时, 不时

10> recruit [r?'kru?t] vt. vi.招募,招收(新兵等) -- to recruit new police officers 招募新的警官

吸收(新成员) -- to recruit some new members 吸收新成员

conscript [k?n'skr?pt] n.被征入伍者,被征入伍的士兵 vt.征募, 征兵, 征召(美语用draft)-- He was conscript into the army.

Regiment n.团, 大群 v.把...编组, 把...编成团, 管辖

Regiment n.〈军〉团

-- The regiment was ordered to the front. 这个团被调往前线。


-- a regiment of ducks 一大群鸭子

Regiment vt.管辖, 严格控制

-- Modern children don't like being regimented. 现代的儿童不喜欢受严格的控制。

11> hermit n.隐士, 隐居者

12> realizing = become aware of never realizing = quite unaware of

Text 课文

Why did the two brothers keep the secret

For years, villagers believed that Endley Farm was haunted.

Haunt vt. 1、闹鬼;(鬼魂常出没于)2、(令人不愉快的事) 萦绕在心头,长期不断地纠缠

-- It is said that the public house was haunted.

Haunt vt.常去, 常到(某地)= visit somewhere every often

-- He haunted this cinema.

The farm was owned by two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox.

Own = possess

They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long.

Be willing to do = be ready to do

Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story.

Every time = whenever 引导时间状语从句

-- Every time I listen to his advice, I get into trouble.

= Whenever I listen to his advice, I get into trouble.

Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find that work had been done overnight. Wake up to find that… 醒过来时, 结果发现…

-- He woke up to find that he was surrounded by a large crowd of people.

-- He hurried to the post office only to find that it was shut.(表示遗憾的结果用only)

Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned. A farm worker, who stayed up all night, claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlight.

claimed to do…

-- He claimed to have seen the puma.

-- Seamen claimed to have seen monsters.

See sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

Who引导非限定定语从句(lesson 08)

-- These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always receive a warm welcome at Saint Bernard Monastery.

stay up 不睡觉, 留在原地,原地不动(= not to go to bed)

= sit up 坐起, 端坐, 熬夜

-- The boy sat up to see the film.

Wait up for 等候着不睡

-- Don’t wait up for me; I’ll be home very late.

burn the midnight oil 开夜车

-- I have to burn the midnight oil to tonight to complete work.

In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.

In time 最终,最后, 终于=at last==at length

It became an accepted fact that… 变成了一个大家都接受的事实

That引导同位语从句, 补充说明fact。

-- It becomes an accepted fact that the puma is still at large.

= Everybody had already accepted the fact that the puma is still at large.

Ghost 1、幽灵 2、阴魂 (指对坏事的记忆)

holy ghost n. [宗]圣灵

ghost of a 丝毫,微量,一点儿(常在否定句中与 chance,idea 连用,或与 smile连用)

ghost story 鬼故事,神怪小说

ghost town 鬼镇;废弃的城市

ghost image 鬼像;重像

No one suspected that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen. Someone else who had never been seen.

This was indeed the case.

A short time ago, villagers were astonished to learn that the ghost of Endley had died. Be astonished = be surprised

类似的词:amaze, astound

be astonished to do sth(可代替do的词:see, learn, hear, find, know, discover)

-- I am not surprised to see he is still as fat as before.

Everyone went to the funeral, for the ‘ghost’was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man.

For(= as)引导原因状语从句, 对主句补充说明。

none other than = no other than 不是别的, 正是... (强调人)

-- The man who spoke to her was none other than her husband. 和她说话的不是别人正是她丈夫。-- It was no other than my old friend.

nothing else than 只不过, 仅仅(强调事物)

-- His failure was due to nothing else than his own careless.他的失败不因为其它原因, 仅仅因为他的粗心。

A third brother 又一位兄弟

Was supposed = was thought -- He was supposed to have died twenty years ago.

After the funeral, Joe and Bob revealed a secret which they had kept for over fifty years. Keep secret 保密(= keep sth to oneself)

Reveal secret 揭露秘密(= make known)

-- The press reveal the scandal.(n.丑事, 丑闻)(the press 新闻界)

-- He kept secret for a long time. = He kept it to himself for a long time.

Eric had been the eldest son of the family, very much older than his two brothers.

Very much中的Much用来加强语气

He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War.

Be obliged to do… = be force to do… 被迫做某事

Feel obliged to do… 有义务做某事

oblige [?'bla?d?] vt.迫使, 责成

词根: oblige

adj. obliged 必须的;感激的;有责任的

obligate 有责任的,有义务的;必需的

obliging 乐于助人的;有礼貌的;体贴的;亲切的

obligated 有义务的;责无旁贷的

n. obligation 义务;职责;债务

obliger 施惠与人者

v. obliged 要求;约束;施恩惠(oblige的过去分词)

obliging 迫使;约束(oblige的现在分词)

vt. obligate 使负义务;强使,强迫;对…施以恩惠

动词oblige和obligate词形词义均相似,但oblige表示“迫使(某人做某事)”[force sb to do sth],常用作被动语态;而obligate表示“(法律或道义)强迫“(某人做某事)”[oblige or bind legally or morally],可用作主动语态或被动语态。例句: She was obliged to go out to work when her husband died. 丈夫去世后,她不得不出去工作。 They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debbts. 为了还债,他们不得不卖掉房子。 The law obligates a fater to support his children. 法律规定父亲有抚养其子女的义务。 He felt obligated to vist his parents. 他觉得有义务去看望父母。

As he hated army life, he decided to desert his regiment.

When he learnt that he would be sent abroad, he returned to the farm and his father hid him until the end of the war.

He had been in hiding…

Fearing the authorities, Eric remained in hiding after the war as well.

Fearing the authorities 现在分词做原因状语从句

Concealment n.隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐蔽处

in hiding(躲藏着的)= remain in concealment(隐藏着, 躲着)

-- He remained in hiding at home.

His father told everybody that Eric had been killed in action.

The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bob.

The only other people who knew the secret 仅知道这个秘密的人

The only other people who finished the work 仅完成这项工作的人

They did not even tell their wives.

When their father died, they thought it their duty to keep Eric in hiding.

They thought it their duty to…(it是形式宾语)

-- I thought it very difficult to pass the examination.

-- We all think it our duty to support our parents.

动词+ 宾语(形式宾语it)+ 宾补(名词、形容词) + to do…

All these years, Eric had lived as a recluse. He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of Endley.

Quite unaware of…形容词短语做状语


unaware adj.不知道的, 没有觉察的(of, that)

-- be unaware of the danger 没有觉察到危险

-- He was unaware that I was present. 他不知道我在场。

aware adj.知道的, 明白的 -- I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。

would, used to 这组词都有“过去惯常,过去总是”的意思,其区别是:

would 指过去经常发生的行为,主观感情色彩较浓,只表过去惯常行为,既不表状态也不表持续动作。不含“过去如此,现在不再这样”的意味。

used to 指客观地表示过去的习惯,既可是过去经常发生的动作,又可是过去一向存在的状态,比would 通俗,往往含今昔感。

When he died, however, his brothers found it impossible to keep the secret any longer.

his brothers found it impossible to…(动词+ 宾语+ 宾补 + to do…)

v1.0 可编辑可修改-- We found it quite impossible to finish the hard work in 2 hours.

= It is quite impossible to finish the hard work in 2 hours.

Multiple choice questions 多项选择

1>D It never occurred to them that… 他们从来没有想到过…

2>A penalty(n.处罚, 罚款)= punishment(n.惩罚, 处罚, 惩处)

desertion n.丢掉, 遗弃, 逃亡, 开小差

3>D outbreak n.(战争的)爆发, (疾病的)发作 bury vt.埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏

4>B 5>C

6>B army life = life in the army 军队生活 school life = life in the school 学校生活

7>A during后面一般接时间名词,while和when引导时间状语从句 8>A

9>C with time 随着时间的推移

at the time 当时, 在那个时候 on time adv.准时 at times adv.有时, 不时


recruit vt. vi.招募(新兵) -- to recruit new police officers 招募新的警官

吸收(新成员) -- to recruit some new members 吸收新成员

conscript [k?n'skr?pt] n.被征入伍的士兵 vt.征募, 征兵, 征召(美语用draft)

-- He was conscript into the army.

Regiment n.团, 大群 v.把...编组, 把...编成团, 管辖

Regiment n.〈军〉团

-- The regiment was ordered to the front. 这个团被调往前线。


-- a regiment of ducks 一大群鸭子

Regiment vt.管辖, 严格控制

-- Modern children don't like being regimented. 现代的儿童不喜欢受严格的控制。

11>D hermit n.隐士, 隐居者

12>A realizing = become aware of never realizing = quite unaware of


Finding fossil man 发现化?石?人 Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful? We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. 读到flint 打?火?石anthropomorphic ?人格 化拟1anthropo ?人类 的让步?一?一trace back date back read of read about a trace of ?一些

新概念英语1 lesson99-100知识点

Lesson 99-100 一.单词讲解 1.slip 1)v.滑倒,滑了一跤 slip in the mud 滑倒在辽泥泞中slip on the stairs 从楼梯上滑倒eg.I slipped on the ice 我在冰上滑到了 2)v.滑落 eg.The pen slipped from my hand 钢笔从我的手中滑落。 3)溜走 eg.He slipped out of the room. 他偷偷的溜出房间 slip away/off 不辞而别 4)n.疏忽,错误 A slip of the pen 笔误 a slip of tongue 口误 2.fall 1)v.落下,跌倒 eg. She fell into the river yesterday. 她昨天掉进河里去了。 Leaves fall in autumn. 秋天叶子 2)v.下降 eg.The temperature will fall tomorrow 明天的气温将下降。 与fall相关的短语 fall across 偶然碰到…. 与….邂逅fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with….爱上某人 3.downstairs adv.楼下(反义词upstairs) go downstairs 下楼去come downstairs 下楼来 1 walk downstairs 走下楼be downstairs 在楼下

5.hurt 1)v.伤 eg.It hurt my back. 它伤了我的背。 2)v. 伤害感情(心灵上或思想上的伤害) eg.I feel hurt . 我感到受了伤害 3)v.疼痛 eg.Does it hurt? 痛吗 6.back 1)n.背,背部 lie on one’s back 面朝天地躺着/摔倒fall on one’s back 面朝天地躺着 eg.I back hurts . 我的背部痛 2)n.背面 the back of hand 手背 3)n.后面,后部 eg.There are two students at the back of the classroom. 教室的后面有2名学生 4)adv.在后,向后stand back 向后站 回原处go back to …回到…. come back to….回来到…. put these book back 把书放回原处 7.stand up 起立,站起来sit down 坐下 stand on one’s head 倒立stand on one’s own feet 独立,不依赖别人,自食其力stand behind 做…后盾,支持…. stand up to….经受住,勇敢面对 stand well with 与…和睦相处 8.help 1)v.帮助 2 eg.Can I help you?(餐馆:您要吃点什么?商店:您要买点么?)


Lesson 40 Food and talk进餐与交谈 Was Mrs. Rumbold a good companion at dinner? Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation. 'A new play is coming to "The Globe" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it?' 'No,' she answered. 'Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?' I asked. 'No,' she answered. 'Will you be staying in England?' I asked. 'No,' she answered. In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. 'Young man,' she answered, 'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!" 参考译文 在上星期的一次宴会上,女主人安排我坐在兰伯尔德夫人的身旁。兰伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大、表情严肃的女人,穿一件紧身的黑衣服。当我在她身旁坐下来的时候,她甚至连头都没有抬一下。她的眼睛盯着自己的盘子,不一会儿就忙着吃起来了。我试图找个话题和她聊聊。 “一出新剧要来‘环球剧场’上演了,”我说,“您去看吗?” “不,”她回答。 “您今年去国外度假吗?”我又问。 “不,”她回答。 “您就呆在英国吗?”我问。 “不,”她回答。 失望之中我问她饭是否吃得满意。 “年轻人,”她回答说,“如果你多吃点,少说点,我们两个都会吃得好的!” —、单词讲解New words and expressions host 1)n.待客的主人 hostess 女主人 the host nation 东道国,主办国 例: China is the host nation of the 2008 0lympic Games. 中国时2008奥运会的主办国。


v1.0 可编辑可修改 《新概念英语》第一册第43课Hurry up! 快点! 【课文】PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam SAM: Yes, of course I can, Penny. SAM: Is there any water in this kettle PENNY: Yes, there is. SAM: Where's the tea PENNY: It's over there, behind the teapot. PENNY: Can you see it SAM: I can see the teapot, but I can't see the tea. PENNY: There it is! It's in front of you! SAM: Ah yes, I can see it now. SAM: Where are the cups PENNY: There are some in the cupboard. PENNY: Can you find them SAM: Yes. Here they are. PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettle's boil ing! 【课文翻译】彭妮:你会沏茶吗,萨姆 萨姆:会的,我当然会,彭妮。 萨姆:这水壶里有水吗 彭妮:有水。 萨姆:茶叶在哪儿 彭妮:就在那儿,茶壶后面。 彭妮:你看见了吗 萨姆:茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。 彭妮:那不是么!就在你眼前。 萨姆:噢,是啊,我现在看到了。 萨姆:茶杯在哪儿呢 彭妮:碗橱里有几只。 彭妮:你找得到吗萨姆:找得到。就在这儿呢。 彭妮:快,萨姆。水开了! Lesson 45 The boss's letter 老板的信 THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob BOB: Yes, sir THE BOSS: Where's Pamela BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes What's the matter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 参考译文 老板:请你来一下好吗鲍勃 鲍勃: 什么事,先生 老板:帕梅拉在哪儿 鲍勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老板:她能为我打一下这封信吗请问她。 鲍勃: 好的,先生。 鲍勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗, 帕梅拉 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍勃: 怎么了怎么回事 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了! lesson 47 MRS YOUNG: Do you like coffee, Mrs Price MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want a cup MRS PRICE: Yes, please. Mrs Young. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any sugar MRS PRICE: Yes, please. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any milk MRS PRICE: No, thank you. I don't like milk in my like black coffee. MRS YOUNG: Do you like biscuits MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want one MRS PRICE: Yes, please. 参考译文 克里斯廷:你喜欢咖啡吗,安


【知识点讲解】 1. next-door neighbour 意思是隔壁邻居。 2. R.A.F 是 the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军的简写; 3. next month, 下个月;the month after next ,下下个月;the week after next ,下下周。 Lesson93 Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He's a pilot. He was in the R.A.F. He will fly to New York next month. The month after next he'll fly to Tokyo. At the moment, he's in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. He'll return to London the week after next. He's only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isn't very lucky. She usually stays at home! 奈杰尔是我们新搬来的隔壁邻居。他是个飞行员。 他曾在皇家空军任职。 下个月他将飞往纽约。 再下个月他将飞往东京。 现在他在马德里。他是一星期以前飞到西班牙的。 再下个星期他将返回伦敦。 他只有41岁,但他却去过世界上几乎每一个国家。 奈杰尔是个很幸运的人。但他的妻子运气不很好。她总是呆在家里!


The modern city 现代城市 In the organization of industrial life the in?uence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the arti?cial mode of existence imposed by the factory. The great cities have been built with no regard for us. The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, and of offering to the tenants of?ces and apartments that please them. This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. Civilized men like such a way of living. While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life. The modern city consists of monstrous edi?ces and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. Obviously, it has not been planned for the good of its inhabitants. ?一理理的 代 ?人造的?生存?方式隺加规模 I 平庸的 ?一倒夺巨?大的?大厦南满拥塞without any idea of 完全忽视without giving any consideration to


新概念一 Lesson93~L94 课内语法 新课内容:一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解 1.pilot n. 领港员;领航员;引水员;舵手;航海指南 eg. He is a pilot. 他是个飞行员。 2.return vi. 回来;返回:return home safe and sound平安回家 return to 回到… eg. He' ll return to London. 他将返回伦敦。 vt. 还,归还,送还,退还eg: I returned the book to him.(=I returned him the book.)我把那本书还给他了。 3.New York n.纽约(美国州名);纽约(市),(美国城市)(=New York City) eg. He will fly to New York next month. 下个月他将飞往纽约。 4.Tokyo n.东京(日本首都)eg. He will fly to Tokyo. 他将飞往东京。 5.Madrid n.马德里(西班牙首都)eg. He is in Madrid . 他在马德里。 6.fly: fly to+ 地点飞往...... eg: He' ll fly to Tokyo . 他将飞往东京。 二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解 1.隔壁的next-door next door to... 在……隔壁 eg:The school is next door to the hospital. 学校在医院隔壁。 2 be in the R.A.F在皇家空军任职(R.A.F=Royal Air Force) 3.飞往---fly to 4.再下个月the month after next next month 下个月 5.此刻at the moment 6.一周前a week ago 7.再下个星期 the week after next 8.去过(已经回来)have been to 9.去了(还没回来)have gone to 10.in the world 在世界上 11.stay at home 呆在家里 三、语法:可与一般将来时连用的时间短语 ⑴this week this month this year next week next month next year the week after next下下周 the month after next 下下个月 the year after next后年 注:一般过去时中通常会用last一词,而不是next ⑵in a day's time 一天以后 in a year's time一年以后 in two weeks' time两周后 in three months' time三个月后 例:Where will he be the month after next?下下个月他将在哪儿? He will be in Beijing.他将在北京 一、单词连线 pilot 飞行员 Bombay 日内瓦 fly 返回 Athens 汉城 return 马德里 Geneva 雅典 Tokyo 纽约 Stockholm 柏林 Madrid 飞行 Seoul 孟买 New York 东京 Berlin 斯德哥尔摩 二、单选 1.We are going to have a holiday the month ______next. A.before B.after C.in D.behind 2.He is going to fly _______Tokyo A.in B.to C.at D.for 3.We _______to London to study next year. A.go B.will go C.gone D.went 4.They ______a house next month. A.sell B.will sell C.sold D.selling 5.She _______TV last night. A.watch B.watching C.watchs D.watched


新概念英语第四册课堂笔记 1 fossil man (化石人) Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of story tellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. 【New words and expressions 生词和短语】 fossil man adj. 化石人 recount v. 叙述 saga n. 英雄故事 legend n. 传说,传奇 migration n. 迁移,移居 anthropologist n. 人类学家 archaeologist n. 考古学家


教师:Jenny 学生:David 日期: 2012.11.29 星期:五 时段:19:00-21:00 课题 Lesson 43 Hurry up ! 学情分析 根据他们学习的快,上的内容新颖活泼激发他们兴趣,同时复习巩固旧知识来防止遗忘。 教学目标与 考点分析 1. 巩固41,42课的知识点和句型 2. 教会学生43课的词汇和课文里的表达 3. 和学生一起演示复述课文 4. 重要语法点:情态动词can 的用法 教学重点 难点 教学重点:1.巩固41,42课的知识点和句型 2.教会学生43课的词汇和课文里的表达 3.和学生一起演示复述课文 4.重要语法点:情态动词can 的用法 教学难点:情态动词can 句型的转换 教学方法 讲授法、练习法、互动法 教学过程 Lesson 43 Hurry up ! Step1. Warm-up 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song “Ten little fingers ”复习一下可数名词复数及不可数名词复数 3. 巩固42课,复习一下单词和there be 句型 Step2.Presentation 一.New Word and expressions 生词和短语: of course 当然 kettle n. 水壶 behind prep.在……后面 teapot n. 茶壶 now adv. 现在,此刻 find v. 找到 boil v . 沸腾,开 词汇解析: 龙文教育个性化辅导授课案 ggggggggggggangganggang 纲

--Can you sing English song for us? --Yes. --Can I skate? --Yes, you can. --Can she climb the hills? --Yes, she can./ No, she can’t. c.特殊疑问句型: A:who+can+动词原形+其它 例如: --Who can sing in English in your class? --Lily can. B:特殊疑问词(作定语)+名词+can+主语+加动词原形加+其它特殊疑问词how many / how much --How many boats can you see in the river?


新概念英语第一册 课文 1 对不起! 1.Excuse me! 对不起 2.Yes? 什么事? 3. Is this your handbag?这是您的手提包吗? 4.Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 5. Is this your handbag?这是您的手提包吗? 6.Yes, it is.是的,是我的。 7.Thank you very much.非常感谢! 课文 3 对不起,先生。 8. My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 9. Here is my ticket.这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 10. Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生。 11. Number five. 是 5号。 12. Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣 13. This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的伞。 14. Sorry sir.对不起,先生。 15. Is this your umbrella? 这把伞是您的吗? 16. No, it isn't. 不,不是! 17. Is this it? 这把是吗? 18. Yes, it is. 是,是这把 19. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 课文 5 很高兴见到你。 20. Good morning. 早上好。 21. Good morning, Mr. Blake. 早上好,布莱克先生。 22. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 这位是索菲娅 . 杜邦小姐。 23. Sophie is a new student. 索菲娅是个新学生。 24. She is French. 她是法国人。 25. Sophie, this is Hans. 索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 26. He is German. 他是德国人。 27. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 28. And this is Naoko. 这位是直子。 29. She's Japanese. 她是日本人。 30. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 31. And this is Chang-woo. 这位是昌宇。 32. He's Korean. 他是韩国人。 33. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 34. And this is Luming. 这位是鲁明。 35. He is Chinese. 他是中国人。 36. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 37. And this is Xiaohui. 这位是晓惠。 38. She's Chinese, too. 她也是中国人。 39. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 课文 7 你是教师吗? 40. I am a new student. 我是个新学生, 41. My name's Robert. 我的名字叫罗伯特。 42. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 43.My name's Sophie. 我的名字叫索菲娅。 44.Are you French? 你是法国人吗?


L1 Finding fossil man We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas----legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first'modern men' came from. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. New words and expressions recount /ri'kaunt/ v.叙述 / ' rei'kaunt/ 再数一次 record / ' rek[d/ /ri' kC:d/ 第一个音节带重音,名前动后 叙述:recount : emotionless 重复 describe depict: a little emotional narrate: temporal&spacial 根据时间或空间顺序描述。 portray:描述 saga /'sa:g[/ n.英雄故事描述的内容mostly real 北欧海盗活动的故事 legend /'ledV[nd/ n.传说,传奇 unreal e.g robin hood anthropologist/ 'AnWr['pCl[dVist/ n.人类学家 anthrop:人 philosophere :philo+sopher|爱+智慧=哲学家 philanthropist : 慈善家(对人有爱心的人) anthropology :人类学 带-gy结尾的都是学科:biology 生物学 geography 地理学 ecology 生态学 remote/ ri'm[ut/ n.遥远 ancestor / 'Ansest[/ n.祖先 an- 在前面 forefather,forebear ,predecessor祖先 rot/ rCt/ v.烂掉 leave me rot.=leave me along rot to death. soon ripe,soon rotten. decay 国家民族逐渐衰亡 decompose 逐渐衰竭 deteriorate关系逐渐恶化 trace /treis/ n.痕迹,踪迹 trace the problem i follow your trace=i follow where you go polynesia 波利尼西亚 poly-多 polyandric: a wife with more than one husband polygeny : a husband with more than one wife flint /flint/ n.燧石 flinting hearted fossil / ' fCsl/ n. 化石 cobble 鹅卵石 read of 读到 谈到:speak of ,talk of ,know of,hear of near east:近东 mediterranean, south europe,north afric far east 非限定性从句,表原因 oral(spoken) language is earlier than written language. precede :什么在什么之前,不用比较,直接跟名词 counterpart: two things or two people have the same position oral(spoken) language is earlier than written counterpart. preserve: 保留,保存(腌制) 如果句中有only,那后面的表语结构就要用to do sth,而不是doing sth. storyteller: 讲故事的人 fortuneteller, palmreader: 算命先生 migration :移民1)migrant 2)immigrant v. migrate:迁移,迁徙 migratory bird:候鸟 none: no body people+s 民族 if they had any: 即便是有 his relatives,if he had any,never went to visit him when he was hospitalized. find out千方百计,费尽周折=explore modern men :the men who were like ourselves however-anywhere you want ,加逗号 but,yet-不加标点,only at the beginning of the sentence therefore-自由


课题 Lesson 43 Hurry up! 学情分析 根据他们学习的快,上的内容新颖活泼激发他们兴趣,同时复习巩固旧知识来防止遗忘。 教学目标与考点分析1. 巩固41,42课的知识点和句型 2. 教会学生43课的词汇和课文里的表达 3. 和学生一起演示复述课文 4. 重要语法点:情态动词can的用法 教学重点难点教学重点:1.巩固41,42课的知识点和句型 2.教会学生43课的词汇和课文里的表达 3.和学生一起演示复述课文 4.重要语法点:情态动词can的用法 教学难点:情态动词can 句型的转换 教学方法 讲授法、练习法、互动法 教学过程 Lesson 43 Hurry up! Step1. Warm-up 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song “Ten little fingers”复习一下可数名词复数及不可数名词复数 3. 巩固42课,复习一下单词和there be 句型 Step2.Presentation 一.New Word and expressions 生词和短语: of course 当然 kettle n. 水壶 behind prep.在……后面 teapot n. 茶壶 now adv. 现在,此刻 find v. 找到 boil v. 沸腾,开 词汇解析: 1.Teapot茶壶 Tea 茶pot 壶 ?You are not my cup of tea! ?green tea ?black tea

?How do you make the tea? 二.课文内容: 一.Listen and answer 1.Can Sam make the tea? 2.Why? 3.Where is the tea? 4.Where is the teapot? 5.Where are the cups? 二.read the lesson ?Penny: Can you make the tea, Sam? ?Sam: Yes, of course I can, Penny. ?Penny: Is there any water in the kettle? ?Sam: Yes, there is. ?Penny: Where’s the tea? ?Sam: It’s over there, behind the teapot. ?Penny: Can you see it? ?Sam: I can see the teapot, but I can’t see the tea. ?Penny: There it is! It is in front of you! ?Sam: Ah yes, I can see it now. ?Penny: Hurry up, Sam! ?Sam:The kettle’s boiling! Step3 practice 三.translation ?当然 ?水壶 ?茶壶 ?在…后面 ?现在 ?找到 ?沸腾 ?你会沏茶吗? ?茶在哪儿? ?我看见茶壶了,但没看见茶叶。 ?快快! ?水开了! 四.相关文化:英国人与茶 ?英国人爱喝茶(tea)是世界闻名的。据说茶是由英王查理二世的王后凯瑟琳带到英国的。她出嫁时从东印度公司购买了中国红茶100公斤,把它带到英国王宫,她把喝茶当作一种宫庭乐趣。时至今日, 茶是英国最流行的饮料,将近一半的人口喜欢喝茶。人们普遍认为茶能医治百病,有的人
