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• b. A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.
• Practice: He complimented his wife.
• Reaction: Angry, annoyed
• c. Always encourage your child’s curiosity.
1.About New Year’s Resolutions
• C.Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions
• 1. Don't over promise • 2. Set out a path . • 3. Set markers on your path. • 4. Tell people! • 5. Don't give up!
ideas (1); • Composition writing—narration; • Letter writing—introducing someone •
Text I Pre-reading activities
• 1.About New Year’s Resolutions
• A.Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions • 1. Lose weight • 2. Stop smoking • 3. Stick to a budget • 4. Save or earn more money • 5. Find a better job • 6. Become more organized • 7. Exercise more • 8. Be more patient at work/with others • 9. Eat better • 10. Become a better person
2.Pair work: what are your New Year’s resolutions?
3.What’s the text about?
• -The title discloses very little information. • -A narrative piece of writing • -Characters: Dad: the hero • Maggie: his wife • Sammy: 1st son, 5 • Roy: 2nd son • Kit: 1st daughter, 14 • Gretchen: 2nd daughter
Байду номын сангаас
While-reading activities
- Listen to the tape for general information Study the text in detail • 1.The main idea of the story: • The writer carried out his New Year’s resolutions faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations.

Practice: He told his son with great patience how the
watch worked.

Reaction: Sammy became absent-minded.
(2) The practice of his 8+2 resolutions
• d. Meet your child at his own level.

1.About New Year’s Resolutions
B. Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
• 1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends • 2) Fit in Fitness • 3) Tame the Bulge • 4) Quit Smoking • 5) Enjoy Life More • 6) Quit Drinking • 7) Get Out of Debt • 8) Learn Something New • 9) Help Others • 10) Get Organized
• a. Be spontaneous in showing affection.
• Practice: He sneak up on his wife and kissed her on the back of the neck.
• Reaction: His wife shrieked and dropped a cup.
2.The supporting details:
• (1) The writer has collected his New Year’s resolutions from self-improvement books. (1st paragraph)
• (2) The practice of his 8+2 resolutions—all are in the parentheses except trying to establish some kind of rapport (from 2nd paragraph to L.76)
• Detailed study of Text I & II • Oral work: • Role-play: asking about bank accounts;
Interaction activities: making one’s resolutions
Guided writing: Basic writing techniques—expansion of

Practice: He greeted his daughter and even her doll.

Reaction: None.
• e. Show an interest in your children’s friends.