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( )1、The writer could not bear it .He could not _______it.

A. carry

B. suffer

C. stand

D. lift

( )2. He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He gets up_____.

A. late B . lately C. slowly D. hardly

( )3. Taiwan is _______the south of China. A. to B. in C. at D. into

( )4. His father hasn’t seen him ______January. A .for B. since C. from D. by

( )5. __________,I cooked this ________you show me.

A. On the way, by the way

B. In the way, on the way

C .By the way, in the way D. By the way, in the way

( )6.Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His _______garage is in Pinhurst.

A. another

B. other C .else D. different

( )7.I knocked _______ early yesterday and went to a football match.

A. over

B. off

C. at

D. out

( )8. Someone had filled the parcel with stones and sand. It was ______stones and sand.

A. full with

B. full of

C. fill with

D. full in

( )9.Joe’s garden is _______.Joe is _______in gardening.

A interesting, interested B. interested, interesting

C. interest, interesting

D. interested, interest

( ) 10.Tom wins every time . He always______ Bill Firth.

A. beats

B. wins

C. gains

D. earns

( )11.Lucy was ______excited______ say anything when she heard the good news.

A. so , to

B. too, to

C. so, that

D. such, that

( )12.It’s hardly rained for ten months in the area,______?

A. Didn’t it B .isn’t it C. hasn’t it D .has it

( )13.While I _______a novel, someone ______at the door.

A. read, was knocking

B. read, knocked

C. was reading, knocked

D. was reading, was knocking ( )14._______his great success, he still lives in countryside with his mother.

A. Although

B. In spite of

C. Though

D. Because

( )15.She tells me ______my pictures are good or not.

A. whether

B. that

C. if

D. unless


16.There is an _____________________basket in the corner of the room.

17.Passengers should ___________________half an hour before the plane takes off.

18.Lily’s performance was __________________,so she won the first price.

19.The doctor put his hand on the patient’s________________________.

20.Yesterday the big fire _____________________several hours.

21.------I will fly to Beijing .------What’s your _________________number?

22.-----Would you like _______________with me?----I’d love to.

23.Many ________________gave their money to these poor children.
