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1、You had no time for reading, did you ? \ had you?

2、He has a bro ther, hasn ' t h doesn' t he?

3、We have to go without him, don ' t we ?

4、You have you r dinner at school, don ' t you?

5、He has a res t every two hours, doesn ' t he?

6、This is your last chance to learn from the beginning, isn ' t it?

7、Those were terrible days f or us to recall, weren ' t they?

8、There are some books you ar e interested in, aren ' t there?

9、Let us do it as we please \ like to, will you? \ can you?

10、Let ' s us do flight now, shall we? \ can we?

11、Come here, will you? \ won' t yoii\ can you \ can' t you do you \ don' t you?

12、Don' t say anything, will you? \ can you? \ do you?

13、Tom, you clean the window, will you?

14、I think \ say \suppose \ guess \ am sure he will come back soon, won' t he?

15、I don ' t think he will com^ack , will he?

16、He old man never thought he was lonely, did he?

17、The old man used to be a f armer, usedn ' t hedidn ' t he?

18、He ought to come, oughtn ' \ Ishouldn ' t?

19、He seldom goes to the cinema, doesn ' t he?

(hardly, never, few, little, nothing, nobody)

20、It ' s unfair, isn ' t it?

21、One can ' t be caeful enough, can one \ can he?

22、Everything goes well, doesn ' t it?

23、Everybody agrees with him, doesn ' t hedon' t they?

24、All we needed has been bought, hasn' t it?

25、All we invited have arrived, haven ' t they?(All refers to people)

26、Learning E nglish is very hard, isn ' t it?

27、He studies hard and he is often prai sed by his teachers, isn ' t he?

28、We must be more polite in this occasion, needn ' t we?

29、He m ust be a brave man, isn ' t he?

30、It must have rained last night, didn ' t it?

31、He mush hav e known the answer, hasn ' t he?

32、He can ' t have donesuch a foolish thing, has he?

33、I am a student, aren ' t I ?

34、So he has known the secret, has he?

35、Oh, you have the same type of sell phone as I, do you?




例You have been to Beijing, haven ' t yOU法过,是吗?




例Your brother has gone to the library, hasn ' t he?


2、当述句的主语是指示代词this, that时,反意疑问句的主语用it代替;指示代词是these, those时,反意疑问句的主语用they代替。

例That isn ' t a useful book, is it?那不是一本有用的书,是吗?

These are important reading materials, aren ' t they?


3、当述句部分是I am…时,反意疑问句部分通常要用aren ' t I如述句部分的主语是I am not时,反意疑问句部分通常要用am I。
