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I. Translation (Xu-hui)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 他写那篇文章花了三个星期。(take)

2. 同学们用卖废纸挣来的钱装饰教室。(with)

3. 不管碰到什么样的困难,我们都不要放弃自己的梦想。(Whatever)

4. 与会代表各抒己见,就环保问题展开了热烈的讨论。(express)

5. 如果上海继续以目前这样快的速度发展下去,很难想像再过十年她将是什么模样。(If)

1. 校园内禁止吸烟。(allow)

2. 我建议你星期一早上早点起床,因为总是会塞车。(suggest)

3. 国际问题应该以和平方式而不是暴力方式来解决。(rather than)

4. 多亏父母的理解与支持,他终于实现了当一名宇航员的梦想。(Thanks to)

5. 应该鼓励学生多参加户外运动,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们的成长造成许多负面的影响。(lack)






1. 他花光所有的积蓄买下了那套公寓。(spend)

2. 据报道这次地震给当地居民造成了重大损失。(cause)

3. 微博(Micro blogging)因其快捷、方便和高效而受到各个年龄层次的欢迎。(popular)

4. 竞赛的结果对我来说并不重要,要紧的是我的参与和体验。(matter)

5. 虽然大家对整容的看法在某种程度上已有所转变,但必须承认它带来的风险。(Although)

1. 所有队员都赞成他的提议。(favour)

2. 别对她期望太高,她毕竟只是一个新手。(expect)

3. 这本书不仅有插图,还配有光盘,难怪孩子们如此喜欢。(no wonder)

4. 因为不良的饮食习惯,西方人比亚洲人更容易得心脏病。(likely)

5. 将IPAD运用于教学会带来许多好处,但它无法完全替代传统的学习方式。(replace)

1、因为下雨,开幕式推迟了。(put off)





1. 每个市民都应自觉遵守交通法规。(observe)

2. 那个小伙子的幽默感给面试官们留下了深刻印象。(impression)

3. 虽然网上的信息应有尽有,但要辨别真伪也绝非易事。(available)

4. 良好的睡眠有助于释放身心压力,而睡眠不足很可能导致各种疾病。(while)

5. 考虑到中心城区房价高,很多人选择住在市郊,而地铁就成为他们最经济便捷的一





4.第一次看Gangnam Style的时候,其生动的节奏,富有创意的舞蹈,给我留下了深刻的

印象。(The first time)








1. 20世纪末电子产品发生了巨大的变化。(see)

2. 只有当我们将计划付诸实践,我们才有可能会成功。(Only)

3. 他是承认错误还是掩盖事实,举棋不定。(whether)

4. 新的高考改革能否减轻学生学业负担引起了教育专家们的热议。( arouse)

5. 校园义卖活动不仅丰富了校园生活,还提高了学生们的组织活动能力,培养了他们团队合作精神。(In addition to)


1. It took him 3 weeks to write this/the article. (3分)

Writing the /this article took him 3 weeks.

2. The students decorated their classroom with the money they earned/got/made by selling waste paper. (4分)

The students decorate their classroom with the money they earn/get/make by selling waste paper.

3. Whatever difficulty we (may) encounter/ meet with, we should not/never give up our dreams. (4分)

4. The delegates (present) at the conference (all) expressed their opinions (freely) and had a heated discussion on environmental protection. (4分)

5. If Shanghai keeps developing/continues to develop at her present fast pace, it is hard to imagine what she will be/look like ten years from now/ in ten years. (5分) 20100206

1. Smoking is not allowed on campus/ in school(s).

2. I suggest you (should) get / your getting up earlier on Mondays, because there are

always traffic jams.

3. International issues should be settled in a peaceful way rather than in a violent one.

4. Thanks to his parents' understanding and support, he finally realized his dream of

becoming an astronaut.

5. Students should be encouraged to take part in more outdoor activities, because

lack of physical exercise may / can / is likely to / will probably have a negative influence on their growth.


1. The students take an active part in physical exercise.

2. Confidence and patience are considered (to be) the key to success.

3. There are many simple and effective ways to assess a person’s knowledge and


4. The performance put up by the disabled/ The disabled people’s performance last

night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.

5. He was busy reviewing his lessons and preparing for the exam the whole weekend, only taking a break at meal time.


1.He spent all his savings buying(on) that flat.

2.It is reported that the earthquake (has) caused great losses to the local residents.

3.Micro blogging is getting popular among different age groups because it is fast,

convenient and efficient.

4.The result of the contest is not important,because what matters is my participation

and experience.

5.Although people’s view on cosmetic surgery has changed to some extent, we must

acknowledge that risk goes with it/ there is risk.


1. The opening ceremony was put off because of the rain.

2. He is likely to have left his key to the office in the library.

3. It has been / is proved that parents' words and behaviors / what the pa rents say and do have a deep/great influence on their children.

4. He often goes fishing in the park on/at weekends, t urning a blind eye to the “No Fishing” sign.

5. Experts suggest that elderly people should drink a little wine each day, because it can stimulate their appetite and (help) digestion, which is good for their health.20120106
