

Preliminary Study of

Yan Fu’s Main Translation Thought

Abstract: Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance are Yan Fu’s main translation thought. Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. Expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. Elegance is also a standard of Yan Fu’s translation thought. Translating is not to copy information from the original, but a creative project. “The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage”(贺显斌,2002).

Key words: Translation; Yan Fu; Faithfulness; Expressiveness; Elegance

I. Introduction Yan Fu, the great translator, educationist in modern history of China, was born in Fujian province. In 1886, he passed the entrance examination of Mawei Ships and Military School by high score. After graduation, he received a practical training in a naval vessel. In 1877, as a member of the navy, he went to the British Imperial Navy School for study. During those times, he studied the professional knowledge. Besides, he gave his mind to western philosophy, sociology and politics. Later, he has made a survey of the justice process in British court, and then compared with that in China. After he retuned, he served the post of the coach in Mawei Ships and Military School.

Except the political and academic articles, most of Yan Fu’s works are about translation. His contributions to translation include two aspects: theory and practice. In theory, the greatest achievement is that he brought up “faithfulness, expressi veness and elegance”(严复,1986), which summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specifically and practically, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage.

II. The Core of Yan Fu’s Translation Thought

Since Yan Fu brought up the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, it became the condensation of the translation theory in ancient China, and the focus of modern translation study. Some people regarded them as principles, some considered them were theories, and some thought they were standards. Each famous people of the translation circle aired their own views, commendatory or derogatory, but no one could surpass them. Therefore, some thought that studying the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” is equal to study the whole translation theories of China. Thus it can be seen, Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance influenced profoundly in the translation circle of China.

In the different period, different people in the translation circle had different viewpoints to the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”. Lin Yutang brought up the standard of “Faithfulness, Fluency and Beauty”, but this doesn't overstep the “Faithf ulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”(林语堂,1937).

Mentioning the standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, most scholars don’t think to deny it or discard it simply, but amend it or expound it. Some people stated the standard from the angle of linguistics: Faithfulness is the equivalents of meanings, Expressiveness is the

equivalents of the styles of writing, and Elegance is the equivalents of the functions. Some thought Yan’s standard is a pattern of translation. It promotes esthetics of phraseology to the peak. Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. In other words, the translation should reflect the whole information accurately and completely. The information maybe include the meanings and thoughts of the author, the culture and customs of a country, the life-style and the way of thinking of the people and so on. Then, how to achieve it during translating? First of all, comprehensive quality of the translator is very important. That is, he should learn the culture and customs of other countries directly or indirectly. One of the ways may be to read a lot of books, materials or works on many subjects, to study in many fields, such as literature, history, philosophy, and astronomy, geography. Second, he should learn the culture and customs of other countries directly or indirectly. According to Yan Fu, to learn the western culture and custom, the best way is to study the foreign language, then read the western books, observe and learn from the western life(严复,1986). To achieve this, one cannot only learn the western culture realistically, but also read books unlimitedly.

Therefore, to achieve Faithfulness during translating, one may learn the foreign culture by learning its language first. Then receive more knowledge indirectly. Besides, it’s also an effective way to live abroad for some periods. After being a member of the society of country, you will learn much more things at there gradually.

According to Yan Fu, Expressiveness in translating means the translation should be logical. If the translation is just a collection of all the information from the originals, the readers couldn’t understand it. Of course, as a translator, to make readers catching the general idea of the translation is the basic work.

However, how to achieve Expressiveness when translating? It all depends. Expressiveness dose not mean that translator will use the same, single way to treat different kinds of originals. That is, different originals will be treated in different ways. For example, literature will be translated in literature languages, political works will be stated in some political terms, while when you translating something about medical, technology, law, the related terminologies should be used accurately and properly, that is, if the scientific technicalities are used in a poem improperly, readers will be not understand it correctly. Therefore, to achieve Expressiveness, one should learn the characters of different kinds of types of writing and choose the proper way to express it. Elegance is also a standard of Yan’s translation thought. Translating is not the information copied from the originals, but a creative project. A perfect translation is not only faithful and expressive, but also elegant. Elegance is the higher request of language. That is, the translation should be elegant.

III. Conclusion Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance formed a whole translation thought. But they play different roles in it. Some people thought, the effective Faithfulness is the preliminary level of Expressiveness, and Expressiveness is the higher level of Faithfulness, while the Expressiveness is the highest level of Faithfulness and Expressiveness.

In a word, Yan Fu’s translation theory of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” influenced the translation circle deeply. A lot of scholars study it, and think it is an effective standard. The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage.




严复,《京师学堂译书局章程》。北京:中华书局出版社,1986 林语堂,《翻译论》。北京:光华书局出版社,1937


Preliminary Study of Yan Fu’s Main Translation Thought Abstract: Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance are Yan Fu’s main translation thought. Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. Expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. Elegance is also a standard of Yan Fu’s translation thought. Translating is not to copy information from the original, but a creative project. “The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage”(贺显斌,2002). Key words: Translation; Yan Fu; Faithfulness; Expressiveness; Elegance I. Introduction Yan Fu, the great translator, educationist in modern history of China, was born in Fujian province. In 1886, he passed the entrance examination of Mawei Ships and Military School by high score. After graduation, he received a practical training in a naval vessel. In 1877, as a member of the navy, he went to the British Imperial Navy School for study. During those times, he studied the professional knowledge. Besides, he gave his mind to western philosophy, sociology and politics. Later, he has made a survey of the justice process in British court, and then compared with that in China. After he retuned, he served the post of the coach in Mawei Ships and Military School. Except the political and academic articles, most of Yan Fu’s works are about translation. His contributions to translation include two aspects: theory and practice. In theory, the greatest achievement is that he brought up “faithfulness, expressi veness and elegance”(严复,1986), which summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specifically and practically, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage. II. The Core of Yan Fu’s Translation Thought Since Yan Fu brought up the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, it became the condensation of the translation theory in ancient China, and the focus of modern translation study. Some people regarded them as principles, some considered them were theories, and some thought they were standards. Each famous people of the translation circle aired their own views, commendatory or derogatory, but no one could surpass them. Therefore, some thought that studying the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” is equal to study the whole translation theories of China. Thus it can be seen, Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance influenced profoundly in the translation circle of China. In the different period, different people in the translation circle had different viewpoints to the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”. Lin Yutang brought up the standard of “Faithfulness, Fluency and Beauty”, but this doesn't overstep the “Faithf ulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”(林语堂,1937). Mentioning the standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, most scholars don’t think to deny it or discard it simply, but amend it or expound it. Some people stated the standard from the angle of linguistics: Faithfulness is the equivalents of meanings, Expressiveness is the


2017年上海外国语大学语言学考研参考书目 1.戴炜栋何兆熊(主编)《新编简明英语语言学教程》上海外语教育出版社,2002年版; 2.胡壮麟(主编)《语言学教程》second edition, 北京大学出版社,2001年版; 3.George Yule 1996/2000 The Study of Language (second edition), Cambridge University 4.Press/Foreign Language Research &Teaching Press.2017年上海外国语大学英美文学方向考研参考书目 一、美国文学 1.吴伟仁编:History and Anthology of American Literature(第一、二册),北京:外语教学与研究出版社; 2.Peter B. High, An Outline of American Literature, London andNew York: Longman, 1988。 二、英国文学: 吴伟仁编:History and Anthology of English Literature(第一、二册),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988。 2017年上海外国语大学比较文学考研参考书目 1.Wellek, René& Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977; 2.陈惇、刘象愚主编:《比较文学概论》(第2版),北京:北京师范大学出版社,2010年; 3.吴伟仁编:History and Anthology of American Literature(第一、二册),北京:外语教学与研究出版社; 4.吴伟仁编:History and Anthology of English Literature(第一、二册),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988年; 5.郑克鲁主编:《外国文学史》(上、下,修订版),北京:高等教育出版社,2006年; 6.石观海编:《中国文学简史》,武汉:武汉大学出版社,2007年; 7.杨剑龙、钱虹编:《中国现当代文学简史》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2006 年。2017年上海外国语大学教学法考研参考书目 1.K. Johnson:An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001年版; 2.David Nunan(主编):Practical English Language Teaching(体验英语教学)北京:高等教育出版社,2004年版; 3.Jack C. Richards:The Language Teaching Matrix (语言教学矩阵)外语教学法丛书之十九,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002 年版。2017年上海外国语大学翻译学(笔译)考研参考书目 1.[英]杰里米·芒迪:《翻译学导论——理论与实践》.北京:商务印书馆,2007年版; 2.Eugene A. Nida & Charles R. Taber:《翻译理论与实践》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004年版; 3.冯庆华:《实用翻译教程》(增订本).上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002年版。 2017年上海外国语大学跨文化交际考研参考书目


西南大学本科生课程论文论文题目:浅谈翻译家严复和林纾 课程名称:翻译文化史 任课教师:孟凡君 专业:英语 班级:语言文学2班 学号:222009322210097 姓名:邬驰倩 2011 年12 月25 日 西南大学外国语学院制

浅谈翻译家严复和林纾 邬驰倩 西南大学外国语学院 摘要:本文讨论了近代翻译史中比较重要的两个代表性翻译家严复和林纾。随他们的生平进行了简要介绍,对他们的译著进行了简单分析,并且进行了比较。严复和林纾作为近代将西方文化引入中国的爱国主义思想先锋,值得我们的肯定和赞扬。 关键词:翻译家严复林纾对比 引言 翻译在我国历史悠久,周王朝时期就有了翻译机构和译员职称的记载,当时所谓“象胥”就是指现在的翻译。当时的翻译多为口头翻译,大规模的文字翻译始于汉代,直至宋元时期,大多是对印度佛经的翻译。这一时期虽然翻译质量,数量都有所发展,但是文化交流局限于东方邻国。到了明清时期,随着西方传教士罗明坚、利玛窦、龙华民、汤若望、南怀仁等的到来,西文翻译有所发展。当然,一直到鸦片战争,西文翻译的文本几乎全部为宗教神学和自然科学。 近代中国,从1840 年鸦片战争到1919年辛亥革命期间,中国人受到了洋枪、洋炮的攻击,以及洋文、洋教的冲击。特别是在中日甲午战争之后,人们开始意识到西方在政治、经济、文化等很多方面都比中国要先进,于是当时的翻译家们迫切希望通过翻译将西方的先进科学文化译介给国人,使其开阔视野,革新思想。近代中国对西方知识的译介,严复和林纾这两位伟大的翻译家起到了巨大的作用。当时便有“译才并世数严林”的称誉。 1.严复和林纾生平简介 1.1 严复生平 严复于1854年出生在福州南台的中医世家。 1866年,严复父亲病逝,于是他放弃了走科举“正途”。后考入家乡的马尾船政后学堂,主要学习驾驶专业,五年后以优等成绩毕业。1877年到1879年,严复等被公派到英国留学,先入普茨茅斯大学,后转到格林威治海军学院。留学期间,严复对英国的社会政治

浅谈严复的翻译三原则 2

浅谈严复的“信、达、雅”翻译原则任何时代,任何大师的翻译都离不开社会背景,个人经历,自身修养,因此我们在谈及严复的翻译原则时需要对他的教育经历,所处时代进行略析。 严复是我国近代翻译史上学贯中西、划时代意义的教育家,翻译家,也是我国首创完整翻译标准的先驱者。严复吸收了中国古代佛经翻译思想的精髓,并结合自己的翻译实践经验,在《天演论》译例言里鲜明地提出了“信、达、雅”的翻译原则和标准。“信”(faithfulness)是指忠实准确地传达原文的内容;“达”(expressiveness)指译文通顺流畅;“雅”(elegance)可解为译文有文才,文字典雅。这就是严复著名的翻译三原则,对后世的翻译理论和实践产生了深远的影响。 严复在《天演论》中提到:“译事三难:信,达,雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽择犹不择也,则达尚焉。海通以来,象寄之才,随地多有;而任取一书,责其能与于斯二者,则已寡矣。其故在浅尝,一也;偏至,二也;辨之者少,三也。” 所谓“信”,即是忠实、准确、无误;“达”,即是达意、通顺、流畅。而对“雅”却是众说纷纭,往往难以达成一致共识。有人将其理解为“典雅”、“高雅”;有人理解为“文采”、“雅致”;有人理解为“风格”、“韵味”。所以在具体讨论“雅”字之前,需要了解“雅”在中国古语中的含义。雅者,古正也。是正确,合乎规范的一种标准。我认为这三原则是一种相辅相成,相得益彰的关系。在翻译时,要做到忠实于原文,能够切实表达作者的思想感情,抓住主旨要点,具有可信度,当然,要语意通顺,流畅顺达,能够使读者明白作者所想表达的丰富情感,翻译是一门艺术,是一门科学,是一种信息的传递,思想的表达,这就需要一种标准,一种规范。因此,后来的翻译家们都一直遵循翻译的基本准则和规范,力图使自己的翻译符合标准,都或多或少的受到了严复这三原则的影响。 现今,对于翻译的准则和规范是数代人经过不断改进和学习总结出来的,但是依然沿袭了严复的“雅”的思想内涵,即在“信”、“达”的基础上,在潜移默化中遵循着一种准则与规范,当然也会结合时代的特色,这从另一方面也告诉我们,我们在关注和研究某位思想家,翻译家的翻译作品时除了要知道是否做到忠实于原文,是否通顺流畅,也要了解翻译家的教育背景,家庭环境,社会影响等,这样才能评价翻译家是否遵循一种准则与规范,翻译的作品是否是经典。


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39-41 语言功能,文本分类和文本类型 我建议所有的翻译必须要遵循文字理论(雅各布森,费斯和万德鲁施卡则持相反观点,他们认为语言理论应该以翻译理论为基础)。因此,(只有)在某些方面,翻译是一种应用语言学的运用。比勒的基础语言理论是我最常用的翻译理论。这种理论也被雅各布森采纳。 根据比勒的理论,语言的三个主要功能:表达功能、信息功能即他说的陈述功能和呼唤功能(“呼吁”)是使用语言的主要目的。 表达功能 表达功能的核心是说话人、作者、最初使用这种表达方式的人的思想。他不受任何反应影响地用这种表达方式来表达自己的感情。考虑到翻译的目的,我认为独特的“表达”文本类型是: (1)文学作品。抒情诗、短文、小说和戏剧是四种基本类型,在这四种类型中,抒情诗是最直接的表达,而戏剧则更明显地是面向大量观众的表达。在翻译中, 戏剧能够对一些文化表达有帮助。 (2)权威声明。它们是有着从崇高的地位或极高的可信度和作者的语言能力中汲取权威性质的文本。虽然这些文本是直接的而非含蓄的,但是它们保留着作者的 印记。传统的权威声明是部长或党派领导人的政治演讲或文件等;法规和法律 文件;公认的权威人士所著的科学、哲学和学术作品。 (3)自传、散文和私人信件。当他们是个人情感的喷发或是当读者有着迥异的背景时,它们则意味深长。

作为一名译者,能够区分出这些文本里的私人要素对你很重要。这些要素为特殊(少见的)搭配,有创意的比喻,不可译的词语、特别是必须翻成一到两个或是三个的性质形容词,非常规的语法,新词,生疏词(古语、方言、奇怪的科学术语)——所有的这些经常被描绘成为‘个人方言’或是‘私人语言’——与日常语言相对,即股票用语和隐喻、常见的搭配、正常的语法、口语化的表达和phaticisms——常见的语言套路。个人因素组成了一篇表达型文本中的表达成分(只是一部分),在翻译时你不应该将它们变为日常语言。(看第二部分,正文第三部分中关于表达的段落。) 信息功能 语言的信息功能的核心为包括报道的观点或理论在内的外部状况,主题的真相,语言外的现实。就翻译的目的而言,典型的信息文本与任何主题知识都有关,但是经常表达价值判断和与文学主题相关的文本,很容易倾向于表现型。信息型文本的格式经常是标准格式:一本教材、一篇科技报道、报纸上或是期刊上的一篇文章、一篇科学论文、一篇论文、会议记录或议程。 通常假定一个现代的,非区域,非阶级,非个人习语风格和也许有四个要点的语言变体(1)一篇正式的,非情绪化的,技术性的学术论文。这篇学术论文特点体现在英语被动句、现在时、完成时,有文学语言,拉丁词汇,术语,多名词合成词和空洞的动词,没有隐喻。(2)一篇中性的非正式的,定义了术语的教科书。它的特点体现在第一人称复数,现在时,动态动作动词和概念隐喻理论;(3)一篇非正式的温暖风格的大众科学或是艺术书籍(比如,大型画册)。它的特点体现在简单的语法结构,广泛的词汇来承载定义和众多的插图,隐喻和一个简单的词汇;(4)一篇熟悉的,活泼的,非技术性风格的大众新闻。它的特点是惊人的隐喻,简短的句子,美式英语,非常规的标点符号,在适当的名称和俗语前的形容词。(注意如何让隐喻成为一种文本形式的标准。)从我的经验来讲,英语可能在这些体裁上有更大的变化和不同,因为它是几种语言群体的产品(英格兰语,瑞典语,法语,古典语),并且已经与大量的其他语言亲密接触过,它传播到了世界各地,他已经成为科技的主要传播载体,18世纪它在发展过程中已经有了一点权威的压力。 然而,注意两点:‘信息型’文本构成了国际组织,跨国公司,私人公司和翻译机构的绝大多数译者的工作。第二,这些文本中的很大一部分都写得不太好或是不准确,并且校对真相和他们的体裁也通常是译者的工作(看18章)。因此,除了古老的谚语(例如不可能翻译),现在大多的翻译比最初要好很多——或者至少应该是这样。 呼唤功能

翻译学导论(Jeremy Munday)

第一章翻译学的主要方面 小结:翻译研究是一个相对较新的研究领域,近年来获得了迅猛发展。翻译以前是作为语言学习的一种方法,或是比较文学、翻译工作坊和对比语言学课程的一部分。这门新的学科在很大程度上应该归功于詹姆斯.霍姆斯,他在《翻译研究的名与实》一文中不但为该领域提供了一个名称,而且还规划了该学科的结构。翻译理论研究、描述性翻译研究和应用翻译学是互相关联的,近年来都有发展,逐渐在翻译理论与翻译实践之间架起了一座桥梁。 1. 翻译实践历史悠久,翻译学却是一门新兴学科。 2. 翻译实践和翻译理论之间的割裂持续存在。 3. James S. Holmes的《翻译研究的名与实》(The name and nature of translation studies, 1988年才为人所知)被认为是翻译学的“成立宣言” 4. 翻译可以指翻译研究领域、翻译产品(译本)或者翻译过程(产生译本的行为) 5. 俄裔美国结构主义学家Roman Jakobson在《论翻译的语言学方面》提出三种翻译类型: 语内翻译(intralingual),语际翻译(interlingual),符际翻译(intersemiotic) 6. 翻译研究作为一个学术研究领域是最近50年的事,它被称为“翻译学translatology”多亏了James S. Holmes. 7. 对翻译的探讨,从公元前1世纪的西塞罗、贺拉斯和公元4世纪的圣哲罗姆(《七十子希腊文本圣经》)就开始了,后者被翻译成拉丁文时所用的手法影响了其后的圣经翻译。 8. 18世纪晚期到20世纪60年代,语法-翻译教学法统治了中学语言学习(死记硬背外语的语法规则和结构),20世纪六七十年代,直接法或交际法兴起,语言学习摒弃对翻译的摒弃,翻译局限于高层次大学语言课程和专业译员培训。 9. 翻译也是对比分析(contrastive analysis)领域的一个研究方向。 10. 霍姆斯的“描述性翻译理论”探讨三个方面:翻译产品(已有译作,探讨特定时期、某种语言/文本类型的翻译),翻译功能(哪些书籍何时何地被翻译,何种影响),翻译过程(挖掘译者大脑中发生的事情) 11. 翻译理论、描述性翻译研究和应用翻译学还是会互相影响的。 12. 20世纪70年代,对比分析衰落,语言学导向的翻译科学在德国保持强劲势头,等值观念风光不再,文本类型和文本目的的翻译理论在德国兴起,Halliday的话语分析和系统功能语法将语言看成社会文化背景之下的交际行为,盛行于澳大利亚和英国。20世纪70年代末和80年代见证了描述性翻译研究的兴起。多元系统学者赫尔曼斯《文学的操纵:文学翻译研究》导致了“操纵派”的诞生。这种动态的、以文化研究为导向的方法在其后的十年大行其道,而语言学方法则较为沉寂。 第二章20世纪前的翻译理论 小结:从西塞罗至20世纪的翻译理论大多围绕着翻译是该直译(“字对字”)还是意译(“意对意”)这一对矛盾进行,这是一个反复出现又毫无结果的争论,圣哲罗姆在用拉丁文翻译《圣经》时曾对这一对矛盾进行过著名的探讨。有关《圣经》及其他宗教文本翻译的争论一千余年来一直在翻译理论中占据着中心地位。早期的翻译理论家们大多在译著序言中为自己采用的翻译方法进行辩护,他们常常很少关注(或者根本无法获得)前人相关的著述。德莱顿在17世纪末提出的三种翻译方法标志着更系统、更精确地研究翻译的开始,而施莱尔马赫对异质文本的尊重则对当代的学者产生了重大的影响。 1. 直译与意译之分开始于公元前1世纪的西塞罗与公元4世纪晚期的圣哲罗姆,为数世纪以来乃至今日所有重要翻译的基石。 2. 西塞罗对直译是不屑一顾的,圣哲罗姆援引西塞罗的翻译方法为自己在《七十子希腊文本》之《旧约全书》的拉丁译文中所用的方法进行申辩。 3. 人们一般认为,圣哲罗姆最清晰地论述了翻译中的“直译”和“意译”,不过,在中国及阿拉伯等有着古老而丰富翻译传统的国家也存在着类似的争论。 4. 马丁.路得用中东部德语翻译的《新约》(1522)和《旧约》(1534),从语言学角度来看,这对加强该方言的语言形


中国海洋大学本科生课程大纲 一、课程介绍 1.课程描述: 德语翻译学导论旨在向以翻译模块为重点修读方向的学生系统梳理翻译学科的基本概念与知识,总结翻译理论发展历史,选择重要流派进行重点介绍,帮助学生建立对翻译学科的系统认知,初步掌握翻译学科的基本研究思路与方法。 2.设计思路: 本课程首先从翻译理论的最基本的概念入手,梳理翻译的定义,介绍德国重要翻译家的翻译行为与心得,进而以时间为序梳理翻译实践活动的方法与历史特征;课程重点是三个翻译学派的介绍与分析(描述性翻译学派,阐述学派,功能学派)。课程的主要性质是理论知识研读,因此本课程设计是加大学生的自主学习比重:第一,要求学生必须课前完成必读书目与资料的预习工作,课堂上教师有针对性的讲解重点与难点,以精讲与课堂讨论为主;第二,学生必须完成专题报告,期末提交论文,通过独立的研读某个课题,训练学生的科学工作方法,提升学生的理论积累与实战能力。 3. 课程与其他课程的关系: 开始本课程学习时,学生应该已经掌握3000单词,基本具备德语语法能力,在听、说、读、写等方面达到了较高水平,能够借助工具书阅读各类德语资料并具备较好的书面表达能力。 - 1 -

先修课程:学生应先修过大一至大二所有德语专业核心课程,《德汉翻译入门》是本课程的基础课程。 二、课程目标 德语翻译学导论作为德语专业高年级学生的一门专业知识层面的选修课程,是翻译模块的三门专业课程之一。学生在成功修读大三上学期《德汉翻译入门》课程的基础上,选择本课程进一步深入学习翻译理论知识。通过本课程的学习,学生需要掌握翻译学的基本概念和理论,了解翻译学科发展历史及发展趋势;了解翻译学科重要流派的理论/研究方法与思路;培养学生用翻译学理论分析具体语言现象的能力,丰富知识构成,加强学习兴趣和认识,从而进一步巩固本科阶段的学习,为研究生阶段的学习打下坚实的理论基础。 三、学习要求 要完成所有的课程任务,学生必须: 1.开始本课程学习时,已经掌握约3000德语常用单词,有扎实的语法基础,并具备较好的文本阅读能力,在听、说、读、写等方面达到了中级水平,能够借助工具书阅读各类德语资料并具备较好的书面表达能力。 2.课程学习开始后,课前预习将必读资料,做好读书笔记,查阅相关文献,整理主要观点与问题。 3.按时上课,课上认真听讲,积极参与课堂讨论和随堂练习,课堂表现和出勤率是成绩考核的组成部分。因病因事迟到或不能到课者,需课前(包括上课前最后一秒)知会任课教师并得到许可。虽请假但未得到批准却依然缺勤或迟到,缺勤或迟到后补 - 1 -


《翻译》课程理论汇编(基本概念) 1.1 翻译的概念 一般地,我们将翻译定义为:将一种语言(口语或笔语形式)(译出语)转换或创造为另一种语言(译入语)。翻译是一种非常复杂的 人类高级语言活动,这种活动的整个过程是很难以图示、语言等其他方式阐释清楚的。不同领域、不同派别的学者对翻译有着不同的定义。 1.1.1 语言学家对翻译的定义 语言学家将翻译视为一种语言活动,同时认为,翻译理论属于语言学的一个部分,即研究译出语和译入语的转换关系。解释如下: (1)Catford(1965:20)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间的文本等效转换。 (2)Nida 和Taber(1969:12)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间意义和形式上的最紧密联系转换。 (3)Newmark(1982/1988:5)认为,翻译理论源自于比较语言学,属于语义学的一部分,而所有语义学的研究课题都与翻译理论息 息相关。 1.1.2 文化角度对翻译的定义 从文化角度来看,翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,同时是文化的交流,尤其是“文化间交流”。通常我们把这一术语又改称为“文化 间合作”或“跨文化交际”等。 Shuttleworth 和Cowie(1997:35)认为,与其说翻译是两种语言之间的符号转换,不如说是两种语言所代表的两种文化间的转换。 译者在处理涉及语言文化方面的译务工作时,认为任何一种语言中都饱含着其文化中的相关元素(比如:语言中的问候语、固定搭配 等),任何文本都存在于特定的文化环境中,同时,由于各语言所代表的多元文化差异很大,语言间的转化和创造性生成模式千变万化。 Nida 认为,对于一个成功的翻译工作者而言,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为语言中的词汇只有在特定的语言文化环境 中才能具有正确的、合乎文化背景的义项。 王佐良先生指出(1989),翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。译者不仅要了解外国的文化,还要深入了解自己民族的文化。 不仅如此,还要不断的将两种文化加以比较,因为真正的对等应该是在各自文化中的含义、作用、范围、感情色彩、影响等等都是相当的。 翻译者必须是一个真正意义的文化人。人们会说:他必须掌握两种语言;确实如此,但是不了解语言当中的文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言。 1.1.3 文学角度对翻译的定义 持文学观点的翻译工作者认为,翻译是对语言的艺术性创造,或是一种善于创造的艺术。一些西方学者也认为,翻译是对“原文本的 艺术性改写”。 文学翻译的任务时要把原作中包含的一定社会生活的映像完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中,在翻译过程中追求语言的艺术 美,再现原作的艺术性。用矛盾的话说,是“使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原著一样得到启发、感动和美的感受。” 语言是塑造文学形象的工具,因而文学的形象性特征必然要在语言上表现出来。文学语言的特征,诸如形象、生动、鲜明、含蓄、凝

翻译学导论 作业

翻译学导论英语作业 第一部分英译汉 Communication is seen to involve an information source encoding a message (a sender) which is transmitted via a channel to a decoder(a receiver),where it is interpreted and has an effect. Efficient, error-free transmission is assumed to be the primary goal, especially in engineering contexts. Attempts to apply this model more generally have been criticized for neglecting the importance of other factors, such as context, the return of information to the sender (feedback), and the active role played by human receivers in the production of meaning. 交际被视作一种信息传输的过程,信息源将信息编码(由信息发出者)通过信道传递给解码者(信息接受者),使解码者理解并产生效果。高效、无误地传递信息是基本目标,特别是在工程领域中。而有人泛泛地运用这个原则受到了批评,因为忽略了其他重要因素,诸如,语、信息接受者给信息发出者的信息反应(反馈),接收人在理解意思时起到的积极作用。 第二部分英译汉 “书画同源”之心理学观 The physiology point-view of the homology in calligraphy and painting. 综言之,历来文人、学童经常有学习书和画的兴趣和志向,通常师长们的要求多是先规定学习书法以为研习图画的基本功夫。这种学习方式就是在学书法的过程中,规定学生要先从楷书入手,作为基本的功夫。 In sum, literati and pupils have been interested in and ambitious in learning calligraphy and painting. In most cases, teachers require them to learn calligraphy ahead of painting. According to this learning method, if you learn calligraphy, you have to learn Regular Script first as basic training. 本研究的结果表明,楷书其实是一种最不轻松,最不易掌握的书体,因此书写不易,不宜于作为入门书本。 The results of this study show that Regular Script is the most difficult font to learn, which is not suitable for the beginners. 我们过去的实验早已初步证明此结论。这个结论告诉书法教学专家们:书法教学不应以楷书为“正确的书法”,以及习书的首要对象; This conclusion have been improved by our past experiments preliminarily, which let calligraphy teaching experts know that Regular Script studying is not correct Calligraphy and isn't the primary object. 而应考虑文字演进的先后及书体之历史发展次序,方是正途。这是推翻历来传统看法的新理念。另外,以学习书法作为习画的基本功夫,从科学观点来看,是错误的。


著名翻译家:严复 严复(1854年1月8日-1921年10月27日),字又陵,后名复,字几道,晚号野老人,福建侯官(今福州市)人,中国近代启蒙思想家、新法家、翻译家,是中国近代史上向西方国家寻找真理的“先进的中国人”之一。 1898年,严复翻译的第一部西方资产阶级学术名著《天演论》(Henry Huxley,Evolution and Ethics)正式出版。至1909年,先后又译出亚当斯密的《原富》(Adam Smith,Inquiry into the Nature and the Cause of the Wealth of Nations)、斯宾塞的《群学肄言》(H. Spenser,Study of Sociology)、约翰·穆勒的《群己权界论》(J. Stuart Mill,On Liberty)、《穆勒名学》(J. Stuart Mill,System of Logic)、甄克斯的《社会通诠》(E.Jenks,History of Politics)、孟德斯鸠的《法意》(C.D.S Montesquien,Spirit of Law)和耶方斯的《名学浅说》(W.S Jevons,Logic)等西方名著,

达160多万字。 严复被尊为中国近代翻译理论和实践的第一人。维新派领袖康有为曾说:“译才并世数严林”。“严林”即严复和林纾。严复是维新派人士中最著名的翻译家,他对我国翻译事业的贡献同时兼备了理论和实践两大方面。在理论方面,他的最大成就是尽人皆知的译事三难“信、达、雅”,这三字简直成了中国翻译理论史上言开必谈的金科玉律。严复的翻译观主要体现在《〈天演论〉译例言》中:译事三难“信、达、雅”。求其信,已大难矣。顾信矣不达, 虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉……易曰:“修辞立诚”子曰:“辞达而已。”又曰:“言之无文, 行之不远”。三者乃文章正轨,亦译事楷模, 故信、达而外, 求其尔雅……译文取明深义,故词句之 ,时有所颠倒附益……。 严复早期偏重意译,略亏于信,尤其是《天演论》,翻译时“不斤斤于字比句次”,”时有所颠倒附益”,就连他自己都承认“实非正法”:《天演论》题曰达旨,不云笔译,取便发挥,实非正法。” 他用“达旨”的方法是为了发挥自己的主张(“取便发挥”),


“翻译学导论”期末考试题型及课程复习提纲 考试题型: I. Match the following translation theorists with their representative works. [10 points, 1 point each] II. Interpret the following terms. [20 points, 5 points each] III. Interpret the following concepts. [40 points, 20 points each] IV. Analyze and comment on the following translated version(s) by applying any translation theory you are familiar with. [30 points] 复习提纲 一、作者和代表作的搭配 1. Roman Jakobson On Linguistic Aspects of Translation (1959) 2. E.A. Nida Toward a Science of Translating (1964) 3. E.A. Nida & Taber The Theory and Practice of Translation (1969) 4. James Holmes The Name and Nature of Translation Studies (1972) 5. George Steiner After Babel (1975) 6. Susan Bassnett Translation Studies (1980) 7. Peter Newmark Approaches to Translation (1981) 8. Wolfram Wilss The Science of Translation (1982) 9. Theo Hermans The Manipulation of Literature (1985) 10. Peter Newmark A Textbook of Translation (1988) 11. Mary Snell-Hornby Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach (1988) 12. Christiane Nord Text Analysis in Translation (1989) 13. Susan Bassnett & AndréLefevere Translation, History and Culture (1990) 14. Andre Lefevere Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame (1992) 15. Edwin Gentzler Contemporary Translation Theories (1993) 16. Gideon Toury Descriptive Translation Studies (1995) 17. Lawrence Venuti The Translator’s Invisibility (1995/2008) 18. Christiane Nord Translating as a Purposeful Activity (1997) 19. Luise Von Flotow Translation and Gender (1997) 20. Maria Tymoczko Translation in a Postcolonial Context (1999) 二、解释以下术语 1. word-for-word/literal translation and sense-for-sense/free translation 2. metaphrase, paraphrase, imitation 3. Formal equivalence and dynamic/functional equivlence 4. Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 5. documentary translation and instrumental translation 6. translational action
