人教版高中英语必修4 Unit5学案:5.4[6页]

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Period 4 语法专题课


1.Know about the rules of this grammar point.

(1)Study three main kinds of word formation:compounding,conversion and derivation.

(2)Deal with some exercises about word formation.

2.Make use of word formation to extend their vocabulary.


Look through the first reading passage,and write out the missing words of the following sentences and talk about the meaning of them,meanwhile pay attention to the pattern of them.

1.There are (不同的)kinds of theme parks,with a different park for almost (一切).

2.Some parks are famous for having the (最大或最长的过山车).

3. (不论哪一个和不论什么)you like,there is a theme park for you.

4.The theme park you are (很有可能)most familiar with is Disneyland.

5.If you want to (体验)the ancient days and great deeds of English knight and ladies,princes and queens,then England’s Camelot Park is the place for you.

6.Every area of the park is (仿效,仿造)after life in the days of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table.


bine the words from the first two columns to make new words in the third column and discuss the characteristic of the word formation in Column 3.

 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

police by (1)

black ever(2)

English looking(3)

ordinary office(4)

how board(5)

cow boy(6)

passer made(7)

post stop(8)

bus speaking(9)

man woman(10)

The characteristic of the word formation:words in Column 3 are all words.

2.Write out the missing words in their correct forms according to the requirements and observe the characteristic of the word formation.

Verb/Noun/Adj. Opposite word Noun Adj./Adv.







The characteristic of the word formation:the missing words are all words.

3.Read the following sentences and find out the part of speech of the underlined words.Meanwhile translate them into Chinese.

(1)Where there is a will,there is a way.

You can do whatever you will do.

The newly-built museum will be open to the public next year.

(2)The use of too much fertilizer leads to serious problems.

Nowadays people can use the computer to do a large quantity of things.

(3)Experts present at the conference are from all over the world.

She bought a special present for her mother’s birthday.

(4)Weather permitting,we will go hiking tomorrow.

Finally I managed to get my driving permit.


1.Fill in the blanks and discuss the concept and rules of forming compounding words.

(1)Compounding noun

n.+n.:week+end— ; air+conditioner— ; silk+worm—

adj.+n.:gentle+man— ;fast+food— ;solar+system—

v.-ing+n.:reading+room— ;flying+fish— ;waiting+room

n.+v.-ing:hand+writing— ;sun+bathing—

v.+adv.:get+together— ;break+through—

Exception:type+writer— ;out+break— ;go+between—

(2)Compounding adjective

adj.+n.+ed:noble+minded— ; warm+hearted—

adj.+v.-ing:good+looking— ;easy+going—

adv.+v.-ing:hard+working— ;far+reaching—

n.+v.-ing:English+speaking— ;peace+loving—

n.+v.-ed:man+made— ;state+owned—

adj./adv.+v.-ed:well+known— ;wide+spread—

num.+n.+ed:five+storeyed— ;four+legged—

n.+adj.:snow+white— ;world+famous—

num.+n.+adj.:two+year+old— ;five+meter+long—

(3)Compounding verb/adv./prep.

sleep+walk— ;over+throw— ;before+hand— ;every+where— ;

for+ever— ;in+side— ;with+in— ;in+to

2.Write out the words according to the meaning of each sentence and words given and pay

more attention to their word formation.

(1)The boy ran so quickly that he (appear)in the crowd soon.

(2)Much to her mother’s surprise,most of the girls’ maths answers are (correct),which made

her very angry.

(3)With the man’s (lead),they didn’t get to their destination finally.

(4)Tom was so tired that he fell (sleep)on the desk.

(5)With the development of modern science and technology,more and more wasted things can be (use).

(6)I don’t like people speaking with a (满口).

(7)He went to the theatre earlier to see his most favourite (music).

(8)Students are usually encouraged to take part in more social activities to (wide)their horizons.

(9)Grown-up as he is,he has a (child)face.

(10)A sign is put up to warn people of the (snow)road.
