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Doodling(乱写乱画)Can Improve Memory(重点精读课文)


Doodling may look messy, but it can in fact be a sign of an alert mind (机灵的头脑). It may help you remember snippets (小片段) of key information.

Researchers carried out memory tests on 40 volunteers, asking them to listen to a telephone message. As they were listening to the message, half of the volunteers were encouraged to doodle on a piece of paper, while the other half didn’t doodle at all. Afterwards, both groups were asked to write down the names and the places mentioned. To everyone’s surprise, doodlers performed much better than non-doodlers.

So why? If you are doing a boring task, like listening to a dull meeting or conversation, you may not be engaged in (参与) it all the time. You may start to daydream such as visualizing (显现) your holidays. You may even end up nodding off (打盹). Those things distract you from the task at hand, resulting in (导致) poor performance. A simple thing will be sufficient (足够的) to stop your daydreaming without affecting your performance on the main task. Doodling is such a simple thing, and so this makes sense. It can keep you more alert so that you are more likely to absorb what is being said.

Well, next time you’re zoning out during a dull meeting, you’d better reach for a pen and doodle — and not just to ease your boredom.


A brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai(应用文典型文章)


>> Duration (持续时间):

May 1, 2010 — October 31, 2010

Expected Visitors: 70 million

Expected Participants (参展国) : 200

>>Emblem (会徽)

The emblem, showing the image of three people — you, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes(象征) the big family of mankind. Inspired(启发) by the shape of the Chinese character “世” (meaning the world), the design conveys(传递) the organizer’s wish to host an Expo which is of global scale(规模) and shows the diversified(多种多样的) cultures of the world.

>>Mascot (吉祥物)

The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010, Haiba o, means “the treasure of the sea.” It is a lucky name in Chinese tradition. He is welcoming friends from all over the world with his open arms and confident smile.


The theme of Expo 2010 is “Better City, Better Life.” It represents the common wish of mankind for better living in future urban (城市的) environments.

In 1800, 2% of the global population lived in cities. In 1950, the figure rose to 29%. In 2000, almost half of the world’s population lived in cities, and by 2010, as estimated(估计) by the United Nations, the figure will reach 55%. Expo 2010 will work out blueprints (蓝图) for future cities and harmonious (和谐的) urban lifestyles, which will promote (促进) a better city life in the
