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U4 Humanity and Environment

Warming-up Practice

1. Plant and animal habitats will be changed by global warming.

habitat /'hæbɪtæt/ n. the natural home of a plant or animal〔动植物的〕生活环境;栖息地global /'gləʊb(ə)l/ warming: a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth全球变暖

predict /prɪ'dɪkt/ v. to say that something will happen, before it happens预言,预料,预测

one-third 1/3

significantly /sɪg'nɪfɪk(ə)ntlɪ/ adv. in an important way or to an important degree显著地

species /'spiːʃiːz/ n. a group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants〔动植物的〕物种,种

carbon dioxide: /'kɑːb(ə)n/ /d aɪ'ɒksaɪd/ the gas produced when animals breathe out, when carbon is burned in air, or when animal or vegetable substances decay二氧化碳

content /'kɒntent/ n. the amount of a substance that is contained in something含量

atmosphere /'ætməsfɪə/ n. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth〔地球的〕大气(层)give top priority to 给予优先考虑

pollution /pə'luːʃ(ə)n/ n. the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use, or the state of being dangerously dirty污染

summit /'sʌmɪt/ n. an important meeting or set of meetings between the leaders of several governments首脑会议,最高级会议,峰会

miss the chance错过机会

catastrophe /kə'tæstrəfɪ/ n. a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death 灾难,大祸,严重的不幸

2. Asia is facing serious environmental problems.

face: v. if you face or are faced with a difficult situation, or if a difficult situation faces you, it is going to affect you and you must deal with it面临〔困难〕,面对〔困境〕

serious /'sɪərɪəs/ adj. extremely bad or dangerous〔情况、问题、事故等〕严重的

release /rɪ'liːs/ v. to let news or official information be known and printed公开发表,发布

threat /θret/ n. a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want威胁,恐吓

rapid /'ræpɪd/ adj. happening or done very quickly and in a very short time快速的,迅速的shrink /ʃrɪŋk/v. to become smaller使缩小; 缩小

rain forest: a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot(热带)雨林

especially /ɪ'speʃ(ə)lɪ/ adv. used to emphasize that something is more important or happens more with one particular thing than with others尤其

Malaysia /məˈleɪʒə/ n. 马来西亚

Philippines /'filipi:nz/ n. 菲律宾

Thailand /'taɪlænd/ n. 泰国

according to根据……

3. The pandas are facing a crisis?

reserve /rɪ'zɜːv/ n. an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected〔野生生物〕保护区

crisis /'kraɪsɪs/ n. a situation in which there are a lot of problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or more dangerous危机;紧要关头

article /'ɑːtɪk(ə)l/ n. a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine〔报刊的〕文章,论文

imagine /ɪ'mædʒɪn/ v. to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like 想象

flower /'flaʊə/ v. to produce flowers开花

bamboo /bæm'buː/ n. a tall tropical plant with hollow stems that is used for making furniture竹wither /'wɪðə/ v. to become drier and smaller and start to die(使)〔植物〕枯萎,干枯

strict /strɪkt/ adj. a strict order or rule is one that must be obeyed〔命令、规则〕必须严格遵守的regulation /regjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n/ n. an official rule or order规则;条例;法令

set up建立

safeguard /'seɪfgɑːd/ v. to protect something from harm or damage保护,保卫〔某物〕

rescue /'reskjuː/ v. to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm营救,解救,救援

Passage Interpretation

Part A English-Chinese Interpretation

Passage 1

Paragraph 1

industrial /ɪn'dʌstrɪəl/ adj. relating to industry or the people working in it工业的;产业工人的machinery /mə'ʃiːn(ə)rɪ/ n. machines in general机器; 机械

form /fɔːm/ n. a type or kind种类

Paragraph 2

at one’s worst处于最坏的情况下

densely /denslɪ/ adv. 稠密地

populate /ˈpɒpjʊˌleɪt/ v. 聚居; 栖息

hearing loss失聪

stress /stres/ n. continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing压力;忧虑;紧张

high blood pressure高血压

sleep loss睡眠减少

distraction /dɪ'strækʃ(ə)n/ n. something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing使人分心的事物

productivity /prɒdʌk'tɪvɪtɪ/ n. the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced, especially in relation to the work, time, and money needed to produce them生产效率;生产力
