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Section A



1.Students should read Text A for the main idea before they come to the class sessions.

2.Some type of audio player should be furnished in class, at least for the first period of


3.Tapes of the listening material should be available during class hours.

4.Text B should be used for class reading activities. Students should not read Text B

before they come to class.

Proposed Unit Duration:

10 class hours (45 minutes each)

Suggested Time:

I. New Words

pay off

in no way

when it comes to (doing) sth. more than necessary

as a matter of fact

ask for

feel like doing sth.

out of

pack up

come by

put up

come up

1. come to consideration 被提出;被提及

Egyptian art came up as a topic. 埃及艺术成为一个话题。

2. happen unexpectedly 发生(意想不到的事情)

I can't see you tonight. Something is coming up. 出了点事,今晚我没空跟你见面。

look up

1. raise the eyes 抬头看

He looked up and wanted to say something. 他抬起头来,想说点什么。

2. search for information about 查找

It is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary. 遇到生词查找词典是一个好习惯。II. language Points

Language Point 1

Language Point 2

Language Point 3

Language Point 4

Language Point 5 Language Point 6 Language Point 8 Language Point 9 Language Point 11 Language Point 13 Language Point 14

Language Point 16

…before we rise in the morning to go on to some other place. (Para. 10)

rise: v.

1) get up 起床

They rose very early in order to be in London by eight. 为了在8点钟之前赶到伦敦,他们很早就起床了。

2) go up 上升

Smoke was rising from the house. 烟从房子里冒出来。

Her voice rose in anger. 她气得嗓门高了起来。

rise: n. [C] an increase 增加

There has been a big rise in fuel price. 燃料价格大幅度上涨。

I’m hoping to get a rise next April. 我希望明年四月能加薪。

Note: 作“起床”解时,get up 比rise 更为常用。

Language Point 17

Language Point 18

Language Point 19

Language Point 20

Language Point 21 Language Point 22 Language Point 23 Language Point 24 Language Point 26 Language Point 27 Language Point 28

Language Point 29 Language Point 30 Language Point 31 Language Point 34 Language Point 35 Language Point 36 Language Point 37

Language Point 38 Language Point 39 Language Point 42

Language Point 44 Language Point 45 Language Point 46

Language Point 47

III. Grammar






❶I have a letter to write.(动词宾语)

❷He needs something to hope for(动词短语的宾语。hope for在意义上不可分割)

❸I need a pen to write with。(不定式中介词宾语write with在意义上分割)

不能说write a pen,可以说write with a pen.其实是介词及其宾语在逻辑上一块作方式状语,来修饰不定式to write.

再如:I have no language partner to practice speaking English with.句子的本意不是说language partner自己practice speaking English,而是我practice speaking English,需要有language partner伴随。因此句后加了一个with,与language partner一块作逻辑意义上的伴随状语,修饰practice speaking English。

❹I need some paper to write on.(不定式中介词宾语write on在意义上分割)

分析类似上,其实是介词及其宾语在逻辑上一块作地点状语,来修饰不定式to write.


She has some children to take care of them.

动词词组To take care of与children已经构成了逻辑上的动宾关系,与前面的例句“I have a letter to write.”意义相同,还要them干嘛?


在书面语当中,带介词的动词不定式短语在句中作定语时往往可用“介词+关系代词(which 或whom)+动词不定式”来代替。这种替代只适用于“不及物动词+介词”和“及物动词+宾语+介词”的结构。若不定式短语为固定的及物短语动词,则不能用“介词+关系代词(which或whom)+动词不定式”来代替。


He is the best man to consult the matter with.
