






Why play games? Because they are fun, and we can learn even more while playing. Following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member —these are all ―game‖ ideas that you will come across all through your life. They can help you in different ways.

Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are very interesting. But perhaps more importantly, they translate part of life into exciting games that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating (合作).

Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For example, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which improves the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in fishing.

The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competitions. People who watch the event (比赛项目) know that a gold medal is a win for the whole country, not just the athlete who got it. For countries experiencing natural disasters (灾害) or wars, an Olympic win can mean so much.

Sports games are also an event that unites (团结) people. Football is the most popular sport in the world. People all over the world play it —some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian football player, has discovered a way to spread hope through football. He created a foundation (基金会) to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a bright future.

Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other parts of your life.

55.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Games can help people in different ways.

B. People are advised to play games for fun.

C. An Olympic win means a lot to every country.

D. Sports can get people all over the world together.


Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost mention recycling, which is the process (过程) of treating used things, such as paper or steel so that they can be used again. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more things than we need. We are now dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the possible greenest way, but it would be far better if we did not bring so many things home in the first place.

Here is an example. In the UK, the total of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a household’s waste. In many supermarkets, foods are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.

Too much packaging causes serious environmental problems. The UK is running out of different kinds of ways for dealing with this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect (效果). Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The best way of avoiding this problem is to stop producing such unnecessary things in the first place. Food waste is another serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers (消费者) to buy more than they need. They seldom encourage customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue.

But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to connect packaging with quality (质量). We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. Is it true for all the products? I n fact, more and more companies realized the importance of protecting the environment. They try to package what really should be packaged, including products in good quality.

As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize how many unnecessary things are being

collected. We need to face the waste of our daily life. Although many people have taken action to recycle, we have a high mountain to climb.

57. What is the main purpose of the second paragraph?

A. To show the facts of over-used packaging.

B. To talk about the possible greenest ways.

C. To teach people how to do recycling at home.

D. To express worries about environmental problems.

59. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Supermarkets should recycle first.

B. Packaging causes serious problems.

C. Needless things are mostly recycled.

D. Recycling should be done in the first place.


The secret in re-remembering is to allow the full power of your memory to flow freely without ―trying‖ to remember any one specific (特定的) thing.

I recently sat down to a relaxed and enjoyable dinner with some friends. At the beginning of the meal, a friend told us that his car had just been broken into and his briefcase (公文包) had been stolen. He was frustrated (懊恼的) because his diary and a number of other items (物品) important to him were in the briefcase. He said he could remember only four items that were in his stolen briefcase, that he knew there were many more, that he had to give a full report to the police within two hours, and that the more he tried to remember the more blocked he became.

Several of us at the table who were familiar with Memory Principles (规则) then took him through the following exercise: instead of continuing to allow him to think of what he could not remember, we asked him when he had last had his briefcase open. It turned out that it was at the office just before he left work, at which point he suddenly remembered that he had put two important magazine articles in the briefcase. We then asked him when he had last had the briefcase open before leaving home for work. It turned out to have been the night before, and he remembered having put in two more articles as well as a tape recorder, in preparation for the following morning. Finally we asked him to describe the inner (内部的) design of his briefcase, and as he went through a detailed description, he remembered pens, pencils, letters and a number of other items that he had completely ―forgotten‖ before.

Within 20 minutes, he remembered 18 additional items.

The secret is to ―forget about‖ whatever you are trying to remember and ―relive‖ all experiences that connect in any way with the item you are trying to remember. This method works at once almost in all cases, and takes the form of a created Mind Map around the ―missing‖ center.

This memory method, like the others, improves your memory as well as your creativity, and in addition gives you confidence when you realize that, no matter what you have forgotten, there is still a chance to solve any memory mystery (谜团)!

60. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Forgetting — You can never really forget

B. Drawing — The better way to remember things

C. Re-remembering — Remember what you have forgotten

D. Replacing — Forgetting something instead of remembering

4.2012 东城期末

James Naismith, a physical education teacher in Massachusetts, invented basketball in 1891. Naismith’s boss asked him to invent a game that students could play indoors during bad weather. He wanted to find a game that wasn’t as rough as soccer or football.

Naismith tied apple baskets to a railing (铁棍) ten feet above the floor at either end of the gym. The players used a soccer ball.

A person sat on a ladder next to each basket at either end of the gym, and threw out the balls that landed in the baskets. To keep t he game from getting too rough, Naismith decided each team would have only five players and that the players could not play the ball with their feet.

Two years later, net bags were used instead of baskets. In 1894, Naismith added the backboard behind each net and changed to a larger ball. In 1913, people began using the bottomless nets that are used today.

During a basketball game, two teams of five players each throw the ball into two baskets at

opposite ends of a court. Players bounce, or dribble the ball to the basket or pass the ball to teammates. A team scores points by getting the ball into their team’s basket. The team with the highest score wins.

By the 1900s, basketball was the most popular indoor sport. People in nearly 130 countries play the game. Basketball is especially popular in the United States, China, and Puerto Rico.

56. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. The Invention of a Popular Game

B. The Rules of the Old Basketball

C. What Naismith Found Indoors

D. Why People Loved Sports

5.2012 东城期末

If you get a chance to check out some railroad tracks, notice the gaps or separations between the rails. (Don’t get run over by a train!) Thermal expansion and contraction is why those gaps are placed there that way, and why expansion joints are placed in long highway bridges. You’ve probably felt expansion joints on old concrete highways. Remember the ―thump–thump‖ sound as you rode over them?

60. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Why thermal expansion is on the tracks and highways.

B. How to check railroad tracks and concrete highways.

C. Why railroads and highways are built that way.

D. How to remember the ―thump–thump‖ sound.

6.2012 房山期末

There are about 80,000,000 mines(地雷) under the ground in more than 60 countries. It is difficult and dangerous to clear these mines. About 50 people including many children were killed or hurt each day. In 2003, APOPO, a Dutch research company that trains the animals, came up with the idea of using rats to search for the mines.

The animal trainers found that a kind of rats from Africa were clever and had a sharp sense of smell. The rats were about 75 cm long and weighed about 1.35kg, light enough to run across a minefield without setting off the mines.

In January 2004, the APOPO started this project. First, the trainers let the 4-week-old baby rats get familiar with humans. A few weeks later, the rats were no longer afraid of people and the things around them. Then they were trained to connect a click sound with food. After the rats had learned that, the trainers then taught them to tell the difference between the smell of mines and other smells. When the rats could do it, the click was sounded and they were given a bit of banana. The method was called clicker training. ―The training isn’t easy,‖ said trainer Abdullah Mchomvu. ―You have to be patient. Sometimes I get angry, but then again, I tell myself these are animals‖.

After nine months’ training, the rats were taken to a minefield. They ran across the minefield, stopped, sat and searched the ground to tell the domineers(排雷员) that they smelt out a mine. Then the mine was cleared. It had taken two domineers a day to clear a 200㎡minefield, but with the help of two rats they could finish it in two hours.

The rats and the domineers saved thousands of lives, ―The rats did this job much better than we expected. So far they have helped to make almost 2,000,000㎡of land safe. ―T hey are heroes‖. Said Bart Weetjens, the head of the APOPO.

56. What does the passage mainly tell us about?

A. Mines are all over the world and very dangerous

B. Rats are very clever and useful.

C. It is very difficult for people to find out the mines

D. People can train the rats to help them clear mines


The teacher stood before his class of 30 students and was going to hand out the final exam papers.―I know how hard you have all worked to get ready for this test.‖ he said.―And because I know you are all able to understand these questions.I am ready to offer a B to anyone who would prefer not to take the test.’’

A number of students jumped up to thank the teacher and left the classroom.The teacher looked at the rest students and said.―Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last chance.‖Two more students decided to go.Seven students stayed.The teacher then handed out the papers.There were only three sentences on the paper:Congratulations! You have received an A in this class.Keep believing in yourself.

I never had a teacher who gave a test like that,but I think that it is a test that any teacher could and should give.Students who do not have confidence in what they have learned are B students at most.

The same is true for students in real life.The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have learned from both successes and failures.They have learned life’s lessons.whether from school education or from events in their lives,and have become better people.Scientists say that by the age of eight,80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed.You are a big kid now and you realize that you have some limits(局限).However,there is nothing you can’t do or learn to be.Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma (珠穆朗玛峰)said,―We do not conquer the mountain,but ourselves.‖57.What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

A.To know what our limits are. B. To learn to believe in ourselves.

C.To receive school education.D.To1earn from B students.


For hundreds Of years, scientists have been trying to answer what things have an effect on people’s emotions (情感). How you feel is controlled by many things. Your emotions can be affected by your personality, by the actions of others and by events arou nd you. Perhaps you don’t know your emotions can be influenced by the weather as well.

People often say they feel good when the sun is shining and sad when it is cloudy. In fact, sunlight makes us feel good. When sunlight hits our skins, our bodies produce a vitamin. Vitamins are natural chemicals (化学物质) which we all need to stay healthy. Sunlight helps our bodies produce vitamin D. Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical. This special chemical affects our brains (大脑) and makes us feel happy. For example, there are long, dark winters of little sunlight in Sweden and Norway, so many people in these countries often feel sad. Without much sunlight, their bodies produce less vitamin D. Without enough vitamin D, their bodies make less of this special chemical which makes them feel good. To help the people in these countries feel better, special ―sunrooms‖ with artificial (人造的) lights have been built. People can go there and get ―sunlight‖ for an hour or two!

The weather can also affect people’s emotions in other ways. Hot weather can make people angry because people feel uncomfortable when they are hot. In the same way, rain can make people angry because being wet can be unpleasant. As you can see, the weather can have an effect on the chemicals which control our brains. Through these ways, the weather can influence our emotions. Sadly, while the weather can change us, we can hardly change the weather.

60. What may be the best title for this passage?

A. Why Do We Feel Sad

B. The Weather Influences People’s Emotions

C. People Need More Vitamin D

D. We Can Hardly Change the Weather


"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.‖ I believe it is thought normal in today's society to just let life happen to us. I also believe that we sometimes damage our well-planned thoughts about success because it is easier to just carry on as usual rather than ―try‖ with the possibility of failure in mind.

The main reason why most people never get moving is because they have no real idea about what they want. Without a certain result already set in your mind, it is really difficult to get going, and even if you do, your motivation (动力) may soon disappear and you give up before too long.

Why not consider what is really important in your life? Write down what excites you, what would truly make you happy and what problems you have. At the end of the week, take a careful look at the notes you have taken. You will soon begin to see a clearer picture of what direction you should be heading.

Knowledge is useless without action. You can read every book on any subject but your life will stay the same if you do not use that knowledge. This may seem clear but the reason why the self-help industry is thriving (繁荣的) is because people read and read and read but never use the information provided.

Knowledge is fantastic but it is not life changing until used. I love to read personal development material to keep a positive attitude towards my life, but l also realize that if I don't set goals to achieve, then l will always be a talk the talk person who is great at giving advice but useless at realizing it. If you have no plans of practicing what you say, then it may he best to keep your mouth closed.

Do yon want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will explain you. Whatever excuses we have for not living up to our talent, the fact is that time will always move forward. Be whatever yon want to be and whatever you can be. Always remember the only limits we have are the ones we create for ourselves. Life is not what we think, it is what we experience when we act upon the thoughts we entertain.

60. What is the best title for the passage?

A. See a Clear Picture of Life,

B. Get Started to Be Great.

C. Set Goals to Achieve

D. Act upon Thoughts


It was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night. The morning after the storm, though, was beautiful: blue skies, warm air and a calm, inviting sea.

My father realized it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him.

I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing, but I decided to go all the same. I’m so glad I did.

Being on the boat, we found there was something meters away. When moving nearer, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby. We couldn’t believe it —there aren’t any whales along the coast. The storm must have driven them there, where the sea water was so dirty that nothing could live in it.

The little baby whale—actually as big as our boat—was stuck and could not move. The mother went down into the water and came up suddenly, making big waves. ―She’s trying to help her baby, but on the wrong side,‖ my father said. At this point, my father moved our boat to the other side and, heading the boat towards the baby whale, pushed it gently. With our several gentle pushes the baby whale turned over and disappeared under water. Then it swam up right beside its mum. They made great efforts to swim towards the deep sea but failed and started heading in the wrong direction. We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them to the sea. Slowly, they let us lead them, sometimes rising from the water right beside us to breathe —and to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes. Once they hit their first part of clean water from the sea, the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the deep sea.

In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes, but we had been with those wonderful animals for almost an hour and a half. That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day. Today, I still look back to that golden day at sea.

57. By telling the story, the writer wants to tell us that .

A. saving lives makes people happy

B. it’s a good experience to go fishing

C. we should live with animals happily

D. keeping sea water clean is important


Many people think sports are just for winning and honor, but there is a lot more you can gain from (get out of) them. I have learned over the past years that sometimes when I lose, I get a lot more out of it than winning. Also, I find a lot of times in sports, people are getting too caught up in the game instead of just having fun. The real purpose of sports is to have fun and learn life lessons along the way.

I greatly encourage you to be a part of the school sports. Even if you are not the best, you can still have fun. Sports give people a great and healthy way of spending an afternoon, instead of lying around playing video games or even getting into bad things. Sports also give us a sense of achievement. There isn't a better feeling than to have done something fun and productive for my day.

I think that we all need sports to give us courage. If we try hard in sports, we usually do well. If we did the same in study, we would all be champions. Another reason why I encourage you to play sperms is that it's just fun. Without sports, our lives would just be boring. So as you may be able to tell, sports are amazing!

Our coaches not only teach us to play sports, but show class and good sportsmanship while playing them. It's never fun when you lose to have the competitor rub it in your face. That's why our coaches teach us to show class when we lose; also, when coaches get onto you, don't get down.

They only want to see you improve and learn from what they say. When you do badly and they don't shout loudly is when you should start worrying because they are giving up on you.

Overall, sports are great! They bring out the best and worst of a lot of us. However, we can't let sports get too serious to where it brings down all the fun. So to have the most fun in sports, you just need try your best and not worry so much about the winning or losing.B

60. What is the best title of this passage?

A. AM we too caught up?

B. To win or to gain?

C. Are sports really great?

D. For honor or for health?


As many as one in five US teenagers have some degree of hearing loss(丧失), according to researchers. They say the problem is growing.

―Teenagers really don’t pay attention to how much noise they are exposed to(接触),‖ Josef Shargorodsky of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston told Reuters. ―Often people won’t notice it, but even very little hearing loss may influence language development,‖ said Shargorodsky, one of the researchers.

The study compared surveys from the early 1990s and the mid-2000s. Each included a few thousand teenagers. In the first survey, about 15 percent of teenagers had some degree of hearing loss. Some 15 years later, that number had risen by a third, to nearly 20 percent.

―This certainly is big news,‖ said Alison Grimes, an ear doctor. ―Hearing loss is very common in old people,‖ Grimes said, but she added that it was worrying to see it happen in the younger age group.

In babies and young children, hearing problems are known to slow language development. The science is less clear for teenagers, but it is easy to imagine how being hard of hearing could influence learning, said Grimes. [来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/027009530.html,]

The reasons for the rise are still unclear. When researchers asked teenagers about noise exposure – on the job, at school or from activities, for e xample –the teenagers didn’t report any change. But Shargorod sky said that might not be true. ―We kn ow from before that it is difficult to ask this age group about noise exposure – they underestimate it.‖ Few people would call it noise when they listen to music on their MP3 player, for example. ―There is a differenc e between what we think is loud and what is harmful to the ear,‖ said Grimes.

Although it’s not clear that the MP3 players cause teenagers’ hearing loss, Grimes said it was still a good idea to turn down the sound and take short breaks from listening.

60.What is the best title for the passage?

A. A word short and simple

B. A report by teenagers

C. A message loud and clear

D. A letter from MP3 users


If the rose can be said to be a special flower, then the apple can be said to be a special fruit. It is very important in American culture. American stories speak of Johnny Appleseed, who went throughout America collecting apple seeds and planting apple trees. He had a great love for nature and went through fields and farms adding richness and beauty to the country.

One of the first sayings taught to school children is, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." This short saying encourages children to eat fresh fruit to keep healthy. If someone always says good words to a person, people will call him an "apple polisher". This, however, is not a good name. If someone is very dear to us, we say that he or she is the "apple of our eye".

Most people believe that the fruit which Eve gave to Adam was an apple, even though the Bible(圣经) never says so. The apple, therefore, is a deep part of the language and stories of America.

An apple is also delicious. Apples can be cooked in many ways, used as a dessert (甜点) , and made into sweet juice.

In many parts of the country during the harvest season, a popular activity is to go into an apple garden to pick apples. Washington, D. C. and New York are both famous for their apples.

Finally, when it’s time to take a vacation to American cities, one can always visit New York, which is "the biggest apple" of all the American cities.

60. The passage is mainly about______.

A. stories about the apple

B. apples in American culture

C. some famous sayings of the apple

D. big cities that is famous for apples

1-5AADCA C 6-10DBBDA 11-13BCB


初中小说阅读题及参考答案 他很会拉琴。村子里的人都称他叫琴王。 他的琴声太动听了。 琴弦拉动,一串串嘹亮的音符就接踵而出。A他的琴声里,有清晨撩人心扉的第一声鸡鸣犬吠,有山间清澈见底的潺潺流水,有阳春三月的花开遍地和莺歌燕舞,还有万里碧空的蓝天白云和艳阳高照。听他的琴,让人变得澄清。 很少有人见过他,但都听过他的琴声。他会在每个傍晚准时拉动他的琴弦。 当夕阳对着山村撒下最后一丝余辉,劳作了一天的人们扛着满身的疲倦回到家的时候,他的琴声会在村子的东头悠扬地响起。 琴弦一动,人们马上就陶醉在他的琴声里。白日里所有的疲惫,所有的烦恼和不快,都在他的琴声里渐渐消融,远去。最后人们带着微笑幸福地睡去,直到第二天精神抖擞地开始新的劳作。 因为他的琴声,村子里的人们感到幸福和充实。

这个傍晚天空被无数道闪电残忍地划破。B汹涌澎湃的洪水如彪悍的巨蟒将村子死死缠住。老人、小孩,所有人都被逼到村里的一个土包上。洪水一次又一次拍打着人们的脚脖子,像死神跃跃欲试的手。 村子在自己的眼前渐渐变小,几块瓦片和木板在水里打旋。有人大声地哭泣,有人唾骂,有人惊叫,有人焦躁地踏着脚步,还有人绝望地准备跳水。天渐渐黑下来。完了,似乎一切都完了。 这时,村子的东头,依旧响起了他悠扬的琴声。C那琴声里,有清晨撩人心扉的第一声鸡鸣犬吠,有山间清澈见底的潺潺流水,有阳春三月的花开遍地和莺歌燕舞,还有万里碧空的蓝天白云和艳阳高照。那琴声像在述说,像在安慰,让人陶醉,让人忘我。 人们开始安静下来,认真地听着。渐渐没有人说话,最后连咳嗽的声音都没有。 人们再一次醉了。在他的琴声面前,所有的行为都显得粗俗和浮躁。谁都不敢妄动,生怕打破这份美好。只有安静,才能维持这份隽永。在人们心里,渐渐装进一湖平静的水。


在处理文章标题的选择时,要避免下列三种错误: ①概括不够(多表现为部分代整体,从而导致范围太小); ②过度概括(多表现为人为扩大范围); ③以事实或细节代替抽象具体的大意。 1.2012朝阳期末 Why play games? Because they are fun, and we can learn even more while playing. Following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member —these are all ―game‖ ideas that you will come across all through your life. They can help you in different ways. Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are very interesting. But perhaps more importantly, they translate part of life into exciting games that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating (合作). Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For example, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which improves the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in fishing. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competitions. People who watch the event (比赛项目) know that a gold medal is a win for the whole country, not just the athlete who got it. For countries experiencing natural disasters (灾害) or wars, an Olympic win can mean so much. Sports games are also an event that unites (团结) people. Football is the most popular sport in the world. People all over the world play it —some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian football player, has discovered a way to spread hope through football. He created a foundation (基金会) to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a bright future. Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other parts of your life. 55.What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Games can help people in different ways. B. People are advised to play games for fun. C. An Olympic win means a lot to every country. D. Sports can get people all over the world together. 2.2012朝阳期末 Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost mention recycling, which is the process (过程) of treating used things, such as paper or steel so that they can be used again. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more things than we need. We are now dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the possible greenest way, but it would be far better if we did not bring so many things home in the first place. Here is an example. In the UK, the total of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a household’s waste. In many supermarkets, foods are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard. Too much packaging causes serious environmental problems. The UK is running out of different kinds of ways for dealing with this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect (效果). Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The best way of avoiding this problem is to stop producing such unnecessary things in the first place. Food waste is another serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers (消费者) to buy more than they need. They seldom encourage customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue. But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to connect packaging with quality (质量). We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. Is it true for all the products? I n fact, more and more companies realized the importance of protecting the environment. They try to package what really should be packaged, including products in good quality. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize how many unnecessary things are being


中考记叙文阅读汇编(答案) 一、答案:(黑龙江绥化2017)《低到尘埃的愿》,回答1-4题(8分)1.作者由民工打牌时满足和愉悦的状态顿悟到幸福其实很简单。 评分说明:(2分)概括事件1分,精神状态1分。 2.结构上的作用:承上启下或者过渡作用。 内容上的作用:承接上文简单而美好的愿望引出了下文生活中许多渺小的愿望。 评分说明:(2分)从结构和内容两个方面来答题,各1分。 3.“不祝愿我飞得有多高,只祝愿我飞得不那么累”,饱含着朋友对“我”的关爱;生命是一个不断前行向上的过程,在“行走”的过程中要更多地收获快乐,而不仅仅是疲惫追逐。 评分说明:(2分)从情感角度和含义理解两方面来答题,意思相近言之有理即可。 4.提示:来自学校、家庭、自然或社会的幸福账单。 评分说明:(2分)写出一份账单不得分,写出两份账单得1分,写出三份账单方可得2分。 二、答案:(2017湖北荆州)阅读《新年礼物》(侯发山) (1)本题考查情节结构作用的分析.文章在首段写越来越浓的年味,在内容上主要是交代故事发生的时间,表明春节将至;也正因为春节将至,才有了李娟买礼物的情节,所以在结构上,还起到引出下文情节的作用.(2)本题考查段落作用的分析.解答此题关键要掌握特殊段落在文中的一般作用.首段的作用一般是:引出下文,开篇点明,点明中心等;中间段的作用一般是承上启下的过渡;末段的作用一般是总结全文,篇末点题,点明主旨,深化主旨,升华主题等.文章第六段,在内容上,承接上文买礼物的情节,引出下文母亲反而为自己买礼物,从而表达出母亲对自己的思念;在结构上,很明显是起到了承上启下的过渡作用,由买礼物的情节过渡到收礼物. (3)本题考查文中关键词语含义的理解.解答此题可在理解词语本义的基础上,结合语境分析其深层内涵.


初中语文小说阅读专题训练试题(有答案和解析)含解析 一、中考语文小说阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。 霞光灿烂的早晨 陈忠实 不管夜里睡得多么迟,饲养员恒老八准定在五点钟醒来。屋里静极了,耳边没有了骡马踢踏的骚动声音,也没有牛倒嚼时磨牙的声音。 恒老八坐起来的时候,猛乍想起,昨日后晌,队里已经把牲畜包养到户了。他昨晚睡在这里,是队长派他看守一时来不及挪走的农具草料。窗外很黑,隐隐传来一声鸡啼。他又钻进被窝,却怎么也不能再次入睡…… 编上了号码的纸块儿,盖着队长的私人印章,揉成一团,掺杂在许多空白纸块揉成的纸团当中,一同放到碗里,摇啊搅啊。队长端着碗,走到每一个农户的户主面前,由他们随意拣出一只来……队里给牲畜核了价,价钱比牲畜交易市场的行情低得多了,而且是三年还清。这样的美事,谁不想抓到手一匹马或一头牛哩!八老汉早在心里祈愿,要是能抓到那头母牛就好了。可惜,这牛到了杨三家里,明年准定生出一头小牛犊,人家的小院里,该是怎样一种生气勃勃的气派……他嫉妒起杨三来了。 杨恒老汉为公社整整喂了十九年牲畜了。十九年来,他睡在塬坡上的这间饲养棚里。无数个日日夜夜,牛马嚼草的声音,像音乐一样和谐悦耳。牛马的粪便和草料混合的气味,灌进鼻孔,渗透进衣裤的布眼儿……可惜!没有抓到一头!这样的生活今天完结啰!从明天开始,他就要在自个的责任田里劳作了。 木格窗户透出一缕缕微微的亮光。山野里传来一声声沉重的吭哧声,伴和着车轮的吱吱响。一听见别人干活,恒老八躺不住了,他拉开门栓,一股初冬的寒风迎面扑来,让他打个寒颤。从村庄通到塬坡上来的小路上,有人躬着腰,推着独轮小车,前头有婆娘肩头挂着绳拽着。那是杨云山嘛!狗东西,杨庄第一号懒民,混工分专家,刚一包产到户,天不明就推粪上坡了。勤人倒不显眼,懒民比一般庄稼人还积极了。他想笑骂那小子几句,想想又没有开口。既然懒民都赶紧给责任田施冬肥,恒老八这样的正经庄稼人还停得住么?回,赶紧回去。 恒老八下了坡,刚到村口,老伴迎面走来;“人家都给麦地上粪哩,你倒好,睡到这时光!” “八叔━—”玉琴跑着喊着,挡在当面,“我那头黄牛,不吃草咧,你去给看看——” 不等老八开口,八婶转过身来:“各家种各家的地,过各家的日月了。他给你家去看牛病,谁给他记工分?” “你这人——”老八瞪起眼,盯着老伴。这样的话,居然能说得出口来,还说她贤明哩!“嗨呀!我说笑话嘛!”八婶勉强笑笑,算是圆了场,转身走了。 牛只是夜里受了凉,没什么大碍。八老汉给牛扎了针,又叮嘱了几句。婆媳二人要留他吃饭,挽留不住,说着感恩戴德的话,送到门口。他在饲养室里多少次治好牛马的小伤小病,也就是那么回事了。如今却受到这样的款待,真是叫八老汉感慨系之。 老远就看见公社郑书记站在自家门口的粪堆前,帮老伴敲碎冻结的粪疙瘩,还笑着说着什么。郑书记一大早到村里来,有啥事呢?


主旨大意题的阅读理解题 主旨大意是全文或相关段落的概括和总结,主要考查学生在理解文章的基础上对全文的高度概括。 (1)Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp, an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm. How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof! What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm. When it is spring in the northern part of the world . it is fall in Australia .Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and huge vacuum cleaners , collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish . Strong winds may carry these bits nature for many miles before vacuum dropping them on fields , houses, and astonished people. What is this passage about? A、A sad story B、A rain of fish C、Australian’s northern part D、The damage done by floods (2) Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining or increasing motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout , but we soon found that both the students and the teachers


中考英语阅读理解题集锦(word) 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Once there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully. One day, the emperor heard about this little bird's beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. When the emperor heard the nightingale's voice, he said, "Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her." The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully too. The emperor was pleased. Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor was ill and he became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird could not sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day. After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness. (1)Why did the little bird stop singing? A. Because she was ill. B. Because she was not free. C. Because she was hungry. D. Because she was too excited. (2)What made the emperor become better and better? A. The robot's beautiful voice. B. His men's voice. C. The little bird's nice dance. D. The little bird's beautiful song. (3)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. A little nightingale lived in the emperor's beautiful garden. B. The nightingale went on singing songs for the emperor after she was kept in a cage. C. One day, the robot bird was broken and it couldn't sing. D. The emperor gave up listening to songs after he got sick. (4)What can we learn from the passage? A. If we keep a bird, we can enjoy the beautiful songs. B. Don't make a robot because it can get broken easily. C. A bird can help people get away from illness. D. If we are kind to someone, he or she will be also kind to us. 【答案】(1)B (2)D (3)A (4)D 【解析】【分析】主要讲了国王因为小夜莺动听的歌声把小鸟关在笼子里,结果小鸟难过不再唱歌,国王让科学家做了一只机器小鸟,一天机器小鸟也不唱歌了,国王病了,原来


中考语文小说阅读专题训练题20套(带答案) 一、中考语文小说阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。 一颗未出膛的枪弹 丁玲 “娃娃,甭怕,咱是一个孤老太婆,还能害你?”老太婆亲热地望着面前张皇失措的孩子,“你是……嗯,咱知道。”这孩子大约十三岁大小,迟疑地望着老太婆。远处一望无际的原野,没有一个人影,连树影也找不到一点。 “还是跟咱回去吧、天黑了,你往哪儿走,万一落到别人手上……” 窑里黑魆魆的,他不敢动,听着她摸了进去。“不要怕,姓娃!”她把灯点着了。里面的火光舔在他们脸上,锅里有热气喷出来。陕北的冬天,孤冷的月亮那黯淡的光辉涂抹着无际的荒原,流落的孩子却拥抱着甜美的梦:他又回到队伍,继续当他的马夫,继续同司号兵玩着…… 孩子跟在老太婆后边去割草。蒙着尘土的沙路上,寻不到杂乱的马蹄和人脚的迹印。他热切地望着远方,他们—大部队到底走得离他多远了呢?他懊恼着自己。那天正在野外放马,突然飞机来了,他藏在一个小洞里,听着外面连绵不断的爆炸声。洞口塌了。等他好不容易爬了出来,就只剩他一人了。他大声地叫喊,凭着感觉一路狂奔,却没遇到一个认识的人……后来才遇着老太婆。 有人送来包谷做的馍,还有人送来羊毛淋子。有着红五星的帽子仍揣在怀里,他不敢拿出来。大家都高兴地盘问着:“你这么一个娃娃,也当红军,你娘你老子知道么?” 天真的、热情的笑浮上了孩子的脸。他暂时忘去忧愁,重复着在小组会学来的话:“红军是革命的军队,是为大多数工人农民谋利益的,要团结一切不愿做亡国奴的人去打日本……” 有一夜,跟着狂乱的狗吠,院子里响起了庞杂的声音,马嘶声、脚步声和喊声一齐涌了进来。烧着火的孩子,心在剧烈地跳:“难道自己人来了么?” “砰!”窑门被枪托撞开了。冲进来的人一边骂,一边走到灶边,“哼,锅里预备着老子的晚饭吧。” 孩子悄悄看了一眼,他认得那帽子的样子,那帽徽是不同的。他的心一下紧缩起来。 有人眼光扫到老太婆脸上。她瑟缩地坐在地下,掩护她身后的孩子。“这老死鬼干嘛老挨在那儿,藏着什么!”老婆子一动,露出了躲在那里的孩子。孩子被抓到跟前。一个兵打了他一耳光。 “老子有枪先崩了你!”孩子大声嚷叫,因为愤怒,倒一点也不惧怕了,眼睛里燃烧着火焰。 “什么地方来的!”拳头又落在他身上,“听口音,他不是这里人!”孩子一声不响,只是咬紧牙。门突然开了,门口直立着一个人,屋子里顿时安静下来。 “报告连长,有一个小奸细!” 连长走了进来,审视着孩子,默然坐到矮凳上。 “可怜咱就这一个孙子,咱要靠他送终的。”老太婆嚎哭起来。几个围观的老百姓壮着胆子附和:“是她的孙子。”

中考数学 阅读理解题及答案

阅读理解题 1.(2019·重庆中考A卷22题)《道德经》中的“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”道出了自然数的特征.在数的学习过程中,我们会对其中一些具有某种特性的数进行研究,如学习自然数时,我们研究了奇数、偶数、质数、合数等.现在我们来研究另一种特珠的自然数——“纯数”.定义:对于自然数n,在计算n+(n+1)+(n+2)时,各数位都不产生进位,则称这个自然数n 为“纯数”. 例如:32是“纯数”,因为计算32+33+34时,各数位都不产生进位; 23不是“纯数”,因为计算23+24+25时,个位产生了进位. (1)判断2019和2020是否是“纯数”?请说明理由; (2)求出不大于100的“纯数”的个数. 解(1)2019不是“纯数”,2020是“纯数”. 理由:当n=2019时,n+1=2020,n+2=2021, ∵个位是9+0+1=10,需要进位, ∴2019不是“纯数”; 当n=2020时,n+1=2021,n+2=2022, ∵个位是0+1+2=3,不需要进位,十位是2+2+2=6,不需要进位,百位为0+0+0=0,不需要进位,千位为2+2+2=6,不需要进位,∴2020是“纯数”. (2)由题意可得, 连续的三个自然数个位数字是0,1,2,其他位的数字为0,1,2,3时,不会产生进位, 当这个数是一位自然数时,只能是0,1,2,共3个, 当这个自然数是两位自然数时,十位数字是1,2,3,个位数字是0,1,2,共9个, 当这个数是三位自然数时,只能是100, 由上可得,不大于100的“纯数”的个数为3+9+1=13,即不大于100的“纯数”有13个. 2.阅读材料:黑白双雄,纵横江湖;双剑合璧,天下无敌.这是武侠小说中的常见描述,其意是指两个人合在一起,取长补短,威力无比.在二次根式中也有这种相辅相成的“对子”,如:(5+3)(5-3)=-4,(3+2)(3-2)=1,它们的积不含根号,我们说这两个二次根式互为有理化因式,其中 一个是另一个的有理化因式.于是,二次根式除法可以这样解:如1 3 = 1×3 3×3

部编人教版中考 语文 小说阅读专题训练专项训练及答案

部编人教版中考语文小说阅读专题训练专项训练及答案 一、中考语文小说阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面的文字,回答后面的问题。 旦角(注) 江岸 年轻的时候,他是闻名遐迩的人士。每到农闲时节,四乡八里的人约在一起,组个草台班子,挨村唱梆子戏,都免不了跑到黄泥湾,邀他加盟。他那媚媚的扮相,妖妖的身段,在台上一走,就是一串碰头彩;一个水汪汪的飞眼,能淹死一堆小媳妇;一挑葱白似的兰花指,能醉倒一群小姑娘;再唱上那么几嗓子,连半老徐娘们都从里往外酥透了。 不管演哪一出戏,都数他的戏份足。《大祭桩》中的黄桂英,《铡美案》中的秦香莲,《打金枝》中的公主,《西厢记》中的红娘,都非他莫属。 他还真从戏迷中拐了个姑娘,做了他的媳妇儿。一切有关他的杂务都被那姑娘包下来了。他和媳妇儿相亲相爱地过了大半辈子,媳妇儿没舍得吵他一句骂他一声,横草不让他拈,竖草不让他拿,就是时不时让他在家简单地扮上,摆弄一下身段,哼那么几句。嫁给他多少年了,媳妇儿看了听了他的戏,仍然眼睛放光。后来,大队演样板戏,他演李铁梅、阿庆嫂,演了几次,不让他演了。他演的李铁梅、阿庆嫂怎么看怎么不像英雄人物。他不演戏,急得吃不好睡不香。媳妇儿便让他在家里偷偷演,演给她一个人看。当然,他演的是红娘,是秦香莲。有时候,媳妇儿还能接几句张生、黑老包呢。 这么好的媳妇儿,打着灯笼也难找,谁知说走就走了,事前半点儿征兆都没有。他哭天抢地,眼睛哭肿了,嗓子哭哑了,好长时间,整天都像是没了魂儿的人。媳妇儿都埋了半年多了,他还时不时到坟头去哭,细听了,不是哭,却是唱—— 婆母娘且息怒站在路口, 听儿把内情事细说根由。 想当初李黄两家结亲后, 也算是门当户对第一流…… 媳妇儿走了,儿子在外面念书,家里只剩下他一个人,没抓没挠的。他一辈子习惯了饭来张口衣来伸手,没料理日子的本领,一烦,连出去进来都离不了的戏也免了。过了两年,儿子高中毕业回了家,不久又娶了亲,家里总算又有了一个女人,他才可以伸开肠子过一过日月,好好唱一唱他的戏了。 亲家母年轻时也是他的戏迷。亲家母来家了,和他有说不完的话。说得兴起,偶尔他也比划比划,但是一举手一投足一开口,和过去有天壤之别,让亲家母直感叹,到底是老了,老了。听了亲家母的话,他不知是忧伤还是高兴。但他每回都拼命挽留亲家母多住几天。只要过一段时间亲家母没来,他还会催儿媳回娘家去接呢。 儿媳不愿意了,和儿子吵,你爹咋回事儿,我爹还没死呢。 儿子笑了笑。 儿媳又说,你爹都这么大岁数了,别整天没事了哼哼唧唧的好不好,一个大老头子,男不男女不女的,算什么呀! 儿子不笑了,叹了一口气。 儿子还是和他谈了。从此以后,他进进出出都黑着脸,既不哼唱了,也不言语了,终于


阅读理解之怎样做题:主旨大意题 ——看首位,高屋建瓴 一、题型解读及思维导向 主旨大意题是高考阅读理解中常考的题型之一,主要考查考生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力。通常以概括文章或段落大意以及选择标题等形式出现。主旨大意题是阅读理解题中的高难度题,能够拉开考生的分数差距,所以此类题目在高考试题中具有很好的选拔作用,属于能力型题目。 主旨大意题一般分为三类,即标题归纳类、文章大意类和段落大意类。 二、命题区间及读文关注点 1.文首、段首、段尾句 一般来说,阅读文章中第一段首句往往是强开弱收型文章中心思想的表达处;第二段首句或第一段尾句往往是转开弱收型文章的主题句所在;而有时每段的段首句、段尾句是该段的段落主题句。因此,解答主旨大意题时要对这些地方多加关注。 2.转折信息点处 尤其是段首的语义转折处,常是考点。因为转折后面的内容往往是作者真实的基本观点或写作目的,而这又是文章中心思想的所在。 3.因果结论信息点处 因果结论句也可以表现出作者的写作目的、观点或文章的主题,因此要特别关注。表示因果关系的常用词汇有:reason, because, since, for, as, therefore, consequently, result in, due to, based on等,有时作者也通过先提出问题(why ...)而后给予回答的方式阐释文章主题。 4.文尾结论句 弱开强收型文章有明确的全文结论句,作者在文尾给出文章鲜明的观点和主题,因此这类文章的文尾是我们把握文章主题的必读之处。 三、考题定向及设问方式 解答主旨大意题时要抓住文章的首尾段和每一段的首尾句,要注意贯穿文章始终的词语。 1.标题归纳类主旨大意题的主要设题形式 What is the best title for this passage?


中考阅读理解真题汇总(1) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、现代文阅读 (2017·广东中考真题)阅读下面的文章,完成下列小题。 细水长流 蓝雪冰儿 ①父亲说,以前有个算命先生说过,他是个苦命的娃。也的确,父亲十二岁丧父,不得不辍学到石灰窑工作,一干就是一辈子。 ②后来,有人说,老刘命好,三个闺女乖巧孝顺;也有人说,老刘命好,夫妻俩没红过脸,恩爱有加;还有人说,老刘命好,从来不跟人闹意见。父亲乐呵呵地说,细水长流嘛。别人不懂父亲这话是什么意思,摸着脑瓜皮说,老刘可真逗,说你命好,你还不乐意咋的?是啊,别人觉得,细水长流和命好放在一起,这是哪跟哪啊?但我最明白,父亲的意思是说,人不要太计较利益得失,水长流,情才会长在。 ③初为人妻,继为人母,我也喜欢把“细水长流”挂在嘴上,当然,我收获的也是幸福和快乐。但是,今年夏天,父亲的“细水长流”刚一出口,就被母亲一句话给噎回去了。 ④这个夏天,老天爷太吝啬了,一场痛快淋漓的大雨也不下,弄得棒子苗干渴得黄了叶子,打了蔫。视地如命的母亲看着很多人家都浇了地,心急如焚。可是,我们家的地和左右两家的紧挨着,根本修不出渠来。再说,那两家都到城里去住了,平时见不到人。 ⑤当管理水渠的人告诉母亲可以去浇地时,母亲要父亲别去上班。父亲得令而行,两人不顾炎炎烈日,在棒子地里穿梭,割伤了脸,衣服都湿透了。最终用三个小时,浇了三家的地。中午,我赶回娘家,替父母准备好午饭。母亲向来身体不好,回到家,已经没有了说话的力气,一个劲擦汗;一向强壮的父亲一屁股坐在椅子上,喘着粗气。我埋怨他们,这么大的岁数了,别把地看得比命还重要,就是旱死了,不就一年没收成吗?母亲一听,跟我急了,庄稼人能眼看着种下的庄稼死在地里啊?我不敢再接话,闷着头把午饭端上桌。母亲便自言自语,三个小时,差点把命搭进去,不知道那两家知不知情。父亲说,干了就啥也别说,细水长流。母亲吼道,水都干了,还流啥?父亲一向害怕母亲,见母亲发脾气了,连一口粗气都不敢出。


中考小说阅读题及答案 【篇一:10个省市2011年中考小说阅读题目及答案】 命运随时可以拐弯 孙道荣 ①他是个出了名的问题孩子。逃学、捣蛋、捉弄老师、欺负同学, 可谓“无恶不作”。同学怕他,讨厌他,避之唯恐不及;老师也对他 渐渐失去了耐心,放任自流;他的父母,一个重病缠身,一个苦于 生计,想管也管不了。除了偶尔被老师拿着花名册点到名字外,他 已经差不多被人遗忘了。 ②这是个偏僻的山区学校,贫穷是笼罩在很多孩子身上的共同特征,每年,学校都会拟定一份名单报给当地教育局,以方便那些好心的 捐助者选择资助对象。 ③很显然,并非每个孩子都能上这份名单,有幸被选上名单的,都 是品学兼优的孩子。学校会在每个名字的后面,附一份该同学学习 和表现情况的材料,这是关键的一张纸,很多捐助者就是据此选择 他们要帮助的孩子。因此,能上名单,就意味着不但可能得到一份 资助,而且,也是一份“荣誉”,它说明了学校和老师对自己的肯定。 ④又一批名单报上去了。 ⑤一天早晨,还没有上课,他早早地来到了学校。这是他第一次这 么早走进学校。在班主任的办公室外徘徊了许久,他下定决心,走 了进去。他从书包里,小心翼翼地摸出一张纸片,递到老师面前,“老师,这是我昨天收到的汇款单,是一位上海的叔叔捐给我的学费。谢谢老师!” ⑥老师简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,他也收到了捐助?而老师清楚地 记得,报上去的名单里,根本没有他的名字啊!

⑦老师接过汇款单细看,收款人果然写着他的名字。虽然心存疑惑,老师还是决定,把这个好消息告诉全班同学。 ⑧当老师在班级上宣布这一消息时,教室里一下子变得鸦雀无声, 所有的眼睛都齐刷刷投向他。疑惑,羡慕,感叹,什么表情都有。 而第一次被这么关注,他激动得满脸通红,腰板挺得笔直。他从来 就没有坐得这么正过。 ⑨这天,他第一次没有在课堂上捣乱,每一堂课,听得都非常认真。 ⑩放学了,他才收拾书包,跟在同学们的身后,走出学校。这是他 难得一次没有早退,按时放学。 ⑾他惊人地变化着,不再迟到,不再早退,不再恶作剧,不再四处 捣蛋。 ⑿上课时,他安静地坐在自己的位子上,听老师讲课。老师提问时,他第一次举手发言。月考时,他的试卷上,第一次没有出现刺眼的 红色…… ⒀班主任对他做了一次家访。 ⒁他拿出了一沓信。“这都是资助我的叔叔寄来的。”他忽然有点不 好意思,“叔叔在信中说,是老师推荐我的,老师在推荐信里说我是 努力、上进、优秀的孩子。我没想到老师会这么夸我。”他偷偷瞄了 一眼老师,黑黑的脸,泛出红晕。“叔叔还说,他会一直支持我上学,直到我上大学。我不会让老师和叔叔失望的。”他紧紧地咬着嘴唇。 ⒂老师一脸迷茫,这份推荐信显然不是他写的。怎么会这样呢?老 师也想不明白。但是,不管怎样,有一点可以肯定,他彻底改变了。老师坚定地拍拍他的肩膀。 ⒃谜底直到几年后才揭开。他考取了一所重点大学,资助人也赶来 庆贺。班主任老师私下里问资助人,当初为什么会选择他这样一个 问题学生?


阅读理解主旨大意题 【命题分析】 主旨大意题是高考阅读理解的主要题型之一,旨在考查考生对文章大意或者文章中心思想的把握和归纳能力。此类题数量较大,在15个题中约占1-2个。 ◆主旨大意题的分类 1.从考查对象上划分,主旨大意题可分为两种 ①篇章主旨:针对全文的主题进行提问。主题句出现在首段的居多,其次是末段。 ②段落主旨:针对某一段或几段的主题提问。主题句可能是段落的首句、末句,也可能需要从上下文中寻 找或总结。 2.考查内容上划分,主旨大意题可分为三种 ①主题类(内容),考查文章或段落的主旨大意; ②目的类,考查文章或段落的写作目的; ③标题类,要求考生选出文章的最佳标题。 ◆设问特点: 1.考查全文主旨或段落大意。 2.正确选项概况范围大小恰当,主旨判断准确。 3.错误选项的特点常常是太大、太窄或者偏离主题,主观臆断。 4.常以main idea,best idea,subject,mainly discuss等词提问。 ◆常考问题: 1.中心思想类 The main point/idea of the passageis… The passageis mainly about… The passagemainly discusses… The last but one paragraph is chiefly concerned with…? Which of the following statements best expressesthe main idea of the passage? 2.标题类 Which of the following is the best title of the passage? The best title for the passagewould be… 3.目的类


中考百分百——备战2008中考专题 (阅读理解题) 一、知识网络梳理 阅读理解题是近几年新出现的一种新题型,这种题型特点鲜明、内容丰富、超越常规,源于课本,高于课本,不仅考查学生的阅读能力,而且综合考查学生的数学意识和数学综合应用能力,尤其侧重于考查学生的数学思维能力和创新意识,此类题目能够帮助学生实现从模仿到创造的思维过程,符合学生的认知规律。阅读理解题一般由两部分组成:一是阅读材料;?二是考查内容.它要求学生根据阅读获取的信息回答问题.提供的阅读材料主要包括:?一个新的数学概念的形成和应用过程,或一个新数学公式的推导与应用,或提供新闻背景材料等.考查内容既有考查基础的,又有考查自学能力和探索能力等综合素质的. 这类题目的结构一般为:给出一段阅读材料,学生通过阅读,将材料所给的信息加以搜集整理,在此基础上,按照题目的要求进行推理解答。涉及到的数学知识很多,几乎涉及所有中考内容。 阅读理解题是近几年频频出现在中考试卷中的一类新题型,不仅考查学生的阅读能力,而且综合考查学生的数学意识和数学综合应用能力,尤其是侧重于考查学生的数学思维能力和创新意识,此类题目能够帮助考生实现从模仿到创造的思想过程,符合学生的认知规律,是中考的热点题目之一,今后的中考试题有进一步加强的趋势。 题型考查解题思维过程的阅读理解题 言之有据,言必有据,这是正确解题的关键所在,是提高数学素质的前提。数学中的基本定理、公式、法则和数学思想方法都是理解数学、学习数学和应用数学的基础,这类试题就是为检测解题者理解解题过程、掌握基本数学思想方法和辨别是非的能力而设置的。 题型考查纠正错误挖病根能力的阅读理解题 理解基本概念不是拘泥于形式的死记硬背,而是要把握概念的内涵或实质,理解概念间的相互联系,形成知识脉络,从而整体地获取知识。这类试题意在检测解题者对知识的理解以及认识问题和解决问题的能力。 题型考查归纳、探索规律能力的阅读理解题 对材料信息的加工提练和运用,对规律的归纳和发现能反映出一个人的应用数学、发展数学和进行数学创新的意识和能力。这类试题意在检测解题者的数学化能力以及驾驭数学的创新意识和才能。 题型考查掌握新知识能力的阅读理解题 命题者给定一个陌生的定义或公式或方法,让你去解决新问题,这类考题能考查解题者自学能力和阅读理解能力,能考查解题者接收、加工和利用信息的能力。 解阅读新知识,应用新知识的阅读理解题时,首先做到认真阅读题目中介绍的新知识,包括定义、公式、表示方法及如何计算等,并且正确理解引进的新知识,读懂范例的应用;其次,根据介绍的新知识、新方法进行运用,并与范例的运用进行比较,防止出错。 第一课时代数阅读题 [目标导学] 此类阅读理解题一般以数式的运算、方程(不等式)的计算以及函数知识为背景,考查相关的知识;内容可以包括定义新思路、新方法,这主要是考查学生的理解应变能力,也可以是提供全新的的阅读材料,介绍新知识,用来考查学生的学以致用的能力。 [例题精析]
