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airway bill/(A/B) 空运提单

abstract of title 产权说明书,产权证据摘要acceptance bank 承兑银行

acceptance credit 承兑信贷

accident insurance 意外险,事故保险

account paid 已付款,帐款已付

account payable 应付帐款

account sales(A/S) 承兑帐,寄信销售清单

account transfer memo 转帐通知单

accounting firm 会计事务所

actual market 现货交易

adaption of budget 核定预算

advance freight 预付运费

advance payment 预付货款

affilianted company 联营公司,附属公司

against all risks (A.A.R) 保一切险

allotment advice 拨款通知

arbitrated par 股票交易比例定价,股票票面公断定价arrival notice 到货通知,抵港通知

bank check 银行支票

bank draft 银行汇票

bank reference 银行征信,银行资信证明书

bearer check 无记名支票

bearer share (stock) 无记名股票

bilateral trade 双边贸易

bill broker 票据经纪人,证券经纪人

bill of exchange 汇票

bill of lading 提单,提货单

blue chip 热门股票

board of directors 董事会,

board of directors 理事会

bonded area 保税区

bottom price 最低价格

business forecasting 商情预测

buying rate 买入汇率

capital turnover 资本周转

cargo marking 货物标志

cash against documents 凭单付现

cash with order 定货付现

certificate of origin 原产地证书

civil debt 民事债务

clean bill 光票

clean bill for collection 无跟单托收汇票

clean bill of lading 清洁提单

clean letter of credit 光票信用证

commercial usage 商业惯例

commodity economy 商品经济

commodity transaction 商品交易

compensation trade /transaction 补偿贸易

confirmation of sale 销售确认书

consignment sale 寄售,承销/

consultant paper 咨询文件

cost freight price 交货收款价

cost, insurance and freight 成本,保险费加运费

cost of marketing 营销成本,销售成本counterfeit article 假冒商品

counter offer 还价,还盘

covering note 承担保险凭单

credit agency 征信所,商业信用调查机构credit sale agreement 赊销合同

crossed check 划线支票

current rate 当日汇率

custom of trade 贸易惯例

custom dues/duty 关税

customs invoice 海关发票

date closing 结算日

date of delivery 交付日期

days of grace 宽限日期,优惠期

dead account 死帐,无法收回的帐目defective goods 次品

delivery on field 就地交货

delivery on spot 现场交货

delivery on term 定期交货

delivery order 交货单

delivery period 交货期

department in charge 主管部门

dip in price 跌价

direct barter 直接易货

documentary bill for collection 跟单托收汇票documentary credit 跟单信用证

documentary payment bill 现付押汇票?Documentary sale 跟单销售

Documented bill 跟单汇票

documents of value 有价证券

domestic agent 国内代理人,国内代理中间商domestic arbitral award 国内仲裁裁决

domestic bi;ll 国内汇票

domestic carriage 国内运输

domestic credits 国内信贷,国内信用证domestic draft 国内汇票

domestic letter of credit 国内信用证

domestic money orders cashing 国内汇票兑现

domestic supply price 国内供给价格

domestic trade 国内贸易

donations and contributions 捐助

dormant capital 游资,未利用资本

double-check 复核,双重核算

double – entry bookkeeping 复式记帐,复式簿记

down market 底挡品市场

down payment 预付定金,分期付款的首笔付款

draft on demand 即期汇票

drains on cash 现金消耗,现金外流

draw on the future 预支,借债

drawing account 提寸帐户,提款帐户,透支帐户

drawing right 提款权,提存权

drawn at shout sight 商业短期押汇票

drop shipment 直接装运,直达货运

drug in the market 滞销商品

dual distribution 双轨销售

dual market price 双重市场价格

dull sale 滞销

dumping price 倾销价格

duration of insurance 保险期限,保险期间dutiable price 完税价

duty free 免税

duty on value added 增殖税

dynamic business analysis 业务动态分析,商情分析earmarked loans 专用贷款

earning cycle 经营周期,收益周期,现金循环

earning surplus 营业盈余

economic autonomy of enterprises 企业经济自主,企业经济独立economic entity 经济产体,经济单位economic superiority 经济优势

effective demand 有效需求,实际需求effective sale 实际销售(额)

eligible products 合格产品

employee-employer relation 劳资关系
