




Ideal is the motive force of life value, struggle is the goal of life value, and enterprising is the embodiment of life value. We should create extraordinary deeds with ordinary life, let the light last forever, let the glory blossom with the years.


No one's life is smooth sailing, in life will inevitably take some detours, it is a part of life, without it, we can not understand the meaning of life, will not know how to cherish life. Only through experience can we realize the truth of life and appreciate it.


Frustration is the post of success, and bearing is the footsteps and strength to go to the next station. As long as you are willing to work hard, it will be sunny.


The detour is a philosophy. People who know how to live will try their best to cross the detour, and only in this way can they turn the detour into a smooth Golden Avenue and create their own wonderful life.


A fork in life is indispensable, just as only a detour in life is complete. A detour can make us lose our way, and a detour can make us blush, but don't forget that it is also a rare life experience for us.


Difficulties are just stepping stones for successful people. They are the way to success. Instead of complaining about the

dark, we should light a candle to look for new hope and bring excitement to our life.


Sometimes it's easier to argue than to take a simple action. In this way, you can defuse the enemy's offensive into invisibility.


Life is doomed to be dull, but at the same time full of excitement. Nothing in this world is absolute. Isn't the innumerable detours in life and the unknown world behind those detours the best gift to warriors?


Knowledge changes destiny, ideals change attitude.


To surpass oneself, to challenge oneself, to challenge weakness, to challenge laziness, to challenge bad habits.



Sometimes, success is in front of us, but it is ignored by us and eventually lost. Hold fast to the present and do everything well, then success will be closer and closer to us.


Learning is an independent action. We need to explore and Ponder on how to fight actively and tenaciously. Hardships are borne by you alone. Victory is won by you independently.


Life is beautiful and short. Some are lonely, some are colorful, different people have different pursuits of life; life is a one-way line without return, everyone uses all their time to move forward.


It is not necessarily directly related to the objective environment. Just like a woman who does not love jewelry, her

self-esteem is not harmed even when she is in an environment that attaches great importance to vanity.


You are what you want to be, and you will not be too far away from that goal.


Life is good, because we can learn a lot from it. My life, I walk, my destiny, I control, I will make my life more wonderful and better through myself!


Young forever, tender forever, never know good or bad, always full of tears.


Continuous progress, courage to face all difficulties, strive to overcome it, overcome it, this is the rule of survival. On the contrary, evasion is a coward's action, which can only lead to more crises in the end.



It is necessary to prepare everything well in advance. Otherwise, when something happens, it may be too late for you to deal with it.


Considering the immediate interests, we only get short-term pleasure; the goal is lofty, but we also have to face the reality. Only by combining ideals with reality can we succeed.


In this era of knowledge explosion, who does not continue to learn, who will be eliminated by society. Only by constantly charging for themselves, can we remain invincible in the competition.


Life gives us wisdom. It teaches us how to learn, how to grow, how to embellish everything around us with a colorful

world, how to use its magical power to give us wisdom, how to push us from unconscious individuals to the peak of wisdom life, and how to make us from childishness to profound knowledge.


Don't wander under the tree, meditate in the rain, don't cry in the dark. Looking ahead, don't look back, as long as you dare to face up, you will find that the haze of scores is only a short rainy season. Looking ahead, there is still a bright day, which will not make people feel hesitant.


Face it optimistically, go ahead bravely, and smooth the "setbacks" into the road. Frustration is not terrible. What is terrible is fear and pessimism. Don't magnify setbacks, add fear and pain in vain.


Every effort is the best proximity, every drop of sweat is the moistening of opportunity.



Hope comes from disappointment, struggle starts from hardship, as a poet said: those who feel hungry must digest well, those who feel urgent must be efficient, and those who feel crisis must make rapid progress.


As an experience, failure is sometimes more valuable than success. Failure can leave us more profound and lasting memories and thoughts.


If you lose something inadvertently, you can fight for it again. If you lose love, you can find it in spring, you can lose your will, and you need to hone it again in winter. But without laziness, you can't pick it up.


Because of our parents, we have a life and a warm home;

because of our teachers, we have knowledge and a thirst for knowledge; because of our friends, we have laughter and a hard joy.


Cherish every turn, the Yellow River moistens the vaster land because of the bend; the exploration team is able to drill deeply because of the bend; then, I have reason to believe that people will also cherish every turn and take a better road in life.


Faced with problems, we can not shrink, because shrinking can not solve the problem. The best policy is to seek

a solution.


Instantly, the water slipped between my fingers, with a slight nostalgia and talk, close and true. Instantly from my side, slightly nostalgic and sad, aftertaste and sad. No matter how nostalgic, but ultimately can only be like running water, can

not stay.


Don't avoid even a simple and embarrassing question. It's very important to you. In fact, it's also a great problem to others.


Healthy body is the foundation, good style of study is the condition, hard work is the prerequisite, learning method is the key, and psychological quality is the guarantee.


The purpose of detours and shortcuts is the same - success, but in different ways. When the shortcuts are not available, the success rate of choosing detours is the highest. Young people, should we be more down-to-earth, through detours, to get a rainbow of our own?



Happiness is always around you. If you take the job from your mother and feel warm, it is happiness; if you read a friend's letter under the lamp and savor friendship, it is happiness; if you sit alone, listen to songs quietly and meditate, it is happiness.


Beauty is everywhere. Beauty is the dawn of a dawn, the dusk of a sunset, and a delicate flower.


Reading changes destiny, hard work, attitude decides everything.


Childhood, always full of colorful dreams, fantasy has a pair of wings, like birds flying in the sky. I used to fantasize about having an invisible clothes, which can not only be invisible, but also travel through time and space and go to the world and the sea. Childhood dreams are like soap bubbles. Although they are illusory, they carry your childhood.


Be down-to-earth, with no distractions in mind, cherish every minute and second. Follow the teacher closely and lay a solid foundation.


Seeing him, she became very low, very low, as low as dust. But her heart was glad and blossomed out of the dust.


Don't think too far about success. Sometimes, it's very close to us, just because of our negligence and miss it.


Success, like a golden watch in a barn, already exists around us and spreads around every corner of life. As long as we persevere in finding it, we will surely find it.


The good wind, with its strength, sends me up to the clouds. There is no reason behind the reason, as long as you

meet the gust of wind or the person who gives you the blower.


The most luxurious villas in the world are not billionaire villas. The most magnificent villas in the world are not the seven ancient relics. The most moving ones in the world are not charitable acts. And the luxury and magnificence in one, I'm afraid only the movement of life.


Faith can be empty or rich; faith can be simple or fancy. Faith can be simple or complex. Everyone has faith, different from ideal, different from religion, more similar to faith.


Self-reliance and unremitting ambition to long-term, good morality carries things with dreams and strokes Ling.


Dreams come true, dreams of University greet the New Year's horn; self-improvement, highlighting the vitality of

youth and bitter sweat.


Yes, life is hope. It drifted uncertain, free and easy, it makes the human blood always unwilling to fail, nine dead and unrepentant pursuit of their own golden pasture.


Be kind to your hobbies, don't let them make way for learning, let them serve for learning.


Attraction is too much, persistence is not easy, first into society, really do not be impetuous overhead, really do not short-sighted, even if temporarily sunk in the grass-roots, as long as time arrives, accumulated more energy, will be able to fly high.


Look at success pessimistically and fail optimistically. Look at yourself lightly and others more tolerantly. Look at the

problem rationally, look at life innocently.


Life is so dull in the past, we will occasionally arouse the spark of dreams, failure can not defeat it.


A brave man will fight with five papers with courage of duel; a coward will lose the battle by measuring his life with the eyes of a rat.


Time is precious, seize the time to seize success.


句子翻译 1.我是学生.(简单句)______________________________________________________________________________ 2.他在做的与我无关._____________________________________________________________________________ 3.我来了,但他已经走了. (复合句)___________________________________________________________________ 4.我不知道他已经走了,但是她知道. (并列复合句)_____________________________________________________ 5.你能回答我的问题吗?___________________________________________________________________________ 6.我在写信.______________________________________________________________________________________ 7.请开门.________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.他是一个多聪明的男孩啊!________________________________________________________________________ 9.我非常喜欢这本书.______________________________________________________________________________ 10.他昨天去哪儿了?_______________________________________________________________________________ 第二组:词类 11.你应该用正确的方法做这件事.____________________________________________________________________ 12.最终, 他受到了惩罚.____________________________________________________________________________ 13.他在湖里游泳. He is swimming in the lake. 14.至今,我已经读了100部小说. So far, I have read 100 novels. 15.我不喜欢这乐曲. I don’t like the music. 16.你喜欢音乐吗? Do you like music? 17.如果我是你, 我会跟他在一起. If I were you, I would stay with him. 18.面对困难,一定要保持冷静. When facing difficulty, you should keep calm. 19.最终,他梦想成真. At last, his dream came true. 20.你所说的听起来很有道理.


2016高考英语写作27个超级无敌句型,错过太可惜! 1. Bai jingjing is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 白晶晶是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。 【句型结构】 the most + 形容词+ 名词+ (that) + 主语 + have ever + seen (known/ heard/ had/ read, etc) … the + ~ est + 名词+ (that) + 主语+ have ever + seen (known/ heard/ had/ read, etc) 2. The harder you work, the more progress you make. 你越是努力工作,你就会取得越多进步。 The more books we read, the more learned we become. 我们读的书越多,我们就会越有学问。 【句型结构】 The + ~er + S + V, … the + ~er + S + V … The + more + adj + S + V, … the + more + adj + S + V… 主语越......,主语越...... 3. Nothing is easier than to give up. 没有比放弃更容易的事了。 Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事了。 【句型结构】 Nothing is +~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词+ than to + V 没有......比......更...... 4. It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都认可树木对我们是不可或缺的。 【句型结构】 It is widely/universally acknowledged/recongnised + that 从句 全世界都认可...... 5. It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。 【句型结构】 It is time + S + 过去式 该是...的时候了 6. It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.


高中英语句子成分超级大汇总 高中英语句子成分超级大汇总 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:S V (主+谓) 二:S V P (主+系+表) 三:S V O (主+谓+宾) 四:S V o O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) 五:S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一:S V(主+谓) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 S │V (不及物动词) 1. The sun │was shining.太阳在照耀着。 2. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。 3. The universe │remains. 宇宙长存。 4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。

5. Who │cares? 管它呢? 6. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。 7. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 8. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。 基本句型二:S V P(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好,sound nice/听起来不错,feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻 S │V(是系动词)│P 1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary.这是本英汉辞典。 2. The dinner │smells │good. 午餐的气味很好。 3. He │fell │in love. 他堕入了情网。 4. Everything │looks │different. 一切看来都不同了。 5. He │is growing │tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮 6. The trouble│is │that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。 7. Our well │has gone │dry. 我们井干枯了。 8. His face │turned │red. 他的脸红了。


B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。


高一英语经典句子 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、理想是人生价值的动力,拼搏是人生价值的目标,进取是人生价值的体现。我们要以平凡的人生,创造出不平凡的事迹,让光芒永存,让光辉伴随着岁月而绽放。 Ideal is the motive force of life value, struggle is the goal of life value, and enterprising is the embodiment of life value. We should create extraordinary deeds with ordinary life, let the light last forever, let the glory blossom with the years. 2、没有谁的一生是一帆风顺的,在人生中难免会走一些弯路,它是人生的一部分,如果没有它,我们就无法体会到人生的意义,就不会懂得珍惜人生。只有经历了,才会悟出人生的真理,才会懂得珍惜。 No one's life is smooth sailing, in life will inevitably take some detours, it is a part of life, without it, we can not understand the meaning of life, will not know how to cherish life. Only through experience can we realize the truth of life and appreciate it. 3、挫折是成功的驿站,而承受就是走向下一站的脚步和力量。只要你肯努力走下去,一定会阳光灿烂。


高一英语重点单词考前必背 1. sense n.感觉,感官vt.感觉到adj. sensitive 敏感的对……敏感be ~ to……  2. 瞥,瞥视vi. n. glance ph: glance at…... 3. 荒芜的adj. deserted 4. 在任何地方都不adv. Nowhere(注意部分倒装) 冰点freezing point 5. freeze vt.vi.僵住;呆住froze frozen ph: 由于……而呆住be frozen with……  6. 全面的,总体的adj. overall 7. 感到有压力的adj. stressed 8. 血压blood pressure 9. 忽视vt. ignore adj.无知的ignorant n.无知;愚昧ignorance 10. 目的地n. destination 11. 临时地,暂时地adv. temporarily 12. 凶猛的;强悍的的adj. fierce 13. 珠宝un. jewellery a piece of ~ 14. vt. n. 窃窃私语whisper 15. 前者;后者the former, the latter 16. 突然all of a sudden=suddenly 17. 溺死,淹死vi. drown 18. 避免做某事avoid doing sth. 19. 自信地,信心十足地adv. confidently adj. confident n. confidence 20. 亲自;当面personally adv. 21. 遍及,贯穿prep. throughout 22. 令人迷惑的adj. confusing 人对……疑惑的adj. confused n. confusion 23. 词汇n. vocabulary 24. 一个欧洲的国家 a European country adj. n. Europe 25. 现今;现在adv. nowadays 26. 官方的;正式的adj. official 27. 由……组成consist of 无被动,无进行 a class consisting of 50 students 28. 是……的成因之一vi. contribute to...... n. contribution make contributions to…… 29. 仆人servant 30. 场合;机会occasion 31. 发音v. pronounce n. pronunciation 32. 标准n. standard 确定一个标准set an 33. 最后adv. eventually=finally 34. 显示,暗示,象征vt. indicate n. indication 35. n. 符号;象征symbol 36. 相反的事物n. 对面的,相反的adj. opposite be ~ to 37. 中国汉字Chinese character 38. 简化vt. simplify simplified 被简化的 39. 代表vt. represent 40. 结合vt. combine ph: ~ A with/and B n. combination 结合体 41.复杂的adj. complex 42. 最初,原先adv. originally adj. original 43. vt. 反映;反射reflect n. reflection 44. 正方形(的)adj. n. square 45. 毁坏,摧毁destroy vt. 过去式destroyed 过去分词destroyed 46. 文明n. civilization


Grammar of Unit 1 Different parts of a sentence 概念 句子是由词按照一定的语法结构组成的。组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子的成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接和间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子的主体部分(在英语中,一般句子必须有主语和谓语),表语、宾语和宾语的补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成份如定语和状语是句子的次要成分。 ▲句子成分分类 1.主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定代词或相当于名词的单词或短语来充当,也有从句充当的现象。大多数主语都在句首。如: 讲述“谁”We work in a big factory. 讲述“什么”The classroom is very big. 数词作主语Three are enough. 三个人就够了 不定式作主语To operate on the blind is one of the ORBIS Doctor’s job. 从句作主语What we need is food. 我们最需要的是食物. ▲在“There be …”句型中,主语的位置在中间。如:

There are some bottles of milk in the box. ▲在个别句型中,主语在整个句子后面,这时前面用it作形式主语。如: It is very interesting to play the game called “treat or trick”. It took two workers about three months to build the house. 2.谓语 谓语时用来说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”,谓语必须是动词,谓语和主语在“人称”和“数”两方面必须一致。如: He is very generous. She looks very smart and cool We have finished the job. He can speak German. 3.表语 表语说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”,由名词、形容词、介词、副词、不定式及相当于名词的词或短语来充当,它的位置在系动词后面。 形容词作表语You look younger than before.名词作表语My father is a teacher. 副词作表语Everyone is here. 介词短语作表语They are at the theatre. 不定式作表语My job is to teach them English. 动名词作表语Her job is training the nurses. 从句作表语That is why he didn’t come to school yesterday.


1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。(for a while)Just wait for a while and then I'll help you. 句型:祈使句, and / or 主语+谓语… 如:请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机.(or) Please make your decision as early as possible, or you’ll miss the golden chance. 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) They introduced themselves. 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) Please find out when the next train leaves. 划线部分为宾语从句:关联词when+主语the next train+谓语leaves 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) What were you doing from two to four yesterday afternoon? 表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。(when) I was having dinner when the phone rang. was/were doing…when: 过去正在做某事,就在那时when=at that time 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of swimming. not only…but also:就近原则,此句主语为Tome and Mary 喜欢: be fond of 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) He's feeling a lot better today. a lot 修饰比较级 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) The hall was already full of senior high school students. 高中生senior high school students be full of:充满 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) While I was walking down the street, I saw some old buildings 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) Some boys were climbing a tree when I entered the garden。 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) Please take off your old coat and put on this new one. 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen)What time did it happen? happen vi 发生没有被动某人发生某事: sth happened to sb 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) He went to the office to ask about the time-table. 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) When we got to the station the train had left。 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) After he had taken the medicine, he began to feel better.


Lesson 1 句子成分 【教学目标】1. 复习语法句子成分,掌握句子成分的构成,为长难句的理解打基础。2.新题型讲解—语法填空技巧【教学重点】学会判断句子的各个成分;在不断巩固练习的基础上熟练掌握语法填空的技巧。定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分主要有主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,补足语,同位语等。1、主语:句子的主体,全句述说的对象。一般由名词、代词、不定式、动名词或从句担当,通常位于句首。Jane is good at playing the piano. I need a book. To see is to believe. Seeing is believing. Smoking is bad for health. 找出下列句子中的主语 1. She went out in a hurry. 2. Tom is very tall. 3. Pride goes before a fall. 4. Looking up all the new words in the dictionary took him a lot of time. 2、谓语:描述主语的行为动作或所处的状态。由动词,动词短语或系动词加表 语担任,常置于主语后。谓语动词有人称,数,时态和语态的变化。 The train leaves at 6 o ’clock. She is reading. This song sounds wonderful. I worked out this problem under the help of my math teacher. 动词分类: 动词的分类: ⑴行为动词:及物动词 不及物动词 Have A Try PART 1 语法讲解


高一英语60个必考知识点 高一英语60个必考知识点 1. be fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。 He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。 Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗? He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。 2. hunt for = look for 寻找 I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。 hunt for a job 找工作 3. in order to/so as to:这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to. He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting. In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。 4. care about 1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care for She doesn’t care about money.她不喜欢钱。 2)关心 = care for She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people.她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。 3)在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分) These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。 5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。 She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry.她教三门科目,像物理、化学。 6. drop a line 留下便条, 写封短信 7. make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束


英语学习中的六种基本句型结构 英语的句式从表达形式上来看,形式多样且丰富多彩,但仔细观察后就不难发现,无论其怎样变化,它们大都基本保持了常见的六个句型结构。也就是说,绝大多数英语句子都是由这六个基本句式演变、衍生而成的。因此,掌握好这六个基本句型以及他们的基本用法,对于初学英语的同学们来说,就显得非常重要了。这里做一简单列举与说明,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助: 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:SV(主+谓)主语——动词 二:SVP(主+系+表)主语——动词——表语 三:SVO(主+谓+宾)主语——动词——宾语 四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾)主语——动词——宾语——宾语 五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补)主语——动词——宾语——补语 六:There be + 主语+ 其它 一、句型1:Subject (主语) +Verb (谓语) 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,常见的动词如:work,sing,swim,fish,jump,arrive,come,die,disappear,cry,happen等。如: 1) Li Ming works very hard。李明学习很努力。 2) The little girl cried even harder。小女孩哭得更厉害了。 3) The accident happened yesterday afternoon。事故是昨天下午发生的。 1、The sun is rising。 2、I'll try。 3、Did you sleep well?(well做状语,修饰不及物动词sleep) 4、The engine broke down。 注意:在此句型中,有少数不及物动词表达被动含义,表达主语本身所具有的特性,不用被动语态。 1、The book sells well。 2、The window won't shut。 3、The pen writes smoothly。 4、Cheese cuts easily。 二、句型2:Subject (主语) + Link、V(系动词) + Predicate(表语) 这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。其系动词一般可分为下列两类: (1)表示状态。这样的词有:be,look,seem,smell,taste,sound,keep等。如: 1) This kind of food tastes delicious、这种食物吃起来很可口。 2) He looked worried just now、刚才他看上去有些焦急。 (2)表示变化。这类系动词有:become,turn,get,grow,go等。如: 1) Spring comes、It is getting warmer and warmer。春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。 2) The tree has grown much taller than before。这棵树比以前长得高多了。


I.句子成分组成句子的各个部分叫作句子成分。英语的句子成分和中文的句子成分大致相同,可分为:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾语补语。 一、主语——表明句子里所谈的是:“什么人”或“什么物”,主语常用名词、代词或相当 于名词的词或短语充当。例如: Lily likeshernewbike.(名词)莉莉喜欢她的新自行车。 He getsupearlyeveryday.(代词)他每天都起得很早。 TolearnEnglishwell isnoteasy.(不定式短语)学好英语不容易。 二、谓语——说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”,英语中谓语只能用动词 ..充当。例如: We work hard.我们努力工作。 Theboy caught abird.那个男孩逮住一只鸟。 He is myfather.他是我父亲。 Theyall look fine.他们都很好。 谓语和主语在人称和数方面必须保持一致。例如: 三、宾语——宾语是动作行为的对象。由名词、代词或相当于名词或代词的词或短语充当,和及物动词 一起构成谓语,说明主语“做什么”。例如: Tombought astory-book.(名词)汤姆买了一本故事书。 Isaw him yesterday.(代词)昨天我看到他了。 Hewanted tohaveacupoftea.(不定式短语)他想要一杯茶。 直接宾语和间接宾语——有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫作间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。合称双宾。例如: Hegave mesomeink.他给了我一些墨水。 间接宾语直接宾语 Ourteachertold usaninterestingstory.老师给我妈讲了一个有趣的故事。 间接宾语直接宾语 四、表语——说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”,与连系动词一起构成谓语,表语由名词、 形容词、或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当。例如: Mysisteris anurse.(名词)我的姐姐是一名护士。 Theywere athome.(介词短语)他们在家里。 Shegot angry.(形容词)她生气了。 Hergrandfatherisover eightyyearsold.(数词)她的祖父八十多岁了。 五、定语——定语是修饰名词或代词的,可以作定语的除形容词外,还有名词、代词、数词、介词短语 或相当于形容词的词或短语等。例如: Thisisa green cup.(形容词)这是一个绿色的杯子。 Arethesestudents your classmates?(代词)这些学生是你班的吗? Winteristhecoldestseason oftheyear.(介词短语)冬天是一年中最冷的季节。 Ihavesomethingimportant totellyou.(不定式)我有重要的事情要告诉你。 Thepeople here areveryfriendly.(副词)这里的人们非常友好。 注意:形容词作定语时通常放在被修饰的词之前。而介词短语、不定式短语或副词等作定语时则放在被修饰的词之后。 六、状语——状语是修饰动词、形容词、或副词的,有的修饰全句。可以作状语的主要是副 词和介词短语或相当于副词的词或短语等。例如: Youare quite right.(副词)你非常正确。 .(介词短语)吴老师骑自行车上学校。 ShewillarriveinBeijing onMonday.(介词短语)她将于星期一到达北京。


ability 能力 able 有能力的 about 大约 above 在……上面abroad 出国,在国外accept 接受 accident 意外事故according to 根据 ache 疼痛 across 穿过 act 行动 action 行动 activity 活动 actor 男演员 actually 真的 add (增)加 address 地址 adult 成年人 advice 建议,劝告 advise 建议,劝告 afford 承担得起;买得起afraid 害怕;担心 after all 毕竟 afterward 之后 again 再一次 against 反对;对抗 age 年龄 agree 同意 ahead 向前 aid 帮助 aim 目标 air 空气 airline 航空公司 airport 飞机场 allow 允许 almost 几乎 alone 单独 along 沿着 aloud 大声地 already 已经 also 也 although 虽然 altogether 总共;一起always 总是 among 在(三个以上)之间 angry 生气的 animal 动物 another 再一,又一 answer 回答 anxiety 焦虑 anxious 焦虑的 any 任何 apologize 道歉 apology 道歉 appear 出现 apply 申请,应用appreciate 喜欢;欣赏;感激April 4月 area 地区 argue 争论 argument 争论 arm 胳膊 army 军队 around 在周围 arrive 到达 art 艺术 artist 艺术家 article 文章 as if = as though 仿佛,好像 as long as 只要 as soon as 一…就… ask 问 asleep 睡着的 at least 至少 at present 目前 at last 最后 attend 参加 attention 注意 attitude 态度 attract 吸引 audience 观众 author 作者 August 8月 aunt 姑;姨 autumn 秋季 只供学习与交流


中学英语句子大全 英语学习的四原则:全(记得要全)、熟(熟练)、精(总结精华)、活(活学活用) 什么叫句子成分呢?句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 【附着在表面上,单独存在没有意义】 一个完整的英语句子,至少由两部分组成(祁使句除外)——主语和谓语。主语是一个句子叙述的主体,表明这句话描述的是什么,谓语则用以说明主语的情况,它在人称和单复数形式上应与主语保持一致。 除了主语和谓语,句子有时还需要其他的成分,如用在系动词后表明主语性质,特征,状态或身份的表语,用在及物动后,表示行为对象或结果的宾语,修饰或限定名词或代词的定语,修饰动词形容词副词介词短语或全句的状语以及对一个名词或代词作进一步解释的同位语等。 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:SV(主+谓) 二:SVP(主+系+表) 三:SVO(主+谓+宾) 四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一:SV(主+谓) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),数词,名词化的形容词,动词不定式,动名词或从句。主语一般在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思,不能再接对象(即宾语),这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等作状语。 S│V(不及物动词) 1. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。 2. The universe │remains. 宇宙长存。 3. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。 4. Who │cares? 管它呢? 5. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。 6. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 7. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。 基本句型二:SVP(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语性质,特征,状态或身份的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。


句子翻译(二) 1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。(for a while) 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。(when) 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) 16 我观看体育节目你有意见吗? (mind) 17我还没有读完那本有关伦敦的书.(finish) 18 他没有跟我说一声就离开了山村。(without) 19我告诉她我已把餐具洗好了。(过去完成时) 20汤姆上楼去他的卧室时,他的姐姐已把他的上衣改短了一英寸。(过去完成时) 21我和汤姆都盼望早日见到您。(look forward to) 22全世界的人都在电视上观看奥运会.(all over the world) 23我听说这场比赛将延期。(put off) 24这里要讲英语.(被动) 25这座体育馆将于明年建成.(被动语态) 26过马路时要小心.(be careful) 27这次车祸是什么引起的?(cause) 28她总是乐于助人.(be ready to) 29这个女孩由于不遵守交通规则,在车祸中受了伤。(被动) 30到时候会通知你的.(被动语态) 31我根本不喜欢这个铜的框架。(not…at all) 32他把玫瑰栽在花园中间.(in the middle) 33他不知道她为什么在练习中有这么多的错误.(wonder) 34他告诉我一切都会好的。(过去将来时) 35谁也不知道我们什么时候举行下次会议.(过去将来时) 36在新学校里有这么多的东西要学 37当老师进来的时候,我们正在愉快地交谈。38我们一读完初中就进入高中。 39我的老师比我想象的要年轻得多。 40晚饭后,我总是在厨房里洗碗碟.


高一英语作文万能句子大全 英语作文,考察的是同学们对词汇和语法的运用,也就是说,写好 了英语作文,有助于对词汇和语法进行巩固练习,下面就跟小编一起来看看 高中英语作文万能句子。 高一英语作文万能句子一、开头句型 1.Asfaras...isconcerned就……而言 2.Itgoeswithoutsayingthat...不言而喻,... 3.Itcanbesaidwithcertaintythat...可以肯定地说...... 4.Astheproverbsays,正如谚语所说的, 5.Ithastobenoticedthat...它必须注意到,... 6.It’sgenerallyrecognizedthat...它普遍认为... 7.It’slikelythat...这可能是因为... 8.It’shardlythat...这是很难的...... 9.It’shardlytoomuchtosaythat...它几乎没有太多的说... 10.Whatcallsforspecialattentionisthat...需要特别注意的是 11.There’snodenyingthefactthat...毫无疑问,无可否认 12.Nothingismoreimportantthanthefactthat...没有什幺比这更重要的是… 13.what’sfarmoreimportantisthat...更重要的是… 高一英语作文万能句子二、衔接句型 1.Acaseinpointis...一个典型的例子是... 2.Asisoftenthecase...由于通常情况下... 3.Asstatedinthepreviousparagraph如前段所述 4.Buttheproblemisnotsosimple.Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所
