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1_01 Great to see you. Great to see you. 很高兴见到你. So good to see you. 看见你真好. What’s going on? 有什么事发生? What’s up today? 今天有什么计划? What are you doing? 你今天要做什么? Anything exciting? 有没有什么好玩的事? You look great. 你看起来很棒. You look high-spirited. 你看起来精力充沛. You look like you’re ready for anything. 你看起来已经准备好任何事.

1_02 Great class. (1) Great class. 好棒的一课. Thank you, teacher. 老师,谢谢你. Yo u are the best. 你最棒. I like your class. 我喜欢上你的课. I learn so much. 我学到

好多东西. You can really teach. 你真是会教. You’re interesting. 你真有趣. You make it fun. 你上课很风趣. You’re a terrific teacher.你教得很棒.

1_03 (2) You’re an excellent teacher.你是个很棒的老师. Your material is great. 你的教材真好. Your methods are useful. 你的方法很有用. You’re never dull. 和你在一起

绝不会无聊. You’re full of pep. 你充满活力. You keep us on our toes. 你让我们专心上课. I like your teaching. 我喜欢上你的课. I like your style. 我喜欢你的方式. You d

o a good job. 你教得真好.you’re a terrific teacher.你教得很棒.

1_04 You’re doing fine. 你做得很好. You got it. 你知道该怎么做. Keep on going. 再接再励,继续努力. That’s the way. 你的做法对. That’s how to do it. 就是这么做. Don’t change a thing. 不要改变. Keep working hard. 继续努力. Keep doing great. 继续好好地做. Keep on doing what you are doing. 继续做你现在正在做的事情.

1_05 Let’s go.

Let’s go. 我们走吧. Let’s jet. 我们走吧. Let’s get out of here. 我们离开这里吧. Where are you going? 你要去哪里? Are you heading home? 你要回家吗? Want to get a bite to eat? 要不要去吃点东西? I’m hungry. 我饿了. I could use a snack. 我有点想吃点心. Let’s go eat. 我们去吃吧.

I’ll have a Big Mac. I’ll have a Big Mac. 我要一个麦香堡. I’ll have a small fries. 我要一份小薯条. And a large Coke, please. 我要一杯大杯可口可乐. I’d like a milk shake. 我要一杯奶昔. Make it strawberry. 要草莓口味的. That’ll be for here. . 要在这里吃. Can I have extra ketchup? 我可以多要一些蕃茄酱吗? Can I have more napkins? 我可以多要一些纸巾吗? Thank you. 谢谢你.

This is delicious. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. 嗯!嗯! This is delicious. 真好吃. This tastes great! 真是可口! I love it. 我太喜欢了. The flavor is awesome. 味道真棒. It’s out of this world. 太棒了. It’s mouth-watering. 真是好吃. I can’t get enough. 我欲罢不能. I could eat this all day.太好吃了,我不会吃腻



1 conductor n. 售票员,乘务员,列车员


She is a very kind conductor.

2 inspector n. 检查员,稽查员


The School Inspector visited our school.

3rehearse v. 预演,排演,预先演习


He rehearsed the interview in his mind beforehand.

4 approach n. 走近,靠近


The approach of winter brings cold weather.

5pass v. 传递


Please pass me that salt bottle!

6 aim v. 把…瞄准,把…对准


He aimed the gun at the enemy officer

7below prep. 低于…


My sister is in the class below mine

8conceal v. 隐藏,隐瞒


He concealed the book in his pocket.

9daily adv. 每日,天天地


Most newspapers appear daily.

10risk v. 冒…之险


He risked his life when he saved the child from the fire.


1_06 Let’s grab a bite.

Let’s grab a bite. 我们去吃点东西吧.

What do you like? 你喜欢什么?

What do you feel like eating? 你想要吃什么? You choose. 你选择.

You decide. 你决定.

What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?

How bout McDonald’s? 你觉得麦当劳怎么样?
