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4.不坚持ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ会主义,不改革开放,不发展经济,不改善人民生活,只能 是死路一条。 1) Without adherence to socialism, implementation of reform and opening policy, development of the economy, and improvement in the livelihood of the people, we found ourselves in a blind alley. 2) If we did not adhere to socialism, implement the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, develop the economy and raise living standards, we would find ourselves in a blind alley.
5. 有效在掌握一种外国语的途径可能很多,但死记硬背不在其中。 1) The effective acquisition of a foreign language may take many ways, but rote learning is never among them. 2) A foreign language may be acquired in many effective ways, excluding only rote learning. 3) There may be many effective ways towards the acquisition of a foreign language, but rote learning is never included.
2.我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 3.他们派来的工程师迅速到达,并检查了所有的设备,工厂很快恢复了生产。 1) The engineers sent by them arrived quickly and examined all facilities carefully, thus, the factory restored it production very speedily. 2) The quick arrival of the engineers sent by them and careful examination of all facilities brought about the very speedy restoration of the factory’s production,
4.不坚持社会主义,不改革开放,不发展经济,不改善人民生活,只能 是死路一条。 1) Without adherence to socialism, implementation of reform and opening policy, development of the economy, and improvement in the livelihood of the people, we found ourselves in a blind alley. 2) If we did not adhere to socialism, implement the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, develop the economy and raise living standards, we would find ourselves in a blind alley.
4) To have an effective command of a foreign language, many ways are available but never is rote learning.

1. 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing. 2.这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没的地区的百姓迁走. 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dykes and to move people out of areas being blood. 3. 走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。 The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps.
5. 有效在掌握一种外国语的途径可能很多,但死记硬背不在其中。 1) The effective acquisition of a foreign language may take many ways, but rote learning is never among them. 2) A foreign language may be acquired in many effective ways, excluding only rote learning. 3) There may be many effective ways towards the acquisition of a foreign language, but rote learning is never included.
4) To have an effective command of a foreign language, many ways are available but never is rote learning.

1. 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing. 2.这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没的地区的百姓迁走. 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dykes and to move people out of areas being blood. 3. 走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。 The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps.
4. 读书可以增长知识。 Through reading one can acquire knowledge. 5.我父亲狂热地追求绘画,绘画已成为他生活的一切,要比母亲,比他 的孩子,甚至比他自己都更为重要。 For my farther, painting was a governing passion. It came before Mother, before his children and even before himself.
5. 有效在掌握一种外国语的途径可能很多,但死记硬背不在其中。 1) The effective acquisition of a foreign language may take many ways, but rote learning is never among them. 2) A foreign language may be acquired in many effective ways, excluding only rote learning. 3) There may be many effective ways towards the acquisition of a foreign language, but rote learning is never included.
4.不坚持社会主义,不改革开放,不发展经济,不改善人民生活,只能 是死路一条。 1) Without adherence to socialism, implementation of reform and opening policy, development of the economy, and improvement in the livelihood of the people, we found ourselves in a blind alley. 2) If we did not adhere to socialism, implement the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, develop the economy and raise living standards, we would find ourselves in a blind alley.
2.我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 3.他们派来的工程师迅速到达,并检查了所有的设备,工厂很快恢复了生产。 1) The engineers sent by them arrived quickly and examined all facilities carefully, thus, the factory restored it production very speedily. 2) The quick arrival of the engineers sent by them and careful examination of all facilities brought about the very speedy restoration of the factory’s production,
4. 读书可以增长知识。 Through reading one can acquire knowledge. 5.我父亲狂热地追求绘画,绘画已成为他生活的一切,要比母亲,比他 的孩子,甚至比他自己都更为重要。 For my farther, painting was a governing passion. It came before Mother, before his children and even before himself.
2.我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 3.他们派来的工程师迅速到达,并检查了所有的设备,工厂很快恢复了生产。 1) The engineers sent by them arrived quickly and examined all facilities carefully, thus, the factory restored it production very speedily. 2) The quick arrival of the engineers sent by them and careful examination of all facilities brought about the very speedy restoration of the factory’s production,