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• • Egypt was invaded by other powers, including the Assyrians,
Persians, and Greeks. Throughout its history, however, it retained its distinctive and sophisticated culture, even after the death of Queen Cleopatra in 30 BC, when it was absorbed into Roman Empire. The long tradition of ancient Egyptian art and culture finally ended when the Egyptian temples were closed in the early Christian era, in the fourth and fifth centuries AD.
for its great age and wisdom. Its distinctive culture made it seem mysterious and exotic to other people in the ancient world, including the Assyrians and the Greeks. • • Egyptian religion, hierographic script and buried customs, such as mummification, lasted for over 3,000 years and have continued to fascinate the world in modern times. •
• The kingdom of Egypt occupied the Nile valley and Delta in northeast Africa from around 3,000 BC. For much of its long history, Egypt was largely self-contained, but it acquired territory in Nubia (Sudan) to the south and in the Near East. The River Nile ensured Egypt’s agricultural wealth, and the kingdom all had access to gold and other mineral resources.
• 埃及也曾遭受外族侵略,包括亚述族、波斯人和希 腊人,但埃及人一直保留着自己独特精湛的文化。 即使在公元前30年古埃及女王克利奥帕特拉去世埃 及被纳入罗马帝国的版图后,埃及人对自己的古老 文化仍不离不弃。公元4-5世纪,随着基督教的诞 生,古老的埃及文化和艺术也走到了尽头。
• 例3: • 1.导游收费标准: 50 元/场。 • 2.购票须知 • (1)门票每张30元,一人一票。 • (2)儿童1. 0 - 1. 3米半票。
Gornergrat Bahn, • 日期: 6月11日至9月10日的每个星期四 • 价格:成人:59瑞士法郎(持半价卡),79瑞士法
郎(无半价卡) • 预订:活动的前一天16:00之前,地点:戈尔内格拉
特铁路公司(Gornergrat Bahn)
• 例2: • Ancient Egypt • Even in ancient times, the civilization of Egypt was famous
• 为了您的安全,请您输入密码时确保身后等候 者不会知觉。
• For your safety, please make sure that the one behind you does not pay attention while you enter your password.
• 12岁以下儿童免费。 • Free for children under 12.
• 1. Price for tour guide service: RMB 50 per tour
• 2. Admission charges:
• Adults: RMB 30
• Children (height 1. 0m - 1. 3m): RMB 15
第二模块:旅游景点公示语的 翻译
• 例1: • Dates: every Thursday from 11 June to 10 September • Price: adults CHF 59.- (with ½ -Fare-Card), CHF 79.-
(without ½ -Fare-Card) • Bookings: until 16:00 hrs on the preceding day at the
• 古老的埃及
• 早在远古时期埃及就以其悠久的历史和聪 明智慧闻名于世。在古代其他民族(包括 亚述人和希腊人)的眼里,埃及独特的文 化似乎高深莫测。
• 埃及的宗教仪式、岩石壁画和丧葬风俗 (如木乃伊)延续了3000多年,直到今天 这些古老的文化仍让现代人着迷不已。
• 公元前3000年左右埃及帝国就占领了尼罗河平原以 及非洲东北部的三角洲地带。在漫长的历史长河中, 埃及人基本上自给自足,但还是占领了努比亚(现 在的苏丹)并吞并了近东地区。尼罗河孕育了埃及 的农业,而埃及人也拥有大量的黄金和其他贵重金 属资源。
第九章 旅游景点公示语的翻译
• Baggage Depository • 存包处
• No tipping • 谢绝小费 • 紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上! • Emergency passage! Place no hand luggage on
the floor.
• 非公莫入! • Staff Only!