中国四大菜系 英文演讲

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Wuxi steamed bun
Yangzhou Fried Rice
Shizi tou/ Lion’s head?
Shandong cuisine consists of two major styles: Jiaodong style, encompassing dishes from Fushan , Qingdao and Y antai. It is characterised by seafood dishes with light tastes. Jinan style, comprising dishes from Jinan, Dezhou and Tai'an. One of its features is the use of soup in its dishes.
Dan Dan noodles
The meat tastes quite soft but would not separate from the bone when picked up. Other characteristics includes the strict selection of ingredients according to the seasons, emphasis on the matching colour and shape of each dish and emphasis on using soup to improve flavour.
一般认为苏菜内部分为四大派系: 金陵菜(又称京苏菜),来于南京,制作精细,口 味平和。善用蔬菜,以“金陵三草”(菊花涝,构杞 头,马兰头)和“早春四野”(芥菜,马兰头,芦篙, 野蒜)驰名。 淮扬菜,来于扬州,淮安和镇江,讲究选料和刀工, 口味清淡,擅长制汤。 苏锡菜,来于苏州,无锡和常州,常用酒糟调味, 擅长各类水产,口味偏甜。有时也将苏锡菜细分为 苏帮菜和无锡菜。 徐海菜,来于徐州和连云港,口味较重,擅长海产 和蔬菜。
stir fried pig's kidney
sweet potatoes with caramelized sugar
pig's large intestine
Thank you.
Directed by Christina.,
Wonton NoHale Waihona Puke Baidudles
White cut chicken/white chopped chicken
Fried toufu with shrimp Char siu
Kung Pao Chicken
Mapo Toufu
Sichuan hotpot