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1、表示数目的数词,叫基数词。如:one two three four……

2、表示顺序的数词叫序数词。“基数词+ th”构成序数词。

3、“基数词+ th”的方法:

(1)、1-----19 的基数词变序数词的方法:

基变序,有规则,后面加的是th 。一二三,特殊词;八减t ,九减e ,f要把ve替。把下面的基数词变成序数词。

One eleven six sixteen two twelve seven

seventeen three thirteen eight eighteen four

fourteen nine nineteen five fifteen ten

(2)、以ty 结尾的基数词,变y为i ,再加eth (读/ Iθ/ )。

twenty------ twentieth thirty------ thirtieth

(3)、几十几”的基数词,只把连字符后面的部分变成序数词。twenty one ----------- twenty —first

thirty two ------------- thirty —second


序数词前面要加the,但序数词前面有修饰的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,省略the 。即:the 、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格,不能同时修饰一个序数词,一次只能用其中的一个。

This is the first student .这是第一名学生。

He is my secend son .他是我的第二个儿子。

That boy is Jim’s third friend . 那个男孩是吉姆的第三个朋友。


January the first month of a year

February the second month of a year

March the third month of a year

April the fourth month of a year

May the fifth month of a year

June the sixth month of a year

July the seventh month of a year

August the eighth month of a year

September the ninth month of a year

October the tenth month of a year

November the eleventh month of a year

December the twelfth month of a year


birthday party 生日聚会happy birthday 祝生日快乐

date of birth 出生日期how old 多少岁

speech contest 演讲竞赛Chinese contest 中文比赛basketball game赛篮球赛volleyball game 排球赛

art festival 艺术节music festival 音乐节

School Day 校庆日years old ……岁(年龄)

age 年龄old 老的旧的


“月+ 日”表示。


简略为:阿拉伯数字+ 序数词后两个字母

1月1日:January the first == January first == January 1st

2月2日:February the second == February second == February 2 nd 3月3日:March the third == March third == March 3 rd

4月5日:April the fifth == April fifth == April 5 th


A: When is somebody’s birthday ?

↘your his her Jim’s your mother’s

B: My / His / Her birthday is + 生日

1、A: When is your birthday ? B: My birthday is August eighth .

2、A: When is Jim’s birthday ? B: His birthday is September ninth .

3、A: When is your daughter’s birthday ? B: Her birthday is October twelfh .

三、how old “多大年纪,几岁”,常用来询问年龄。

1、How old are you ?

I’m twenty years old . == I’m twenty years == I’m twenty .

2、How old is your friend ?

She is twelve years old . == She is twelve years . She is twelve .

3、How old is her father?

He is thirty years old . == He is thirty years == He is thirty .

四、名词所有格:表示“某人的”,名词+ ’或’s 构成。其规则如下:

1、一般情况下,名词后直接加’s Jim’s吉姆的my mother’s我的母亲的

2、以s 结尾的复数名词,直接加’’

my friends’我的朋友的his studends’他的学生的


Jim and kate’s aunt 吉姆和凯特的阿姨

the girl and the boy’s birthday 这个男孩和这个女孩的生日
