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confidence to relationships possible
be successful
the real you to thrive
2. Give you the skills and
build the best
3. Give you the opportunity to
Three Principles
Chapter I
The Importance of Business Etiquette
ChaLpOGtOer 1
After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
◊ Realize the necessity of learning business etiquette.
2. The most ill-mannered thing to do at a business meal is
A. order a lot of food B. use a cell phone
Test yourself (自我测试) ChaLpOGtOer 1
3. You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a
A. send an e-mail because it is faster and more efficient
B. send a handwritten note
Preview (课前预习)
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Before we learn this chapter, try to answer the following questions based on your own understanding and then read the text on your book carefully with these questions.
Research the professional Have business cards client’s native Show up on time for
cultures and
Can accept different
accepts the clients business practices
call you should
A. turn your cell phone off B. tell your client you are expecting a phone call
4. When you receive someone else’s business card you should
3. How to resolve different situations in interpersonal relationship
Three principles
ChaLpOGtOer 1
The three principles that govern all etiquette 1. Consideration ◇ Concept:
Part II
ChaLpOGtOer 1
The Characteristics and Principles of Business Etiquette
The Characteristics of Business Manners ◇ Etiquette = Manners + Principles
“Whenever two people come together and their
behavior affects one another, you have etiquette. Etiquette is not some rigid code of manners;
it’s simply how persons’ lives touch one another.”
ChaLpOGtOer 1
2. Respect
◇ Concept:
Look at how your possible actions will affect
in the future
◇ Importance:
The essential etiquette in interpersonal communication
Pleasant office environment Better quality work
The structure of the text
ChaLpOGtOer 1
◇ Employee - Boss Relations
Give thank-you cards or holiday gifts as
that they will work for you in all your professional days
to come.
Test yourself(自我测试)
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Based on your understanding of business etiquette, judge the following situations and discuss in groups.
A. immediately pass them your business card B. look at the card and acknowledge it
5. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift, you should
Induces a level of
ChaLpOGtOer 1
What do principles tell us?
1. Why a certain manner is called for
2. What to do when there is no prescribed manner or a manner does not work
Succeeding in business today requires not only mastery of one’s job but also mastery of the common courtesies of give and take and of consideration for others. Put them to work today, and you will find
all times
Be well-dressed and groomed at
Do not drink too much at office
Improve morale and motivate the employees Win respect and consideration Set a standard for employees
1. What is your understanding of the quotation
“Etiquette Is simply how persons’ lives touch one another”?
2. Why do we define etiquette as a powerful combination of manners and principles?
1. What to do in all kinds of situations 2. What we can expect other people to do
What's the purpose of business manners? ◇ Improve the efficiency of business transactions in the long term, especially in international markets.
1. When you have a business meeting in the UK, you should
A. get down to business straight away B. spend time eating and drinking and
getting to know each other
3. How can you avoid betraying yourself or compromising your integrity and be polite at the same time?
The structure of the text
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Part 1 The Concept of Business Etiquette
◊ Analyze the concept of etiquette theoretically and recognize the characteristics of etiquette.
◊ Cultivate the cross-cultural awareness in business communication.
1. Listening to the others
2. Not interrupting the
— Emily Post (American etiquette
The structure of the text
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Part 2 The Effects of Business Etiquette Employee Relations
Respect individual personal space Don't interupt during meetings
look at the current situation and assess how it affects everyone involved
◇ The essence of etiquette:
sincerely considerate, respectful and honest
◇ Functions: 1. Allow
Co - workers Respect their boss, aspire to emulate
The structure of the text
◇ Business-to-Business Relations
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Foreign clients customs printed in the language
Part II
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Basic requirements of Business Manners
1. Professional Image Positive wk.baidu.commpression
2. Dress Codes
Clean and professional
3. Communication
Respectful, patient and calm
Use poor grammar
Speed talking
filler words
4. Timeliness organization
Use Committed to the
job seriously
Take your
5. Be Positive
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Why should we learn business etiquette?
Good manners are cost-effective because:
1. They increase the quality of life in the workplace 2. They contribute to optimum employee morale 3. They embellish the company image 4. They also play a major role in generating profit