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Food Safety Knowledge Training Exam

Candidate: Score:

I。Fill-in-the-blank ns (30 ns in total。2 points each。60 points in total)

1.The "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" was revised at the 14th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th nal People's Congress on April 24.2015.and came into effect on [date].

2.To apply for a food business license。one should first obtain [legal entity n].

3.Food business operators should properly keep their food business license and should not [do something that is not allowed].

4.If a warehouse (owned or leased) is set up outside the business premises。the specific address of the warehouse should also be included in the [document].

5.If a food business operator needs to renew the validity d of the food business license obtained in accordance with the law。

he/she should submit an n to the original food and drug n and management department [number of working days] before the n date of the food business license.

6.If the applicant or the applicant for a food business license is given a warning by the local food and drug n and management department at or above the county level。he/she shall not apply for a food business license again within [number of days].

7.The principle of "one license for one place" is implemented for food business licenses。which means that if the same food business operator engages in food business activities at more than two ns。separate food business licenses should be obtained for each n.

8.Food n enterprises should establish a system for recording food n at the factory。inspect the n certificate and safety status of the food leaving the factory。and keep relevant certificates。The record and certificate n d should not be less than the product shelf life。if there is no clear shelf life。the n d should not be less than [certain d].

9.Food n and n enterprises should implement an enterprise food safety management system and take full responsibility for the food safety work of the enterprise.

10.Food n and n operators should establish and implement a [personnel training system]。Persons with diseases that affect food safety as stipulated by the State Council's health administrative department shall not engage in work that involves direct contact with food.

11.Food n and n personnel who are engaged in work that involves direct contact with food should undergo a health check before they can start work.

12.Food n and n operators should establish a system to regularly check and evaluate the food safety status.

13.When purchasing food。food business operators should check the supplier's [n certificate] or other n certificates.

14.Food business operators should store food according to the requirements for ensuring food safety。regularly check the inventory of food。and promptly dispose of or eliminate [expired or spoiled food].

15.When selling bulk food。food business operators should indicate the [name of the food]。[n date]。[shelf life]。[storage ns]。[manufacturer]。and other n.
