unit1 单词和短语

unit1 单词和短语
unit1 单词和短语

Unit1 单词和短语



hamburger n.[C]汉堡包

fry炸薯条.v. 炸;煎

cultural adj.文化(上)的

symbol n.[C]象征;标志(物)

southern adj.南方的;属于南方的

arch n.[C]圆拱;拱形物

danger n.[U]危险

destroy vt.毁坏;破坏

damage vt.损坏;损害n.[U]损坏; 损害

earthquake n. [C]地震

*resident n.[C]居民;定居者adj.居住(在某地)的

public n.公众;大众;民众adj.1.公共的;公用的2.公众事务的

location n.[C]位置;场所

drive-thru n.[C]免下车餐馆:免下车银行

inspector n.[C]检查员;督察员

structure n.1.[C]建筑物;结构体2.IC;U]结构;构造

afford vt.买得起;担负得起

amount /a'maunt/n.[C;U]数额;数量;总数

claim /kleim/v.1.声称;断言;宣称2.认领; 要求;索取(应得的权利或财物) actually adv.实际上

deny vt.否认;不承认

local adj.当地的;地方性的

historian n.[C]历史学家

explanation n.[C;U]解释;说明

rewrite vt.重写;修改

national adj. 1.国家的;民族的;国内的2.国有的;国立的; 国营的

register n.[C]名册;登记簿; 记录册v. 登记;注册

historic adj. 有重大历史意义的;历史性的

*abandon vt.放弃;中止

peace n.1.[和平;和平共处2.[U]平静;安宁

board n.1.[C]长而薄的木板2.[C]委员会;董事会vt.登上(船或其他公共交通工具) moment n. 片刻;瞬间

短语:Phrases and Expressions

tear down 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁

in danger of 处于. 危险之中

agree with 同意;意见一致

line of thinking 思路;想法

can afford to do 花得起;有能力去做(某


close down(使)停业

have nothing to do with 与.毫无关系

make sense 有道理

stop...from doing...组织做某事

even so 尽管如此

take away 带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物)拿走;拆毁(旧物)


English Exercises (B3 Unit1 词汇) 1.Being short of food, many people _______ to death. A. hungered B. starved C. sentenced D. brought 2.–No matter how hard she worked, she couldn’t ______ her boss. --Isn’t that the reason why she decided to resign A. satisfy B. meet C. suit D. adapt 3.She is ______ her daughter’s progress in her study. A. satisfying with B. satisfied with C. satisfied at D. satisfying at 4.After moving into the town, my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to ______ our expenses. A. serve B. support C. satisfy D. cover 5.: 6.You have ______ time to get to the station. A. a plenty of B. plenty of C. a number of D. a great deal 7.What a hard life they ______! You should have helped him. A. had B. led C. played D. made 8.Have you found the path ______ to the forest A. leading B. lead C. led D. is led 8. –For what reason did you build that monument --In ______ of the people’s heroes. A. memory B. hope C. praise D. favour 9.You can turn to the manager who is ______ the company for help. A. in the charge of B. in charge C. in charge of D. under charge of 10.~ 11.______ in her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself ______ at the party. A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; to be noticed C. Get dressed; noticed D. Dressing; noticing 12.You will have nothing to ______, if you refuse to listen to our advice. A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn 13.People generally think that smoking is a bad ______. A. custom B. habit C. behavior D. action 14.Three university departments have been ______ $600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning. A. promoted B. included C. secured d. awarded 15.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because acts lead to ______. 、 A. rewards B. prize C. awards D. results 16.The old man got nothing ______ for his kindness. A. in prize B. for award C. in reward D. due to 17.She always wears beautiful ______.


高一英语必修二UNIT1单词与词组练习 一?单词拼写 1. She is an able girl and she ______________ (设计)all her dresses. 2. I _____________ (想象)he' s pretty happy. 3. She _____________ (搬走)the painting to ano ther wall. 4. He bought me a ______________ ()diam ond ring as a birthday prese nt. 5. The great hall was ______________ (装饰)with flowers. 6. Catheri ne works at the l ____________ post o 「ffice. 7. He lets his daughter ___________ (挑选)her own birthday present in the shop. 8. On arriving at the hotel , I approached 走近the r ______________ desk to check in. 9. He proved himself innocent by providing a lot of e ____________ . 10. Three children were r from the school for their bad behavior. 11. The gloves were ___________ (设计)for extremely cold climates. 12. The island is deserted , and the chanee of _______________ of the five ___________ of the shipwreck is slim.(survive) 13. _______________________ All of us were ________ at his really tale nt (才华)for music.(amaze) 14. Don' t f _______ that you can succeed without hard work. 1. Tom bought her a watch _________________________ her help.(以答谢她的帮助) 2. 那些男孩去找吃的东西 The boy went _______________________________ somethi ng to eat. 3. 那时候我们对刘翔比赛时摔倒的消息感到惊讶。 At that time we ___________________________ the n ews that Liu Xia ng fell off in the games. 4. _________________________________________________ 他在英语方面的进步很大,这令我惊讶。 , he has made great progress. 5. It is __________ _____________ a mile to the beach . 离海滨不至U—英里 6. 那本封面是绿色的书很值得一读。 The book whose cover is gree n is __________________________________ .


必修I Unit 1 重点单词和短语 1、add up合计add up to…共计, 总计达 add…to把…加在里面 2、upset sb. 某人不安upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼be upset at/about 因…而烦恼 3、ignore sb./sth. 忽视,不理会be ignorant of 对…无知,不了解ignorant adj 无知的,愚昧的ignorance n 无知.愚昧 4、calm vt.&vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定calm down 镇静, 平静 calm sb. down 使某人镇静adj. 平静的;镇定的 keep calm 保持镇静 5、concern vt. 使担忧;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注 with concern 关切地show (no) concern for/about sb. 对某人(不)关心, concern oneself with/ in 参与,干涉be concerned with 与…有关系 be concerned about/ for sth. /that-clause 为…担心,挂念 As far as… be concerned 就某某而言concerning prep. 关于,有关 6、walk the dog 遛狗 7、go through 经历, 经受 go through a hard time 经历了一段困难时期go through the baggage 检查行李 go through the newspaper 浏览报纸go through lots of money 花了很多钱 8、set down. 记下,放下 set down the ideas on paper 把想法写在纸上set me down at the bus-stop 在车站让我下车9、a series of 一系列的, 一连串的 a series of books 丛书 a series of stamps 一套邮票 a series of pictures 连环画 10、on purpose 故意地= by design= deliberately by chance/accident= accidentally lie to sb. on purpose 故意向某人撒谎on purpose to do sth. 为了…而特地go there on purpose to see sb. 特意到那里去看某人for/with the purpose of 为了…地目的11、in order to/ so as to (do sth.) 为了, 以……为目的 so as to “为了”, 只能用在句中。in order that / so that “为了”, 其后接句子。 12、at dusk 在黄昏时刻at dawn 在黎明时分 13、face to face 面对面地(作状语) have a face-to-face interview with the hero 和这位英雄进行一次面对面的采访 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地hand in hand 手拉手地 heart to heart 贴心地side by side 并排地 back to back 背靠背地arm in arm 臂挽臂地word by word 逐字地14、settle sb. 使..定居,安家settle an argument/ a matter 解决争端/问题 settle down 定居下来,平静下来,舒适地坐下 15、suffer vi.&vt.遭受;忍受;经历 ⑴suffer from因……而痛苦, 患……病 suffer from loneliness 因孤独而痛苦suffer from a bad cold 得了重感冒 ⑵遭受, 蒙受(痛苦、饥饿、寒冷、损失等) suffer a heavy loss遭受严重损失suffer pain/hunger/cold/death 遭受痛苦;饥饿;寒冷;死亡sufferer n. 受苦者suffering n. 痛苦, 苦难 16、recover from illness 生病后恢复 17、get/be tired of 对…厌烦 18、pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包 19、get along / on with get along / on with sb. 与某人相处get along / on with sth. 某事进展 get along / on well / nicely / badly with 与……处得好/ 不好; ……进展顺利/ 不顺利 20、fall in love 相爱,爱上 21、join in sth. / doing sth. 参加活动join in playing football 参加踢足球 join in the game 参加游戏活动join 参加组织团体join the army 参军 join sb. in 和……一起参加……活动join them in singing 与他们一起唱歌 22、have trouble / difficulty / problem with sb. / sth. 和某人相处/ 做某事有困难 have trouble / difficulty / problem (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难


Unit 1 Topic1 I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. 我看见你在暑假期间几乎每天都打篮球 We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three this Sunday.这周日我们 将要和三班举行一场篮球对抗赛 this term 这个学期 Would you like to 你愿意….吗? cheer us on 为我们加油 I’d love to. 我很乐意 Practice 1a 练习1a act it out 表演对话 Which sport do you prefer? 你喜欢哪一项运动 I prefer rowing.我喜欢划船 Do you row much?你经常划船吗? Quite a bit.经常 Seldom.很少 Join the school rowing club. 加入学校划船俱乐部 Saturday/Sunday morning星期六/日早上Activity活动 play volleyball 打排球 Y our favorite sport你最喜欢的运动 I like YaoMing best.我最喜欢姚明How tall is he? 他多高? He is 2.26 meters tall.他身高2.26米 That’s my dream.那是我的梦想 play for效力于 I’m going to be a basketball player like him. 将来我要成为一个像他那样的篮球运动员 What’re you going to be when you grow up?你长大了想干什么? I’m going to be a dancer. 我想成为一名舞蹈家 In the future今后 a famous soccer star一个著名的足球明星Play against China’s national team 与中国国家队打比赛 The fans are very excited. 球迷们十分激动Win first place赢得第一 in the last World Cup上届世界杯 They’re leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.后天他们将动身去日本 one of the best runners in the world 世界上最棒的短跑运动员之一 break the Olympic record打破奥运会记录write back soon尽快回信 go cycling骑自行车 twice a week一周两次 learn baseball学习棒球 go hiking on Sunday在星期天去远足 She is also good at jumping.她还擅长跳跃She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym.她每天在体育馆花半个小时来锻炼There id going to be a school sports meet next weekend.下周末将举行校运会 take part in the high jump and the long jump.参加跳高和跳远 cheer her on为她加油 Ann’s sport timetable安的运动时间表 They are sure that she will win. 他们确信她会赢 According 1b根据1b play soccer踢足球 Make me strong使我强壮 help them to relax帮助他们放松 Popular all over the world全世界流行 Most people like it大部分人们喜欢它 Be good for his legs, heart and lungs. 对腿、心脏和肺有益 Help to keep her heart and lungs healthy 有助于保持心肺健康 A good way to keep fit/healthy 保持身体健康的一种好方法 Unit1 Topic2 Could you please do me a favor? 请你帮个忙好吗? Have a soccer game against Class Five this Saturday.这个星期六我们将和五班进行一场足球对抗赛。 One of my teammates fell ill. 我的一个队友病了 Will you join us? 你愿意加入我们吗? I’d be glad to. 我很乐意

unit1 单词和短语

Unit1 单词和短语 红色字体要求背诵 单词 hamburger n.[C]汉堡包 fry炸薯条.v. 炸;煎 cultural adj.文化(上)的 symbol n.[C]象征;标志(物) southern adj.南方的;属于南方的 arch n.[C]圆拱;拱形物 danger n.[U]危险 destroy vt.毁坏;破坏 damage vt.损坏;损害n.[U]损坏; 损害 earthquake n. [C]地震 *resident n.[C]居民;定居者adj.居住(在某地)的 public n.公众;大众;民众adj.1.公共的;公用的2.公众事务的 location n.[C]位置;场所 drive-thru n.[C]免下车餐馆:免下车银行 inspector n.[C]检查员;督察员 structure n.1.[C]建筑物;结构体2.IC;U]结构;构造 afford vt.买得起;担负得起 amount /a'maunt/n.[C;U]数额;数量;总数 claim /kleim/v.1.声称;断言;宣称2.认领; 要求;索取(应得的权利或财物) actually adv.实际上 deny vt.否认;不承认 local adj.当地的;地方性的 historian n.[C]历史学家 explanation n.[C;U]解释;说明 rewrite vt.重写;修改 national adj. 1.国家的;民族的;国内的2.国有的;国立的; 国营的 register n.[C]名册;登记簿; 记录册v. 登记;注册 historic adj. 有重大历史意义的;历史性的 *abandon vt.放弃;中止 peace n.1.[和平;和平共处2.[U]平静;安宁 board n.1.[C]长而薄的木板2.[C]委员会;董事会vt.登上(船或其他公共交通工具) moment n. 片刻;瞬间 短语:Phrases and Expressions tear down 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁 in danger of 处于. 危险之中 agree with 同意;意见一致 line of thinking 思路;想法 can afford to do 花得起;有能力去做(某

人教 必修一英语 单词词性短语归纳

高一必修一单词短语 Unit1 一、单词词性 1.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视→ignorance n.愚昧→ignorant adj.无知的;粗鲁的 2.concern vt. & n.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到;担心;关注;(利害)关系→concerned adj.担忧的→concerning prep.关于 3.power n.能力;力量;权力→powerful adj.有权势的 4.settle vi.安家;定居;停留vt.使安居;安排;解决→settled adj.→settlement n.安居;定居5.suffer vt. &vt.遭受;忍受;经历→suffering n.痛苦;折磨 6.recover vi. &vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得→recovery n.痊愈 7.exactly adv.确实如此;正是;确切地→exact adj.精确的 8.disagree vi.不同意→disagreement n.→agree 反义词 9.outdoor adj.户外的;室外的→outdoors adv.在户外;在野外n.野外;郊外→indoors adv.在室内;进入户内 10.entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的→entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地 11.dust n.灰尘→dusty adj.积满灰尘的 二、短语 1.add up合计 add sth. up 把……加起来 add up to 加起来共计/达add...to... 把……加在/上…… add to 增加;增添 2.calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 3.have got to 不得不,必须 4.be concerned about 关心,挂念 as/so far as... be concerned 就……而言 5.go through 经历;经受;仔细检查/浏览 6.set down 放下;记下;登记 7.a series of 一连串的;一系列的


Unit1 一、重点短语 1、go on vacation去度假 2、stay at home待在家里 3、go to the mountains去爬山 4、go to the beach去海滩 5、visit museums 参观博物馆 6、go to summer camp去参观夏令营 7、quite a few相当多 8、study for为……而学习 9、go out出去 10、most of the time大部分时间 11、taste good尝起来很好吃 12、have a good time玩得高兴 13、of course当然 14、feel like感觉就像…;感受到 15、go shopping去购物 16、in the past在过去 17、walk around四处走走 18、because of因为 19、one bowl of…一碗…… 20、the next day第二天 21、drink tea喝茶 22、find out找出;查明 23、go on继续24、take photos照相 25、something important重要的事 26、up and down上上下下 二、句型集萃 1 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 2 taste + adj. 尝起来…… 3 look+adj. 看起来…… 4 nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 5 seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来……似乎,好像 6 arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点到达某地 7 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 8 try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力去做某事 9 decide to do sth.决定去做某事 10 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事 / forget to do sth.忘记去做某事 11 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 12 want to do sth.想去做某事 13 start doing sth.开始做某事 14 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 15 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 16 keep doing sth.继续做某事 17 Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢? 18 so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于……


高一英语必修三单词表:unit1 摘要为了帮助学生们了解高中学习信息,分享了高一英语必修三单词表:unit1,供您参考! take place 发生 beauty n. 美;美人 harvest n. vt. vi. 收获;收割 celebration n. 庆祝;祝贺 hunter n. 狩猎者;猎人 starve vi. vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死 origin n. 起源;由来;起因 religious adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的△seasonal adj. 季节的;季节性的 ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗 △ Obon n. (日本)盂兰盆节 △ grave n. 坟墓;墓地 △ incense n. 熏香;熏香的烟 in memory of 纪念;追念 Mexico n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) feast n. 节日;盛宴 △skull n. 头脑;头骨

bone n. 骨;骨头 △Halloween n. 万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕 belief n. 信任;信心;信仰 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 trick n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt. 欺骗;诈骗 poet n. 诗人 △Columbus Day 哥伦布日 arrival n. 到来;到达;到达者 △Christopher Columbus 克利斯朵夫?哥伦布(意大利航海家) gain vt.获得;得到 independence n. 独立;自主 independent adj. 独立的;自主的 gather vt. vi. n. 搜集;集合;聚集 agriculture n. 农业;农艺;农学 agricultural adj. 农业的;农艺的 award n. 奖;奖品 vt. 授予;判定 △produce n. 产品;(尤指)农产品 rooster n. 雄禽;公鸡 admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕

6A Unit1~7单元单词 词组 句型 语法的总结

Unit 1 Public signs 单词:(30’) cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹, question问题, public公共的, sign标志, mean意思是, bin箱子danger危险, must必须, away(离)开, grass草, off脱离,(离)开, cage笼子, quiet安静, noise噪声, know知道, conversation对话, complete完全的, smoke吸烟, litter乱丢, cycle骑自行车, back回, suddenly突然地, note钞票,纸币, match比赛, around在周围,四面, nearby附近的, keeper看守人, point指出, fine罚款, rubbish废物, 词组: 1. 禁止停车 No parking 2. 禁止吸烟No smoking 3. 禁止吃喝No eating or drinking 4. 禁止践踏 keep off the grass 5. 禁止乱丢杂物No littering 6. 禁止触摸 Do not touch 7. 安静Keep / Be quiet 8. 朝他走去 come up to him 9. 罚款5元 FINE ¥5 10. 在鸟笼上 on the birds’ cage 11. 指向 point to 24. 进去 go in 12. 只有四岁 only four years old 13. 有许多问题 have a lot of questions 14. 问问题 ask question 15. 公共标志 public signs 16. 禁止骑车 No cycling 17. 在危险中 in danger 18. 制造噪音 make noise 19. 散步take a walk 20. 走向纸币 walk to the note 21. 一个公园看守员a park keeper 22. 环顾 look around 23. 在草地上走 walk on the grass 25. 建筑物上的标志the sign on the building 26. 远离 stay away from 句型: 1. 这个标牌是什么意思?What does this sign mean? 它意指“危险”。It means “Danger”. 2.那个标牌什么意思? What does that sign mean? 它意指你不应该在草地上走。It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. 3.它是什么意思?What does it mean? 它意指你应该远离建筑物。 It means you should stay away from the building. 4.我现在可以看电视了吗? Can I watch TV now? 不,你不可以。你应该先做你的家庭作业。 No, you can’t. You should do your homework first. 5.杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。 Jack is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questions. 6.他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。 He is asking Ben some questions about public signs. 7.我可以进去吗?Can I go in? 不,你不可以。你必须远离这座建筑物。 No, you can’t. You should stay away from the building. 部分语言点解析 1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming; 如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch. 2.must, would, should (shouldn’t), can,may的区别 must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth. should(shouldn’t)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。


高一英语上册Unit1重要单词词组汇总 Unit1必会习语 .hatissb.lie? hatdoessb.loolie? hatdoessb.lie? Hodoessblie/findsth? argueithsb.aboutsth因…和某人争执 enjoy/hatesth/doingsth so/nor/neither+系动/助动/情动+主语 Soitisith...;Itisthesaeith... beinto对…深感兴趣=beinterestedin;have/shointerestin befondof喜欢carefor;lie;enjoy; surftheinternet上网冲浪 allthetie一直总是 iaginethat...;iaginedoingsth iaginesbtobe想像某人是 cHUc’S FRIEND castaay抛弃 so…that…/such…that…如此…以致… Heassoexcitedthathecouldnotspea.

Soexcitedashethathecouldnotspea. Itassuchalovelydaythatedecidedtogoouting. Itassolovelyadaythatedecidedtogoouting. Itisausingthatsuchlittlebirdseatsouchfood. thePacificocean;theAtlanticocean; theIndianocean;thearcticocean; 0.survivethecrash在空难中幸存 1.adesertedisland荒岛 allalone独自=allbyoneself 区别:alone单独的;独自的lonely孤独的;寂寞的 3.huntfor搜寻寻找searchfor; .aefire生火 3.inorderto为了soasto;inorderthat;sothat .eventhough/evenif即使,纵然asif/asthough .treat…as/lie…把…当作regard...as...;thinof...as .sharesth.ithsb.与…分享sharesth分享 .careabout/for关心,照顾,喜欢 caretodosth愿意做;careforsbtodosth愿意某人做 care+从句愿意;介意 .shouldhavedone本来应该=oughttohavedone .aefriendsith与…交朋友


外研高一英语必修一重点单词短语 1.behaviour behave 21.spell spelling 2.description describe 2 3.explain explanation 3.impression impress 2 4.fluent fluency 4.correction correct 2 5..enjoy enjoyablee 5.encouragement encourage 2 6.progress progressive 6.enjoyment enjoy 2 7.graduate graduation 7.misunderstanding misunderstand 28.appear disappear 8.disappointment disappoint 29.different disappear 9.assistant assist 30.similar similarity 10.pronunciation pronounce 31..semester term 11.access___accessible 12.create___creation___creative_____creatively___creator https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112381476.html,municate___communication 14.concentrate___concentration____concentrated 15.depend__dependent__independent 16.frequently___frequent 17.advantage___disadvantage 18.short__shorten 19.permit___permission 20.design__designer https://www.360docs.net/doc/0112381476.html,lion__millionaire 短语 science subject be nothing like academic subject speak a lot in class differences between A and B have fun be similar to…introduce oneself the attitude to…in groups teaching method give sb instructions a city not far from …work by oneself write down…improve one’s spelling on the computer in a fun way on the screen in other words information from websites for one’s homework a woman called…. a description of l ook forward to doing…move to… be impressed with…have the biggest smile A is the same size as B the American school systems the number of secondary school be fluent in Chinese cover 7 years speak Chinese with fluency receive the high school diploma make a lot of progress go to college


必修四u n i t1短语归纳-标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

必修四Unit1 短语归纳 1. a sense of achievement 成就感 3. achieve one’s aim/target/goal 达到目标 8. the connection between A and B A与B之间的联系 9. in connection with…与……有关 10.connect A to/with/and B 把A与B相连接 11.be connected by… 由……连接,由……联系起来 12.connect sth. to sth. 把……与……接通 13.connect… with… 把……与……联系起来 14.a campaign for… 争取……的运动 15.a campaign against… 反对……的运动 16.campaign for… 参加争取……的运动 17.campaign against… 参加反对…的运动 18.campaign to do sth. 为了做……而参加运动 19.behave well 表现好 20.behave badly 表现不好 21.behave with great courage 表现出极大的勇气 22.behave oneself 举止得体 23.good/bad behavior 良好/恶劣行为 24.in the shade 在阴凉处 25.in/under the shade of… 在……阴凉下 26.shade…from/against… 遮住……免受……的照射 27.shade into 逐渐变成 28.the shadow of… ……的影子 29.move off/ set off/ set out/start off/start out 离开,启程,出发 30.move about 四处走动 31.move in/into 搬进 32.move away 搬走 33.move on to 开始做某事,换(话题) 34.move over/up 挪开,让位 35.move out 搬出 36.做某事是值得的3个句型: It is worthwhile doing sth./ to do sth. sth be worth doing sth be worthy to be done/of being done 37.observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事


academic [,?k?'demik] adj. 学术的p ro vi n c e['p r?vi n s] n. 省enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik] adj.热心的, amazing [?'meizi?] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的information [,inf?'mei??n] n. 消 息 website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.(口语)极好 的comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n]n.理解,领悟instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常作复数)指示;说明m et ho d['meθ?d]n.方法bored ['b?: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦 的embarrassed [im'b?r?st] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的attitude ['?titju:d] n. 态度behaviour [bi'heivj?] n. 行为; 举动 previous ['pri:vi?s] adj.以前的; 从前的 description [di'skrip??n] n.记 述;描述 amazed [?'meizd] adj. 吃惊的; 惊讶的 embarrassing [im'b?r?si?] adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 技 术 impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻 correction [k?'rek??n] n. 改正; 纠正 encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt] n.鼓励;激励 enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享 受;乐趣 fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利;流畅 m i s u n d e rs ta n d i n g[,m i s? n d?'s t?n d i?]n.误解 disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj. 失望的 disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?] adj. 令人失望的 system ['sist?m] n. 制度;体系; 系统 teenager ['ti:nid??] n.少年 disappear [,dis?'pi?] vi. 消失 m o v e[m u:v]a d j.搬家 assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手, 助 理 c o v e r['k?v?]v t.包含 diploma [di'pl?um?] n. 文凭, 毕业证书 in other words 换句话说 look forward to 期待;盼望 at the start of 在……开始的时 候 at the end of 在……结束的时 候 go to college 上大学 be divided into 被(划)分 成…… take part in 参加 Module 2 amusing [?'mju:zi?] adj. 有趣 的;可笑的 energetic [,en?'d?etik] adj. 精 力充沛的
