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How do Zhang Ziyi and Yao Ming Learn English?


Actress Zhang Ziyi, 27, is now not only a household n ame in China, but also the face of Asia n cinema in Hollywood. Although Zhang received praises for her work in the Oscar-winning movie "Crouchi ng Tiger, Hidde n Drag on "(《卧虎藏龙》),she did n't speak a word of En glish at that time. When she met director Steven Spielberg for the title role of American film, " Memoirs of a Geisha " (《艺伎回忆录》),Zhang could only blurt out a few words her age nt had taught her five minu tes

ago: "Hire (雇佣)me!"

She fin ally got the role, which meant she had to speak only En glish in the film. To improve her En glish, Zhang liste ned to and repeated words and phrases she heard on music CDs. One of the artists she was listening to was Eminem, which obviously led to some embarrassing (尴尬的)mome nts for Zhan g. "I did n't always know what Eminem was talk ing about, so I wrote dow n the lyrics (歌词)and repeated them. Later, I understood how rude they were."

Zhang said her favourite En glish idiom is "to drive one up the wall". "Lear ning En glish is driving me up the wall," she said.

Like Zhang, basketball star Yao Ming also had to learn English to help his career development. Yao Ianded in the NBA in 2002. His team the Houston Rockets found a translator (翻译)for Yao. To adapt (适应)himself to the new environment, Yao used English as much as possible. On court, he had to use the Ian guage to com mun icate with his teammates. Off court, he tried to have con versati ons in En glish with his teacher just to practise.

Yao Ming also had to memorize (记住)lots of new vocabulary. "Sometimes I learn a new word but quickly forgot it. But I find my memories are con solidated (强化)whe n some one uses it later."

Now Yao is good at En glish. He does n't n eed a tran slator anymore.

Match point for new star


ZHENG Jie is not like other girls her age. While most girls struggle to stay slim (苗条),Zheng wishes she could put on some weight and pack on more muscle. And, while other girls wear sun scree n (防晒霜)and white ning cream in the summer, Zheng Jie stays in the sun all day long, without any make-up.

"My goal is to play the best tennis," the 23-year-old explained. Zheng Jie is now one of the highest-ra nking Chin ese wome n's players. She made it to the sec ond round (轮)of the China Open last week.

Zheng Jie has achieved far more than many people expected. The moment she picked up a tennis racket, the girl from Chen gdu was told she was not suited to the game.??"They said I did n't have much pote ntial to develop." Compared with other kids, Zheng looked weak and she was also the shortest. She was very upset and thought about givi ng up.

"My height is my biggest disadvantage but it is something I can't control," said Zheng Jie, who now sta nds 1.64 metres tall. But she refuses to let this sta nd in her way. "If others say I am not good eno ugh, the n I must get better. If I give up, it will prove they are right," she said.

So Zheng makes full use of what she can con trol. She has worked hard on her physical fitn
