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中国馆建筑外观以“东源自文库之冠”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神 与气质。
Remarkable World Expo 2010 Shanghai China closing in at 8:00 p.m. on October 31, 2010 at the Expo Cultural Centre. As people around the world Expo, the Shanghai World Expo closing ceremony of the Expo theme of summing up the achievements and promote friendship between peoples. Shanghai World Expo closing ceremony will be the development of Shanghai, China's fusion of style and the world is China to the world at the Expo last impression. 举世瞩目的中国2010年上海世博会闭幕式于2010年10月 31日晚上8时在世博文化中心举行。作为全世界人民的 世博会,上海世博会闭幕式主旨在总结本届世博会的成 就,增进各国人民的友谊。上海世博会闭幕式将是上海 的发展、中国的风貌与世界的融合,是中国在世博会上 给世界的最后印象。
国际机场 Train station :上海火车站、上海南
站 GDP :1.49万亿人民币(2009年) colleges :复旦大学、上海交通大学
Oriental Pearl TV Tower was completed in 1995. Height of 468 meters. The design style of the five spheres of different heights.
世博轴是世博园区空间景观和人流 交通的主轴线,全长约 1000米,宽 约 110米,是世博园区内最大的单 体项目。它是主轴线,因为它处于 浦东世博园区中心地带,左右分别 连接中国馆、浦东主题馆群、世博 中心和世博演艺中心,这4座建筑 有着“一轴四馆”的合称。
The appearance of the pavilion to the "Oriental Crown" concept theme and express the spirit of Chinese culture and temperament.
Shanghai expo
Expo 2010 logo
Expo 2010 pavilions
Shanghai heroes
Xiang LIU
Ming Yao
Shanghai food
Yu garden
Old shanghai
of World Expo.
世博会将首次在中国举办 在5月1号到10月31号
上海世博会的主题是:‘城市,让生活更美好’ 世博会总投 资450亿人民币,创造了世界博览会史上最大规模记录。
Expo Park space axis is the landscape and pedestrian traffic in the main axis, is about 1,000 meters, 110 meters wide, is the largest single project in the Expo Site. It is the main axis, as it is in the heart of the Expo site in Pudong, left and right are connected to the China Pavilion, Theme Pavilion group of Pudong, the Expo Center and the World Expo Performing Arts Center, which has four buildings, "a four-axis Hall" together.
磁悬浮列车的时速可达到500公里以上,是当今世界最快的地面客运交通 工具。
Shanghai International Film Festival was founded in 1993, is the first China International Film Festival in China, has a high importance.
“外滩 ”是英国人给中国上海江边地区起的名字。 外滩是亚洲最大的金融中心。
Shanghai Nanjing Road, the world's one of the most famous commercial street.
Maglev trains can reach 500 kilometers per hour or more, is the world's fastest passenger ground transport.
上海国际电影节创办于1993年 ,是中国国内第一个国际电影节,在中国 有很高的重要性。
The Expo is organized by the first World Exposition in China. On May 1, 2010 to Oct. 31
Shanghai World Expo "Better City, Better Life" theme with a total investment of 45, billion RMB, creating the largest record in the history
东方明珠电视塔于1995 年落
成。高468米。其设计 样式
由5个不同高度的球体 组成。
"Bund" is the British to the Chinese name of Shanghai from the river area. The Bund is the largest financial center in Asia.
Shanghai 上 海
Chinese name :上海 English name:Municipality of
Shanghai Belong :Chinese eastern part Area :黄浦区、卢湾区、浦东新区
等 Postal code :200000-202183 Geographic position:长江三角洲 面积:6340.5平方公里(2009年末) Population :1,921.32万(2009年末) Airport :上海虹桥机场、上海浦东