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1. Joh n plays football ____ , if not better tha n, David.

A. as well

B. as well as

C. so well

D so well as

2. Although I enjoy to music, I don 't know about it.

A. liste n; many

B. liste ning; much

C. liste ning; many

D. to liste n;


3. If you don 'go to the party, I.

A. so do

B. so will

C. nor do

D. n either shall

4. ----The light in the office is still on.

——Oh, I forget .

A. turni ng it off

B. to turn it off

C. turning off it

D. to turn off it

5. You can hardly imagi ne what great difficulty we had __ the work.

A. to do

B. done

C. doing

D. do

6. ——What do you suppose made her so un happy?

——_ her wallet.

A. lose

B. Lost

C. Los ing

D. To lose

7. ___ this possible effect may put us in a dilemma.

A. Having overlooked

B. Overlooked

C. To overlook

D. Overlooked

8. ——My brother is not good at speak ing En glish.

——I suggest _ En glish for two hours every day.

A. he practice speak ing

B. him to speak

C. he speak ing

D. his practici ng to speak

9. __ it is to have a pic nic in the hills on such a nice day!

A. What a fun

B. How fun

C. What fun

D. How a fun

10. Readers can __ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A. get over

B. get in

C. get along

D. get through

11. It was surprising that __ worms could eat up ___ grain.

A. so little ; so much

B. such little; so much

C. so little; such much

D. such small; so many

12. They looked forward with hope __ from you, but you never wrote a word to them.

A. of hearing

B. to hear

C. to hearing

D. hearing

13. The boy wan ted to play football in the street, but his pare nts told him _ .

A. not to B not to do C. not do it D. do not to

14. He __to Shanghai, for I saw him a moment ago.

A. must have gone

B. can 'have gone

C. must n 'have gone

D. can 'have bee n

15. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare---you must learn to ___ .

A. support

B. care

C. spare

D. share

16. The injured were lying in hospital __ the shock from the traffic accident.

A. to suffer

B. suffered

C. suffered from

D. sufferi ng from

17. Weather __ the size of crops.

A. determ ines

B. is determ ined to

C. is determ ined by

D. make up its mi nd

18. There ___ in the world __ China is a great country with a long history and rich culture.
