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1. My ____ sister is two years _____ than I.

A. older; older

B. elder; elder

C. older; elder

D. elder; older

2. Can you do your work with _____ money and _____ people?

A. less; few

B. less; fewer

C. little; less

D. few; less

3. I didn’t know which was _____, so I took them both.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. the best

4. There was _____ house in front of the hill.

A. a wooden old fine

B. an old wooden fine

C. a fine old wooden

D. an old fine wooden

5. What an _____ story! I’m _____ in it.

A. interested; interesting

B. interesting; interested

C. interested; interested

D. interesting; interesting

6. The jacket is _____ nice, but it’s _____ more expensive than that one.

A. much; much

B. very; very

C. much; very

D. very; much

7. Do you think the chicken tastes ______? She cooked it _____, I think.

A. good; good

B. well; well

C. well; good

D. good; well

8. You must be more ______, Jim. Look, you didn’t write _____.

A.carefully; careful B. careful; carefully

C. careful; careful

D. carefully; carefully

9. The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel ______.

A. lonely

B. alone

C. happily

D. friendly

10. This street is much ______ than that one.

A. straight

B. straighter

C. straightest

D. more straighter

11. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose ______ expensive one.

A. less

B. the least

C. the less

D. the most

12. This kind of skirt looks ______ and sells ______.

A. nice; well

B. nice; good

C. well; well

D. good; nice

13. ---How was the weather yesterday?

---It was terrible. It rained _____. People could _____ go out.

A. hardly; hardly

B. hardly; hard

C. hard; hard

D. hard; hardly

14. The girl is _____, but her younger sister is even _____.

A. tallest; taller

B. taller; tallest

C. tall; tallest

D. tall; taller

15. This chair is not _____ for him to ______.

A. strong enough; sit

B. enough strong; sit

C. enough strong; sit in

D. strong enough; sit on

16. The Chinese people are ______ than you think.

A. friendly

B. more friendly

C. very friendly

D. as friendly

17. Everything is _____ on the moon than on the earth.

A. much more lighter

B. much more light

C. more lighter

D. much lighter

18. She is _____ careful as I, but I’m _____ than you.

A. as; much careful

B. so; more careful

C. as; much more careful

D. so; very careful

19. I think science is ______ foreign languages.

A. so difficult as

B. as difficult as

C. very difficult than

D. much difficult than

20. Allan is one of _____ popular teachers in the school.

A. more

B. the more

C. most

D. the most


1.D。elder只作定语,elder sister 意为姐姐。older作表语更为常见。

2.B。money不可数,表达更少的钱,用less (little的比较级);people可数,表达更少人,用fewer






a small round table一张小圆桌

a tall white building一幢高大的白色建筑物
